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Joseph Stalin & 40 Million Europeans Killed. .

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Did Stalin Pluck a Live Chicken as a Lesson to His Followers?

Stalin: part 1 of 3.

Joseph Stalin (leftwing Jew) was the leader of the communist controlled Soviet Union (Russia) and during his rule millions of Russians was sent to the concentration camps and 20 million mainly white gentiles and many European Jews was killed. The total population killed by communist under Joseph Stalin rule was 40 million.

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Many people know the Gestapo. How many know the CHEKA?

Stalin was the worst of the worst. A true monster. It really upsets me when I hear that FDR called him uncle Joe. And it also bothers me that after World War II we gave half of Europe to stalin to rule over. That’s probably why general Patton was killed

Lenin and Stalin ordered executions of the best of the nation: aristocrats, intelligents, artists, business people, scientists,... and the worst trash was left to rule that hell on earth called Soviet Union. The most sosiopathic and psychopathic sadists were chosen as the Cheka and NKVD executioners, creeps like Pjotr Maggo and Nikolai Jesov. They really got some kicks by ordering men and women to strip nude in prison cellar and stand before them, expressing fear and horror in their eyes, and begging mercy. Then, bang bang bang. Maggo by the way, was very short little man, and use to be ignored by women and felt somekind of humiliation from both men and women. So he had his sick pleasure when he had big strong men and women as helples and scared front of him, and then he just put the bullets into them.

Stalin got churches destroyed because he wanted to be the only God for the Soviet Union's people.

The end of Stalin 1953: ”They found Stalin lying on the floor, unconscious and his pyjama bottoms soaked in urine. They rang Lavrentii Beria, Stalin’s Chief of Police, who arrived and bellowed at the staff, “Can’t you see Comrade Stalin is deeply asleep. Get out of here and don’t wake him up.”


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Read 13220 times Last modified on Wednesday, 06 October 2021 21:13