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Ireland Globalist Run

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The Irish leader resigns citing fatigue, but will shortly and suddenly find new found energy for the new job, as a pay off from his contacts in the WEF. He leaves behind a severely damaged country, courtesy of his govt’s policies; most notably unregulated mass immigration that has caused a major housing crisis, health services to be at breaking point & a huge rise in crime. 


Sinn Fein IRA trained PLO terrorists in bomb making in camps in Libya back in the 1980s. So yeah the Irish have always supported the Palestinians.


Varadkar didn't quit over Zelensky, he quit because of the mass immigration in Ireland and the locals are going to go crazy soon , rumours are he had a death threat from the paramilitaries


Varadkhar did push to change the constitution removing family and women and marriage as special and unique under it and substituting durable relationships as equal in status. He himself is gay and in a long term relationship which he promoted as durable then like most hypocrites he was caught by journalists seeing a younger man not his partner.
This combined with constant promotion of woke politics and open ended migration and trying to pass anti free speech law's that's destroying Irish culture internally in a country lacking in even basic housing even for middle class families.
He and all the major parties in Ireland are vastly out of touch and all of these pro EU, pro globalist elites including Sinn Fein are in for a shock come the elections.
The Irish people have had enough of them putting themselves and all the world ahead of Ireland. It could get worse if nothing changes the Irish people are not frightened of it and of all the people's of western Europe most likely to resort to it. No other people in Europe have a better reputation for confronting unwanted governments by force and have done so continually for 800 years resisting governments they didn't want.
To this extent these politicians in Ireland are playing with fire in a petrol station. The Irish are not polite English people and it wouldn't end well,, they are not French and stop at blocking roads or throwing a dead sheep in someone's garden. Ireland may seem secure at the moment by EU and woke globalists but in a place like Ireland that could change in a moment and trigger revolution and violence supported by the people.
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Irish President Michael D Higgins (left) is Jewish Globalist.


"I don't care if the Irish National Identity disappears" ...... Leo Veradku
Comment: Both UK and Irish prime ministers have Indian connections. Both leaders support white replacement.


Doesn't look Irish to me.


Another Indian sneaks into power In Europe
UK, Ireland And Portugal all have Indian ?? Origin Prime Minister

Jewish Representative Council of Ireland - Irish President ...

Facebook › JRCIreland › photos" data-viewer-group="1">
29 jan. 2020 — Irish President Michael D. Higgins with Leonard Abrahamson, President of the Jewish Representative Council of Ireland at the 75th ..
 irish protesting n
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Ireland’s anti-immigration backlash has spiralled into country-wide unrest in recent months after a sharp rise in the number of foreigners arriving onto its shores. Protests, arson attacks and hardening anti-immigration views have transfused Irish politics with a fervour not seen since the Troubles. Freelance journalist Michael Murphy went to Ireland for the Telegraph to find out what Irish people make of the growing strife.
Why are Euro-centric countries expected to take in immigrants? Nobody complains that Russia, China, and Japan aren't taking in immigrants. And god forbid European's not wanting to change their culture to accommodate the culture and religions of these immigrants. Yet, the West is expected to abide by Middle Eastern and the East's culture otherwise it's "disrespectful".

We are facing similar circumstances in Canada: Canadians are facing an unprecedented housing crisis, with many working and middle class people simply not being able to afford basic housing. And yet our government has allowed 4 million immigrants into the country within just the past year (the biggest population increase since the baby boom!). There is a reason why the majority of western countries are facing the same issue. Thankfully, more of us are working up and seeing the situation for what it is: the controlled demolition of democratic nations.

//"> @klouise2800

Wow, first time I am aware that Ireland is facing the same situation as the United States. I am in Canada and I know that illegal immigration is also a problem here but mainly illegals are coming through Canada to get to the United States which is destroying their country in every way. Our government keeps ensuring that hundreds of thousands of immigrants come here but we cannot handle the large increase as our health care, housing, etc is stretched to the limits and our own citizens are living in tent cities now. What is happening to our world??
As a swede and someone who is conservative I've seen the tragic outcomes that the progressive immigration policies have had on our country. It has totally destroyed our nation and made our people even more segregated than ever. We've lost our safety, morals and many people due to the effects of letting anyone and everyone in just because "we" want to be "nice". There is nothing nice about open borders and I don't want the Irish people to witness the same things as Sweden has. I stand by these people who march and go against the progressive movement because in all reality they aren't helping anyone just making everything worse. Love from Sweden to Ireland!!!
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 Race: Leo Varadkar is from Indian parents from India. He is promoting white replacement ,Genocide of whites in Ireland.

land set for youngest PM, an openly gay son of immigrants

Governing Fine Gael party elects Leo Varadkar, marking watershed moment in country once overwhelmingly Catholic, socially conservative

Fine Gael TD for Dublin West and Minister for Social Protection, Leo Varadkar celebrates victory, after winning the party leadership election, at the National Count Centre in Mansion House, Dublin on June 2, 2017. (Paulo Nunes dos Santos/AFP)

DUBLIN, Ireland (AFP) — Ireland looked set Friday to have its first openly gay prime minister after the governing Fine Gael party elected Leo Varadkar leader, a further sign of change in the once deeply conservative country.

