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True Christianity and who is God

  God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. God created the the big bang that created the universe and the world we live on.  God created the Sun, the Moon and all the plants and beyond and where does the universe end, we…

Islamic/Muslim Sharia Law

Sharia Law, also known as the Law of Islam, covers a vast array of topics.  Most legal codes deal only with public behavior, however, Sharia Law also covers private beliefs and behavior.  It can be considered the most intrusive and strict form of legal justice in the…

The 3rd Jewish Temple Prophecy (mirror)

  The 3rd Jewish Temple Prophecy (mirror)                              

White European Paganism, Customs Before Christianity

  The different between paganism and customs Before Christianity moved into Europe, the White Europeans followed customs and beliefs passed down through history from the dawn of their first Adam and Eve and may have been closer to God then we are today. They were closer to…

Islam: Interracial Marriage Can Mean Death

Islam Interracial Marriage Can Mean Death  Many Muslims believe mixed marriages are a sin against God, and one man who spoke his mind on mixed relationships was African American born Cassius Clay, who converted to  Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.   He frequently clashed with…