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  Leo Zagami - Ex-Illuminati Exposes Transhumanism & Cyber Satan    Leo Zagami joins Maria Zeee to break down the transhumanism agenda from the perspective of the secret societies running this world, warning people they must prepare for the ultimate goal of the globalists - the AI…
Published in Organizations
  The Fightback Against Critical Race Theory   Teachers against the CRT ( critical race theory, raciem against whites) & promoted mainly by Jewish Communist Zionist Globalist and dumb gentile traitors.   Virginia teacher resigns over critical race theory in emotional speech  ‘The Madness of Crowds’ author…
Published in Inspiring Change
  New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job                     There is no white race you fucking asshole.....just a group of cock suckers that play the race card…
Published in Organizations
The first horsemen were the kids that raised the little foal, with the help of several of the old tribe elders. The First Horse Riders | Horse Domestication on the Eurasian Steppe Who were the first horse riders in history? We know about horse domestication but knowing…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  MUSLIM ZIONIST Says Boycotting Israel Is HARAM: Rabbi Faris Hammadi  @user-fy4gb2vo9e There are Zionists who unfortunately also hide in Islam and he is one of them! Many of us must beware of such! Thank you for this instructive video.  @stephenconnolly1830 Rabbi Faris is not only a…
Published in Religions & Faiths
"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution." The United Nation law on persecution, I quote: "Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution." During history every race Blacks, Asians, Whites Gentiles and white Jews have been persecuted. Exposing persecution of Brittany Sellners BANNED & INVESTIGATED…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Take Back Control of our Lives, Our Freedom, Our Laws, Our Parliament, Our Borders, Our Jobs, Our Kids, Our Country. The Written and Unwritten Common Law Constitution of England, Bound by Oath. England Home Freedom…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Calls Out NWO and One World Government Success! New Survey Shows Over 100 Million Europeans Believe A Secret Jewish Cabal Controls The World A new survey, sponsored by a Jewish advocacy group, found that a whopping 20%, or potentially 150 million out…
Published in Inspiring Change
Workers rally outside US embassy over retailer’s ‘unlawful’ move in South Africa Members of a workers’ union in South Africa have rallied outside the US embassy in Pretoria, after many of them were sacked by a local retailer owned by the American corporation Walmart. Protesters say 600…
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  The 'Hunters' is Absolute PROPAGANDA in the Purest Form  
Published in Legal & Politics
 “Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!” —George Washington The Patriot Post: America's News Digest This is a collection of informative pages we have referenced in The Patriot Post. Our Vision "For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a…
Published in Organizations
Jesus's Blonde Hair and blue eyes   100 Proofs The Israelite's Were White (REPOST)  Are there any biblical descriptions of Jesus? The following is description of the Nazarites: "Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies,…
Published in Religions & Faiths
87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period.   Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade February 3, 2020  The links below from the above article.  Mathew Nolan Jewish Slave Trade Christopher Columbus Who Brought the Slaves to America?     Marcus Garvey - “The African Slave Trade”        Jews Owned & Sold Black…
United Nations Lobby needed to represent We The People.     United Nations Lobby During the last 70 years, we have not seen many advances for the various racial groups, and this is especially true with White Europeans. During this period, different right-wing groups promoted the idea…
Published in Organizations