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Governments using covid vaccines to killed their own people is Democide. Alex Jones Democide Alex Jones breaks down this recent history of governments killing their own people   DEATH BY GOVERNMENT Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
He is one of the best rulers ever to rule Europe, most of Italy and many Gallic and Germanic tribes. Charlemagne - Father of the Holy Roman Empire Documentary @kennylong7281   (edited) His name in English is "Charles the Great" His name in German is: "Karl der…
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Winter Patriots: A Revolutionary War Tale (Full Movie)  The Winter Patriots explores one of the darkest moments of the American Revolution and how the Continental Army, under the command of General George Washington, was able to save the cause of independence through one brilliant military campaign…
Published in Inspiring Change
Krampus: Origins of the Yuletide Monster | Monstrum   The Truth About Afghanistan A leading Medical Doctor while treating multiple heads of state learned of UN Plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines. BREAKING: Whistleblowing Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN Directed…
Published in Religions & Faiths
REVEALED: Hidden History Of The Khazar Kingdom  Brian Wilson breaks down the history of Khazaria and the controversial hypothesis that explains the origin of Jewish people in central and eastern Europe.   Many Jews are actually Germans, who are descendants from German tribes in Europe. Khazars: History…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Anglo-Saxon paganism” refers to the Germanic pagan traditions brought to Britain in the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon Paganism: Gods  What were the pre-Christian religious traditions of England like? This two part series serves as an introduction to Anglo-Saxon paganism. In this video we will look at the…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Enclosure: How the English Lost Their Lands   Arif Rahman 0.06% 0f population owning more then half the land in UK. I feel sorry for folks who are priced out of limited supply of houses in UK. ?                
Published in Culture & Heritage
87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period.   Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation                          
Published in Inspiring Change
The First Horse Riders | Horse Domestication on the Eurasian Steppe   Dan Davis Author  Who were the first horse riders in history? We know about horse domestication but knowing who were the first horsemen is more difficult. The idea of the Yamnaya Bronze Age horse warrior…
Published in Culture & Heritage
I'd imagine that Europe is full of these cultures, yet still buried under the earth Bronze Age People - The Cucuteni-Trypillia Culture  The Cucuteni–Trypillia culture (or Tripolye culture) spanned the Neolithic the Copper Age and the early Bronze Age. They are one the of most impressive civilisations…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Organ trafficking controlled by Ukrainian Security Service Over the past 9 years, the Ukrainian government has adopted numerous laws facilitating organ transplantation. In 2021, the Ukrainian parliament approved law 5831, stipulating Ukrainians, including children, can become organ donors posthumously without their notarised consent and without relatives’…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  Why has Sinn Féin’s Support Collapsed?     Leo resigns. Jake in Kiev. Ukraine & Poland, one country. Scholz, Russia not strong. Macron workou    @eps0m1066 The Irish leader resigns citing fatigue, but will shortly and suddenly find new found energy for the new job, as…
 Christmas Originally Was a Celebration of the Conversion of Pagans to Christianity   Christmas Originally Was a Celebration of the Conversion of Pagan Germans to Christianity   Many fundamentalist Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas because they believe it is merely a pagan celebration of the winter solstice…
Published in Religions & Faiths