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Outstanding Speeches & People

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We should be able to debate anything. That is the difference between democracy and totalitarianism

Katie Hopkins | We Should NOT Support No Platforming (6/8) | Oxford Union


Katie is correct. We should be able to debate anything. That is the difference between democracy and totalitarianism.
the University of Oxford, voted by 224 to 49 to protect free speech earlier this month.
The day we lose free speech is the day we lose ourselves as a country
Katie is one of the few saner heads left in Europe.
Ahhh! Katie I cannot believe they asked you to sign a non offense disclaimer.
I wish American colleges would take a breath and allow a diversity of of thought and allow debates to occur for complete thinking and not just mono_ think debates
Katie’s final point is all that needs to be said. We either want a world where we put others in a position to decide what we are allowed to hear, or we expose ourselves to all opinion and ideas in the search for a broader understanding with our own reason and intelligence as a guide to deciding what to embrace and what to discard. It is nothing less than hubris to claim you can assess and evaluate ideas without a genuine attempt to listen to and understand them.

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Russian Leader Vladimir Putin against the New World Order 

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The Rise of Putin and Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)

  The Rise of Putin and Fall of Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (2/2)

 Part 2 of Documentary The Rise of Putin and Fall of Jewish Russian Oligarchs
End of Soviet Union Era and Puppet Boris Yeltsin is over and a New President
Vladimir Putin for Russia and he stop the corruption by the Oligarch looting of Russia...

 Putin's Nationalism and The Fall of the Russian Oligarchs…

 Russian president Vladimir Putin has stated that Jews made up “80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.  Putin’s speech, made on June 13, 2013, was reported by the official Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an article six days later dealing with Putin’s visit to the Moscow “Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.”

Russian Leader Vladimir Putin against the New World Order


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Vladimir Putin -The Number One Man In The World

Once again the Russian leader Putin makes the surprise!!! This is how a nation honours its heroes!!! Long Live Russia!!

Millions of Russians March in 'Immortal Regiments' on The Victory Day

Putin Marches With Record 1 MILLION Russians At Immortal March In Moscow For Victory Day

 BBC propaganda machine in Brain declared that only 'tens of thousands throughout Russia' had marched. What about the over one million in Moscow alone!

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  Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance

 President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the growing power of the "military-industrial complex," was nearly two years in the making. This Inside the Vaults video short follows newly discovered papers revealing that Eisenhower was deeply involved in crafting the speech, which was to become one of the most famous in American history. The papers were discovered by the family of Eisenhower speechwriter Malcolm Moos and donated to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum. Eisenhower Library director Karl Weissenbach and presidential historian and Foundation for the National Archives board member Michael Beschloss discuss the evolution of the speech.

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Enoch Powell

Enoch Powell's Rivers Of Blood Speech

Glad someone did a feature on Enoch. Of course he was right. He saw the problems with Islam in India first hand like my grandfather told me who was also there to deal with militants  Muslims in 1945-47. It seemed utter madness in 1947 for Labour to pass the British Nationality Act allowing the entire commonwealth citizenship and right to settle here.  Enoch saw the steady decline of towns and cities from 1950s to 1970s Since then it's accelerated and like he said he underestimated in his speech.

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Enoch Was So Right, He Was Wrong | Jack Buckby

Was Enoch Powell Right?


Enoch Powell’s EEC / EU Prophecy - Shockingly Accurate RE: UK PM “Theresa the Appeaser” #OutOnWTO

 WARNING – A PROPHECY IS ABOUT TO BE REVEALED TO YOU FROM A TRUE ENGLISHMAN THAT WAS LABELLED AS A RACIST THROUGHOUT HIS POLITICAL LIFE. Enoch Powell’s speech about the EEC was actually a prophecy that transpired to be shockingly accurate. In light of British PM May selling her countries people out, Enoch Powell’s speech is even more chilling.

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United States Leader Donald Trump

Donald Trump - The Snake
Words to "Snake poem", as read by Donald Trump in January 2016.  Original lyrics to the song 'The Snake' by Al Wilson.

Viktor Orban

In Europe, the Hungarian national leader Victor Orban gives an historic speech and appears to be putting Hungary in Europe on a war footing against third world, Muslim invasion of Europe.

Orban's historic speech puts Hungary on war footing

Hungary leader  Viktor Orban Speech 2018 about saving Europe from the Invaders

You can't get more red-pilled than Hungary and Viktor Orban

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Viktor Orban

Hungary mass March in Budapest 2018

Viktor Orban "We want a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe" 2018

"The homeland before everything" - "A haza minden előtt"

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 Merkel's right-wing opposition AfD Party in Germany says she belongs in court for promoting non- European  invasion into Europe .

Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court

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John F Kennedy

John F Kennedy was some orator...he spoke about the deep state (establishment) and the vested interests. He was killed and many say by the CIA and Lyndon B Johnson.

Gaddafi was right about JFK

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British lady Katie Hopkins gives an Outstanding Speech

  Katie Hopkins gives an OUTSTANDING speech, gets a standing ovation

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British guy Tommy Robinson Speech

Tommy Robinson - Main Speech

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 John Wayne Speaks

John Wayne Takes Apart The Idea Of Liberals, Feminists, White Guilt, And Black Lives Matter

Read 5943 times Last modified on Monday, 07 September 2020 10:21