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Laura Loomer (Jewish) is Suing Rashida Tlaib for Assault-with Special Guests Laura Loomer & Larry Klayman (Jewish). Laura Loomer is Suing Rashida Tlaib for Assault – with Special Guests Laura L Click to Watch Video    Go to and Support Our Citizens Grand Juries and Join…
Published in Politics & Legal
 "It is essential that the sufferings of Jews becomes worse"  Zionist Jew Theodor Herzl.   Globalism, Zionism & Jewish Agenda   Richard Grove on the Rothschilds and WWI [edi… Richard Grove on the Rothschilds and WWI [edit] Jews make great Spies Matti Friedman is a frank admission…
Published in Archives
  Фильм - сказка "Хранитель" от Вятских Сказок     | русская озвучка | Angel Warriors | 铁血娇娃 | 2013 год| Китай     Rogers' Rangers raid Fort Ticonderoga during the French and Indian War.   Fort Ti 1953 Western George Montgomery Joan Vohs Irving Bacon  …
The greatness of Darius was the greatness of position and not of character. History of Darius the Great Home / Ancient History / History of Darius the Great   Jacob Abbott History of Darius the Great Paperback, Hardcover The story of the founder of the Achaemenid, or…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Former CIA/DoD scientist Dr. Robert Duncan discusses biohacking, cybernetic mind control, mass shooters & the circumstances surrounding Myron May & Aaron Alexis with author Tyrone Dew. "Mass Shooters, Biohacking & Cybernetic Mind Control" Dr. Robert Duncan
Published in Legal & Politics
  Marine Le Pen EXPOSED | Verdant ServantJust a Dude37.7K follower     Unraveling the tangled web of Marine Le Pen: In 'Marine Le Pen EXPOSED', author Verdant Servant peels back the layers of deception surrounding the French presidential candidate and her party, the National Front. Delving…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  JEWISH ROLE IN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION (RUSSIA 1918)   Witnesses and cables from the American Embassy about the Jewish role in Bolshevik Revolution     THE TIMES OF ISRAEL     Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White…
    Monday, May 13, 2024   Front news   Dr. Peter McCullough reveals how many doctors were bribed to push COVID jabs This raises some serious questions. May 12, 2024     Photo Credit: / Small photo © Karolina Grabowska / Pexelsworld-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter…
Published in Hot Stories 2
PayPal Bans Tommy Robinson So He Can't Raise Money to Pay His Jewish Lawyers     The Incredible Story of The PayPal Mafia  Like all great origin stories, The PayPal Mafia is an origin story that deserves to be told and retold. From Social Media to the…
Published in Organizations
 Johnson & johnson Covid 19 drugmakers  CEO Alex Gorsky is Jewish.   Trump Booed For Bringing J&J Vaccine Manufacturers On-stage At Rally     CALAZINFOWARRIOR Look folks. Either Trump is a total sellout or really stupid for bragging he's friends with the demonic JJ heir. Somebody that…
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MYFREEDOCTOR.Com will help you obtain Ivermectin Tablets. Doctor: The Day They Approved a Poison Lethal Injection to be a Vaccine is the Day I Became Antivaxx       johnmark7 Yea Alex, Trump was "hoodwinked." This is becoming pathetic at this point. It's so obvious you refuse…
Published in Organizations
 NEWSWEEK   The Newsweek photographs at top right promote white babies as being racist and to feel sorry for black babies.  Many describe this publication as a false Jewish Zionist publication.  To help stop racist, bigoted attacks, boycott Newsweek by not purchasing it or displaying it, on…
Published in External Articles
Christian's Are God's Chosen People. HOW CAN THE JEWS who oppose their own Messiah, Jesus Christ, be the “Chosen People?” Christians Are God's Chosen People NOT Jews!, Jews & Their Guilt Of Deicide, State Of Israel: Not Biblical Prophecy!, Jews Are NOT The "Chosen People", Why The…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Biden DHS: No Secret Service Protection For RFK Jr. Alex Jones covers that Biden Admin. DHS has not provided secret service protection for RFK Jr. who has over 20% support in DNC polls United States Department of Homeland Security  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The United States…
Published in Organizations
 White European Hurrem Sultan the most powerful Queen of Ottoman Empire   Sultanate of Women     Jane H.     The Life in Harem Documentary  The word harem stems from the Arabic haram or harim, meaning sacred and forbidden. Principally aimed at holding the royal womenfolk…
Published in Culture & Heritage