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The Chinese owned companies need to be boycotted. Vanna Tran U.S. COMPANIES SECRETLY OWNED BY CHINA: These U.S. Companies have been sold to China over the years  So we compiled a list of 10 United States companies that most people don't know that China owns. From Tech…
Published in Legal & Politics
  French Jews Publish Children’s Book That Normalizes Race Mixing   The jewish-owned publishing company, Nathan, has published an illustrated children’s book that glorifies race mixing to young impressionable French children: Nathan [owned by the jewish Cahen-Lipmann families] is one of the few publishers in France which…
Published in Legal & Politics
Treason? US Congressmen refuse to answer who they care more about: Americans or Israel   Art Begma: Nothing personal - just business [Or, what America is...] King_of_Ire No tale of American history is complete without full elucidation of the treacherous jEW AND HIS FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE. jews…
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  The Barbary Pirates & England's White Slaves       Barbarian Cruelty by Francis Brooks Synopsis: It was during the 1600s that Barbary corsairs-pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa were at their most active and terrible. With the full support of the Moorish rulers…