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White Privilege Debunked Update 4.

  • Friday, 18 November 2022 05:22
  • Written by Susan Hayward

White Kids Playing in a White Squatter Camp in SA Screenshot 2white killed no protest

 We The People are Slaves including Whites.

White Australian Justine Damien was murdered by a Black Somali Immigrant cop and nobody protested about her killing.

Forty thousand people descended on Melbourne's CBD for George Floyd who died at the hands of Police in Minnesota.

Yesterday I joined the Black Lives Matter rally in Melbourne to get some answers from protesters.

It is illegal to congregate in…

This is the only BLM protest video you need to see



Wow. So many brain washed white haters in Australia!!


If I didn't like Australians so much I would be a little irritated with how confidently these people comment on events they have no way of confirming. Also, black people kill more black people in America than white people kill black people. Perhaps these random idiots you allow to live among you should do some research before they pretend to know what is happening outside of kangaroo island.

 We The People are Slaves

As far as the so called elite are concerned, we are all slaves:
Slavery. A thought For blacks And whites:
The elite Forced blacks From their land Put them in chains And enslaved them.
The elite Forced whites From their land Put them in factories And enslaved them.
The elite Taught blacks That whites Are racists And enslaved them.
The elite Watch them fight And laugh All the way To the bank.
Get the picture? trev:
14th March 2010.

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The majority European Western countries take in more immigrant invaders than any other racial group.

White Privilege.


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Forms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, existed throughout American history until the late 1930s.


How Memes Find Resonance Tim Murdock AKA Horus The Avenger

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Many White children in South Africa live in tin houses.

 Jared Taylor of American Renaissance explains that "white privilege" is such a silly notion that it qualifies as a conspiracy theory. And the resentment it stirs up can be very dangerous.

  White Privilege A Dangerous Conspiracy Theory - American Renaissance

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White Guilt Debunked

White Guilt Debunked


The Western Globalist Zionist media commentary on the 'white' race paints a picture of greed, privilege, slavery and oppression of other races. 


Ben Shapiro Dismantles White Privilege

Ben Shapiro on White Privilege

"White Privilege My A**"

The majority European Western countries take in more immigrant invaders than any other racial group. We are a people who are giving.  We take in people of all color, religion and cultural groups and we then provide them with accommodation, funding and other types of welfare to get them established.  We do this and there is by and large no thanks. 

We change our customs, legal systems, policies, education and more to accommodate those of different beliefs, different color, and different cultures to try to ensure everyone is given equal opportunity.  We do this and it is not enough, it is never enough.

We provide third world aid, we provide vaccine programs, food drives and vital medicine to poverty and health stricken areas whose corrupt governments turn a blind eye.  This is dismissed as 'not enough' and disregarded.

Merkel's right-wing opposition AfD Party in Germany says she belongs in Court for the Non European invasion into Europe

Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court

The 'white' race is not a selfish people. 

White Privilege PegasusWe give our money, our lands, and our identity away at great cost to our own indigenous people and still, it is not enough.  Why do we do this?  Why do we continue to give away more to those who are ungrateful?

We now have Europeans in the United States and South Africa who are living in abject poverty.  This is rarely if ever discussed in the media.  Europeans in the UK are being driven out of suburbs they have lived in for generations due to violence and ethnically motivated intimidation caused by mass immigration.  Why do we continue to allow this when no one cares or feels grateful for the support and aid we give?

You can't use history as an excuse for all this.  All racial groups including Jewish and Muslim people have histories of slave trade and violence motivated against those of different ethnicity to them.  Yet only the 'white' race is blamed.

European women and young girls are raped and we are expected to accept this due to clashes in cultural ideas, yet if you travel overseas and end up imprisoned for breaking another countries laws this is your fault for not obeying the laws of the country you visited.  Why the double standards?  Why do we accept or consider the introduction of different legal systems for other groups yet have no expectation that they will have leniency for us?  The world has gone mad.

The following quote taken from next link.  "Behind every success, large or small, there is a story, and it isn’t always told by sex or skin color. My appearance certainly doesn’t tell the whole story, and to assume that it does and that I should apologize for it is insulting. While I haven’t done everything for myself up to this point in my life, someone sacrificed themselves so that I can lead a better life. But that is a legacy I am proud of.

I have checked my privilege. And I apologize for nothing."

Why I'll Never Apologize For My White Male Privilege

Child Labour 100 Years Ago, America's Dark History

Cotton Mill Child WorkerForms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, existed throughout American history until the late 1930s.  It was not something that was related to African Americans and hundreds of thousands of white children faced extreme suffering.  Children were frequently enslaved, separated from their families, exposed to serious hazards and illnesses and/or left to fend for themselves.  During the American Industrial Revolution, this child labor was rife and factories and mines preferred children for workers because they were seen as more manageable, cheap and not able to strike.

Coal Industry Child Labour

By 1900, states varied considerably in whether they had child labor standards and their degree of enforcement. 

At this time American children commonly worked in mines, glass factories, textiles, agriculture, canneries, home industries, and as newsboys, messengers, bootblacks and peddlers. The lucky ones swept the trash and filth from city streets or stood for hours on street corners hawking newspapers. The less fortunate ones coughed constantly through 10-hour shifts in dark, damp coal mines or sweated to the point of dehydration while tending fiery glass-factory furnaces; – all to stoke the profit margins of industrialists whose own children sat comfortably at school desks gleaning moral principles from their McGuffey Readers. 

Child Mine Worker

By and large, these child laborers were the sons and daughters of poor parents or recent immigrants who depended on their children’s meagre wages to survive.  They were also the result of the rapid, unchecked industrialization that characterized large American cities as early as the 1850s.  In 1870, the first U.S. census to report child labor numbers counted 750,000 workers under the age of 15, not including children who worked for their families in businesses or on farms.  By 1911, more than two million American children under the age of 16 were working – many of them 12 hours or more, six days a week.  They toiled in unsanitary conditions and hazardous situations,  always for minuscule wages.

Young girls continued to work in mills, still in danger of slipping and losing a finger or a foot while standing on top of machines to change bobbins; or of being scalped if their hair got caught.  As ever, after a day of bending over to pick bits of rock from coal, breaker boys were stiff and in pain.  If a breaker boy fell, he could be smothered or crushed by huge piles of coal.  When he turned 12, he would still be forced to go down into the mines and face the threat of cave-ins and explosions.

Child Labour Farming

Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined and common initiatives were conducted by organizations led by working women and middle-class consumers; such as state Consumers’ Leagues and Working Women’s Societies.  These organizations generated the National Consumers’ League in 1899 and the National Child Labor Committee in 1904.  They shared goals of challenging child labor, including through anti-sweatshop campaigns and labeling programs. The National Child Labour Committee's tireless work to end child labor was combined with efforts to provide free, compulsory education for all children and culminated in the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, which set federal standards for child labor.

Brutal working conditions were not just limited to children, many adult mine workers worked naked because of the extreme heat.  Inside, the mines would reach above 45 degrees centigrade (113 degrees Fahrenheit) with 100% humidity.  The hard labor would continue for up to 12-hour shifts and these workers would inhale hydrogen sulphide gas making it incredibly difficult to breathe.  Young boys would go down with their fathers as soon as they turned 6 and many of these workers ended up with a lung disease called Silicosis.  Those that started working in these conditions at 6, rarely lived to be 40 years of age.

The White Male Privilege Myth

The general world consensus is that if you are white and you are male then you are the most entitled privileged minority in the world.  Yes, many CEOs and politicians are white males but when you are outside that top 1% of the population, the picture is entirely different.  Career Coach, Marty Nemko has stated that of his approximately 2000 clients, his white male clientele has a much more difficult time finding work than the women and minorities he sees.

Nemko also gives reference to the research by Dr. Farrell on earning statistics between men and women.  When you control all variables including the actual hours of work, hazards, experience and performance evaluations for the same work women earn more than men.

Why Men Earn MoreWhy Men Earn More

By Dr. Warren Farrell

Synopsis:  Dr. Warren Farrell, the only man ever elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC, once asked, “If men are paid more for the same work, why would anyone hire a man?”

He may be sorry he asked, but during the years of research that followed, the answer evolved: Men earn more than women, but not for the same work—for 25 different workplace choices.  Men’s choices lead to men earning more money; women’s choices lead to women having better lives.

Men’s trade-offs include working more hours (women typically work more at home); taking more hazardous assignments (cab-driving; construction; trucking); moving overseas or to an undesirable location on-demand (women’s greater family obligations inhibit this); and training for more technical jobs with fewer people contact (e.g., engineering).

Women’s choices appear more likely to involve a balance between work and the rest of life. Women are more likely to balance income with a desire for safety, fulfillment, the potential for personal growth, flexibility, and proximity-to-home. These lifestyle advantages lead to more people competing for these jobs and thus lower pay.

Men SuicideThe most worrying part of these myths is the fact that men die on average six years younger than women.  Even though this is the case there is never a call to spend more money on men's health.  Men's Rights Activists point to higher suicide rates in men compared to women and note the inadequate funding of men's health issues as compared to women's; for example;  prostate cancer research receives less funding than breast cancer research.

There are many Men's Rights Movements that now aim to tackle some disparities and prejudices that men face.  Some of the key topics they cover include:

  •  Adoption
  •  Anti-dowry laws
  •  Child custody
  •  Circumcision
  •  Divorce
  •  Domestic violence
  •  Reproductive Rights
  •  Military Conscription
  •  Paternity Fraud
  •  Education
  •  Prison
  •  Suicide

Useful Links and Videos

Dr. Michael Savage defends the White Male

White Genocide in South Africa

UN Slams South Africa Ills in Damning Report

Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person...

Where is the "white privilege?"

White privilege completely debunked

White Privilege Is Dead

"White Privilege" debunked

The anti-Semitic Zionists control the media in all Western countries - USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark for example where these media outlets are controlled by a small number of bankers, such as the Rothschild's J.P. Morgan etc. When they attack "white privilege," remember that these people are also European, who are committing treason against their own people.  When they accuse us of having "white privilege," note that they are attacking members of the Jewish community, who are also white Europeans.  Many of them go to public schools, not Jewish schools. Many have been persecuted at school and some have been attacked and raped on the street.

