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The Church Of England Officially Blames Christians In General For Contributing To The ‘Holocaust’




I have printed only part of the following article and to read all go to the following website.

Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!

by Carol A. Valentine 
President, Public Action, Inc. 
Copyright, May, 2002 
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes May 15, 2002  -- Why have I only now found out about this?
We can argue about who is most to blame, but the facts remain the same:  Congress and the White House have been helping to establish a theocracy in America.  That's right, in America -- the nation that used to be a land of religious freedom.  

The would-be leaders of new theocracy:

  • Want to abolish Christmas,
  • Call Christians "idol worshippers,"
  • Demand Christians give up their religion or be put to death,
  • Preach that Jesus practiced sorcery, worshipped stone idols, and was sexually immoral,
  • Want to establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion,
  • Want to force US citizens to embrace a synthesized "religion" invented for a servant class.

And now, since the advent of the 9-11 war, the would-be leaders of this theocracy are stronger than ever.  Little stands between them and the realization of their plans.   

This may sound incredible, but it is as real as the ground beneath your feet, and as serious as a heart attack.  I can document everything I have said.  Let me fill you in on the details.

The would-be theocratic leaders that Congress and our presidents have been promoting are members of a sect called Chabad Lubavitch, headquartered in Brooklyn, New York.  Chabad, (sometimes spelled "Habad"), is an acronym for three Hebrew words:  Chochma, Binah and Daas, which mean "wisdom, understanding and knowledge."  Chabad and Lubavitch are functionally synonymous.  Chabad describes the movement; Lubavitch is the name of the town (sometimes said to be in Lithuania, sometimes in Russia) where the movement was headquartered during the nineteenth century.  

Lubavitchers are a subset of the Hasidic (sometimes spelled "Chasidic") Jews. Doctrinally, Hasidic Jews rely on the Talmud, on the Zohar (the basic book of kabbalah or "calabah"),  and on the Tanya (or "Hatanya") written by the founder of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, Rabbi Shneur Zalman. 

The Chabad Lubavitchers also rely on the works of renowned Jewish teachers such as Maimonides.  Of course they rely on the Torah; but note that the word "Torah," in Jewish religious discourse, is somewhat elastic; it can denote (1) the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), (2) the Old Testament in its entirety, (3) the Old Testament in its entirety, and the Talmud, and (4) the entire body of Jewish religious literature.  

Reviewing the above, we can see that, doctrinally, Lubavitchers are not an aberration within Judaism.  They are as much part of Judaism as the Dominicans are part of the Roman Catholic Church.  It would be misleading to call the Lubavitch movement a "cult" as some have done, without so naming mainstream Orthodox Judaism. 


For contemporary Lubavitchers, the most admired is late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the "Lubavitcher Rebbe," or simply "the Rebbe." (Jewish people call a rabbi with whom they have a close and personal relationship their "Rebbe."   Since I feel as though I have a close and personal relationship with him -- having read much about him -- and since I am not Jewish, I will use the Americanized form of the word and call Rabbi Schneerson "the Reeb." )

Some Lubavitchers consider the Reeb their Messiah and await for him to return from the dead;  other say that the Messiah is really the Jewish people themselves.  If all that is beginning to sound weird and fringy, realize that the Lubavitchers do not confine themselves to Brooklyn, New York.  They have immediate and constant access to the President of the United States: George Bush's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, a Reform Jew, works the Lubavitcher mission.  

The most prominent backer of the Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senator Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States.  The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), has commended Chabad Lubavitch "ideals" in a Senate floor statement.  Jewish members of Congress regularly attend seminars conducted by a Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Comptroller of the US Department of Defense, Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all Lubavitcher groupies.


