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White European Germanic Tribes Update 5.

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Origin of the Germanic Tribes - BARBARIANS DOCUMENTARY



Really disappointing you left out England, a land named after one of the Germanic tribes living there: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.


Question: Why have you not included England as one of the modern Germanic nations? Saxons did settle in large parts in post Roman Britain.



The background is not entirely correct. The video depicts the germanic culture as starting in Germany and then spreading in all directions. On the contrary, linguists and archeologists on the whole agree that germanic culture was formed in southern Scandinavia (Denmark, southern third of Sweden, southern and western coast of Norway) as a direct continuation of Nordic bronze age culture, and then spread to the continent. When the romans came in contact with the germanic culture, it was quite late in its development and spread, and it was obviously in present-day Germany. Note also that the germans call themselves "deutsch", which has a proto-germanic root meaning "people".
And labeling the spread of indo-european languages with "Yamnaya" is problematic for several reasons. It is not even sure that Yamnaya was the indo-european urheimat.

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Ghost Warriors: The German Tribes That Hunted Romans | Ancient Black Ops | Odyssey

The deadly work of top ancient assassins. The elite Harii tribe of Germania were trained to fight only at night and inflicted the Roman Army's worst-ever defeat.


I love learning about my German heritage. It makes me realize where my traits come from. I am extremely independent and love nothing more than to be alone and by Gods, I would fiercely kill to protect my country. Thank you for this.
goths romans army


Abritus was situated near modern city Razgrad in North East Bulgaria. Many Gothic and Hunic invasions as many battles took placeon modern Bulgarian terretory., but were not talked about at all. So that is very informative clip which covers another blank spot.Abritus Archaeological Reserve, located 2 km. east of the town of Razgrad, is one of the most remarkable cultural and historical attractions in Razgrad Municipality. The site is a cultural monument within the National Significance category, among the list of “One hundred Tourist Sites of Bulgaria” /a Bulgarian national movement/.Historical festivals are aslo held there with a lot of reenactament.
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5 years ago there were excavations for new building in the center of Plovdiv /Philippoplis /, a nightmare for property developers, and the archaeologist found a whole street burnt by the goths. Under one crashed roof she found three bodies - two teenagers 16-18 years old and a child - between 4 and 6 years old. Between the bodies was a purse full of silver coins. In the chest of the child an arrow was found. The archaeologist then stated that that is the first material evidence of the Gothic invasion of Phillipopol.

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There is barely a country in Europe that cannot look back on Germanic roots

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Promiscuity in the Viking Age

Comment: Viking came from Germanic Tribes

TOP video again--> you're the - ps. Netflix can learn a lot from you!  Ill it is to take love from another man's wife ((Völsunga Saga, c.21) The Netflix "Viking show" is quite a nice show, but it remains a piece of TV Globalist racist hate white sh * t that is indeed not based on reality. Thank you for straightening out our North- and Northwest- Germanic culture - there where it once actually is started - before the Vikingage


I love learning about my Norse ancestry. It's gets a little confusing about who was & who wasn't considered Viking so I like that you mentioned the Germanic Tribes...sounds like our Ancestors were more alike than different. Thanks for the video!

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It must be stated that Tacitus' Germania is a questionable source at best. Tacitus never went to Germania and any of his statements have to be taken with a huge grain of salt. His intention in writing this book was to paint a picture of a culture connected to its roots, idealizing a simpler way of life as a counterculture to what he percieved as a cuture losing its identity and becoming decadent. I'm not claiuming its all a lot of BS but it certainly isn't an objective description either.