Next time a person accuses you of being a privileged white, rebuke by accusing them of being racist and bigoted and Never back off, always play them at their own dirty game!  If you write articles or blogs on this topic, label them 'neo-Nazi', 'fascist', 'racist', 'bigot' and never give up!



Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.

Screenshot 2big picture ice men

Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

 European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

 Screenshot 2coudenhove

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - To Genocide Indigenous Europeans in Europe

 Screenshot 2us constitution

US Constitution & Bill of Rights. Article…

Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

 Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

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Barbary Muslim Pirates Kidnapped Whites

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Freedom of the Internet

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In Europe

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In

 Screenshot 2gencide

Genocide Whites & all Races

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White Indigenous Rights

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Promoting Large Families

Screenshot 2farmland

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

 Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

New World Order Globalist. Update 2

New World Order Globalist

 Screenshot 2picture of dead people

The European Holocaust

 Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice. Update 2

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

Fighting Genocide Worldwide

 Bankers Control the World

Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Gentile Organizations & Jewish Community Based Organizations

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White & Jewish National Congresses

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Orania White Afrikaner Community

Orania White Afrikaner Community

 Screenshot 7white s

Helping Whites. South African Family Relief …

 I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.

Islam and Women's rights

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Mr Jonestein... the UK government also screened Naked Attraction on public TV showing British girls completely naked and available for migrant sex!!!

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If you study European history, you will find that women are given a lot more respect by European men compared with many other cultures worldwide, where women are considered no more than property and do not have a lot of rights.  Western women need to thank their men who, over thousands of years, have given their women lots of rights.  These rights may vary throughout different periods of history.  The rights which have been won by women since the 1970s are now starting to be lost as Islam moves into European countries.   


A woman in Iran has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for removing her hijab in an act of protest.

Shaparak Shajarizadeh said she was jailed for “opposing the compulsory hijab” and “waving a white flag of peace in the street” in a post on her blog.

/Culture20 YEARS: Iran Sentences Woman to Prison for Removing Mandatory Hijab

In the past, in Afghanistan, women could attend school and some women wore western dress.  Today in Afghanistan, you will find that many of the girls can no longer attend school and the burqa, (or burka), is worn by most.  The same trend is happening in Lebanon and starting to appear in western countries also.  In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive and in other countries driving cars is restricted for women. 

The burqa is a traditional Islamic garb worn by many Muslim women and is a complete covering outer garment that must be worn to cover their bodies when they are in public.

Hijab is a veil which is worn by Muslim women after they reach puberty when in public.  The veil covers the head and chest of the woman.


Lauren Southern:  Women will lose their rights

The Truth About Ali Dawah


Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US — so why is it rarelyprosecuted?


Muslims use white girls for sex

Tommy Robinson - How Islam Takes Over Towns, Cities, Countries and Continents.


Syrian leader caught have sex with his granddaughter

Syrian opposition leader caught raping his granddaughter ...


Forbidden By Islam


For both genders

  •  Un-Islamic decor (Statues).
  •  Toys (anything resembling a living thing).
  •  Drawing and Art for anything that resembles a human.
  •  Eating pork and monkeys (because they're related to Jews).
  •  Drinking Alcohol.
  •  Gambling.
  •  Adoption in any form.
  •  Playing dice or anything that depends on luck as it goes against Allah's predetermined fate.
  •  Playing anything that results in winning a cash prize.
  •  Interest in debt (only interest-free is allowed).
  •  Reading and Writing anything that goes outside the realm of Islam, (no high fantasy where they pray to gods other than Allah, for example).
  •  Poetry.
  •  Owning pets other than Cats. (this is because one of Muhammad's friends had cats. He was called Abu Hurayra, Father of kittens).
  •  Dancing.
  •  Non-Islamic culture (Wearing jeans and t-shirts; Casual stuff).
  •  Counter-Culture/Sub-Culture (Punk, Metal, Goth...etc).
  •  Tattoos.
  •  Eating or washing with your left hand.
  •  Imitating Non-Muslims (Plucking eyebrows and 'beautifying' self).
  •  Working with non-Muslims in restaurants, casinos, temples, banks, courts, bars, and music venues.
  •  Befriending Non-Muslims and calling them "Brothers" and "Sisters" all companionship with Non-Muslims should be professional only.
  •  Premarital relationships.
  •  Making friends with the other gender.
  •  Gender Equality.
  •  Talking to other genders before marriage.
  •  Showing affection in public.
  •  Staring or looking directly at the opposite gender.
  •  Masturbating.
  •  Not praying five times a day.
  •  Not washing self (Wu'Du) before praying or reading the Quran.
  •  Homosexuality, or talking with people who are homosexual.
  •  Leaving the religion, or talking with people who left it.
  •  Talking with people outside of the Abrahamic religions.
  •  Marrying a slave man/woman that you own.
  •  Marrying your step sister/brother if she/he breastfeed from the same mother — If she/he didn't it is okay to marry your step sister/brother.
  •  Slaughtering an animal without saying 'Bismillah'.
  •  Stunning the Animal before slitting its throat.
  •  Eating said animal, (non halal food).

For Men

  •  Wearing Gold jewelry.
  •  Piercings.
  •  Marrying more than four wives.
  •  Marrying your birth mother, your grandmother, your daughter, and your granddaughter. (Everyone else is okay, EX Marrying your cousin, your stepmother after father died, your mother in law and your grand-grand daughter is okay).
  •  Wearing shorts that show the knees.
  •  Shaving body hair.
  •  Wearing perfume, (they use something called Oud/Agarwood, it is incense).
  •  Shaving beard lower than 1/2 cm.
  •  Having a long Mustache.

For Women

  •  Showing hair or skin in public.
  •  Talking louder than a man.
  •  Talking to another man, other than the husband.
  •  Refusing sex when asked to by her husband.
  •  Going outside without the consent of her husband.
  •  Wearing Jewellewy in public.
  •  Wearing Makeup in public.
  •  Wearing Perfume in public.
  •  Arguing with your husband.
  •  Arguing with your husband's other wives.
  •  Denying to marry a man, if you're not a widow or ex-wife.
  •  Marrying another man other than the husband.
  •  Marrying a man 6 months after a breakup with ex-husband.
  •  Divorcing a man. (only he's the one who's allowed to do that).
  •  Accuse a man of rape without 4 male witnesses or 8 female witnesses of the actual rape.
  •  Marrying a Non-Muslim man.
  •  Having body hair and imitating men.
  •  Lifting her hand against her husband — Even if he's beating her senseless.
  •  Make wedding arrangements.
  •  Praying with men.
  •  Being in the company of other men.
  •  Sitting in the living room with the husband and his friends.
  •  Eating with the husband and his friends.
  •  Refuse to cook food.
  •  Work outside the house without a guardian.
  •  Be working in a company of other men outside the house.
  •  Leave the room without permission.
  •  Question the husband critically.
  •  Becoming the "woman of the house" after her husband passed away.
  •  Becoming a father-figure of a fatherless son, (he becomes like her husband, he makes the rules).

Useful Links & Videos

Female Genital Mutilation a Growing Problem in Iran

Stoning of women, sharia Islamic law. (Islam and stoning)

How Women Are Treated in Pakistan

Robert Spencer LIVE from the Reagan Ranch Center

Wife Beating in Islam - Part 1

Politically Incorrect Europe
An Imam threatens to hand the reporter over to an Afghan man to have her nose cut off......

Islam:  A Religion of Peace

Joe Jackson Quote:  "I don't trust any of them.  Sure someone knows a 'peaceful one' but, explain this..."

Islam A Religion of Peace?Danish girl defends herself from Muslim rapist, now faces charges
"Reminiscent of Islamic Sharia courts executing rape victims after being found guilty of enticing good Muslim men to violate their sense of chastity and decency, a Danish girl has not only survived a recent attack by a would-be rapist, now she finds herself in legal trouble due to the means she used in her self-defense..........."

Guy Starts Insulting Random Girl For The Way She Is Dressed Watch What Happens Next....

The following video reveals a female activist protesting for her rights as a woman.  A lesson to be learned from this video for Western women;  putting your naked photos in playbook magazines are living very dangerously.  Those women who join sex date sites and show their naked bodies are putting themselves at high risk in the future.  The Islamic Sharia law is in most European countries (if it isn't already in certain areas), and one day you may regret publishing your naked photos.  In the future, you could find yourself stoned to death or flogged.  This can also be true of prostitution.  

Tunisian FEMEN: leading Islamist says activist must face death by stoning for topless photos

FEMEN Iranian Women Activists in Sweden

Iranian stand naked to protest the Hijab in Sweden

The Raping of European Women

Elin KrantzElin Krantz

Elin Krantz was a member of the "We Like Diversity" Facebook page, and called herself "multicultural."  She was a supporter of third-world   invasion into Sweden, the country of her birth.  She featured in a sexual music video "mixing it up".  She ultimately paid the price for this by being brutally raped and murdered by an African, (Ethiopian) immigrant, Ephrem Yohannes.  Yohannes had apparently been on the run from the USA for a drunk driving/hit and run prison conviction and had immigrated to Sweden.

The Gothenburg District Court ruled in mid-April that Ephrem Yohannes was guilty of what prosecutors described as a "brutal" killing.  He was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the crime.  After Yohannes serves out his sentence, he will then be expelled from Sweden for life.  In addition, he was ordered to pay 600,000 kronor, ($96,000), in compensation to the victim's family.




Weekly News Wrap Up: 20 April 2016

  • Tuesday, 19 April 2016 04:38

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

QUT embroiled in ‘segregation’ furore
A woman employed in a top Queensland university’s indigenous unit is seeking almost $250,000 in damages from jobless students, academics and others in a new legal challenge relying on Australia’s racial discrimination laws.

Univision Promotes Trump Hate Movie
"Univision host Jorge Ramos has publicly backed a new Mexican movie which portrays white Americans as mass murderers who hunt and shoot Mexicans—and who use Donald Trump’s comments on illegal alien criminals as their justification". 

Exposed: Plans to Balkanise Syria
'SyrianGirl' outlines the 2006 project for a new middle east, basically, DIVIDE and conquer Syria.  It is a copy of the Odid Yinon plan of 1982.

