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Gay Rights and Islam

Sick Beyond Belief: New Show In Netherlands Exposes Children To Naked Transformers   heavywater66 qane Then you are a phony patriot Christian Zionist POS traitor and an idiot too for worshiping the killers of your Messiah! Not even the dumbest Muslim would worship the killers of their…

Christians and God Against Globalism & False Churches

  ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross Docu-clip: Live attack by Genocidal Christians in Rwanda filmed by Peter Rinaldo ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross A wake…

True Christians Exposing False Christians

BREAKING: Infowars Reporter Exposes Private Illegal Alien Smuggling Facility  Chase Geiser joins Alex Jones live from the southern border Eagle Pass, Texas to detail how the Infowars crew was asked to leave the property of Border Hope, an illegal immigrant processing facility. ChrisAZ .Private Illegal Alien Smuggling…

Do Women Lose Rights to Islam ?

  If you study European history, you will find that women are given a lot more respect by European men compared with many other cultures worldwide, where women are considered no more than property and do not have a lot of rights.  Western women need to thank…

Halal (Islam/Muslim) and Kosher (Jewish) Slaughter

In  European countries, there is a growing awareness of the cruel practices of Halal (Islam/Muslim), and Kosher (Jewish), slaughter where animals have their throats cut while they are alive.  This is painful for the animal and brings suffering, and often to the other animals in view.  During…