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Assad Tells the Truth About Ukraine   Assad Tells the Truth About Ukraine           THINK-ISRAEL Features essays and commentaries that provide context for current events in Israel. The war Islam is waging against Israel and the West is top priority. We report on…
Published in Organizations
 Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud           Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud   Home Store FAQ Contact Us Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud May 25, 2018 NOI Research Articles, History, Religion 0 On February 25, 2018, The Honorable…
Published in Religions & Faiths
REDACTED: Ukraine´s DARK secrets Free-Soma Wherever you have Jewish rulers corruption and destruction follow them   Miudzislav Ukraine has always been a stinky country since I remember, but after having listened to all 'revelations' during those three years of that war, it all has made me certain,…
Published in Hot Stories 2
God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. God created the the big bang that created the universe and the world we live on.  God created the Sun, the Moon and all the plants and beyond and where does the universe end, we will…
Published in Culture & Heritage