Thousands of Polish march against illegal immigration and burn ISIS 'goat-sex' flag
On 10th April 2016, thousands of Polish men and women met in Warsaw to protest against the European Union’s attempts to “diversify” Europe with illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Invaders and the Hepatitis B Threat
Prevalence data collected in Europe reveals the true extent of the public health challenge that Europe is faced with and medical experts have warned native Europeans that they face a “serious” threat of being infected with mass outbreaks of Hepatitis B should they have sexual contact with the current wave of nonwhite invaders.

Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Watertown, NY (4-16-16)
Saturday, April 16, 2016: Full replay of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Watertown, NY

Returnee Exposes “Refugee” Lie
The lies used by nonwhite invaders to claim “refugee status” in Europe have been inadvertently—but definitively—exposed by a “human drama” story done by German dpa news service following a “returnee” to Afghanistan.  Nesar’s case proves that all of the nonwhite invaders who have poured into Europe claiming to be “refugees” have simply lied to take advantage of race-blind European liberals and their “asylum” policies.

Ride with a tank in RT’s 360 video of Moscow V-Day parade rehearsal
RT’s 360 degree panoramic footage has caught an exclusive look at the rehearsal for Moscow’s V-Day parade celebrating the 71st anniversary of victory in World War II

MUSLIM VIOLENCE! Britain First faces brutal attack by Islamists in East London!
On April 9, Britain First held a peaceful, silent protest outside the notorious East London Mosque.  Within 20 minutes the protest was disrupted by around 150 aggressive Muslims who promptly attacked Britain First activists, stealing expensive camera equipment, and inflicting violence on the activists.

ISIS Fighters in Sheer Panic After These Notorious ISIS-Killers Find Them
Recently a YPG unit in northern Syria captured an Islamic State group squad coming across the border from Turkey to attack them, with the aftermath of the event filmed and posted online.  The video shows the purportedly fearsome and fearless IS terrorist army pleading for their lives when on the other end of an AK-47.

Anjem Choudary flees like a coward! Britain First takes the fight to the hate preachers!
Britain First attempts to confront Anjem Choudary, Britain's chief Islamist hate preacher in the UK at his taxpayer-funded home.




EU Parliament European Economic Community (EEC) or known as the Common Market, and the European Union.  Britain held a Referendum on Thursday, 23 June 2016, and the majority of the British people voted to leave the European Economic Community.  It will officially take approximately two years for Britain to leave the Common Market, but there is evidence that the Globalists who control Britain are resisting the idea of Britain leaving the Common Market.  The Globalist Establishment are determined to achieve their goal of a One World Government. 

We encourage you to read the following information on the European Common Market, officially called the EEC and spread the word about what the European Union is really about.  The European Common Market has been a disaster for Europe.  It has removed boundaries between countries and has opened the doors for unchecked, illegal immigration invasion to pour into Europe.  Many have thrown away their official papers and claim to be Syrians when in fact, the majority are not from Syria.  Many are from Africa, Pakistan and other countries who make their way to Europe because they have been promised by European Governments they will be 'looked after'.  

The room on the left is a photo of the European Parliament, which is also where the European Jewish Parliament convenes to represent the Globalist Zionists who control the Jewish community.  Note that the flag, whose final variant design was by Arsene Heitz, was supposedly inspired by the crown of twelve stars of the Woman of the Apocalypse, often found in Marian iconography.  Heitz however, has not suggested that his design held a religious meaning but some people believe that the stars on the flag represent the twelve tribes of Israel. 

The Jewish people in Europe are tight knit because of their effective community-based organizations.  They promote the idea from birth that they are a 'nation within a nation', and their loyalty is first to Israel and this is an idea that is believed by many Jews and non-Jews.  This concept, while fine within a community organization is unfortunately also applied when they move into political parties, media, major corporations, or to a new host country.  This attitude has allowed them to concentrate their people in media and political parties throughout Europe and the world, and they promote ideas and an agenda which is set by their bankers, the elite, and some extreme Jewish Rabbis. 
The false Jews promote that  they are God-chosen and, therefore, they should rule the world.  They are conditioned to believe that all other people are no more than mere animals and that gentiles are inherently anti-Semitic and against the ideals of Zionism.  For this reason, their main goal is to destroy gentiles through inter-racial marriage and multiculturalism.  These goals are just some of their overarching New World Order they have been working towards for over 100 years.  The European Common Market is just one part of the overall plan by the Zionists to succeed in their worldwide goals.
This article explains the reasons for the Common Market which was their first success in breaching national borders.  The blueprint of the European Union (EU) and European Common Market is being pushed in other global areas such as Africa, North America, and Australasia.  It aims to bring countries together, destroying all national boundaries and exterminating all racial groups and culture.

The Pan European Union: A Historical Framework

This is the oldest unification movement out of Europe and was sparked into creation after the publication of a manifesto written by Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi titled Paneuropa (1923).  Coudenhove-Kalergi was the organization's central leader until his death in 1972. 
This movement is the foundation for the development of the European Economic Community (EEC).  It was working toward the abolishment of all individual European nations and was the introduction of non-white immigration into Europe.  It also aimed to eradicate much of European culture and started to successfully promote ideas that reduced the birth rate across Europe.  Its followers are still promoting these original concepts to create a United States of Europe which will become a part of the New World Order Government across the globe including Western nations.

The overall goal is a single World Government system where there will be no individual countries, no unique cultures.  All history will be changed to false history to suit what they want to teach the people and free movement of people all over the world with no restrictions.  This will eventually mean the genocide of all racial groups and a complete revision of history. 

Nick Griffin Speaks About Genocide Of The European People

European Union:  The New Pan-European Union?



New World Order Diagram

The European Union is sometimes now called "The New European Soviet Union".

The anti-Semitic Zionists/Socialist/Communist, including the World Jewish Congress in Europe and British Globalist  mainstream media, promoted the idea that going into the EEC was about trade and purely of economic benefit.  This was a brilliant PR spin and they omitted to disclose what it was really about, as building the United States of Europe.  Its goals are to become one country and each current nation losing control of its borders, national laws, military, finances and eventually parliaments.

The EEC, also referred to as the EU, the political structure is very similar to former Communist Russia and a growing number of people refer to the EEC as a dictatorship.  The videos below outline the similarities between the EU and Communist Russia.  There is the major concern that the EEC and its military will be used for wars in other countries and will weaken every country by creating internal bickering and inciting faction hatred.  NATO is considered the foundation of the world army and this foretells a grim future with many deaths through war.

Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship (2006)

Vladimir Bukovksy, the former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union.  In a speech he delivered in Brussels in February 2006, Mr. Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state.

The European Union - Soviet Union II?

Welcome to the EUSSR - part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3

The Deep State Rules

Deep State - Who Rules America, Full Documentary by Freedom TVquote from zionist theodore herzl

Third World Replacing Natives

The Globalists who control Europe, who are predominately anti-Semitic Zionists/Socialist/Communist want to replace the European, (Whites and True Jews), and force Jews to immigrate to Israel by allowing large numbers of Muslims, and other races, into European countries and this mass migration invasion puts pressure on the native population, because many of these foreigners hate True Jews and Europeans In time.  The Globalists goal is to destroy every country worldwide by using the same strategy.  If these Globalists call you a 'racist' or 'bigot,' they are using dialectical reversal technique, because they are the real racists, the real Nazi's and the real extremists.

An example of the damage the EEC is currently reaping on individual nations is influencing the European and British leaders to encourage British industry to move out of Britain.

The European Parliament building resembles the Tower of Babel pictures on the right

To the right, we have included an intriguing comparison of current and historical buildings.  You will see that the European Parliament building resembles the Tower of Babel, both in its round shape, and both left with unfinished openings at the top.  The Tower of Babel was never completed, and while the Parliament building is obviously completed, the architect cleverly designed things so it kept an open appearance.  The story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel appear in numerous Hebrew texts.

The construction of the EU Parliament in the image of the Tower of Babel sends a message that King Nimrod had the right philosophy, and his Tower of Babel was a good idea.  So leaders are promoting:

EU Parliament the new babylon

  •  A gradual introduction of tyranny.
  •  The elimination of the worship of God to introduce dependence on power.
  •  All people speaking the same language and embracing the same religion.
  •  Rejecting God while trying to become gods.

Member States of the European Common Market

Austria Finland Netherlands
Belgium (Capital)
France Poland
Bulgaria Greece Portugal
Cyprus Hungary Romania
The Czech Republic Ireland Slovakia
Germany Italy Slovenia
Denmark Latvia Sweden
Estonia Lithuania United Kingdom
Spain Malta Luxembourg 
Croatia (2013 entry)

European Commission

The European Commission, (EC), is the executive of the EU, which means that it is considered the most powerful office in Europe.  The President of the EC, currently Jean-Claude Juncker, elected until 2019, is responsible for setting the policy agenda and all legislative proposals.  The EC is the only body that can set laws for the entire European Union.  The position is elected by the European Parliament on a proposal from the European Council for five-year terms. 

The European Commission, European Council and Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy are the three arms that represent the EU internationally.  The three individuals who head these groups are considered some of the most powerful people in the world.

List of Presidents of the European Union

EU Presidents – who does what?

Delegation of the European Union to the United States

European Union Salaries
The basic monthly salary of the President is fixed at 112.5% of the top civil service grade, which in 2013, amounted to €25,351 per month or €304,212 per year, plus an allowance for a residence equal to 15% of salary as well as other allowances including children's schooling and household expenses.


An overview of European Jewish Organizations

We want Europeans, including true Jews and non-Jews, to start building organizations similar to those below, all over Europe and the world, so that there is a united voice for the European Diaspora.  


ish lawmakers from all the worlds’ continents.

