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  Africa demands slavery compensations for decades, but only receives apologies   This week marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery, and the UN has called for slavery reparations for the ancestors of forcibly transported and exploited Africans. Nigerian journalist Timothy Obiezu has…
Published in Inspiring Change
   Defend Europe United Identitäre Bewegung Identity Identitaria ... Uk Generation Identity GERMANY FRANCE ITALY AUSTRIA Generation Identity Russia @generation_rus Generation Identity England Generation Identity South West @GID_SW The Official Account of Generation Identity South West. DM for Enquiries.   British Identitarian @DMGenID Benjamin Jones @BenJonesGI…
Published in Organizations
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture & Storage   The Australien Government has made an ad about government corruption, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. Honest Government Ad | Anti-Corruption Body (Federal ICAC) The Juice Media is an Australian film and media company, that produces contemporary far-left…
Published in Legal & Politics
D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy  5/6/2019p      
Published in Politics & Legal
    JVP has a plan to end US support for Israeli oppression of Palestinians. Old article about former President Trump Executive Order on Anti-Semitism The Truth About Trump's Executive Order on Antisemitism Why are thousands and thousands of Non-Zionist Jews standing up in strong opposition to President…
Published in Organizations
Mandatory Vaccination for Children Is Kosher, Says The European Court of Human Rights   Apparently having “human rights” means that the government can inject you and your family with known neurotoxins and other dangerous ingredients, all for the “greater good” of course. From Barron’s The European Court…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
A Goy Guide To World History | E. Michael Jones  E. Michael Jones compresses hundreds of pages of his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, into a few words and phrases: the necessity of understanding 'usury' and what its elimination would mean;…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  1st Amendment Audit & TYRANT FOUND       DUI Checkpoint: Police Caught LYING on Camera       BEVERLY HILLS POLICE USE UNLAWFUL INTIMIDATION TACTICS ON LAMBORGHINI OWNER     A Protest, Lying Deputies, and an ID Refusal   9/4/2019  
Published in Legal & Politics
  Lying cop doesn't know Uber driver was actually a lawyer | New York Post  When defense attorney Jesse Bright was pulled over in North Carolina while moonlighting as an #Uber driver, he began filming the encounter. Allegedly, he had been pulled over for picking up a…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
   The True Origins of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas (The Story Behind The Yule Celebration)  One of our classics, first uploaded December 18, 2015. Since this was produced we've learned a lot more about Yule/Jul, the myths, pagan or pre-Christian Norse/Germanic traditions and some things in this…
Published in Religions & Faiths
    How to Start a New Life: Forging Documents, Friends and a History       Agent Smith The best lies are almost truths. Keep your new general history as close to your actual history as you can but with just enough minor changes to plausably…
Published in Organizations
  Women, Healing & Lore        Women, Healing & Lore In my neck of the woods, somewhere within the Blue Ridge Mountains, we have in our history those who made more than their fair mark, who we call, Granny Women, or what many now days…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War Extremists of all three Abrahamic religions are being manipulated by the hidden hand                                   MonotheistMuslim Islam is the solution because it accepts the…
Published in Religions & Faiths
    AUSTRALIA FREEDOM RALLY      Russian Ethnotourism Booms - In-Country Holidays, Discovering Roots
Published in Organizations
    FOC SPECIAL Show: The Truth About St. Patrick’s Day that You DIDN’T Know - Holiday Special - Historian Bill Federer   Whites with Chinese wife's loyal to Chinese     Lawyer: Pence Can Deny Electoral Votes From Fraudulent States & Save America — FULL SHOW…
Published in Culture & Heritage