The fact that a law was made against prostitution shows that it did exist. If prostitution wasn't happening, there would be no need to outlaw it. However, it may have been very rare. Really hard to say when we don't have a lot of sources.
Just a little pushback - a little bit, it seems obvious that when the men went off a-viking leaving the women to run the farming and fishing, that they had functional control over so many aspects of life that other women who had to put up with the men all the dang time!
Also men died in greater numbers in battle leaving larger surplus of woman this seems to be the driving force for men with more than one woman and accepted male promiscuity.
Women who go for men because of materialistic desire or worse outside their ethnicity will never find True happiness!! True happiness is finding a similar partner who completes you and becoming one flesh!!
Studies find that the more men a women sleeps with the more messed up she is



I would say that women before Christianity had more rights than after it came to the European countries.

I am just pissed that people think pagan is a religion. Pagan means ever other religion that doesn't believe in the one (TRUE) GOD meaning that those religious people who are not one of the many Christian religions, Muslim, or Jewish. That means for example Buddhist people are pagans.



Sorry but the idea that more developed and rich a society becomes more promiscuous it becomes is a blatant simplification. Talking about monogamy there were tribal people (so simple societies) where polygamy was traditional and normal. I think most people don't know that when the missionaries arrived in Polynesia they were astounded to find a matriarchal society where the heads of the villages were women and there was polyandry which means women had more than one husband the opposite of polygamy which is a man having many wives. So there were simple aboriginal societies that practiced polygamy. Polygamy existed in the Indian tribes of North America in South America and I could go on.



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The Different Germanic Tribes


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The Germanic Tribes - The Ascent of Civilization - Full Historical Documentary

 There is barely a country in Europe that cannot look back on Germanic roots. The term ‘Germanic’ actually refers to a number of tribes and clans that lived in Central and Northern Europe from the 6th century BC. Gaius Julius Caesar is said to have used the word when talking about the Gallic war. However, the Romans were full of contempt for the Germanic peoples, Tacitus calling their home a hideous blood-curdling place full of dark woods and swamplands. But who were the Germanic Tribes? And how did they leave their mark on Civilization?

90% of this is speculation. Especially the human sacrifice parts!!! It's a careless slander for entertainment.
Had to give up on this when it went to ridiculous and unnecessary cartoons.
Many had blond hair. And why do the cartoons portray the Germans as buffoons? Tired of anti-German bias in modern analysis.
This is propaganda because it only barely mentions the Goths, which were actually the ones sacking Rome and founding the Visigothic kingdom in current Spain, then the Roman Empire. Also this makes a clear line between the northern european germanic tribes and the Franks, but there are no clear lines there, no sources as well.
Christianity deserves the perversion of their faith in payment for the murders and slaughter they committed.
Damn christianity, telling people what to think all the time
There are a number of major misconceptions in this documentary that could easily have been fact checked - from the depiction of Germanic tribes being covered in filth whilst describing their hygiene practices a moment later, to the mistaken idea that Valhalla was the only afterlife in Germanic Paganism. The documentary is interesting, but rather lazy and with a transparent anti-Pagan bias.
"Pretty poor" is an ethnocentric idea. Modern archeologists and historians think of rich or poor in terms of gold and silver, large mansions or small dwellings. To believe those people were poor ignores the fact that wealth is NOT the currency or money, but the goods and services currency can buy. Land is wealth, animals are wealth, textiles are wealth, trees are energy. Those people had only to throw out kitchen scraps and food plants would grow. Saponification (soap making) has been common since deep prehistory. Nobody really knows when or where it started. I'm so sick of the political narrative of poverty among well landed weavers who had planty of timber (free energy) who couldn't turn around without tripping over their food, growing in the soil and on the hoof.


