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Women Killed in the Armed Forces.

WOMEN'S TROOPS. Parade in Minsk. Who is "cooler" Army or Police? WOMEN'S TROOPS at the Parade in honor of Independence Day (75 years of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders) in Minsk on July 3, 2019 parade. The song from the repertoire of Irina Savitskaya…

America Civil War for 8 hours

  This American Civil War Full History Documentary Film Full Length Non-Stop for over 8 hours This American Civil War Full Documentary Film categorized as History Documentaries and it is Full Length Non-Stop for over 8 hours Subscribe for more Documentaries This Documentary Film contains : Ironclad…

Ainus of Japan genocide themselves because of race mixing

  Ainus picture on the above.  Ainus, first People of Japan Ainu, First People of Japan, The Original & First Japanese The Fascinatingly Mysterious Origins of the Ainu       Kenji YouTube1 2 months ago Ainu and their ancestors, the Jōmon, came from Central Asia about…

Daniel Boone, Opening of the American West

Daniel Boone and the Opening of the American West - Part 1   Daniel Boone and the Opening of the American West – Part 2 This video documentary take you back in time to the battleground that was the Kentucky frontier; it traces the life of Daniel…

Russian & Japanese War

  Feature History - Russo-Japanese War   "The Battle of Tsushima... now THERES a tale. With Russia's first Pacific squadron destroyed, they renamed the Baltic fleet the "Second Pacific Squadron" and told them to set sail for the Far East, relieve Port Arthur and destroy the Japanese…