NO MORE POLITICAL PARTY GANGS IN GOVERNMENT Ask yourself this: If political parties were the answer to solving our problems, why do we have so many political problems today? Why Government is Immoral The following article is about replacing political parties all over…
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Politics & Legal
Citizen Initiative Referenda (CIR) in Switzerland in Europe The New World Order (NWO) globalists controlling Western media and education never talk about the way Switzerland successfully runs its political system. Their European neighbours do not really understand the Swiss people's initiatives and referendums for the Swiss citizens…
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Women are important to the future. Men are defenders, but without the women and the future that they provide - what is there to protect? The following videos giving a voice to women who are fighting against the regressive Globalist Establishment. How Real Is Fake News? |…
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Hello and welcome to our website! If you are a Caucasian anywhere in the world this organisation was set up to help you. We are a community based group set up to cater to all your needs, including social, networking, relationships as well as education and learning.…
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Uniting our Community