So it is true, in a sense we do worship old gods with out even knowing it. Lol
Could have been little more respectful at the beginning considering there are about 500 million people of Germanic heritage who have contributed greatly to the building of Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, the modern world, including going to the Moon.
This orgin of the Germans is same as the Celts in Austria IE the Helmstad society in Austria the Celts are the foundation for the German.
I'm quite sure that Friday/Freitag/fredag are from Freya/Freja, the Germanic goddess of beauty and youth (see Venus in romanic languages), and not Frigg.
The Suebian knot wasn't the only hairstyle, dreadlocks and braids were also popular
I would appreciate if you would distinguish civilisation and culture… these are quite two different notions.
My ancestors were from Lower Saxony  we beat the Romans in the end at the battle of Teutoburger Wald. 
what was the political reason for Clovis's conversion to Christianity?
One glaring inaccuracy 10 minutes in... the Germanic tribes absolutely ate meat and on a regular basis. They were pastoralists to a degree, and even common folk ate meat often.But yes, they did eat lots of porridge,fish,drank much milk,etc
The sinister music . Did you mention the morgantheu plan, or the undue the persecution of such a great people?
A couple times when the Professor is speaking in German, there are no subtitles.


The Saxena of Aryavarta (India-Aryans), became the Saxons.
Germans where a part of the Celtic society in middle europe - The Celts were people that shared enough cultural traits and some genetic peculiarities to make them a specific culture, tribe, ethnicity or whatever you like to call it. They were about and prominent from about 700 BC - 0 BC/AD. In their heydays they inhabited large parts of Northern Europe and parts of Anatolia, see the map below. However, at no point in time was there a "united" Celtic kingdom or, in other words, there was no common politics or political unity. It is also important to know that the public image of the Celts, and that includes the learned part of the public, has not all that much to do with historic truth. Celtic history became fashionable in the 19th century and still is in some parts of the world. Some modern states or territories like France, Wales or Scotland claimed and claim Celtic origin while others (like Nazi Germany) renounced it in favor of Germanic roots. This had not much to do with historic truth as far as we know it. Parts of South Germany, for example, were definitely core regions of the Celts around 500 BC and later, while Southern Scotland, as far as we know, had never been inhabited by Celtic speaking people.
The Celts were commonly associated with the so-called La Tène culture, thriving from about 500 BC (beginning of younger European iron age) to 100 BC in what is now Western Switzerland / Eastern France / South Germany. In a more modern view, however, their roots go back to the older Hallstatt culture (800 BC - 600 BC or Early European Iron Age).
The following points may be usful in defining Celtic identity:
Their language. An Indo-European language, remnants of which can still be found in Wales and Scotland. Since the Celts did not bother to write anything down, we don't know all that much about how they spoke 2000 and some years ago.
Their religion. About which we don't know much firsthand either. The writings of others (Romans, Greeks) about Druids and mistletoes and so on must not be believed without restrictions. But special holy places, sacrifices, and certain cults with skulls must have played a role.
Their looks and outfits. Male Celts typically sported a moustache and liked to wear colorful clothes. Look at the "Asterix the Gaul" comics - they got it about right as far as we know.
Their technology. The Celts were the early iron masters in Europe, it seems; see below.
Their fighting style. They went into battle stark naked, only wearing golden armlets and torques (= neck ring), if we can believe the Roman writers. "They plied their swords in in true barbaric fashion, and with no skill at all, in mere slashing blows to head and shoulder,..." writes Plutarch (45 AD - 120 AD). The Romans were terrified anyway.

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o Units of History - Early Germanic Warriors DOCUMENTARY


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Many whites in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, came from the Germanic tribes

Rise of the Goths (Fall of Western Roman Empire)

In the fifth century CE, western part of the Roman Empire faced with multiple Germanic barbarian migration into eastern & western territory. Coupled with incompetent emperor and unstable political situation, resulted in the rapid collapse of authority, notably in the western half of the roman empire.Various christian sect became widespread in the empire, replacing ancient Greco-Roman polytheism & monotheism (Sol Invictus) and Germanic polytheism & animism.

 Don Charlie

From Visigoths to France Spain and Portugal, and from Ostrogoths to Italy. Goths are predecessor of Francia/Franks.