Ten EU truths we Must Tell the Public

  1. For over 40 years, the leaderships of the Conservative, Greens, Labour and Liberal Democratic parties have been taken over by pro-EU Bilderbergers, Fabians, and Zionist."  These leaderships implement the EU's policy and ignore the wishes of their voters.
  2. The six European Union Treaties give it the constitution of a dictatorship and the laws of a police state.  Dictatorships lead to oppression and poverty.  Politicians conceal that the EUs Constitution is similar to the old Soviet Union's.
  3. The Queen has signed all six EU Constitutional Treaties.  These treaties make it clear the EU will abolish the nations of Britain and England (and our Lib-Dem, Labour, and Conservative parties, Lisbon Treaty clause 8A-4).
  4. The EU is illegal under British law. Five Prime Ministers and the Queen have committed six acts of Treason by signing the EU treaties which will abolish our nation and replace it with the EU; they secretly repealed two of the five laws of treason in the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act (s36.3) to escape a prosecution.
  5. The police state growing around you, and reported on by some national newspapers, is the EU police state. We've been in the EU for 36 years, we are harmonizing our laws with the EU, the emerging police state is the result.
  6. Political correctness, the undermining of parents, the family and teachers, the teaching of sex and homosexuality to under tens, the promotion of single parent families etc. etc. is subversion by the EU or its Common Purpose organization over the last 34 years, using the 200+ techniques of the German Frankfurt School.
  7. The EU will be an economic disaster. We now lose £45 billion a year trading with Europe; before we joined we broke even. The EU's 120,000 regulations cost us £100 billion a year (Better Regulation Commission Annual Report 2005); they will bring us a soviet style command economy and poverty. Our politicians lied to us.
  8. If you have voted Conservative, Labour or Lib Dem over the last 35 years you have voted for the EU police state, and for the abolition of your own party.
  9. German Chancellor Angela Merkel forced the Reform or Lisbon Treaty on us (passed by Westminster 21st January, 138 majorities) which replaced the British Constitution with the EUs on 1st January 2009.
  10. Britain is the fifth largest economy amongst the world's 200 nations. General Strike against the EU. Start by visiting your local MP and warn him he will lose his £240,000 salary and expenses when the EU closes Westminster. Nigel Farage on  the appointment of new EU Parliament President martin Schulz."

Critics of Britain's Participation in the European Union and Common Market

Farage: The people's army will prevail over anti-democratic EU

Farage Attacks Bilderberg EU President As Quiet Assassin Of Nation States
Courageous British MP, Nigel Farage, savaged Bilderberg member and global governance proponent, Herman van Rompuy, during a 2010 speech in front of the EU parliament, labeling the EU President the quiet assassin of European nation states, while van Rompuy sat and squirmed.

Nigel Farage: "This EU is the New Communism. It is Power without Limits."

Daniel John Hannan
British journalist, author, and politician, who is a member of the European Parliament representing the South East England Conservative Party, (Source Wiki media).  In the video, he is explaining the similarities between the former Communist Soviet Union and the European governmental systems.

European EEC Bosses / European Commission
The former Communist Soviet Union had 15 people not elected by the majority Russian people.  The Union elite who run the EEC has the European Commission composed of the College of Commissioners of 28 members, including the President and vice-presidents.  The Commissioners, one from each EU country, provide the Commission's political leadership during their 5-year term.  Each Commissioner is assigned responsibility for specific policy areas by the President.  The 28 members are appointed secretly and are not accountable to anybody, and cannot be sacked.

The European Union Explained 

The real face of the European union (EU) Masterpiece

Do You Know the Truth about the EU?


The People's United Community

Daniel Hannan – Germany no longer needs Europe

The Undeniable & Self-Evident Edomite Creation Of The EU

EU Minister Demands White Genocide: "Europe Will Be Diverse!"

"This EU is the New Communism. It is Power without Limits."

The European Union, the New European Soviet? Vladimir Bukovsky, Writer and Lecturer

Bilderbergers, Freemasons, and Bankers

David Noakes on Edge Media TV: 1/11 'Exposing The EU Dictatorship'
In this important 2 hour interview, Theo Chalmers interviews David Noakes, an anti-European Union campaigner of  The interview consists of 11 parts.  The European Union has the Constitution of a dictatorship and the laws of a police state.

"The EU is illegal under British law. Five prime ministers and the Queen have committed six acts of treason” against British people, because of “the EU treaties which will abolish our nation and replace it with the EU; they secretly repealed two of the five laws of treason in the 1998 crime and disorder act (s36.3) to prosecution."

David Noakes explains about the people behind the Common Market, (Bilderbergers/Freemasons), Common Purpose and bankers, such as the Rothschilds.  The Rothschilds in Europe are very powerful.  We cannot find any evidence to suggest they are against the European Common Market and the open border policies.  Many people suggest that they are involved with Zionists in the development of the European Common Market.  In Part 9 of 11, Noakes explains some things you can do to fight for your rights and to exit the Common Market.  

The British Queen, one of the richest women in the world, could have used her wealth and influence to fight for the rights of her subjects in her Commonwealth countries, including Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  I found no evidence to suggest that she has ever fought for white Europeans and their countries.  As David Noakes explains, considering that when the queen was crowned, she made an oath to 'protect the realm' and the rights of her subjects and instead, signed a number of agreements for Britain to join the Common Market and cease to be an independent country.  Many consider this to be treason.   

The Globalist controlled Western media will not tell you that a shadow government operating in Europe is called the European Jewish Congress (EJC). They are very influential in the European Commission which is the governing body that controls the European Economic Community (EEC) also referred to as the European Common Market. The EJC also operates in 50 European countries including Russia.

Screenshot 7pre of jewish congDr. MOSHE KANTOR  Pres. European Jewish Congress

European Jewish Congress 

The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe.  The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that  2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) people living in Europe and have more power then all the European Governments in Europe.

World Jewish Congress                                                                                                                                                                              

The European Jewish Congress is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris, France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.

The Former European Jewish Union

EJP Members

The European Jewish Congress formally known as the European Jewish Union is a non-Government organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe and was founded in the spring of 2011.  Its stated aim is to be a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe.  The European Jewish Union established a European Jewish Parliament comprising of 120 members from 50 countries and is modelled on the Israeli parliament called Knesset.  This parliament says that its aim is to represent the concerns of the Jewish Diaspora in the European Union and other European Countries.

The EJC protects the interests of its affiliated communities, working daily with European Union institutions and officials, the Council of Europe (where the EJC has participatory status) and national governments and parliaments.  According to Wikipedia:  "The EJC intends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people. To meet these goals, the EJC has initiated and organized several large international projects, in particular the Let My People Live! international forums.....Another important issue on the EJC's agenda is preventing nuclear terrorism."

Aims of the European Jewish Congress

Many Europeans, including Jews say that this organization is actually promoting racism and anti-Semitism against Jews and are using Jews as a smoke-screen to hide their illegal activities in making money and gaining  power. They say it is a Zionist organization that has been set up to achieve Zionist goals. That is, to protect Israel from third-world non-Jewish infiltrator migrants moving into Israel. Behind the scenes it is pushing the European Economic Community (EEC) to open its borders and allow Europe to be flooded by infiltrator migrants, i.e. it is actually a secret organization working with the European Commissions to destroy European culture, language and history. 

When Europeans resist, the EJC campaign with Governments and the European Commission, the media, and Left-Wing Socialist/Communists to prevent native Europeans from campaigning against genocide and destruction of their countries Christianity and history.  Many European Jewish organizations want to eradicate the entire European population by promoting inter-breeding with Arabs and Africans with the aim of diluting the population.  The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EJC campaigns against anti-Semitic Jews yet it is promoting it by allowing Europe to be flooded with Third-World immigrants who hate and are attacking Gentiles and Jews. The immigrants become increasingly confident and many believe that one day in the future, Islam will rule Europe and European Jews will be driven out of Europe or killed.

EJC Holds General Assembly in Brussels:  European Jewish Parliament Members Represent Europe's Jews
In May 2012, the newly
elected European Jewish Parliament held its first general session in Brussels...    

European Jewish Parliament Members Discuss Jewish Issues during Inauguration in Brussels in Belgium
The European Jewish Parliament is now called:  European Jewish Congress. Television's Jewish News One (JN1's), Sivan Raviv spoke with members of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) in Brussels during its inauguration on February 16th. The EJP includes 120 elected Jewish leaders from across Europe – the same number of members as the Israeli Knesset – and provides European Jewry with a platform for dialogue with the European Union and world leaders. Over 400,000 Jews voted in the parliamentary elections in late 2011, and the newly elected leaders will now work to impact legislation and political agenda. Their first EJP Annual General Assembly was held in Brussels on May 15 and 16, 2012. 

Zionist Plans for Europe

International Council Of Jewish Parliamentarians–

Part One – 'Jewish Parliamentarians' 

Jeremy Wootliff directs and writes this feature length documentary introduced by Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP.  Four other parts of this documentary are available on YouTube, or in broadcast quality on a DVD from The Pears Foundation.

Official Website of Tal Ofer Working Hard for UK Jewish Community

Member of European Jewish Parliament Tal Ofer Discusses Boycott on Israeli Cultural Events

Lawmakers Worldwide Mobilize in Defense of Israel

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians/World Jewish Congress
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a World network of Jewish Parliamentarians from different countries supported by the Knesset (Israel Parliament), the World Jewish Congress, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum who come together to share and develop ideas that can be promoted in Jewish organizations, policilatal parties and media in the countries they came from.  The ICJP was founded  in 2002,  headquarters is in Jerusalem, Israel, to involve Jewish Parliamentarians from  United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Australia just to name a few. 

The Jewish  Parliamentarians supposedly represent the Jewish voice.  Many Jews say ICJP cause anti-Semitism against Jews because they promote hatred against Christians, Gentile Europeans and are promoting Third-World immigration into all European countries and working toward  Racial Genicide of Europeans Whites,  abolishing borders in European countries.  

Many say these politicians may be elected in a country that do not always represent the gentiles (non-Jews) and the Jews who elect them.  The  Parliamentarians promote Laws  back in their own countries which are not in the best interests of the Nations, affecting Gentiles and the Jewish population, so these Jewish Parliamentarians are causing treason within the country they are elected to represent.

The Jewish Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, a 'steering committee' representing Jewish Politicians (Lawmakers) from all over the world. 



'ISIS' Run by Jewish Zionist Globalist

  • Monday, 22 July 2024 01:48

Screenshot 1isis attack hamas

You Gotta Be Kidding - ISIS declares war on Hamas ...How Convenient for Israel!



ISIS stands for: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service


Isis? the head choppers funded by the USA and (them), to terrorise christians and muslims in Syria and Iraq? Isis, who when being taken out by Russia airstrikes in Idlib province, were being ferried off in black USA helicopters to get medical care in Tel Aviv? That Isis? That Isis, that is deeply sunni fundamentalist, that has never attacked israeli interests or citizens ever? Isis condemning their own faith as apostates,, cite war, but they are just fine and dandy with genocide of their own Umma that doesnt require even a teensy bit of jihad in response? Are they blaming Hamas for getting the Palestinians killed by Israelis bombing tents with USA made and supplied munitions.? The dog that doesnt bite the hand that feeds it?

