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Free To Learn Schooling Join Our Coalition New organization launches $1 million campaign to fight critical race theory in schools The despicable movement propagating hate-filled critical race theory in schools is now getting pushback from a new education organization that has had enough. (Article by Joseph…
Published in Organizations
ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools “HOMOSEXUALS BRAINWASHING OUR CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!” reports Mass Resistance, a family oriented Lobby Group. In an alarming expose’ of videos shown to Elementary School children, indoctrinating them into anal sex & vile lesbian conduct, Mass Resistance urges us all…
Published in Inspiring Change
  The Fightback Against Critical Race Theory   Teachers against the CRT ( critical race theory, raciem against whites) & promoted mainly by Jewish Communist Zionist Globalist and dumb gentile traitors.   Virginia teacher resigns over critical race theory in emotional speech  ‘The Madness of Crowds’ author…
Published in Inspiring Change
          Teachers Union President Calls School Reopenings 'White Supremacy'     Rumble — Recent remarks from the president of a Washington state teachers union have led to public criticism. Despite warnings of #children’s mental #health, he said that opening schools is a form…
Published in Legal & Politics
  Children of Utopia - Documentary about the Hutterites (1999)  The great social Utopia of the last centuries produced several attempts of "utopic communes". The "Hutterischen Brüder", one of them, still exists in the south of Canada. In 400 kibbuzlike communities 40.000 members are living in the…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Putin, Kim and new multipolar world. Sullivan, striking Russia is common sense. Conflict in Lebanon   Putin-Kim summit: North Korea vows full support for Russia’s "sacred fight" against West, Ukraine   News North Korea sent Russia millions of munitions in exchange for food: Seoul South Korea says…
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