The 38-year-old son of an Indian doctor, who will replace Enda Kenny, will also be Ireland’s youngest-ever premier, assuming his nomination is confirmed as expected by parliament on June 12.

His victory marks a watershed moment in Ireland, a once overwhelmingly Catholic and socially conservative country, with the Irish Times calling it a “new dawn.”


In his acceptance speech, Varadkar said he was “delighted and humbled” at his win, secured with strong backing from parliamentarians, although a majority of ordinary party members backed his rival Simon Coveney.

“I think if my election as leader of Fine Gael today has shown anything, it is that prejudice has no hold in this Republic,” he said, to applause and cheering at Dublin’s Mansion House.

“I know when my father travelled 5,000 miles to make his home in Ireland, I doubt he ever dreamed that his son would one day grow up to be its leader.”

“That despite his differences, his son would be treated the same and judged by his actions and character not his origins or identity.”

Varadkar said he was “ready for the challenges ahead” as the leader of a minority administration.

One of the biggest of these challenges is Brexit — Ireland is the only member of the European Union which shares a land border with Britain.

Same-sex marriage

Varadkar campaigned on same-sex marriage and liberalizing abortion laws, although like the majority of his party colleagues, he is an advocate of tight fiscal restraint.

But he has also been accused of pushing the country’s centrist consensus to the right, campaigning against welfare “cheats” and promising to lead a party for “people who get up in the morning.”

Irish nationalist and leader of the Sinn Fein political party Gerry Adams in an interview with the BBC in 2010 (screenshot: YouTube)
Irish nationalist and leader of the Sinn Fein political party Gerry Adams in an interview with the BBC in 2010 (screenshot: YouTube)

Gerry Adams, leader of Sinn Fein, warned: “Fine Gael will be dragged even further to right under his leadership and that can only mean further hardship for ordinary people.”

The telegenic Varadkar made all the running in the race to become next party leader, attracting many early public endorsements from high-profile members of his party.

A member of Fine Gael since he was a teenager, he took 60 percent of votes in the leadership contest, while Coveney, housing minister and his only rival, took 40%.

The overall result including the votes of party members, local representatives and parliamentarians went in his favor, although Varadkar actually lost the popular vote by 35% to 65%.

Under Fine Gael’s electoral college system, parliamentary party members account for 65% of the overall vote, councillors 10% and ordinary members 25%.

Varadkar attracted 51 of 73 parliamentary party members against 22 for Coveney. But there will be concern that the grassroots appear to consider him second best.

Kenny has been Fine Gael leader for 15 years and prime minister for six years, since his coalition government took office in 2011.

Viewed as a capable if somewhat unspectacular leader who pulled Ireland back from the brink after it was laid low by the financial crisis, Kenny will step down when Varadkar is confirmed by parliament.

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Race: Leo Varadkar is from Indian parents from India. He is promoting white replacement ,Genocide of whites in Ireland.
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Posted on November 9, 2022

People ‘Afraid to Walk the Streets’ as One-Fifth of Irish Town Now Migrants

Peter Caddle, Breitbart, November 7, 2022

One councillor has claimed that her constituents have been left “afraid to walk the streets” after an influx of asylum seekers into her town, where migrants now reportedly make up over one-fifth of the population.

A number of Councillors in the Irish town of Killarney have warned that people are living in fear as a result of a recent influx of migrants into the area.

With over one-fifth of the town’s population now being migrants, the surge mirrors a nationwide increase in the number of non-Ukrainian asylum seekers in Ireland.

Such arrivals have likely been boosted by the open borders policies of the country’s government, with Ireland’s Justice Minister, Helen McEntee, earlier this year implementing a near-blanket amnesty for illegal migrants already living on the island.

According to a report by local paper the Killarney Advertiser, the number of migrants in the town has “increased dramatically in recent weeks due to the Government’s commitment to house an uncapped number of refugees”.

Overall, more than 3,200 asylum seekers are said to be in the town, which — before the influx — only had a population of 10,360 people

Various people from inside the town have since reportedly contacted the paper saying that they are concerned regarding their own safety in the wake of the arrivals, with the publication describing them as “living in fear”.

“I know for a fact that there are people actually afraid to walk the streets or walk down along the road,” local Councillor Marie Moloney is reported as saying during a Killarney Municipal District meeting earlier this week.