Screenshot 12israel funded b

Saturday Emergency Broadcast: Alex Jones & Vladimir Soloviev Reveal Secrets of The Moscow Terror Attacks

On this LIVE emergency Saturday transmission, Alex Jones is joined by Russian TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev to discuss the Moscow terror attacks and what they portend for the future of the increasingly volatile Ukraine conflict. We’ll also be joined by Syrian Girl and journalist Michael Yon to cover the latest developments in Moscow as the terrorists have been caught and are undergoing Russian interrogation


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israeltreat wounds


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US slams ‘undemocratic changes’ despite its own record of meddling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


 US State Department( mainly Jewish run) Spokesperson Matthew Miller dodged questions following his statement that the US 'doesn’t support violent or undemocratic changes in government in Africa or elsewhere' during a recent briefing. So we are here to shed some light on US activity abroad.

Undemocratic? I think they all forgot that U.S. was founded based on FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

Screenshot 11killed ici m

Inside the ISIS Hunt: Tracking Former Jihadi Fighters in Europe | ISIS Documentary



118,088 views Mar 8, 2024 It’s estimated that half of the foreign fighters who left Europe to join ISIS have already returned to their countries of origin. Posing as refugees or travelling on fake passports, others were able to flee the caliphate for the West and rebuild new lives. But a handful of men are on a mission to find them.

At the Al-Roj camp in Syria, hundreds of women and children live in squalid conditions while the world decides what to do with them. They are the wives and children of ISIS fighters, captured when the caliphate fell. Among them are hundreds of Westerners who desperately want to come home. For the moment, there is little indication of that happening. But what about the fighters who weren’t captured?

Ahmad Ramadan, 33, leads a secret network aimed at tracking down these former jihadists and holding them to account for their crimes. Today, he’s on the trail of a fighter believed to be now living in Germany. A video provided by an informer shows him training as a truck driver. Thanks to this network, high-profile members, like jihadi spokesman Abdul Kader el Raqqaoui, have been arrested in Europe. But the members themselves pay a heavy price and are themselves the target of ISIS reprisals.

This documentary was first released in 2021.


ISIS a CIA Mossad Creation







Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in the Middle east.

 Steven Ben-Denoon of Israeli News Live proclaims that top ISIS agents are Israel MOSSAD.

It is a shame to receive such news that Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in Mosul. This report comes after the fact that INL had once before reported from sources in the Israeli Military that had first shared this information with us.



Screenshot 1inl

Reports Israeli Operatives Leading ISIS in Mosul

Simon Elliot, who is no doubt Israeli MOSSAD, leads ISIS; with the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

MOSSAD Simon Elliot leader of ISIS

Here is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with John McCain.

Jews Step Forward to denounce the Zionist state of Israel



 What the hell the British and American troop doing in Idlid in Syria helping the rebels (ISIS)?

Breaking News: US and British Forces Trapped in Idlib Syria



The anti-Semitic Zionist Globalists control western media promotes the idea that the western world had little to do with the creation of Al Qaida and ISIS in the Middle East.  The truth is, there is much evidence to prove that Al Qaida and ISIS were set-up, by globalist and Zionist and given military equipment, trained and financed mainly by the United States CIA, Israel, Britain, and the European Community. They want to bring down countries which are not cooperating with the Zionists and New World Order.  Their other main purpose is to benefit Israel by gaining land and making money through oil and gas. 

Human life and suffering means nothing to the Globalist and a part of their agenda is to promote the multi-cultural society in western countries and to destroy homogenous nations in any way possible.  On one hand, they welcome Muslims to western countries, while on the other, they are financing terrorists to kill them and destroy their countries in the Middle East.  They promote Islam in European countries with the aim of destroying European culture and Christianity.  They believe they will be able to control Muslims, however, plenty of evidence suggests otherwise, and it will eventually control them.  This is a grave mistake on their part. 

If you come from a Middle Eastern country and you are a Muslim, you would be familiar with the word "Zionism", which backs Israel and wants to destroy the Middle East for the greater Zionist  Israel project.  If you are in western countries, please realize that the same Zionists control all of the western media and banks.  They are using Muslims to destroy the western world and cross-breed Europeans and Muslim Caucasians from the Middle East with Africans.  By doing this, their aim is to destroy the homogeneous people, thereby, creating a person who has no nation, no culture, and no history.  There is another word for this - it is called "Eugenics", which is what the UNESCO brown man represents. 

As you proceed, you'll see that many of the people who founded ISIS were Mossad-trained, (Israel Secret Service), and gave medical assistance to the Islamic militants.  The Israeli government authorized their soldiers to cross the border, rescue wounded Islamic militants and provide medical aid.  Another reason for the war is that the Syrian government, headed by President Bashar al-Assad did not want to become involved in building a gas pipeline which would have benefited the Zionist Globalists.  The videos following are evidence of the western media not being truthful. 

One of the reasons why the European countries opened up their borders to allow ISIS to move a lot of its fighters into the region, is because the anti-Semitic Zionists want to create a crisis situation and civil war between Muslims and Christian Europeans, forcing European Jews to move to Israel.  The plan is to do the same thing in Europe as they have done in the Middle East - where Shia and Sunni fight each other, Kurds fight ISIS and there are civil strife areas in Middle Eastern countries.  

Al Baghdadi Meets with McCainUseful Links and Videos

General Wesley Clark explains ISIS was created by U.S. Allies 

Why The CIA Created ISIS

Exposed!  ISIS Caught Using US Army Tents In New Training Video!

Look at all the weapons the US gave to ISIS!  

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Hillary Clinton ADMITS The CIA Started & Funded Al Qaeda

U.S. Senators:  We've been funding ISIS all the time.  

ISIS shows off weapons cache allegedly airdropped by the US

Origins of ISIS – Special Coverage

Clinton:  Destroy Syria for Israel
Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the “best way to help Israel”.

Illusion Exposed!  Israel Helps ISIS With Airstrikes Against Syrian Government!

Saving their sworn enemy:  Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian war zone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?

Who Is REALLY Behind ISIS?

Exactly how the US trained and armed ISIS

- Bombshell Report: US Weapon Stockpile Used by ISIS Found in Syria

TradCatKnight:  "ISIS, The Zionist's Latest Boogeyman"

ISIS ISIL Leader with John McCain (US GOV)?

Israel Admits MOSSAD Is ISIS. "MUST WATCH" !!

ISRAEL ARE ISIS!!!  Daughter of Jewish spy now releasing ISIS beheading videos before ISIS WTF!

ISIS In Greater Israel's Scheme

Jihadist feuds:  ISIS boasts blowing up captives of rival Al-Nusra Front (GRAPHIC)
Gruesome images were allegedly released in December 2015, by an Islamic State affiliate in Syria, showing terrorists using explosives to kill prisoners believed to belong to Al-Nusra Front, which is Al-Qaeda’s arm in Syria.

You probably would never have seen the following video on western media.  It reveals that ISIS were selling oil to elitist people within the Turkish government.  This illustrates the western world is run by corrupt Globalists who control all of the western media, and this is why we need to hand the media over to people's commissions.

Russian Military Reveals details of ISIS-Turkey Oil Smuggling

Another Former CIA Agent:  ISIS created, trained, funded by the USA;  ISIS Headlines;  OBAMA Golfs!

U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency Head:  “It Was A Willful Decision [By America] To Support An Insurgency That Had Salafists, Al Qaeda, And The Muslim Brotherhood”

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals the US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad

Documented Proof, ISIS Is a Creation of The United States of America

The Real Reason Israel Wants War With Syria:  Game-Changing Oil Reserve Discovered

The Truth About Pipeline Politics in the Syrian Proxy War

Pipeline Is the Real Reason They Want Syria, Putin Says Assad Will Accept Snap Elections

Now the truth emerges:  how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

Combat Cam: Russian jets destroy ISIS oil refinery & tanker trucks in Syria

Screenshot 1isis ss

Israeli Mossad's ISIS Kill Turks Giving Masonic Turkish President Excuse To Invade EU With Muslims







White European Music Archives 27/11/2024

  • Tuesday, 26 November 2024 03:45
  • Written by Susan Hayward
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Screenshot 1vocals
Screenshot 1enya bgt
Screenshot 1impossible
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Screenshot 1by emily

Comment: Many white gentiles and some Jews lie.

Screenshot 2two step from hell
Screenshot 1home again b
Screenshot 1old mill inn m
Screenshot 1somewhere blcknight
 Screenshot 1crystal ball
Screenshot 1fernseh
 Blackmore's Night performing 'Highland' on the German TV show ZDF Fernsehgarten on September 19th, 2010.
Screenshot 1two steps from hell m
 Screenshot 1paris zenith


Your music is a lifeline in the chaos of our world. It's a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, even in the toughest times. Thank you for being the soundtrack to my moments of serenity
Screenshot 1bolshi b
 Screenshot 1poccnr
Screenshot 1r d blkjh
This is breathtakingly beautiful — the vibrant music coupled with the beauty, skill, and grace of the dancers is astounding. The movement is almost unsettlingly smooth, so perfectly synchronised. And the costumes are stunning! What an awesome culture Russia have! Greetings and admiration from South Africa.
Screenshot 1ghtyr


Polina Gagarina sang beautifully in both Russian and Chinese
Screenshot 1very nice ghytrewq
Screenshot 1russia our hcountry
The Russian National Anthem.
Screenshot 1small dancer 2
 Screenshot 1dacing girls in r
Screenshot 2holy god holy


I love you, Russia. The only pure, honest and sane country left in this sick world. Stay beautiful!
Screenshot 2lovely photo moi
Screenshot 1old h nbvcxz
 Polish song.


