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US condemns Uganda’s anti-LGBTQ+ bill despite formerly supporting anti-gay policies The president of Uganda has called on African leaders to reject ‘the promotion of homosexuality’ as he is expected to sign the anti-LGBTQ+ bill passed by parliament last month. And while the bill has drawn condemnation from…
Published in Organizations
India's Religious Cult Of Prostitution  Temple Prostitution (1998): Inside the Yellamma cult - where social climbing in the next life means selling your children into prostitution. Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: For many lower-caste Indians devoting their daughters to the Hindu goddess Yellamma is the…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Vikings came from Germanic tribes and Ice Age people in Europe. Viking Women - What was it like to be a woman in Viking Society? Women in Viking society is among the most fascinating women in history. Not only were they the women with the most rights…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Take Back Control of our Lives, Our Freedom, Our Laws, Our Parliament, Our Borders, Our Jobs, Our Kids, Our Country. The Written and Unwritten Common Law Constitution of England, Bound by Oath. England Home Freedom…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
 Brides for sale - Bulgaria's Roma marriage market | DW Documentary  The Kalaidzhi bride market takes place in the southeast of Bulgaria every year. Unmarried women are often paired off with financially strong men. But more and more young Roma are rebelling against the old tradition. For…
Published in Organizations
МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ ОБ ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ СОБЫТИЯХ НАШЕЙ СТРАНЫ! Князь Владимир. Фильм в HD. STARMEDIAKIDS     Jews In The News "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racialtensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that forcenturies they have been oppressed by whites, we…
Published in Organizations
07-07-2011 - The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II  Brother Nathanael   Jewish Bolsheviks Murder Tsar and Family It was 87 years ago to this day that the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family, including severely disabled Tsarevich Alexis, were murdered in clod blood…
Published in Legal & Politics
  Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein  Candace speaks with political scientist and activist Norman Finkelstein whose primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. His parents are Holocaust survivors and in 2020, he was named the fifth most influential political…
  Is Glyphosate Responsible For The Rise In Autism?1,556 views·Jun 12, 2024       White Moss (Belyy Yagel) | Full Nenets Siberian Drama Award Winning Movie | WORLD MOVIE CENTRAL  A Russian living in the Arctic Tundra struggles between the love of his life who’s moved…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  WhiteDate.NET  Contact us              Print this post   Liv Heide 324 words WhiteDate.NET is a new dating site for Caucasian singles, whose purpose is to stop the demographic decline of people of European descent. In Western societies that include people of…
Published in Organizations
 Does Gender Self-Identification Put Women at Risk? | Good Morning Britain Trans-gender The Globalist media and some political figures are promoting the idea of transgender identity in today's world by identifying them as gender x. After the gradual conditioning of the media, this will eventually come to…
  Christians were sometimes tortured to force a conversion to Islam, males could be raped, and punishment was appalling. Barbary Slave Trade - Millions of Europeans enslaved in North Africa Christians were sometimes tortured to force a conversion to Islam, males could be raped, and punishment was…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture & Storage   The Australien Government has made an ad about government corruption, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. Honest Government Ad | Anti-Corruption Body (Federal ICAC) The Juice Media is an Australian film and media company, that produces contemporary far-left…
Published in Legal & Politics
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade.   The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
Published in Legal & Politics
Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs that are used to feminize men   Pressure mounts on Bayer CEO to fix legal problems as chairman quits Bayer’s shares have plunged about a quarter in value since August 2018, when the company lost a U.S. lawsuit claiming that…