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The Unjected Dating

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Worried About Dating In The Age Of MRNA Vaccines? A New Dating App Has The Solution

Worried About Dating In The Age Of MRNA Vaccines? A New Dating App Has The Solution


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REBUNKED | Shelby Thomson | The Unjected Dating App

Rebunked with Scott Armstrong


Welcome to another episode of Rebunked! I had the pleasure of speaking with Shelby Thomson, The Co-Founder of Unjected, a platform of unvaccinated humans supporting medical freedom. Unjected started off as a dating app for the unvaccinated and awake people all over the world, however, it has grown into so much more. Unjected now features a social media feed, job postings, sperm and egg donors, surrogacy and more coming soon. Shelby and her team have been targeted by big tech, have been removed from the Apple and Google stores and have been demonized in the mainstream media. This is a powerful story of perseverance and standing up to tyranny. Please visit and support Unjected at And make sure that you're following them on Instagram @






Read 3712 times Last modified on Sunday, 28 January 2024 01:00