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Say No to GMO Products!

GMOs – or Genetically Modified Organisms  Refers to the plants or animals created through the gene-splicing techniques of biotechnology.  In conversation, GMOs and GE foods refer to the same thing.  They are foods created by merging DNA from different species.  (Ref: David Suzuki Foundation) "Any scientist who…

White Smart Kids Become Leaders

The below videos reveal what happens when you teach your children from a young age - generally between 4-8 years, the art of critical thinking and analysis.  At this age, they are fast learners and they are capable of learning about what really goes on in the…

Mennonites Burning People

  in Filadelfia - Paraguay    The Mennonites religous group of Manitoba told the story of a German-speaking group of Dutch farmers from Russia who came in 1874 to the fertile land of Manitoba to create a new life practicing their traditional religion.  The mennonites hundreds  …

80% of People Will Do Whatever They Are Told

   They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough to Run the Machines" - George Carlin  ducation | Why Is Our Educational System Intentionally Broken? "They Don't a Population of Citizens Capable of Critical Thinking. They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough…