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CHINA New Silk Road? OR KISSINGER (Jewish) ROCKEFELLER (Gentile) ROTHSCHILD (Jewish) WALL STREET ENGLAND, ISRAEL BELT/ROAD? OR THE EAST INDIAN TREDING COMPANY? I Run 4 Ultra  Edited. China's New Silk Road in Europe | DW DocumentaryDW Documentary4.45M subscribers  uisburg is home to Europe's biggest inland port, and…
Published in Inspiring Change
Candace Owen Destroys And Humiliates Rabbi “Buttplug” Shmuley In Debate Army   How about just deport the Muslims then both Christians and Jews could be safe      kevaNew “With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can subsidize all state loans, and thereafter hold the…
Published in Inspiring Change
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade February 3, 2020  The links below from the above article.  Mathew Nolan Jewish Slave Trade Christopher Columbus Who Brought the Slaves to America?     Marcus Garvey - “The African Slave Trade”        Jews Owned & Sold Black…
                    Home Store FAQ Contact Us Jews Scapegoating Blacks: A Long History of Hate August 31, 2010 NOI Research News 0 Scapegoating is a serious act. When one scapegoats another person or people, one falsely accuses him or…
  Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation                          
Published in Inspiring Change
    Alex Jones Just Interviewed Elon Musk- WATCH NOW       ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools ACLU Articles, ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Schools, The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture ACLU JEWS PROMOTE PERVERSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010…
Published in Organizations
SLAVIC WORLD Hidden Facts about Slavery in America - Jewish slave owners, Irish slaves Hidden Facts about Slavery in America Jews and Slavery:"The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339,…
    How culpable were Dutch Jews in the slave trade?          “How long will the Jewish role in slavery be hidden?”   Jewish Supremacism Home Jewish Supremacism Jewish Role in African Slave Trade Admitted by Rabbi in New Jewish Book Jewish Role in…
  Africa demands slavery compensations for decades, but only receives apologies   This week marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery, and the UN has called for slavery reparations for the ancestors of forcibly transported and exploited Africans. Nigerian journalist Timothy Obiezu has…
Published in Inspiring Change
The Globalists have conditioned us to believe Christianity was behind the African slave trade. The Globalists have successfully conditioned us to believe Christianity was behind the African slave trade. They have promoted this idea to create guilt in the White Christian population so that the White Christians…
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  The mystery of Azores In the Atlantic Ocean there lays a group of nine spectator Islands (all volcanic in origin) called the Azores which resembles many of the descriptions of a lost island in the Atlantic. Many people are not unaware of archaeologists currently studying over…
Published in Culture & Heritage
    Ukrainian agony - The concealed war  hn Morley. These guys produce very professional videos but this (linked below) is the best documentary I ever saw when it comes to Ukraine. is important because it discredits the Western News Media.It shows what really happened and…
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    What are Elves?                                
Published in Culture & Heritage
How Rome Conquered Greece - Roman History DOCUMENTARY The Perfectly Preserved Roman Boat Hidden Near The Rhine | Time Team | Odyssey     Upon marching on Rome, Caesar took with him one out of his nine Legions: the 13th. This is the full history of that…
Published in Culture & Heritage
    FOC SPECIAL Show: The Truth About St. Patrick’s Day that You DIDN’T Know - Holiday Special - Historian Bill Federer   Whites with Chinese wife's loyal to Chinese     Lawyer: Pence Can Deny Electoral Votes From Fraudulent States & Save America — FULL SHOW…
Published in Culture & Heritage