According to the Jerusalem Post of October 19, 2001, "Chabad is a potent force: 2,600 institutions around the world, large numbers of English-speaking rabbis, control of most of Judaism in Italy as well as the chief rabbinate of Russia (its Russia budget alone is $20 million a year). It is an organization with immense world-wide financial resources . . . In fact, Chabad is a movement of monumental importance. Observant Jews are profoundly dependent on its emissaries all over the world . . .  its rabbis dominate or are poised to dominate Jewish communities in a startling number of countries." 
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original article at: 

The Jewish Virtual Library tells a similar story: "More than 3,700 emissary couples work in more than 100 countries worldwide. Since 1995, more than 400 shlichim (emissaries) were assigned to new posts and more than 500 new Chabad institution [sic] have been established, bringing the total to nearly 2,600 institutions (seminaries, day camps, schools, etc) worldwide. According to headquarters, almost one million children participates [sic] in Chabad activities worldwide in 1999." 
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The Lubavitchers are proselytizers, but of a different sort. They want to make all Jews -- Reform, Conservative or Orthodox --hyper "Jewish." Thus we see Orthodox Jews like Lieberman and Reform Jews like Fleischer standing side-by-side working the Lubavitcher program. Lubavitchers don't want to convert non-Jews to Judaism -- they want Jews to understand they are a class apart from everyone else.

In a letter he wrote in 1964, Schneerson deplored intermarriage of Jews with non-Jews, calling it "spiritual cremation," and called the concepts of freedom, equality, and integration "misconceived ideals."

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This is particularly amusing, inasmuch as in the Jews led the movement to forcibly integrate the South which resulted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism tells us that "During the Mississippi Summer of 1964, Jews made up half of the young people who volunteered in the effort to end segregation."

Obviously, integration and mixed marriages are for the Gentiles, not the Jews. We'll see why, as we go along.


Let's start our journey at a website run by "Jews and Hasidic Gentiles—United to Save America" ("JHG-USA").  The purpose of the website is to popularize Schneerson's plans for Gentiles.   Schneerson's  plan calls for non-Jews to be converted into "Hasidic Gentiles," a lower life form in the cosmology of America's future.  The Reeb's photo is at the top left side of the homepage. 
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In the Lubavitch cosmology, rabbis are naturally the top dogs.  Then come the rest of the Jews.  Next come former Christians or other non-Jews who have been converted to "Hasidic Gentiles;" those folk can have a share in the good life provided they forget Christ (or Buddha, etc.) and obey the laws assigned to them by the rabbis.  At the bottom of the heap are those who refuse to conform to the system; those people may be lashed, punished, and executed.  Read on.  I will support everything I have just said.

As you read the Jews and Hasidic Gentiles—United to Save America (JHG-USA) website, be aware of the sliding definitions.  The Hebrew word "Moshiach," (sometimes spelled "Mashiach"), is the word for "Messiah."   Sometimes "Moshiach" connotes a person, but often it connotes the Jewish people as a whole and the Utopia they will bring to the world through their transcendence over lesser beings.



Here is the flier the Lubavitchers are circulating. 
I have cached the page at:

The ad reads: "Campaign to Abolish X-mas celebration by gentiles . . .  according to the known Jewish ruling that Christians are idol worshippers. (Likkutei Sichos 37:198)"   

What is the "Likkutei Sichos"?  Look at this page: 
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We see that the "Likkutei Sichos" is a printed and bound anthology of talks given by Schneerson.  

O.K.  So now we have established what the Reeb thought of Christians and Christianity.  What should be done about people who follow Jesus Christ?


Go back to the anti-"X-mas" flier: 
I have cached the page at: 

"A gentile . . . is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself . . .  The general principle is we do not allow them to make new religious rituals and to make 'mitzvahs' ["commandment;" sometimes "good deed or blessing"] for themselves by their own devices . . . if he does make some new 'mitzvah,' we lash him, punish him, and inform him that he is obligated [sic] with the death penalty for this." (Rambam Mishne Torah--Hilchose Melachim 10:9)

So Christians or non-Christian Gentiles, according to the "Rambam Mishne Torah" should be lashed, punished, and put to death if they insist on following their own religious practices, including celebration of non-Jewish religious holidays, such as Christmas.   

What is the Rambam Mischne Torah?  The Rambam is none other than Maimonides, the well-known Sephardic Jewish writer who lived in Spain between 1135 and 1204 AD, one of the great fathers of Judaic thought; the Mishne Torah is one of his best known works.  See the "Sephardic Sages" webpage, 
mirrored at: 

"Maimonides [Rambam] was the author of the Mishneh Torah, one of the greatest codes of Jewish law, compiling every conceivable topic of Jewish law in subject matter order and providing a simple statement of the prevailing view in plain language. In his own time, he was widely condemned because he claimed that the Mishneh Torah was a substitute for studying the Talmud," Sephardic Sages tells us.

