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Christian & Muslim Wars

 Today 332 years ago, on September 12th 1683, Poland had stopped once and for all the march of Islam into Europe, saving the continent from suffering a similar fate as Anatolya, the Middle East and Northern Africa centuries earlier ..up untill recently.   Muslim invasion of Europe…

Christian Zionism And The Biblical Prophecies

In this talk, Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer discusses how the movement of Christian Zionism preceded Jewish Zionism by at least 50 years and facilitated the establishment of the State of Israel.   The Historical Roots of Christian Zionism, its Theological Basis and Political Agenda Truth Reigns 1 month…

King James Holy Bible

Can We Trust The King James Bible? Brian Wilson is joined by Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church to discuss the history and reliability of the King James Bible- can this translation truly be called the word of God?       William Tyndall  …

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In Europe

  In our news animated historical documentary series we will cover the Thirty Years' War - one of the most bloody conflicts in history, an all-European conflict which often spilled out of the continent. The first phase of this war is known as Bohemian, as the Bohemians…

Reform Islam, Imam Mohammad Tawhidi Speaks

  Imam Mohammad Tawhidi speaks at Australian Senate Committee Hearing on Australian Citizenship  Imam Mohammad Tawhidi speaks Imam Tawhidi answers questions of Senators at a committee hearing into the Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship.   Pauline Hanson's Please Explain   Mikhail Gorbachev…