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The Germanics: The Brave Ancient Tribes from Germania - Great Civilizations - See U in History

The Germanics: The Brave Ancient Tribes from Germania - Great Civilizations - See U in History


Svënsk Edited

Without the Germanic we wouldn't have the technology as today. USA, Britain France Germany Switzerland Holland Austria Belgium Denmark Swede Norway Iceland.... Are all Germanic people

Brad Stanley

At the beginning of this video you said the Germanic tribes migrated south from Scandinavia which they did....... so you need to re work the wording of the last half of the video on the religion all Germanic gods were adapted from Scandinavian gods not the other way around.
7:01 the statement that the Norse Gods had their origin in Germanic origin is debated. Given how the Germanic tribes originally came from Scandinavia it is likely that the Gods came from there too.

Scythian-Rus edited

The brave ancient tribes of Germania originally came from Scythia and Northwest Russia and the German Gothic tribe moved from Black Sea to Western Europe.

 Hawk Eye

Hawk Eye Edited

So the Germanic tribe were Viking who migrated.

Anton Sjödahl

Ah yeah, the good old Norsemen before they had to flee back to Scandinavia. Once the Goths wich were also Germanic people took over the Western Roman empire, Vikings emerged 400years later to pillage Europe with the power vaccum left over by the fall of Rome.
Thor the God of rain? Thor is the God of Thunder, war and fertility. He created thunder and lightning as he rode over the clouds in a chariot drawn by goats, swinging his hammer Mjöllnir. Thor was physically strong and with his weapon Mjöllnir could do battle with the evil giants who lived in Jötunheimar.
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 Spin Spir

I'm sorry, but what about the Cimbri invasion of Italy ? Ceasar's campaign in Gaul wasn't the first contact of Romans and Germanics, so what you said is false. But overall good content.
Let’s not forget that Emperor Constantine moved the Capital of Rome to Constantinople in 330 A.D. something everyone seems to forget. Also the Germanic tribes were granted refugee status within the Roman Empire because they were escaping from the Huns who took over Germania, to later sack Rome.
Widukind Books
A lot of the images you used were of celts not Germanics peoples. You can tell many certain things like the ring they wear around the neck.

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The Goths Cross the Danube (376) / The Fall of Rome #1


I bet you there's a whole untapped youtube market for these types of historical documentaries (particularly longer ones, like this). Documentaries that are made by passionate historians for a youtube audience, and not for television.
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Above link to German Videos

Europeans today appear to be somewhat confused about the origins of their race and have been conditioned to think that the country they are from, either Britain, Germany, Russia or France for example, are all different races.  While they are different cultures, the evidence shows that Europeans are one race.  Similarly, the majority of Chinese are one race.  Because of this confusion, many  Europeans do not regard themselves as being indigenous to Europe and should have with full indigenous rights.  This is an important piece of knowledge and Europeans require education on the United Nations Indigenous Laws which apply to all people who are indigenous to their region.  If you look at our article 'Teach Europeans about their Heritage,' it talks about the origins of Europeans. 'European Racial Pride' talks about the different races of the world.

In this article, we deal with Europeans and their tribal ancestors.  They were not different people - they were just groups of Europeans practicing different cultures and languages.  The article demonstrates that the majority of European languages descended from one language.  The various tribes laid the foundations of Europe which we have today.  The origin of some modern country names originates from the names of these tribes.  A German tribe called the' Frances,' laid the foundations of France and Germany was named after the Germanic Tribes.  The Celtic tribe was known as the 'Bretons,' lived in Southern England.  They also came from the North Western Coast of France where they lived, and this area is known today as Brittany which is situated in modern day France.  These two European Caucasian tribes (Germanic and Celtic) roamed and lived within Europe and also trekked into the Middle East and Central Asia where they intermingled, traded and formed marital-type relationships with other groups from these regions. 

