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  CIA Agent Confess: We Created 'Adrenochrome Farms' Where MILLIONS Of Kids Are Sold To VIPs                     US Army Sgt. Charles Martland and team leader Daniel Quinn thrashed a homosexual child rapist    In 2011, US Army Sgt.…
Published in Hot Stories 2
   Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! - Evy Poumpouras  Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
  ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross Docu-clip: Live attack by Genocidal Christians in Rwanda filmed by Peter Rinaldo ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross A wake…
Published in Religions & Faiths