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ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools

“HOMOSEXUALS BRAINWASHING OUR CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!” reports Mass Resistance, a family oriented Lobby Group.

In an alarming expose’ of videos shown to Elementary School children, indoctrinating them into anal sex & vile lesbian conduct, Mass Resistance urges us all to speak out now and stop the homosexual activists from corrupting our youth.

Both the ACLU, whose leadership are all Jews and the Jewish-controlled Media, are promoting homosexuality, lesbianism, and all abnormal abominations - all of which are rotting away our once Christian nation.

As far as I am concerned, I think we have had enough of their wretched influence on our lives!

Now I wish for all of you to say a prayer to the Lord of Hosts to stop this outrage as you click Here (wait for download) to see & view how homosexuals and lesbians are indoctrinating elementary school children into their deviant sexual behaviour.

Please pray along with me, “Oh Lord - Protect Our Children & Our Nation
Against The Anti Christian Forces Surrounding Us!”


  • Bulletinman April 14, 2008 @ 6:12 pm

    Coming from a “Jewish” family I have seen the light. The so called Jews, they call themselves jews but do lie are hell bent on sending this nation to hell. The sad thing about it the whole thing is that the main stream Christian church and media aid and abet them in their crusade to bring their form of Communiism to America.


  • Jack August 4, 2009 @ 3:41 am

    Israelis mourn ‘gay murder’ victims:

    Hundreds of members and supporters of Israel’s homosexual community have rallied in Tel Aviv a day after a masked gunman killed two people at a gay youth centre.

    Protesters with rainbow-coloured flags mourned the 17-year-old girl and 26-year-old man who died in the shootings and bouquets of flowers were laid outside the centre on Sunday.

    Police are continuing to search for the gunman who was dressed in black and opened fire indiscriminately at the “Cafe Noir” headquarters of the local lesbian and gay rights association on the city’s Nachmani street.

    ‘Incitement to hate’

    Mike Hamel, a gay rights activist whose organisation runs the youth club, said the centre was meant to be a safe place where gay teenagers, many of whom were still concealing their sexual identity from their families and friends, could meet with counsellors and other teenagers.

    He blamed religious incitement against homosexuals for the attack.

    “Beyond the pain, the frustration and the anger, we are facing a situation in which the incitement to hate creates an environment that allows this to happen,” Hamel said.

    Tel Aviv’s mayor, Cabinet ministers, the country’s chief rabbis and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned the attack.

    “We’ll bring him to justice and exercise the full extent of the law against him,” Netanyahu said at the Israeli cabinet’s weekly meeting.


    Nitzan Horowitz, Israel’s only openly gay lawmaker, called the attack a “hate crime”.

    “This is the worst attack ever against the gay community in Israel,” he said.

    “This act was a blind attack against innocent youths, and I expect the authorities to exercise all means in apprehending the shooter.”

    Micky Rosenfeld, a police spokesman, said the attack was “most likely a criminal attack and not a terror attack,” while representatives of the gay community described it as “homophobic”.

    The report described the scene as a “bloodbath”.

    ‘All in shock’

    Police have ordered the temporary closure of all gay clubs in the Israeli city.

    Nitzan Horowitz, Israel’s only openly gay member of parliament, condemned the shooting as a “hate crime”.

    He called it “without a doubt the biggest ever attack on the Israeli gay community”.

    “We are all in shock,” he said.

    Coastal, cosmopolitan Tel Aviv has a bustling gay scene, but open homosexuality is less welcome in conservative areas of Israel.

    Annual gay pride parades in Jerusalem often turn violent with protests instigated by ultra-Orthodox Jews.




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Read 2934 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 June 2023 07:08