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The Breakup of the Soviet Union Explained

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The Breakup of the Soviet Union Explained

JoeShit TheRagMan

To avoid offending people from Finland, I will just delete the country from history
Rev. Andy H.
The Soviet Union was declared dead in 1991 so that it would forever be 69 years old.
Rat Ghost
"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear...down... this... wall!!" ~ Ronald Wilson Reagan at the Berlin Wall, 6/12/87
Excellent History lesson! Thank you so much! This will help me to fight against the Marxist nonsense that is infecting our youth in the United States
As Stalin himself once said, “Dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it.”
British Enough
Correction: The Tsar was overthrown by a liberal faction, who created a provisional government. A few months in, the Bolsheviks overthrew this provisional government, removing a lot of their legitimacy. They weren’t even the only communist party in Russia at the time. The Mensheviks believed in a gradual transition to communism.
Edit: I forgot that the Socialist Revolutionary Party was another far-left socialist party that rivaled the Bolsheviks.
Stanislav Sushko
Nice video. Small addition: there were 2 revolutions in 1917: 1st have removed Emperor by Socialist, created State Duma (Parliament) and then in November 1917 bolsheviks guided by Lenin have captured power in the country, dismissed parliament and established Labour's Dictate
"At the start of 1989, the Eastern European countries were all considered stable socialist countries. By the beginning of 1990, all Warsaw Pact nations had experienced a political revolution..." It's shocking HOW FAST things went from "everything is fine" to "the face of the world is now completely different". Makes you wonder how wrong those "it can never happen here" people likely are...
Twisted Egg
Im from lithuania and I must say this video was really well made except a few parts which revolve lithuania. 1. You used the Pre WWII border whithout the capital which is hated by lithuanians. 2. You glossed over the January 13th incident where the soviet union tried to gain control of the TV tower and ended up killing 14 civilians and injuring hundreds 3. And you completly ignored the baltic way in 1989
Tom Pearse
The Bolsheviks didnt overthrow the Tsar, important distinction. They overthrew the liberal provisional government which had overthrown the Tsar
Steve Conway
Great video, but their is an error. Around the 2:06 mark you mention that Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. That wasn't true. The tsar was actually overthrown in the February (1917) Revolution. It was this provisional government the Bolsheviks eventually overthrew in the October (1917) Revolution. It was after that 2nd revolt that they murdered the tsar and his entire family.
 Juris Krumgolds
Also as a Latvian I'm truly disappointed you didn't mention the Baltic Way. It was a peaceful protest in Baltic countries in 1989 when people of all three Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia made a 675 km long human chain of over a two million people holding hands. A truly spectacular event!
I mean, Finland wasn't technically an axis power, but they fought with the Germans against the Soviets for obvious reasons. That said, removing Finland altogether from the map is fucking hilarious, I love it
 MarkYuri PH
"anyone who doesn't regret the passing of the soviet union has no heart.Anyone who wants it restored has no brain" -Vladimir putin
32:32 ?? Georgia declared independence on 9th April 1989 but we celebrate independence day on May 26th cause Republic of Georgia was created on May 26th back in 1921 ✌
Read 2373 times Last modified on Friday, 16 July 2021 10:25