Maimonides is regarded as a great teacher throughout Judaism.  Yet these are his words:  

" . . . A gentile . . . is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself. "

So to be fair to the Reeb, the idea that Christmas celebrants be put to death did not originate with him.   Indeed, we need to go back further to understand the roots of the "Gentiles must be put to death" phenomena. 


 The central book in Judaism is the Talmud, which contains the teachings of the Pharisees -- those people on whom the New Testament spends so many words.  Jesus called their teachings "the ways of men," an abomination, and he condemned them; for doing so, He was crucified.  At the time Jesus lived and up until several hundred years after His death, we are told, the teachings of the Pharisees were not written down, but were memorized, added to, and passed around by word of mouth.  This is called the "oral law."   

"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.  Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence.  The Talmud is the largest and most important single piece of literature . . . and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism." --Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948, Vol. 8, pg. 474.

Talmudic sage R. Simon ben Yohai is quoted in the Babylonian Talmud (Megillah 12a, Yoma 76a), but his most famous quote does not appear there.  The famous quote is:  "Tob shebe goyim harog." Translation:  "Even the best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed." 

According to the 1903 Jewish Encyclopedia, ben Yohai was an anti-Gentile "fanatic whose life experiences may furnish an explanation for his animosity."  After making this excuse for the rabbi, the encyclopedia states "hence in the various versions the 'the best among the Gentiles' has generally been altered to read 'the best among the Egyptians.'"  

The intention of substituting "Egyptians" for "Gentiles" in "Even the best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" was obviously to reduce the number of Gentiles who might take offense at the statement.  The lesson, however, is that the "Gentiles must be put to death" concept originated before the Reeb, and even before the Rambam.  The "kill all Gentiles" concept was formulated by a Talmudic sage.  

(See the 1903 Jewish Encyclopedia,  published  by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, "Gentile," Vol. 5, p. 617.  The cite given for "Tob shebe goyyim harog" is: Yerushalmi (Jerusalem Talmud) Kiddushim 66c; Masseket Soferim xv.10; Mekilta, Beshallah 27a: Tanhuma, Wayea, ed. Buber, 20). 


See: "The Law Is Only a Minimum," and you will learn that observance of other Christian religious holidays constitute idolatry and will be banned.  Christian holidays to be banned include:

  • Good Friday
  • Easter
  • Ash Wednesday
  • All Saints Day,
  • And "probably even the 'new year.'" 
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Later, we will learn that the "idol-worshippers" who refuse to give up their religious observances will be put to death by beheading.  But for now, be aware that Jews and Hasidic Gentiles—United to Save America (JHG-USA) are offering a special discount on those anti-"X-mas" fliers.  Normally they sell for 25 cents a piece -- now they are selling for 15 cents a piece.  Hurry to order! 
mirrord at: 


Bush II claims to be a Christian.  Want to know what Bush's Lubavitcher friends think about Jesus?   Read the "Who Was Jesus" page: 
mirrored at: 

You will see that Jesus is called a "dangerous" false prophet who "repeatedly broke the Law by committing terrible sins, while openly challenging the G-d given authority of the rabbis of the Sanhedrin." 

The "Who Was Jesus" page also cites the Talmud -- the references in parentheses are the specific books.  The quote begins here: 

The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene':

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).  

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), and was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh -- which is also explicitly banned in the Bible.  (Shabbos 104b).

Such is the blasphemy against Jesus coming from the friends of Bush II.  If Jesus Christ stepped into the America Bush is helping to create, Jesus would be put to death again -- by Jewish law.



Many people migrated to America to escape the tyranny of the Old World's ubermensch-

untermensch social system. My European ancestors did so. America was long cherished, not just for its liberties, but as a land of opportunity. One could rise to any social status on the basis of skill and hard work because America was free and had no caste system.

Now Bush II is helping to destroy whatever remains of that open system. The Lubavitchers and their Jewish establishment backers intend to set up a caste system, with Jews at the top of the heap. They'll have us believe it is God's will, of course. Here is a sample: The Ten Commandments apply only to the Jews.

