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Biden's Ukraine Scandal Explained

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 Glenn explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion with President Trump, during the 2016 election. Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to investigate "dirt" on Trump, and Glenn shows you EVERYTHING -- including how even George Soros is involved -- in a way that's easy to understand.

Biden's Ukraine Scandal Explained,  Glenn Beck



"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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  UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & More

 Glenn explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion with President Trump, during the 2016 election. Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to investigate "dirt" on Trump, and Glenn shows you EVERYTHING -- including how even George Soros is involved -- in a way that's easy to understand.

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Glenn Beck does more with a chalk board than the media does with it's millions of dollars, newspapers, on site reporters, tv shows, satellites.

Glenn Beck does this format better than anyone on Earth. Now the picture is crystal. Thanks, Glenn!

Soros funded the orange revolution in the Ukraine that started all of this crap

Beck does his homework. These people need to all be charged and prosecuted!

Who ever thought Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary were not involved.

There is so much corruption, it’s no wonder “they’re “ so afraid of President Trump and his promise to drain the swamp!!

Why do I get the feeling there is like 20 of these crazy schemes going on at any time and this the just the one that gained visibility?

BEST show you've done yet Glenn. Pulitzer material.

I am so disgusted that tax-payer money goes to Soros which he brings back over here to buy people to undermine our country. He is the definition of evil.

The reason we are $21 trillion dollars in debt is that these criminals are stealing our tax dollars.

Our media is dead. All of this information should be breaking news. Thank you for putting this all together visually for everyone to see. The left needs to pay for the treason they have committed.

We the people of America must wake up and speak up We must organize and march and Demand the guilty ones must be punished

I will never understand how anyone with even half a brain would vote for a democrat!

We spend years getting money for a wall and they hand almost 2 billion to an apparent criminal in Ukraine?

Palosi's son is also in Ukraine. Do a report on this.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants" -William Penn

Glenn Beck making things clear. But there's no one protecting the liberty of America. Criminals running the nation.

I think when we say we’re Ukraine’s piggy bank, we’re really a piggy bank for our own politicians. They give our tax money in foreign aid and get it back via donations and bogus salaries. They’re robbing us!

The ruling elites in the US are just bandits involved in robbery on a national scale. When they aren't plundering countries like Ukraine they are stealing from the US taxpayer.




Read 18959 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 November 2020 05:43