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Iranians celebrate year’s longest night at Yalda festival  
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Full Length) The cartels of Juarez, Mexico, are at war with a group of Mormons, some of whom are related to Mitt Romney. We went there to document the conflict, meet Romney's Mormon family, and find out more about…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Jews are infiltrating the “right wing” parties, claiming to be “anti-immigrant” now that the damage is done.    From the NEW AMERICAN  Right-wing European Parties Seek Jewish Support  1 January 2019 Right-wing European Parties Seek Jewish Support Written by  Steve Byas     font size Print Email…
Published in Organizations
20 years later: how the Iraq War began.  This January marks 20 years since the notorious address of then-US President George Bush, that led to the full-scale invasion of Iraq, leaving destruction and death in its wake.   Globalist Created Wars in Syria He’s EXPOSING the truth…
Published in Organizations
Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story Anni Cyrus' presentation at an IFI event in summer 2018 on Islam.
Published in Religions & Faiths
 "As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come."     All these racist Jewish ideas in this article are manmade beliefs and not made…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  Why has Sinn Féin’s Support Collapsed?     Leo resigns. Jake in Kiev. Ukraine & Poland, one country. Scholz, Russia not strong. Macron workou    @eps0m1066 The Irish leader resigns citing fatigue, but will shortly and suddenly find new found energy for the new job, as…
    Bill Gates Says Math Is 'White Supremacy'     Patton Bill fuck you piece of shit Zionist fucken insect cunt pedo   OverThrowTheLeft I say Bill Gates is an idiotic, inhuman, psychopath who needs to be found, arrested, and put on death row. He is…
Published in Legal & Politics
The Royal Family: David I Part 2 | True Crime Podcast 66   BLACK DRAGON KEMPO 4 weeks ago Prince Andrew could be caught standing over a dead body with a bloody knife in his hand and would never be convicted. Royals are above us mortals.  …
Published in Organizations
How Communist Party infiltration of both Protestant and Catholic Churches in America   Dr. William Luther Pierce- A Message To White Christian Zionists   Recognizing the powerful hold that Christianity had on American culture and society, the Communist Party of the United States began an ongoing program…
Published in Religions & Faiths
    Historian David Irving Explains How Jews Themselves Are Responsible For Ending Up In Auschwitz September 15, 2019 By CFT Team 5 Comments In this video from a book tour in the 1990s, British historian David Irving explains how he had come to the conclusion that…
Published in Legal & Politics
        Above Phone - Stopping Big Tech & Government Spying TODAY!                   Hakeem Anwar from Above Phone joins Maria Zeee to expose the ways in which governments and big tech are spying on us through our…
Published in Organizations
 Christmas Originally Was a Celebration of the Conversion of Pagans to Christianity   Christmas Originally Was a Celebration of the Conversion of Pagan Germans to Christianity   Many fundamentalist Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas because they believe it is merely a pagan celebration of the winter solstice…
Published in Religions & Faiths
          Teachers Union President Calls School Reopenings 'White Supremacy'     Rumble — Recent remarks from the president of a Washington state teachers union have led to public criticism. Despite warnings of #children’s mental #health, he said that opening schools is a form…
Published in Legal & Politics
Tajik traditions and customs in the Navroz celebration.   Navroz Show from Tajikistan     WE JEWS LOOK FORWARD, NOT TO ITS ULTIMATE UNION WITH OTHER RACES, BUT TO ITS TRIUMPH OVER THEM Rabbi Blacks & monkeys Some Jewish consider all Gentiles as animals, the following video…
Published in Culture & Heritage