At Mt. Sinai, G-D gave the Ten commandments (and hundreds of others) to the Jewish people. These laws apply only to the Jews in their special role as the world's spiritual leaders.

From "Who is the Son of G-D?' and

The Law contains two parallel (but separate) paths for the world: 613 commandments for the Jews, and 66 commandments (contained in the 7 Noachide Laws) for gentiles . . . Non-Jews may not observe Shabbos (or holidays) in the manner of Jews . . . or be called up for a public Torah reading in a synagogue.

From "The Law is Only a Minimum,"

mirrored at:


So here we have more of the same: The two-tier society, Jews on the top tier, Gentiles on the bottom.

These Seven Commandments (mitzvos) [the seven Naugahyde laws] are not arbitrary laws, but rather G-d's plan for Mankind . . . (The Seven Universal Laws of Noah have only been replaced for the Jewish people, to whom G-D gave the entire Torah [teaching] as their Law. They therefore have a special responsibility--with special commandments--to be the priesthood of the world, a 'light unto nations.')

(Notice that "Torah" in this context means the entire body of Jewish teachings.)

From "What is Noah's Covenant?"

mirrored at:


That's why the Jews who run the American Civil Liberties Union don't want the Ten Commandments posted in public places. The Ten Commandments are not public property -- they are owned by the Jews.   Let the Gentiles eat Naugahyde Laws.

How long will it be before Jews complain of copyright infringement when Gentiles quote the Ten Commandments?



The Noahide communities require . . . . courts of justice, led by rabbinically trained righteous judges, which will function similarly to Jewish batei dinim [Jewish courts] . . .

From "The Final War for Jerusalem (Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach)"

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A search of the Talmud's Sanhedrin reveals that a Naugahyde is to be tried by one judge, on the testimony on one witness only, and is executed even if no formal admonition preceded his offense. On the other hand a Jew is tried by a court of 23, on the testimony of at least two, and executed only after formal admonition. (Footnote 5 of Sanhedrin 71b.)


The Naugahyde children must be kept ignorant. That's the system in slave-based societies, of course.

Right now, a supplemental daily home-schooling Torah program is being developed and used to teach Noachide children . . . This approach to education . .. drastically minimizes secular studies (math, science, history, English, social studies, computers & other technical studies) in favor of total immersion in Torah, the Word of G-d.

"The Law is Only a Minimum,"

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Not just socially, but technically and economically the Naughahydes are the bottom dogs. Without racial, cultural, or historical identity, they are the servant class. Left only with the Naughahyde Laws -- remember, the Ten Commandments and all the rest are for Jews only -- how much "total immersion in Torah" will the Naughahydes get?

Contrast this to Bush's 2002 Schneerson Birthday Proclamation:

America's future depends in part on ensuring that EVERY child in America receives a quality education . . . Education has always played a vital role in the success of our Nation. It has provided hope through the principle that ANY citizen can realize the American dream, regardless of BACKGROUND, ETHNICITY, or FAITH. (Emphases added.)

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What a bold lie. Bush is praising the universality of education on Schneerson-mas -- when Schneerson's followers want universality of education destroyed.




By now we have seen extraordinary things: American presidents and the American Congress are setting up a theocratic, non-Biblical, Talmudic state that will replace the one founded in 1789. Americans will be ruled by Jews. Christmas, Easter, Good Friday -- certainly Ramadan -- will be outlawed. If citizens don't follow the synthetic religion designed for them by rabbis, they will be beheaded. What else is there to learn?

Now you are ready to read

"The Final War for Jerusalem

Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach"

mirrored at:


Much of this article is a paranoic rant about the persecution of the Jews: Karl Marx wanted the Jewish nation destroyed, and the Commies have been after them ever since. Stalin ordered the Commies to bring Hitler to power, and helped Hitler implement the Holocaust. American Presidents have been/are conspiring against the Jews. Amaleks have been conspiring to take the Jews out for thirty-three continuous centuries, etc. Finally we read the truest statement on JHG-USA website:


"In simple terms, we are at war. It is not a struggle merely for power, wealth, or some other material advantage; it is a titanic clash over the future of world civilization . . . This war has already spread into every nation, ever social institution, every human activity. It has thus become a world war in the ultimate sense," say the Lubavitchers.

