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87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period.   Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation                          
Published in Inspiring Change
United Nations Racism Act White, black and Asian people who fight for their country are called racists, but the people who promote the multicultural society are the real racists. They hate white people so much that they want to flood their countries with non white people. This…
Published in Politics & Legal
  Ghost Warriors: The German Tribes That Hunted Romans | Ancient Black Ops | Odyssey The deadly work of top ancient assassins. The elite Harii tribe of Germania were trained to fight only at night and inflicted the Roman Army's worst-ever defeat. @reeseni7620 I love learning about…
Published in Culture & Heritage
   They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough to Run the Machines" - George Carlin  ducation | Why Is Our Educational System Intentionally Broken? "They Don't a Population of Citizens Capable of Critical Thinking. They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough…
Published in Inspiring Change