Tribal ancestry is not regularly discussed or taught in European schools.  The majority of Europeans, in Western Europe and north of the Swiss Alps, are descendants of possibly three language groups, Latin, Celtic and Germanic tribes and were categorized by their languages.  The majority of the population of the Republic of Ireland and much of Scotland and Wales are descendants of the Celtic Tribes.  The people of England have their origins in both Celtic and Germanic tribes.  From Germany to Scandinavia, the Germanic people lived.  People in Northern Europe became known generically as "The Vikings," and traded all over Europe and Russia which obtaining its name from the Viking word Rus.  The Vikings settled in France and became known as the Normans, who invaded Britain.

These European tribes are actually 'nations' who had a leadership structure.  In many cases, tribes made agreements with other tribes and helped each other.  Historical sources often say that they were warlike people.  This may be exaggerated when one considers that some of these tribes were poorly armed, indicating they were, in fact, hunter-gatherers/farmers who wanted to live in peace.  More likely their environment and land were encroached upon by the Romans or other tribes and these tribes chose to fight back rather than become enslaved.  The historic information from Germanic and Celtic tribes comes primarily from Roman sources.  The Romans paint a rather unflattering view of these tribes considering they fought against Roman rule.  The consensus by Roman sources is that they were uncivilized 'barbarians,' though it was these barbarians who brought the Roman Empire to its knees and laid the foundations for the Europe we know today.

Frisian tribe in the Netherlands

The following quote taken Frisian history From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Frisians appear to have been among the Germanic groups who invaded Britain during the so-called Migration period (Völkerwanderung), as Angles and Saxons travelled from their home base through Frisian territory in what is now northern Germany and central Netherlands.[1]"

history Frisian history

Many or most white Europeans in  the Netherlands came from the Germanic tribes.

"See the history of the Netherlands, from 2000 BC to now. Please note that the coastline from 500BC to 1000AD is not entirely correct. Locations of tribes before 500AD are mostly estimates."

The history of the Netherlands, every year


Germanic Tribes                                                                                                                                                          Anglo Saxon Village

During the 5th Century, the Roman Empire was losing strength both in military numbers and political cohesion.  This was in large part due to numerous nomadic Germanic tribes migrating en masse.  They were migrating primarily due to pressure from invading tribes and vast population growth.  During the Germanic migration, there were many intrusions into different tribal territories as there was very little unoccupied land and this caused a number of wars for land.  They migrated into both Britain and Western Europe and as it's easier to defend fixed settlements they stayed put in areas and strongly defended what soon became fixed territories. The Germanic people had strong militaristic identities and their warriors were devoted to their military leaders and chieftains.  Germanic leaders, Odoacer and Theodoric the Great shaped later European civilizations.

 9 A.D. Three Roman Legions are ambushed and wiped out in a remote German forest during a massive thunderstorm. The severed head of Roman General Varus is sent back to Rome in a box and the Roman attempt to bring Germania into the Empire is stopped dead in its tracks. The battle

Perfect Storms: THE LOST LEGIONS | Full Documentary


3 Things About Germanic Tribes

The Germanic Tribes


  • The Roman Empire lost strength during the 5th century; Germanic peoples migrated into Great Britain and Western Europe, and their settlements became fixed territories.
  • Many Germanic tribes merged including the Jutes with the Danes in Denmark, the Geats and Gutes with the Swedes in Sweden, and the Angles and the Saxons in England.
  • Germanic peoples had a strong military and warriors were fiercely devoted to their military leaders or chieftains.
  • Political leaders Odoacer and Theodoric the Great, shaped later European civilizations.

Source: Boundless. “The Germanic Tribes.” Boundless World History I: Ancient Civilizations-Enlightenment. Boundless, 10 Jun. 2016. Retrieved 28 Jun. 2016 from


History of the Germanic Peoples   


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1-5 Germanic Tribes 1 - Barbarians Against Romans


Who were the Goths and Vandals?

What on Earth Happened to the Goths?