Love their harmony. Traditional Slavic beauties. I am still learning Polish and hope to live their in my future.
Screenshot 13sec go gogo m
Screenshot 1yugo
Screenshot 12trewqp


Im from finland but i admire this masterpiece of a song. Telling about spirit of a nation and i hope we still had this same spirit as you russians do. Best regards from finland! ??
Screenshot 12r song villafge
 pollina r battles

> @sergiytereschchenko7572

Greetings and full respect to Soviet from Seattle, USA!!! My Grandma was 16 when she join to the Soviet Army During Second World War. My Grandma was part of Soviet Border Patrol in Brest and become prisoner of the war ( Leuitenant Tereshchenko). Another grandma was colonel at Soviet Artillery.
Screenshot 12lovely nbhgytu
 Screenshot 12defend sov
 Screenshot 11lighton a horse m
Screenshot 11non german version
Screenshot 11nordicmnbvcxz
Screenshot 11mjurussia
Screenshot 11lucy th
 Written by Henry Mancini and originally performed by Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, "Moon River" is a Timeless Classic performed here by Lucy Thomas.
Screenshot 11putinbvcxz
The Putin (Jewish) who deserve to rule the world. The greatest president in the world...
 Screenshot 11russian dancers g
Screenshot 10love that s german
2 dec. 2018 — I am not Jewish but respect for all ... If you want respect you must give respect. Happy Hanukkah and God bless <3. 5 yrs. 2. Andrea Wieslawa.
Screenshot 10very nice womjy

Candice Night - Once In A Garden (2015) || official clip

Hi Candice! When I discovered Blackmore's Night I felt in love for your voice and with this video you confirmed me your fantastic talent! I would like there will be another concert in Rome. I came at the first one, and when you gave me your autograph I can speak with you even if only a very little btime, but for me it was the best of the concert!
Screenshot 10zdfn
#zdffernsehgarten #RitchieBlackmore #BlackmoresNight Blackmore's Night performing 'Just Call My Name' on the German TV show ZDF Fernsehgarten on August 14th, 2005.
black mores night
 Blackmore's Night performing 'Journeyman' on the German TV show ZDF Fernsehgarten on July 17th, 2011.
Blackmore's Night thank you Richie and Candice great as always journeyman, first time I've heard the whole song Thank You Richie and Candice and the rest of the band I love you guys can if you're looking good beautiful
Screenshot 10simpl gift
 The official lyric video for 'Simple Gifts/ Lord Of The Dance'
Screenshot 10hallelujah
 Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, Pentatonix, K.D. Lang and now Lucy Thomas shows off her stunning vocal performance of Hallelujah. Lucy Thomas with her incredible renditions of many Pop, Musical, and Broadway classics has since won the hearts of millions leaving them thinking, "A Star is Born".
Pinned by Robbie Dunbar - Lucy Thomas Official Fan Club
Be sure to visit the Lucy Thomas Official Fan Club on Facebook. It is the only Facebook Group officially endorsed by Lucy Thomas and the only place where you can be sure to get the latest and most accurate news and information on Lucy. Lucy's Fan Club -
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 Choral "Song of the Polovtsian Girls" (scene "Polovtsian Dances") from the opera "Prince Igor". The author is the composer A.P. Borodin.
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 Recorded live at The Church Of The Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia on August 16th, 2009.
Screenshot 8flatland of aus Country Gospel singer Steve Grace singing about the land and people he loves
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Hi Kaitlyn, I think you have experienced what is like for generations of Australians. Years ago an American friend said to a group of us Aussies; "Australia was weird and unique in that it was the only country in the world, not to celebrate winning wars, rather celebrate losing". Someone in the group "Schooled" him, Australians don't glorify war, and we take 2 opportunities (Anzac Day and Armistice Day) each year to "Remember the fallen", and mourn those who paid the ultimate price to allow this country to become what it is today.
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 The most beautiful melody in the world! Incredible beautiful music Tender love! "Horse Cadence" ?
All the mesmerizing landscapes and music, listen and watch!
Thank you for these peaceful, spiritual moments! It's like the resurrection of the soul!
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 In 2014, Judith Durham and The Seekers concluded their farewell concert tour. It's clear from the fan videos (taken in Australia and London) that they were in great form for their 50th anniversary, and at long last an official DVD is available!
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This song is 35 years old. And it sounds brand new. A timeless classic.
Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow
Let me reach, let me beach on the shores of Tripoli
Let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore
Let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
From Bissau to Palau in the shade of Avalon
From Fiji to Tiree and the isles of Ebony
From Peru to Cebu, feel the power of Babylon
From Bali to Cali, far beneath the Coral Sea
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
From the North to the South, Ebudau unto Khartoum
From the deep sea of clouds to the island of the Moon
Carry me on the waves to the land I've never been
Carry me on the waves to the land I've never seen
We can sail, we can sail with the Orinoco flow
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
We can steer, we can near with Rob Dickins at the wheel
We can sigh, say goodbye, Ross and his dependencies
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Enya was born Eithne Ni Bhraonain in Donegal, Ireland. Enya studied classical music at college under private tuition. On leaving college she was asked by Producer Nicky Ryan to join her siblings in their family band. She did so for a short time, but found it too restrictive musically, and so in 1982 she joined Nicky Ryan and Roma Ryan in a creative and business partnership. Enya's first commission was to write a score for Sir David Puttnam for his film "The Frog Prince". Then, the triumvirate secured the soundtrack to the BBC documentary series 'The Celts'. Enya was then signed by Warner Music and all three by EMI Music Publishing. The first album of this contract was "Watermark" with the hit single "Orinoco Flow". This was followed by "Shepherd Moons", "The Memory of Trees", "Paint the Sky With Stars", "A Day Without Rain" which produced the single, "Only Time".
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Tributes are flowing for Judith Durham, who has died at the age of 79. The Melbourne-born (Australian) singer was the voice of The Seekers and a generation. Athol Guy was one of Judith’s bandmates in The Seekers, and shares his memories.
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The march of the White Army's Drozdovsky Regiment

In November 1918 the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia. On 11 March 1918, Colonel Drozdovsky's assembled volunteer forces set out on their famous campaign from the Romanian city of Iasi to the Don. They marched about 1200 kilometers in 61 days. The Germans respectfully let the soldiers pass, their officers expressed their admiration for the determination to fight Bolshevism. The Red Army tried to stop their advance but each time the disciplined and persistent volunteers literally swept them out of their way. On the Easter night of 4 May 1918, after many battles they liberated Rostov. Major General Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky, veteran of the Great War and the Russo-Japanese war, a key person in the preparation of armed resistance to the Bolshevik dictatorship, a man of honor and unbending will, was wounded in a heavy battle near the walls of the St. John Martin Monastery on 13 November 1918. He returned to duty, and died in the Rostov hospital in 1919.

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 The official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Little Lies" from the 1987 album "Tango In The Night".


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Christine Mcvie died at 79 years old.
 The official live performance of Fleetwood Mac -
This is one of my favorite songs written and preformed by Christine, so upbeat, her legacy will live on, and she will be forever missed by us all.
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 The official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Seven Wonders" from the 1987 album "Tango In The Night".

  Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy (Official Music Video)

The official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Gypsy" from the 1982 album "Mirage". The new Fleetwood Mac collection '50 Years – Don’t Stop' is available now. Get your copy here .. The video for 'Gypsy', directed by Russell Mulcahy, was the very first 'World Premiere Video' on MTV in 1982.

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 The official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Everywhere" from the 1987 album.


This song makes me want to win the Champions League and sing this out loud with a beer in hand ...
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 "Everywhere" performed by Rumours of Fleetwood Mac. Recorded live at The Sage, Gateshead, England, 19th of May 2018
This one of my favourite songs of all time. It has special place. On that note. A huge thank you to the most incredible and gifted Christine and everyone who made this possible. RIP You are with us and we are with you always
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 Olivia Newtown John - It's Christiams Down Under -born 1948 & died at 73 years old and she was Jewish.
This movie was filmed during April of 1965,Olivia was sixteen. In her autobiography,  Olivia says she was fifteen when she filmed this.
50 years ago and now she gone. So quickly we pass.
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I heard this song for the first time when I was 12, made me cry then, now at 54 still makes my's so beautiful. So is the answer song....never heard that before
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 The Australian city called Canberra.
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Don't get immersed in the artistry only. You may miss the jumps. The 1st half of the free programme is so mesmerizing! She deserves the . World no.1 and Olympic Champion Anna Shcherbakova.

Shcherbakova Beijing 2022 free program!

I was so happy for Anna Shcherbakova!! She deserved the gold medal. I have followed her since 2018 Grand Prix where she fell several times and everyone doubted her. She was the first Russian woman to land the quad jump in training, but broke her leg later which allowed Trusova to get credit for being the first Russian woman to land the quad. Then Valieva arrived and overshadowed Anna. Anna has always kept a gracious and dignified manner regarding whether she wins.


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Breton dancing at the Fest Noz, Saint Pol de Leon, Brittany

 Folk dances of Brittany in France.



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The Medievals - Douce Dame Jolie

 "Douce Dame Jolie" - composed by French composer and poet Guillaume de Machaut. He was a central figure of the ars nova style in late medieval music. Machaut embodies the culmination of the poet-composer tradition stretching back to the traditions of troubadour and trouvère. In "Douce Dame Jolie", the lyrical subject praises the beauty of the young lady, assuring her of his undying love. We are happy to introduce you to our version of that story.

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"Yma o Hyd" - Welsh Patriotic Song

 "Yma o Hyd" is a Welsh language patriotic song commonly sung at Welsh football matches. It describes the everlasting struggle of the survival of the Welsh people, language and culture. It has also been seen as a cultural anthem of the Welsh people, as well as "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau."

I feel proud to be a Welsh man listening to this song.