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Well, that clears matters up. Jews are going to wipe out all other civilizations in the world and replace them with one of their own design. They intend to rule the world.

The Jewish people have the unique power of victory, to liberate the world from its current road to complete self-destruction. Since we are now in the last generation of the Jewish exile and the first generation of Moshiach our actions are guaranteed to produce miraculous success.


But there is not a sufficient number of Jews to bring about global victory of the Jews over others. Weenies are needed to help. Now we see the purpose of the Naugahydes:

And as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will help us reveal Moshiach [Messiah: that is, the Jewish people] and bring all Jews back to the Torah.

Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the 'peace process' in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles — especially through the campaign to teach the Noachide Laws (see Sichos in English, vol. 16, [19 Kislev 5743]).


Note, above: The Reeb demanded the Middle East peace process must be "defeated." Allan Brownfeld Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2000 says:

Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in occupying the land. After his death, thousands of his Israeli followers played an important role in the election victory of Binyamin Netanyahu. Among the religious settlers in the occupied territories, the Chabad Hassids constitute one of the most extreme groups. Baruch Goldstein, the mass murderer of Palestinians, was one of them.


As you will see below, two prominent Jews in the Department of Defense -- Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and DoD Comptroller Rabbi Dov Zakheim, pay public homage to the Lubavitchers and share public podiums with them at their events. Does that help to explain why there is no peace in the Middle East? On the basis of this admonition from Schneerson, who is the aggressor?

Clearly stated, then, the synthetic Naughahyde religion has another practical advantage: It ensures Gentile Americans are politically motivated to endorse the genocide of the Palestinians.



How will this Final War for Jerusalem be fought? First, the opposing forces will disappear.

The Messiah [the Jews] will teach the Word of G-d to all nations, causing Christianity and other religions to disappear. The bible says that everyone will become a Hasidic Gentile . . .

"Who is the Son of G_d?"

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Now we see what role the Gentiles in the US military will play in the "Final War for Jerusalem." The US military will help Islam to "disappear."

On September 11, 2001, remote-controlled planes were used to crash into the WTC and Pentagon sites. The hits were carried out with the full knowledge and consent of the North American Aerospace Command and blamed on Muslim terrorists.

Know that the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D.-Mich.) is a supporter of Chabad Lubavitch.

cached at:


We can now understand why, on September 13, 2001, just two days after the catastrophe, Levin allowed Gen. Richard B. Myers, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 11, 2001, and a former NORAD commander, to bob and weave and lie about events that day. After watching him so perfrom, Levin and his committee confirmed Myers as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We can understand why, on October 25, Sen. Levin allowed Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of NORAD on September 11, 2001, to bob and weave and lie about events that day. Levin was protecting, and will continue to protect, the two treasonous American generals who helped forward the cause of world Jewish domination.

Without presenting any evidence or granting due process in any recognized court of law, Bush & Company declared the terrorist acts were committed by Muslims, and bombed Afghanistan. Meanwhile, in Palestine, the Israelis began to move their tanks into the West Bank. The significance of the 9-11 terror becomes more obvious each day. The purpose of the 9-11 terror was to springboard the "Final War for Jerusalem."

For more information go to the following website:

Following website is taken from members of the Jewish community (highly recommended from author)

There is a large amount of information,we can take samples of information as we progress through different articles, so you need to read the full articles which is in the following website

Agriprocessors rubashkin not kosher 2 - Highly Recommended

chabadmafia Uploaded on Jan 18, 2011

The meat coming from the agriprocessors rubashkin factory is not considered kosher under Torah standards. Orthodox Rabbis worldwide do NOT recognize any meat produced by Chabad followers as being kosher. Agriprocessors is owned and operated by chabad, rubashkin is a leading member of the chabad religous cult and chabad criminal organization. A new PETA undercover investigation has caught AgriProcessors, the world's largest chabad "kosher" slaughterhouse, which is located in Postville, Iowa, cruelly hacking holes in cows' throats. Dr. Temple Grandin, the world's foremost expert on slaughter methods, has stated that these gouging, circular cuts cause the cows pain and suffering.

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Read 8106 times Last modified on Friday, 02 June 2023 09:39