Another councillor, Donal Grady, meanwhile told the publication that “they [the migrants] are the ones causing all the trouble”.

“They are not respecting our town,” he said. {snip}



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The world is becoming truly multipolar, and Asia plays key role – Putin



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Government  admits the virus known as "SARS-CoV-2", aka COVID-19, is not scientifically known to exist.

  Government Of Ireland Admits NO Proof SARS-CoV-2 Exists!

A reporter out of Ireland was able to obtain documents from the government that admits the virus known as "SARS-CoV-2", aka COVID-19, is not scientifically known to exist.

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1000 COVID Stories.

Thousands of Covid -19 vaccine injured.

l Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public



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  AV10 - Gemma O'Doherty - Challenging State Corruption in Ireland


Published on May 2019

Gemma O’Doherty is a multi award-winning journalist whose work has shone a light on some of the darkest corners of Irish life.

Former Campaigning Journalist of the Year, her investigations have led to the reopening of a number of unsolved murder cases involving police corruption and political interference.


 Britain Globalist Run

The former city of London mayor Boris Johnson is now the prime minister of Brittan. He received a landslide victory by campaigning to take Britain out of the European common market. He campaigned on returning Britain's fishing waters and give the British people the right to govern their land. Yet, there is a lack of evidence that Boris Johnson has ever been pro-white. The countless articles mention that Boris aspires to provide amnesty to the illegal's who are living in Britain and that he has been negotiating with African countries to bring in African immigrates into Brittan.

Many suspects that Boris has campaigned to take Britain out of the common market because hundreds of thousands, even millions of white Europeans, have been moving in from Europe continent, and this is slowing the process of " British white replacement with third world population." Now that Brittan is out of the common market, the Europeans moving into Britain may slow down.

The British population had been puzzled over the years why white people have virtually no rights, and the media slanders them regularly. They do not realize that Britain is governed by people who have no regard for whites or any other races. We must remember during the British Empire when the elite and the royal family ruled most of the world, they made billions out of the empire, many British people fought and died the globalist wars, and many British lived in poverty.

"The city of London," which is the world's top financial center, has a lot of power with the British rulers and the Globalist who owns the media are connected to the city of London and the royal families. Many Globalists in Britain are Zionist, and their loyalty is to Zionism and Israel. They have no commitment or regard to Britain, and its indigenous people.

You'll find there are many Christian Zionists in the Christian churches who are moving third world populations to replace white people in western countries including Britain. The Christian churches might recognize indigenous rights for indigenous minorities, yet crazy enough, they don't recognize indigenous rights for the majority, including native British whites.

The most politically and well-organized organizations in Britain are the Jewish community, and most Jewish organizations are campaigning for the third world population to replace white gentile Christians in all white countries, including Britain. If you were to campaign against them, you would be called anti-Semitic or a racist. Yet, they're the real racist and real anti-semantic because they're bringing Muslims into the country that hate and attack European white Jews and whites.

The leaders of these political parties should have built a community-based organization to carter to the British people and their rights.

They could have had fundraisers to finance a legal anti-defamation league to fight in the British supree court and world courts against the invasion of their country, indigenous rights, and the right for everybody on the planet to have self-determination.


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Default Re: So, what's wrong with the Jews?

It's not so much the Culture of Critique that really did me in as Dr Macdonald's response to John Derbyshire:From the second link in "How Did This Happen?" from my signature:Dr MacDonald's response to the John Derbyshire review appearing in The American Conservative, March 10, 2003.Who is John Derbyshire (someone who is racially aware, just not Jewish Supremacist aware):John Derbyshire, posted in the Online National Review, in reference to Great Britain
Yet as satisfying as it may to pin it all on Britain’s insufferably arrogant ruling elites, the country is a democracy, and the people had plenty of opportunities to make their voices heard. In 1968 a leading English politician, Enoch Powell, made a well-publicized and colorful speech in which he deplored the incoming flood of immigrants, and predicted, pretty accurately, the problems his country would face in the future if the process was not reversed. Powell was promptly sacked from his posts in the Conservative Party (then in opposition) and all the panjandrums of the British establishment denounced him. Yet a poll taken at the time showed that74 per cent of the public agreed with his opinions. Why did that 74 per cent not translate into actual government policies through the ballot box? Presumably because, when time came to vote, people thought other things were more important; and also because citizens were willing to be browbeaten by their elites into being ashamed of their own feelings — to believe, because politicians, intellectuals, clergymen and TV talking heads told them so, that their own instinctive national pride, which had preserved their country’s independence for a thousand years, was a sinful thing, a species of that greatest of all modern sins, “racism”.



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New World Order (Deep State) Rules Britain, Australia and the United States.

The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild the, Vatican and the British Crown Rule the World - 2017


Read 2617 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 July 2024 00:49