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Israeli "Breaking the Silence"Group

 Israel soldiers who are against the persecution of Palestinians.

We sometimes hear bad things about the Israeli army, but it is worth remembering there are many fine soldiers who are against the persecution of Palestinians, and they set an example for all of us to follow worldwide when they created an organization called "Breaking the Silence".

Logo of Breaking the Silence organizationBreaking the Silence

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Founded in 2004
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Breaking the Silence is an organization of Israeli veterans who served in the IDF since 2000 and aim to raise awareness amongst the public about the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.


This organization is highly recommended and has lots of information including video testimonies from former soldiers, who are against provoking violence such as destroying Palestinian houses in incursions, destroying property, making life hard for working Palestinian people, and throwing away owners car keys, shooting holes in Palestinian water tanks, looting homes, removing Palestinians from their homes, sometimes destroying the buildings.

Male Privilege Graves

Bombing a Country Near You

The New World Order Globalists controls the media in most western countries, has been involved in wars  for centuries to gain power, and profit from countries who do not wish to be involved with them.  Our young men and women are killed in needless wars, believing they are fighting for their country, when in fact, they are giving up their lives so a small few can gain power at their expense.  The graveyard image on the right is a stark reminder of the senseless deaths of soldiers due to conflict.  They say that soldiers should not question but do as they are ordered.  This type of thinking has led to millions of lives being lost in wars and we need to make changes.  'Breaking the Silence' organization should be used as a model worldwide to educate people about the real world that we live in, not the phony world that the media would have us believe we live in.  To stop wars, we need to have a Canon Direct Democracy system in every country, and a system which educates people on how to stop wars.     

No Need for More U.S. Troops in Iraq. Pentagon Says

The following is a list of wars since 1945:US young troops

Date Country
1945 - 1946 China
1950 - 1953 Korea, China
1954 Guatemala
1958 Indonesia
1959 - 1961 Cuba
1960 Guatemala
1964 Congo
1965 Peru
1964 - 1973 Laos
1961 - 1973 Vietnam
1969 - 1970 Cambodia
1967 - 1969 Guatemala
1983 Grenada
1983 - 1984 Lebanon
1980s El Salvador
1980s Nicaragua
1986 Libya
1987 Iran
1989 Panama
1991 Iraq
1993 Somalia
1998 Sudan
1998 Afghanistan
1999 Yugoslavia
2001 Afghanistan
2003 Iraq
2011 Libya
2011 Syria

Wars coming soon.....Venezuela, Iran, Korea?

Dece/ 2013



Read 28990 times Last modified on Saturday, 06 April 2024 23:48