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Queensland People's Protest QPP

  • Wednesday, 17 August 2022 21:59
  Dr William Bay - Whats his story? On 7th August, Dr. William Bay stood up at an AMA (Australian Medical Association) conference and started TELLING THE TRUTH in front of dozens of doctors. A heroic thing to do! If only 30% of doctors were like him,…
Unsung pro-life heroes won't stop after Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision The pro-life movement is stronger than ever if the huge turnout at last week's March For Life is any indication. And now there's every reason to anticipate that Roe vs. Wade will come to end…

World Zionist Congress

  • Sunday, 05 February 2023 23:04
 The Zionist World Congress are meeting in Jerusalem Israel this October 2020. What Is The World Zionist Congress? TheWestIsBeingDestroyed  Less than 5% of the population, but with 10s of thousands of Jew NGOs. How many European people (centered) NGOs are there. I suspect, none. Link to original…

A Stand In The Park

  • Wednesday, 27 April 2022 06:18
A Stand in the Park unites people in parks all over the world every Sunday, 10-11am. We ‘Stand in the Park’ to celebrate freedom, diversity, and fairness for all. We invite you to Stand United in your personal Truth. For Freedom.  A Stand In The Park.  …

Who the World Health Organization

  • Tuesday, 18 April 2023 22:35
  Watch: Australian Senator Sends RED ALERT About WHO Pandemic Treaty Watch: Australian Senator Sends RED ALERT About WHO Pandemic Treaty  The Health Organization The Government Tells You To Trust Should NOT Be Trusted