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Long live Europe 3

Published on Nov 1, 2016
A video from the heart, the most precious possession you have in the whole world is your own people, I put this together to express how I feel about this. Please enjoy. Music used: Two Steps From Hell - Fill My Heart

This is exactly how I feel, no one I know gets it, they all think that Europe doesn’t matter any more... I feel agony whenever I hear of the things the invaders do, I once broke into tears when I saw the many bands of evil terrorist destroying my people and their home. No one I know can get that... they all believe America is our home now and so it is all that matters along with its multicultural beliefs. I do wish for the best for the U.S.A. But deep down in my heart Europe calls me back home...

nicely said and true our families and people are all we got

I live in America - my family imigrated here from Germany, France, Ireland, and Italy. It just makes me so sad to see my people being treated the way they are and seeing Europe on the verge of Sharia Law. Islam has no place in the West. It is a barbaric religion. Scratch that - it's a cult.

This is a War of the Womb. We cant win without dramatically increasing our birthrates. In the 1880s, Australia, NZ and Canada had a birthrate of 6-7 per woman. A repeat of that for a couple of generations and our people would be invigorated by youthful energy and again conquer the world.

As a wise man in 1940 once said: "The most precious thing you have is your own people." "Der kostbarste bezits in der welt habe is das eigere volk" (My German ovbiously isn't the best. )

Sometimes it can feel as if there is no-one else in the world who understands, who feels, who sees. Then videos like this come up. A spark of hope, a glimmer of light that there is a better way, a better future. One worth fighting for. Thank you, bless you.

Screenshot 1second pi

 FAUN - Federkleid (Offizielles Video)


FAUN - Federkleid (Offizielles Video)


462K 8.7K Share

Published on Jul 29, 2016
Seht hier das neue Musikvideo von FAUN zu ihrer aktuellen Single „Federkleid“ aus dem kommenden Album „Midgard“.



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March of the Templars: The Crusades

Published on Sep 6, 2015
In honor of the next section in my world history class, I made this introductory video. I'll admit to taking a lot of creative liberty with it, as the paintings from the various eras are all mixed up and many may not be very historically accurate. But the video was meant more to set the mood than anything else. I did manage to work in many of the crucial character names into captions on the slides.



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 I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.

Read 11786 times Last modified on Friday, 25 October 2019 11:42