From Gruffyd ap Cynan: For those interested in the meaning of this song, there are multiple layers to it. Here is a full analysis and explanation of the lyrics: - Macsen Wledig is the Welsh/Brythonic name for Magnus Maximus, a Roman General who was assigned to Britannia and who usurped much of the Roman Empire using Celtic British troops. His significance to Welsh history is that he was considered the ancestor of several Welsh dynasties, was said to have married a British Celtic woman, and is believed to have created a sense of independent Celtic British identity after he diminished the Roman presence in Britannia in 383. Some Welsh historians argued that this was the origin of Welsh as a distinctive, unified, and independent identity as the British Celtic ethnonym (Britons) became the Welsh ethnonym (or Cymry in Welsh).
- The lyrics in the chorus then reference an event that is said to have occurred 800 years later when Henry II, King of England and ruler of the mighty Angevin Empire (spanning from southern Scotland to the south of France), was seeking to impose his lordship over the troublesome Welsh kingdoms. As he was travelling through Wales with his army, he came across an old Welshman on the roadside who, despite being a frail peasant, stood up to the invading king. He prophesied that no matter what Henry achieved in his campaigns, on Judgement Day the Welsh would still be standing proud in this land and their ancient language would live on (this tale is also referenced in the third and final verse of the song). A few years later, in 1165, Henry II was driven out of Wales by a coalition of Welsh kings aided by difficult weather conditions and never succeeded in bringing their kingdoms into his expansive empire.
- The second verse references the invasions of the Welsh during the Dark Ages: the howling wind from the east (the Anglo-Saxon / English invasions) and the roaring storm from the sea (Irish and Viking raids). Notable heroic figures are mentioned in literature as rising up against these threats, some more historically accounted for than others. These include Cunedda who led the Britons to defeat the Irish settlers in North Wales, Urien Rheged who kept the Picts at bay and fought the Angles, Cadwallon who defeated the Anglo-Saxons of Northumbria at Hatfield Chase, and Rhodri the Great who developed a large navy to defeat the Danes. Most famous of these is Arthur who is likely a later literary invention based on several historical and semi-mythical figures who fought against the invaders of the Welsh/Brythonic kingdoms - the first source to mention Arthur is Welsh, likely long before he was adopted by French and English literature. The song references the hardship of this period as the tears of the weak-hearted flowed and somewhat mocks the servile who betrayed their own people. Like elsewhere in the song, these are intended to be parallels between these distant eras and present struggles for maintaining Welsh identity and heritage. It concludes that, despite these difficulties, the struggle will continue until things improve with the break of dawn.
- The final verse is the one that most clearly associated these past events with the current political environment as it calls for unity and pride: to remember the past and bellow before the nations that, as the old man told Henry II, the Welsh will be here until judgement day despite any attempt to extinguish their identity by expansionist forces. The song references Dic Siôn Dafydd (sort of the Welsh version of an Uncle Tom) - a Welshman satirised in a poem from the year 1800 by John Jones who mocks a Welshman who abandons his heritage to pursue a shallow version of English culture due to having internalised prejudices. In spite of such people existing today (those who spurn their Welsh heritage and become culturally impoverished as a result), and in spite of Margaret Thatcher and her supporters who destroyed communities in Wales with mine closures while failing to invest in alternative industries; and who also tried to prevent a Welsh language TV channel from being established (until Welsh politician Gwynfor Evans went on hunger strike to prevent this), the song concludes that the Welsh and their language will be alive at the end of time.
So, in short, the song ties together various historical references and moments that mirror each other and inspire us and are relevant to us in the present: to unite and preserve the linguistic, cultural, and political heritage of Wales against assimilationist forces that seek only to destroy and dominate, and to celebrate its longevity despite multiple attempts to undermine it. It's a nationalistic Welsh tune, but these are themes that ring true for small cultures and nations all over the world. 

yma o hyd

Dafydd Iwan a'r Holl Artistiaid - Yma o Hyd

As an English Welsh-speaker and learner, mae hi’n gân hardd. Dw i’n caru Cymru a’r iaith Gymraeg. 
Just a shame about all the anti-English hatred that comes from some people in Wales. For some reason, some Welsh people hate the ENTIRETY of England and our people instead of just hating Westminster Globalist?  Like we understand that you don’t like Westminster Globalist cos a lot of us don’t either  but to hate the entirety of England for it is a bit much isn’t it?
Gwlad hardd, iaith hardd, pobl gwych (mostly), just the select few that let it down
Respect to Wales.

Westminster Globalist hate all whites in Britain and all over the World.

Learn how to sing ‘Yma o hyd’ - Wales’ 2nd National anthem Dafydd Iwan a'r Holl Artistiaid - Yma o Hyd

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  Men of Harlech - Welsh Patriotic Song



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Russian women in ethno dresses

Ah! Eastern European girls - - are beautiful white women. Civilization survives after all
Russian women are so beautiful like Godesses. . . . . My God
The voices are like angels singing. And I'll bet that originally the multi colored designs of the dresses originated in the seamstress having extra many colored scraps of cloth accumulated from past projects which she wanted to put to some good use because of the strong Christian ethos against waste. Over time the designs were copied, recopied, standardized, and became the National dress.


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 Yuliya Shcherbakova - Улетай на крыльях ветра ║ French reaction!

  Улетай На Крыльях Ветра

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Hrdza - Stephen


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"I WILL GO OUT INTO THE FIELD AT NIGHT WITH A HORSE." The whole country is singing!



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Deep healing meditation for awakening your divine feminine energy.

FREYA MEDITATION : How to achieve peace and transquility with European music

The European Goddess Freya.

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Freyja ( Ritual & Meditation Music ) *without waterfall*

 This meditation was created to focus on Freyja , The Norse Goddess associated with magick who was also Vanir which are Gods associated mostly with nature and creation. She represents perfect Divine Feminine energy that is not just felt by females but males also. She has her own hall where the battle slain warriors will go to find peace

. Hail Freyja .

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Andrea, Matteo & Virginia Bocelli - A Bocelli Family Christmas

A Bocelli Family Christmas credits: This video has been shot at Castel Savoia, Gressoney - Valle D’Aosta – Italy in Europe Special thanks to Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta, Courmayeur Mont Blanc, CVA Energie, Skyway Monte Bianco. Please visit lovevda.

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Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - The Shirelles; Cover by Beatrice Florea

Dear Bea I didn't know this song but when I heard it yesterday with your absolutely beautiful voice I immediately loved it. What a lovely performance and the song is very catchy. Bea we are 13k here and I'm so proud of you. Your passion and professionalism for the music is really inspiring, and you are a singer like no other for me, congratulations! 

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Be My Baby - The Ronettes; Cover by Beatrice Florea

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  The Chordettes - 'Mr. Sandman' Music Cover 2021

They do a wonderful job of recreating the song, a big hit in the 1950's here in America.


belind carlisle

Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth (Official HD Music Video)

Official HD Music Video for ‘Heaven Is A Place On Earth' , by Belinda Carlisle.

Taken from her classic 1987 album, 'Heaven On Earth'. Video directed by Diane Keaton.

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Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth (Lyrics)




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Belinda Carlisle - Leave A Light On (Official HD Music Video)

Runaway Horses was a FABULOUS album! Love this video... especially the shots of the Nevada desert and Belinda in classic downtown Vegas with her 60's style. Thanks for posting it!
Belinda Carlisle Leave A Light On 1989
Take my hand
Tell me what you're feeling Understand
This is just the beginning
Although I have to go
It makes me feel like crying
I don't know when I'll see you again
I'll be there before you close the door
To give you all the love that you need
cause when the world takes me away
You are still the air that I breathe
I can't explain I just don't know
Just how far I have to go
But darling I'll keep the key
Just leave a light on for me
Yes I know
What I'm asking is crazy
You could goust get tired of waiting
But if I lose your love
Torn out by my desire
That would be the one regret of my life
Repeat Chorus
Beautiful woman.........great lyrics....all Belinda's songs leave me breathless! ..the 80's are the new 60's where music is concerned...Barrie in Spain.

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Концерт Николая Баскова "Игра". Полная версия. Эфир от 24.12.2016


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Sung by the stunningly gorgeous Polina Gagarina.

For Anyone Who Always Wanted Lyrics For The Famous 'Kukushka' (Cuckoo) Song

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Живой концерт Полины Гагариной на Авторадио (2022)


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Single ] Polina Gagarina (Поли́на Гага́рина) - "Katiusha (Катюша)" Singer 2019 EP5


White European Music Archives


There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music.  Europeans composed distinctive styles of songs and music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal.  We have a short rich history of European music styles below:

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Николай Басков и Натали - Николай [Disco Дача 2014]



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"Беларусь мой дом" Автор Ирина Бейня


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Николай Басков и Ксения Дежнёва "Призрак оперы" на "Новогоднем голубом огоньке-2016" 01.01.16.



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Натали - О Боже, какой мужчина! [Disco Дача 2014] 



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Н.Басков, Натали "Николай" "Юморина 2015" эф.29.05.15 г.Виктория Полюшко802 subscribers


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Таисия Повалий и Николай Басков - Ты далеко, Отпусти меня (2016)

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Ани Лорак & Сергей Лазарев - Ты далеко (Новая волна 2021)


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For Anyone Who Always Wanted Lyrics For The Famous 'Kukushka' (Cuckoo) Song

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The Final Countdown (Official Video)


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No Connect - D.White (Минус) EViANsOUND. ITALIA disko

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D.White - 600 km (Live version). New Italo Disco, Euro Dance, Euro Disco, Mega Hit, Super Song

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"I'm Russian" Performed By Representatives Of Different Nationalities And Regions Of Russia

 ?? The song "I'm Russian!" performed by representatives of different nationalities from different Russian regions, it acquires a truly folk sound.
❗️"And we can't be broken!"
Russia is not only the largest country on our …

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"We Rise" - Performed By Historic Russian Pop Stars (Subtitled)

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D.White - Devil's Plan. NEW Italo Disco, Euro Disco, Modern Talking style, Snowboarding Extreme mix

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The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (imy2 Cover)


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The Weeknd - Blinding Lights - Vintage Dance Choreography - Roberto F

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D.White - Generous Love (Concert Video, Moscow 2021). NEW ITALO DISCO, Euro Disco, Synth-Pop


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D.White - Love forever (Concert Video, 2021). Euro Dance, Euro Disco, Best music NEW Italo Disco

? D.White - Russian actor and singer. Music project specialized in Euro and NEW Italo Disco styles.

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full screem very nice mus

D.White - Cyber World (Concert Video, Moscow 2021). NEW Italo & Euro Disco, Spacesynth, Synthwave

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"We are still here!", a Welsh nationalist song (1983).

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Coldplay to the people of Iran



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 White One Wish (Extended Version) NEW Italo Disco Music. Super Hit, Best Song. Travel Kavkaz fly


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D White – All the story is history.


