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George Soros & Son Alexander Soros Goal To Destroy Christian Civilization, & All Races.

DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife Alexander Soros is Jewish Globalist. DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife     WHO (IS) WAS HUMA ABEDIN     Huma Abedin's Muslim mother above Saleha Abedin. Soros Goal To Destroy Christian Civilization, & The…

Christian Evangelicals and the Rapture

    Many Christian churches promote the human made rapture pagan cult ideas and which they believe when Jesus returns every good Christian will go to heaven. This has nothing to do with true Christianity.   Christian Evangelicals One Step Closer to Rapture As Trump ‘Gifts’ Golan…

Ex-Muslim Women Speak

Stands up for the rights of muslim women. Anne Marie meets Yasmine Mohammed // For Britain An illuminating conversation between the leader of For Britain Anne Marie Waters and Yasmine Mohammed, the Canadian Human Rights activist who tirelessly stands up for the rights of muslim women. Read…

Jewish Presidential Candidate Leads Her "Fellow White People" Apology Prayer' To Blacks For Slavery

  Jew Leads Her "Fellow White People" Apology Prayer' To Black For Slavery Prayer of Apology for African Americans | Marianne Williamson   Presidential long shot Marianne Williamson, the jewish New Age guru who claims her ‘teachings’ come directly from Jesus via her jewish mentor, Helen Schucman,…

Rabbi Abe Finkelstein & Jewish Power

RABBI ABE FINKELSTEIN INTERVIEW The following video and arcitle Pastor Wickstrom and Jewish Rabbi Abe Finkelstein Part 1_6 - Pastor Wickstrom and Rabbi Finkelstein - The Lying Jews - Interview with Rabbi Finkelstein. BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist Rabbi abe finkelstein & James Wickstrom (HQ)…