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World's Greatest Superhighway from Europe to USA

Road from Europe to U.S.? Russia proposes superhighway


 Screenshot 3051 miles acrass


The Insane Plan to Build a Bridge Between Russia and Alaska

A highway from Fairbanks to Nome is impossible. Most of the land in between is permafrost and becomes a bog in summer. You would also have to go over or through the Alaska Range. Currently, the only things that make that journey are dogsleds. I lived in Nome for six years and have talked with people promoting this idea. The obstacles are formidable, to say the least.
And it's because of the weather conditions why I believe that the easiest link to build would also be the most expensive. A tunnel bored/drilled through the bedrock beneath the Bering Strait. And although the total length of the inland and underwater portion could be as great as 64 miles, not only would it be warmer for construction workers and so work could go on 24/7, but there could be as many as 4 starting points. The Asian coast, the North American coast and the east and west coast of Big Diomede. And with a rail tunnel rather than a road tunnel, road vehicles could be carried by train, while passengers wait inside their cars, rest/sleep if they want to, travel faster by rail and it would also seem faster since time flies by for someone sleeping.
Your map of Alaska's highways lacks the Dalton Highway which goes from Prudhoe Bay to Fairbanks. On top of that they are also building a road from said highway to Ambler Alaska. It's not that much further out from there to the Seward Peninsula.
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Screenshot 30diemont islands
 Some people think that the US and Russia are separated by several thousand miles. But actually, they are much closer to teach other than it seems. The Diomede Islands are located in the Bering Strait with the Ratmanov Island belonging to Russia and its fellow Krusenstern Island belonging to the USA. The distance between them is just 2.5 miles. Today, you'll learn why it takes an entire day to get from one to the other, what the Ice Curtain is and how the locals live in the changing climate conditions. #Pandora US#

Russia Proposes World's Greatest Superhighway from Europe to USA

Russia has announced big plans for a superhighway that would effectively connect all the continents in the Northern Hemisphere, making it possible to travel from New York westward through Russia and on to London without the need for an airplane or a boat. The exact route hasn't been determined yet, but what is clear is that a plan such as this would create the largest, longest superhighway on Earth.
The idea, dubbed the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TERP), would see a high speed railway and motorway built from Eastern Europe, across Siberia and over the Bering Strait to Alaska.
At a meeting of the Russian Academy of Science, the head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin presented the idea for the Trans-Eurasian belt Development (TEPR). Mr Yakunin has been engaged in the development of the project with academic Gennady Osipov and the rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy. During the meeting Vladimir Yakunin told that the project could link existing networks and supercharge global economic growth. The project would see not only a new train network built alongside the Trans-Siberian Railway but the construction of major roads, pipelines for oil and gas, and the laying of facilities for electricity and water supplies.
"This is an inter-state, inter-civilization, project. It should be an alternative to the current model, which has caused a systemic crisis. The project should be turned into a world "future zone", and it must be based on leading, not catching, technologies," he said, according to the Siberian Times newspaper.
If the idea is successful, it is expected that could create 10 to 15 new industries, new cities and a huge number of new jobs, as well as further development of Siberia and the Far East.
Talking about a rough estimate for the costs of the project he said that it will require trillions of dollars, but insisted the economic returns would outweigh these investments.
Today not all countries can provide high-speed railway network needed for this project.
In Eastern Europe the European Union is separately drawing up plans for a high speed rail corridor to connect the Baltic States to Western Europe's high speed rail network - which runs through the Channel Tunnel to London.
North American passenger railways are comparative undeveloped, however. Plans drawn up by President Obama to develop high speed rail corridors across the United States have stalled amid opposition.
Bridges and tunnels spanning the Bering Strait have been proposed since the late 19th century but none has ever been built.
The Russian government has expressed public support for a number of proposals in recent years but ground has not been broken on any of them, reported The Independent.
China and Russia also unveiled a separate plan last year to connect, as well as a plan for a continent-spanning rail network that could cross the Bering Strait .



Read 1931 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 03:25