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The Board of Deputies of British Jews

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 The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a  Zionist supremacist organization.


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 "We are also the foremost point of contact for London’s diplomatic community, and the UK affiliate of the European Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress."

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  Former president of Board of Deputies of British Jews calls for Jeremy Corbyn to be SACRIFICED

Jeremy Corbyn is Jewish.

UK Jews Issue ‘Ten Commandments’ That All Politicians Must Obey To Better Serve Jewish Interests


The Board of Deputies of British Jews — a Jewish and Zionist supremacist organization — has published three separate “Jewish manifestos” outlining their demands for all political candidates to follow in London, Scotland, and Wales, ahead of the forthcoming elections in May:

The detailed manifestos set out a series of issues affecting Jews in each of their local communities. Some of the recommendations, to which it is hoped individual candidates will sign up, are matched in each manifesto, while others are more specific, with individual “policy asks” relevant to the particular community. Board president Marie van der Zyl said: “As our society recovers from the pandemic, these manifestos provide a road map to elected representatives on how they can serve their Jewish constituents. Following the recommendations will help ensure that the [local] Jewish community is supported and valued.”

The Jewish Manifesto for London has been drafted by the London Jewish Forum, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council. The community’s policy priorities are summarised in the manifesto’s “#TenCommitments” that candidates are being asked to support, which include implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, ensuring faith and culturally sensitive provision of public services and opposition to boycotts of Israel.

Adrian Cohen and Andrew Gilbert, co-chairs of the London Jewish Forum, said: “The last year has been incredibly tough for Londoners, including our Jewish community. This manifesto will give our elected officials a guide to addressing the needs of London’s Jewish community as we come out of this pandemic. We very much look forward to working with the next mayor, their team and the London Assembly to support the Jewish community.”

Among the “policy asks” in the London Jewish Manifesto are detailed concerns about transport routes which affect the Jewish community in the capital, including a renewed plea for the linking of bus routes between Stamford Hill and Golders Green, and a request to retain bus routes under threat in outlying areas of London — often relied on by Jewish school students.

In Wales, ahead of the Senedd elections, the Jewish community has launched its Jewish Manifesto in two languages — Welsh and English. It has been drafted by the South Wales Jewish Representative Council and the Board of Deputies. As with London, the community’s policy priorities are summarised in the #TenCommitments / #YDegYmrwtmiad. Laurence Kahn, chair of the South Wales Jewish Representative Council, said: “The Jewish Manifesto for Wales guides Senedd candidates on how they can ensure that Wales continues to be a great place to be Jewish. We urge them to support it.”

The Welsh Jewish Manifesto notes: “Jewish communities must not be forced out of the public square by antisemitism, and we must recognise that increasingly the public square is online. As part of a wider anti online hate strategy, the Welsh government should commit to combatting online antisemitism as well”.

Meanwhile in Scotland, where there are elections pending in Holyrood, there is a Jewish Manifesto drafted by the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council.

As with the other two manifestos, the Scottish one asks candidates in the elections to support its #TenCommitments, again including the implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, ensuring culturally sensitive provision of public services, promoting of links to Israel and supporting anti-racist education.

Noting that “there are Jewish people in every local authority area in Scotland, with substantial communities in the Glasgow area, and in Edinburgh and the Lothians, small but vibrant clusters in Tayside and Fife, and around Aberdeen, and significant numbers of Jewish individuals throughout the whole of Scotland”, the drafters point out that “although there is no single ‘Jewish view’ on many political issues, there is a great deal of unanimity on issues that directly affect the community, and throughout this document, we have sought to represent as much of that consensus as possible”.

A spokesperson for the organisations said: “The last year has been incredibly hard for everyone. So many people have lost, or know someone who has lost, a loved one. As Scotland recovers and rebuilds from the pandemic, this manifesto provides a guide for the next intake of MSPs (members of the Scottish Parliament) on how best to represent Jewish Scots. We look forward to working with the new Scottish Parliament and government on implementing our manifesto proposals, and we urge all candidates and elected representatives to endorse the principles summarised in the #TenCommitments to help ensure that Scotland continues to be a great place to be Jewish.”

This is yet another example of unmitigated “chutzpah” — any other group that attempted to make these same demands would be denounced as “domestic terrorists” — and arrested on “hate crime” charges.

Jews have no interest in making sure that England, Wales and Scotland continue to be “great places to be English, Scottish, and Welsh” — that, of course, would be “antisemitic” and “dangerous.”

Despite their tiny numbers in Wales and Scotland, Jews make it sound that they deserve to have influence completely disproportionate to their actual numbers — which they most certainly do.

In fact, all that the 8,000 Jews in Scotland have to do to get their way is to threaten to leave the country en masse — as if them leaving would somehow be a terrible blow to Scotland’s happiness.

And Scotland’s afro-Pakistani Justice Minister — at the behest of Scotland’s tiny Jewish population — has enacted new draconian laws that will allow the government to literally monitor “hate speech” in people’s private homes.

We can’t have the ethnic Scottish people talking about this tiny Jewish cabal that is running the country — that might cause “another” Holocaust if they found out what’s really going on.

And the proof that there is a powerful Jewish cabal is that it is illegal to criticize them.

Or the fact that when 50 young women were raped and sexually assaulted by members of a Jewish fraternity at Saint Andrews University, no one went to jail — the Jewish perpetrators were allowed to leave the country to escape prosecution.

Jews seem especially concerned about antisemitism in Wales — they actually fire bombed Welsh historian Alan Wilson’s home because his research clearly established that the Welsh people were direct descendants of the ancient Israelites — a fact that directly challenges the false historical identity that Jews have fabricated for themselves.

But these “Ten Commandments” that the Jews have issued to all politicians are nothing new — anyone who crosses the Jews will be publicly humiliated and forced to grovel at their feet begging for forgiveness — just ask MP Neale Hanvey what happens when you object to the ongoing genocide in Palestine.








Read 3602 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 October 2022 02:13