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Russia’s Industrial Heartland.

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Russia can preserve its sovereignty and independence only if it develops its own domestic highly efficient technologies.

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Subscribe to Vesti News ECONOMIC GEMS. Special Report by Anton Borisov. We came to Sverdlovsk Oblast to show you the development of its economy. That's why we will build a tank, forge titanium, find gold, get ready to fly, assemble a robot, pick shavings from an excavator, and chase a fast reactor.
The sanctions imposed by the West on Russia seem to have been a blessing in disguise, it woke Russians up.
I'm really impressed, I remember what the corrupt lying sack + war criminal Obama said 'Russia doesn't make anything'.
Dr. Ronald Cutburth
The fast nuclear reactor can use nuclear weapons-grade materials as in Plutonium and high-grade Uranium. Russia has enough nuclear material to last more than 2500 years. That may change when Russia defends the world from Space Aliens. I have previously predicted that Russia will be the first with real space fighter aircraft like in Star Wars the fantasy movie. Russia does not spend time building fantasies. Their "Fast breeder reactor" is a logical development that the US scientists somehow could not build. I opine the difference is Russia's educational planning where even high school graduates finish highschool having studied Calculus.
Sunny Hope
Russia can preserve its sovereignty and independence only if it develops its own domestic highly efficient technologies. For example, software technologies that are in use today are very complicated and overwhelming. Now it is a good moment to create a much simpler reusable software technology that can reduce the cost of new software development. And for this, you don't need to follow exactly the same former path of the existing software technologies. You just need to keep and implement the main useful concepts in modern programming like modular programming, concurrent programming, event-driven programming, OOP, relational databases, (and so on), but do this as simple as possible and in an unitary manner. It would be also a good idea to try to create a hardware technology that fits well with the new software.
Read 1917 times Last modified on Friday, 17 April 2020 07:00