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Ancient Celts: Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain DOCUMENTARY

Welshman here, always makes me sad yet proud to see the triumph and struggles of my people. 'Lloegr' (the land that was lost) is still our word for England today. As he says, our story goes on. Glad to see Welsh was the most learned language in the UK during lockdown on Duolingo!
There is a really interesting old english poem called “the ruin” from the 8th or 9th century which has some interesting reflections on Roman ruins in England. Worth a read.
Thomas Jefferson proposed that one side of the seal of the United States have Hengist and Horsa saying: “the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we assumed.” The beauty of history is how deeply it is intertwined, sometimes we forget that it was a series of related steps that leads to now—even as obvious as it seems.
Nice history, nice graphics, good job! But it would have been even nicer if you had included the Frisian (from N Netherlands) invasion as a subset of the Angle invasion, their apparent allies. Some believed leftovers of the Frisian invasion are the villages of Frizinghall in Bradford and Frieston in Lincolnshire. There are also reports of Franks among the Saxons, it is uncertain if they were Riparian(river Rhine) Franks (S Netherlands) or the Franks who had invaded and settled in N France and later produced Charlemagne. But i do not think there are any village names which might "prove" this. Still, Kudos on your good video!
"Your ancestors shed their blood conquering this land, one day you will have to do the same" - Uhtred son of Uhtred.
As a native Welsh speaker I can tell you Lloegr is still the modern name for England in Welsh. The word for an English person is Sais (singular) or Season (plural) literally meaning Saxon. Despite England's attempts to crush our culture and erase our language for centuries there is still 900,000 speakers of Cymraeg (Welsh) in Cymru (Wales) alone.

A Tribute To 10 Lesser Known Germanic Tribes (With Germanic Choir Music)

iron agg

Living in the Past (1978 Iron Age reality tv) - part 1


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Technology of the Goths - Barbarian Batlle Tech Documentary
This video shows the technology of the Germanic and Celtic tribes.

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CaesarGallic War

Germanic peoples Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Gallic Wars[a] were waged between 58 and 50 BC by the Roman general Julius Caesar against the peoples of Gaul (present-day France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland). Gallic, Germanic, and British tribes fought to defend their homelands against an aggressive Roman campaign. The Wars culminated in the decisive Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, in which a complete Roman victory resulted in the expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of Gaul. Though the Gallic military was as strong as the Romans, the Gallic tribes' internal divisions eased victory for Caesar. Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix's attempt to unite the Gauls under a single banner came too late. Caesar portrayed the invasion as being a preemptive and defensive action, but historians agree that he fought the Wars primarily to boost his political career and to pay off his debts. Still, Gaul was of significant military importance to the Romans. Native tribes in the region, both Gallic and Germanic, had attacked Rome several times. Conquering Gaul allowed Rome to secure the natural border of the river Rhine.

The Wars began with conflict over the migration of the Helvetii in 58 BC, which drew in neighboring tribes and the Germanic Suebi. By 57 BC, Caesar had resolved to conquer all of Gaul. He led campaigns in the east, where the Nervii almost defeated him. In 56 BC, Caesar defeated the Veneti in a naval battle and took most of northwest Gaul. In 55 BC, Caesar sought to boost his public image. He undertook first-of-their-kind expeditions across the Rhine and the English Channel. Rome hailed Caesar as a hero upon his return from Britain, though he had achieved little beyond landing because his army had been too small. The next year, he returned with a proper army and conquered much of Britain. Tribes rose up on the continent, and the Romans suffered a humiliating defeat. 53 BC saw a brutal pacification campaign. This failed, and Vercingetorix led a revolt in 52 BC. Gallic forces won a notable victory at the Battle of Gergovia, but the Romans' indomitable siege works at the Battle of Alesia crushed the Gallic coalition.

please read full article. Germanic peoples Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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The ancient German warriors were famed for their fearlessness and bravery on the battlefield. Julius Caesar employed them in his army during his Conquest of Gaul and the Roman Civil War.

How Julius Caesar's Fearsome German Cavalry Led Him to Victory


Read 34436 times Last modified on Monday, 30 September 2024 04:16