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False Flag Attack- NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII

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NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII

Screenshot 11west kill wjhg

Jews run Britain and Boris Johnson is Jewish Zionist Globalist.

Screenshot 11trewq

Leftwing Jewish revolution and they took over Russia and still control the country today.

Many Jews in Russian have become Nationalist and they are the enemies of Zionist Jews who control the West.

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Screenshot 111863

The Russian Fleet

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Russian leader Catherine the Great.

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Screenshot 11243567

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Screenshot 112 hours fi

Screenshot 11s v false

Screenshot 11405 killed

The United State arm forces killed fighting in Vietnam.

Screenshot 11false fgh


 USS Liberty Survivor Describes False Flag Attack


Screenshot 1hell on ship

US Navy Veteran Phil Tourney gives his harrowing account on one of the first American assisted and aided false flag attacks by Israel on our citizens

"Hell Opened Up "- USS Liberty Survivor Describes False Flag Attack



Read 3117 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 July 2024 00:55