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He is one of the best rulers ever to rule Europe, most of Italy and many Gallic and Germanic tribes. Charlemagne - Father of the Holy Roman Empire Documentary @kennylong7281   (edited) His name in English is "Charles the Great" His name in German is: "Karl der…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Vikings came from Germanic tribes and Ice Age people in Europe. Viking Women - What was it like to be a woman in Viking Society? Women in Viking society is among the most fascinating women in history. Not only were they the women with the most rights…
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  Anglo-Saxon paganism” refers to the Germanic pagan traditions brought to Britain in the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon Paganism: Gods  What were the pre-Christian religious traditions of England like? This two part series serves as an introduction to Anglo-Saxon paganism. In this video we will look at the…
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Origins of the Seven Day Week       The True Israelites are White Europeans vThe True Israelites are White Europeans, Jews admit it, Blacks deny ...
Published in Culture & Heritage