The Money Power, Stephen Goodson tells us, and wanted to achieve independence for South Africa. He commissioned the Hoek Report from Professor Piet Hoek of Pretoria University, and the report showed that the Anglo American Corporation controlled the English language newspapers and 70% of all companies…
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Hot Stories 2
NO MORE POLITICAL PARTY GANGS IN GOVERNMENT Ask yourself this: If political parties were the answer to solving our problems, why do we have so many political problems today? Why Government is Immoral The following article is about replacing political parties all over…
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Politics & Legal
This documentary examines the famous mummies found in the Tarim Basin in China who are European Caucasian. There has been much controversy over the findings of archaeologists using genetic lab tests proving that Caucasians were roaming the Tarim Basin a good 1000 years prior to East Asian…
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God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. God created the the big bang that created the universe and the world we live on. God created the Sun, the Moon and all the plants and beyond and where does the universe end, we will…
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Culture & Heritage
Hello and welcome to our website! If you are a Caucasian anywhere in the world this organisation was set up to help you. We are a community based group set up to cater to all your needs, including social, networking, relationships as well as education and learning.…
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Uniting our Community