The End of Zionism with Amanda Gelender Aug 18, 2024 A Palestinian-American Lawyer & Jewish-American comedian break down the latest Palestine-related news with commentary & interviews every week. Leaving the Cult of Zion!sm Go to to separate truth from propaganda. Subscribe through my link for…
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Hot Stories 2
Vicki O’Brien, a producer and CEO of Relevant Entertainment. WATCH: Vicki O’Brien of Relevant Entertainment talks about how her production company is bringing “clean” entertainment back to the big scree Vicki O'Brien from elevant Entertainment joins Mike Adams to UNLOAD on Hollywood's…
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Whites must set up Gentile Security Councils in all organizations and political parties. Above Orania Administration Gentile Security Council in each Political Party or Organization. Max Horkheimer, Marxist Jew of the Frankfurt School "The best way to control the opposition is to lead…
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МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ ОБ ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ СОБЫТИЯХ НАШЕЙ СТРАНЫ! Князь Владимир. Фильм в HD. STARMEDIAKIDS Jews In The News "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racialtensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that forcenturies they have been oppressed by whites, we…
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Very few Whites gentiles know that Most Top Movie Stars Are Jews. The anti-Semitic Zionist, False Jewish and misled real White Jews, dominate the media, film and music industry in western countries. The Jewish community practices affirmative action and usually put their people in top positions. By…
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Culture & Heritage
Killing Fields in Cambodia The anti-Semitic Zionists who control the media always talk about the gassing of the 6 million Jews. Not ever or rarely have films been shown of the left-wing Marxists Pol Pot and his followers killing innocent people in Cambodia because they were educated,…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Soul of a Jew, soul of a gentile: Two views
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Religions & Faiths
Aaron Mate on how NATO provoked Russia in Ukraine and undermined peace Even the US Surprised! Turkey Just SHUTS DOWN Russia's Biggest Hope of Important Material Income Russia's BIGGEST Megaproject Surprises Coming in 2025! …
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Hot Stories
This rabbi promotes racist hate and ideas from the man written Talmud which has nothing to do with God. The Talmud is written by racists who have no real understanding of true history. Hess speech does not represent all Jewish thinking. The Talmud should be changes…
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Religions & Faiths
AIDS was created and WHO injected it into millions through the Smallpox vaccines. RULERS OF OUR WORLD: The Committee of 300 is a small group of insidious people who control all aspects of our world. Through MI6 they ordered the murder…
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The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a Zionist supremacist organization. "We are also the foremost point of contact for London’s diplomatic community, and the UK affiliate of the European Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress." Former president of Board of Deputies of British…
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It's hard to find Christian ministers who stand up for White Europeans, exposing the Globalist and speaks their mind. Bertrand L. Comparet is one of those Christian ministers. He sometimes says words that some would say are strong language today. His recording's are interesting and I have…
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Religions & Faiths
COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Gallery Slideshow Useful Links Latest News Under the Wire Episode 110, October 31, 2021 Weekly News Update, October 29, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 109, October 27, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 108, October 24, 2021 Weekly News Update, October…
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God Bless White Europeans For Ending Slavery. The globalist racist mainstream media, education system, and Hollywood only focus on whites owning slaves, even though all races owned slaves, but whites were the first to end the practice. From the dawn of history the different races all…
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Religions & Faiths