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D.White - All the story is history. Modern Talking style 80s. Music Disco. Magic walking truck race


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D.White - Follow Me. Modern Talking style 80s. Music Disco. Extreme fly magic travel nostalgia remix

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  JOY - Touch by touch[Dyskoteka80 2013]


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Simon Khorolskiy & The Martens Sisters – Return, o Lord – Обратись, Господи


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Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love (Official Video) (VOD)


People talk about Celine Dion, but Jennifer Rush's voice was a "weapon" in it's day. She was hitting notes in the stratosphere without even trying. The transition into those power notes was effortless. The strength in her vocals was incredible.
The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes
I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms when the world outside's too much to take that all ends when I'm with you
Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away But Never wonder where I am 'Cause I am always by your side
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love
The sound of your heart beating Made it clear suddenly the feeling that I can't go on Is light years away
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'm wanna do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love
Of the power of love
Of the power of love

Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love (ZDF Tele-Illustrierte 13.02.1985) (VOD) (Official Video) 

 Jennifer Rush - Heart Over Mind (Na Siehste! 28.08.1987) (VOD)


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BktJalil Remix HD Lambada Orient

So amazing I love watching them do that dance I like the song they're all so gorgeous and beautiful
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  Most Popular Song Each Month in the 60s


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This Singer Asks if I Know "Stand By Me" and Steals The Show

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D.White Feat. K. Lelyukhin - Generous Love


  Autumn-Appassionata (Secret Garden)


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 Europa Tradition.

Published on Apr 12, 2016
Some traditional views from mother Europa.

I watch this video whenever I lose my feeling of nationalism.

EUROPA: AWAKEN FROM YOUR SLUMBER Your enemy operates in shadows, whispering sweet poison to the ear. Yet all around destroyed, are things that you hold dear. Browbeaten by the lies of false masters, you kneel insulted and shamed and bled. Concede with haste the open invasion, if not stopped will leave your children dead.

Europe and the European people are the most beautiful thing this world has ever seen

Only Europeans can create such marvels.

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This is Europa - Our Home LONG LIVE EUROPA

Published on Jun 13, 2017
► MUSIC Druidic Dreams - Adrian von Ziegler Part of the Pack - Adrian von Ziegler
If you surrender a civilisation to avoid social disapproval, you should know that all of history will curse you for your cowardliness.


 “L’autunno porta con sé il ricordo di una stagione generosa, colori, sensazioni, profumi..... (Stephen Littleword)

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  Enya-Only Time


 Fantasy Love 4...Magia Fantasy... immagini tratte da web...

musica di Enya Il nostro sito La nostra pagina Facebook

European Music Archives

There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music.  Europeans composed distinctive songs, music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal.  We have a short rich history of European music below. 

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Marilyn Monroe - RIVER OF NO RETURN

 Marilyn Monroe real name: Norma Jean Baker.

River of no Return 2)Marilyn Monroe/Finale- Rivière sans retour (En/Fr Lyrics)

The river of no return    Marilyn Monroe Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie There is a river Called the River of no return Sometimes it's peaceful And sometimes wild and free Love is a traveler On the River of no return Swept on forever To be lost in the stormy sea Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call (no return, no return) Wail-a-ree I can hear my lover call come to me (no return, no return) I lost my love on the river And forever my heart will yearn Gone gone forever Down the River of no return Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee She'll never return to me ( no return, no return

Down in the meadow - Marilyn Monroe 

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Jasper Remembers Marilyn Monroe And “The River Of No Return”

A good part of Jasper has not changed too much since the 1950's, much of the main street still has the original buildings, the heritage train station and National Park information office are still there and the passenger train with its 1950's historic silver cars calls once a day in summer in its trip across Canada. Even the town itself still lives slightly in a 1950's culture, tourists from around the world crowd the place in summer. "Yellowhead" refers to a nearby road and rail pass through the mountains, named after a male blonde fur trader of the early 1800's, this TV news report is from the city of Edmonton, 400 km / 250 miles east of the town.

Marilyn had a lovely singing voice and  could have also easily persued an equally  successful singing Career as she was so very talented in so many varied areas of the Arts (except for dancing she could liteally "do it all" !) Thanks for this Wonderful upload ! Laura Daitch-Landgraf

Nice song and so meaningful reallly. One can never return with certain special persons of the past nor relive our loves with them. Life takes us in a certain path and we cannot deviate from it nor return. So we may only do the best we can where we are now, and accept what was left behind or lost was left behind or lost for good.


 On this June 1st Marilyn Monroe's 92nd birthday. Marilyn footage with a song by Elton John "Healing Hands" Here is a beautiful Marilyn Birthday tribute

Marilyn & Elton John?! Ok Iam sold! More than pretty she was a charmer. Smiling even when she was broken inside... I like something she had said, that she just wanted to be wonderful. Not only as an actress but I guess this was including as a person aswell. Shame she was so objectified during her life time. But it is actually wonderful that her myth still lives on.

Film:  Marilyn Monroe - A Ticket to Tomahawk



Be Jealous, Very Jealous Of Mother Europa! Guard her and all her children well. -- Nothing captures what her offspring has accomplished in 40,000 years.

They're trying to breed us out and push our women on other races to fade our genes out... they're trying to rewrite our history as well taking away our great accomplishments... its sickening... I'm glad lots of whites are waking up tho... we've been through the roughest wars in human history and conquered the world.. but were being brainwashed to baby sit and feed sub humans... that are racist towards us yet we've been labelled as the only color capable of the act

I love Europa so much. She is my divine Goddess.



 Russia destroying ISIS. Russian power in action. With music.

Russia destroying ISIS.Russian Power in action!God bless you Mother Russia!

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Putin has destroyed 10 years old U.S. plan for Syria!Whole Syrian conflict in 11 minutes!

Putin takes back former Russian land of Crimea. With music

Putin destroyed 30 years old US plan for Ukraine & Crimea!Epic moments of this historical events

 Tribute  to European race, history, music and songs

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  This is Europa - Imagine a world without anti-whites

[Video blocked in country]

This is Europa - We are Europe

This is Europa

This is Europa - What We Love

This is Europa

This is Europa - All the Things We Cherish

This is Europa
[Video blocked in country]

This is Europa - A World To Imagine

This is Europa

This is Europa - Europe as it should be

This is Europa

Our Paradise on Earth - A Tribute to Europa

This is Europa

  This is Europa - Worth Fighting For

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Europa Nostra - Tribute to Europe

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Ode to European Civilization

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L Kulning - Ancient Swedish herdingcall


In the middle of the bright summernight I went out to call for the cows. I thought that maybe, something deep inside them, remember the sounds from the ancient times when people called for them over far distances.

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  Slavic women in ethno dresses

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  Polyushka Polye

Polyushko-polye (Russian: По́люшко-по́ле; IPA: [ˈpolʲʊʂkə ˈpolʲɪ]) is a Soviet Russian-language song. Polye means "field" in Russian, "polyushko" is a diminutive/hypocoristic form for "polye".

The music was composed by Lev Knipper, with lyrics by Viktor Gusev in 1933.

The song was part of the symphony with chorus (lyrics by Gusev) "A Poem about a Komsomol Soldier" (Поэма о бойце-комсомольце) composed in 1934. The original lyrics are sung from the perspective of a Red Army recruit, who proudly leaves his home to keep watch against his homeland's enemies. The song was covered many times by many artists in the Soviet Union, including a well-known rock version recorded by The Singing Guitars (Поющие гитáры), released c. 1967. The song has been regularly performed and recorded by the Alexandrov Ensemble, and it is listed in the Alexandrov Ensemble discography, best known as the Red Army Choir.

Lyrics: Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле, Едут по полю герои, Эх, да Красной Армии герои. Девушки плачут, Девушкам сегодня грустно, Милый надолго уехал, Эх, да милый в армию уехал. Девушки, гляньте, Гляньте на дорогу нашу, Вьётся дальняя дорога, Эх, да развесёлая дорога. Только мы видим, Видим мы седую тучу, Вражья злоба из-за леса, Эх, да вражья злоба, словно туча. Эх, девушки, гляньте, Мы врага принять готовы, Наши кони быстроноги, Эх, да наши танки быстроходны. Эх, пусть же в колхозе Дружная кипит работа, Мы дозорные сегодня, Эх, да мы сегодня часовые.

Field, field, Field, wide field, Heroes are riding over the field, Oh, Red Army heroes. Girls are crying, The girls are forlorn today, Their loved ones are leaving for a long time, Oh, their loved ones are leaving for the army. Girls, pay attention, Look at the road we ride on, The road is long and winding, Oh, what a merry road. We only see We only see the gray clouds, The hate of the enemy from the forest, Oh, the enemy's hate, it's like a cloud. Oh, girls, pay attention, We are ready to engage the enemy, Our horses are fleet-footed, Our tanks are swiftly rolling. Oh, let the farmers, Work with peace of mind, Today we are the watchmen, Today we are watching over them.


- Е. Сотникова4,444,753 views



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  Loreena McKennitt Night Ride Across the Caucasus

 Right Ride Across the Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt made by hikmet chechnya chechnia bashlam caucassia adiga çerkes galgay chardak dudayev maskhadov basayev tusheti caucasia grozny nazran magas shali terek ingushetia cultu

This video is about Caucasian historical culture. Absolutely about historical wedding in Caucasus. Also music is gorgeous really. Greetings from Caucasus

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 Uyghurs and Hungarians (Secret History of Huns)
The section from the books, "The Children of Mu" and "Lost Continent of Mu" by James Churchward:  Great Uyghur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe.

thank you for this beautiful video! You've put quite a bit of work into it. The culture is beautiful and an interesting reference to the Hungarian culture. That Aryans come from Central Asia is a fact and, as a linguist, I can trace similarities between Turkic  and Germanic languages that could only be explained by their distant common origins. I do not, however, understand any nationalistic sentiments for or against this video. The contents of the video, I would opine, should be taken as a piece of interesting information. Is there any need to spill bile and inject vermin of racist hatred here? We should treasure whatever happened in the past, but we should be living in our present and be looking into the future, not bound by any religious or ethnic ties. The geopolitical reality of the Uyghurs is that their land is part of China and, while preserving their ethnic and cultural identity, they have to put their efforts to catch up with the rest of the people in China getting along with the rest of them. They have to secure their future there - where they are now. The future is there, not in the Taklamakan desert among the mummies.  For those less knowledgeable, Uyghurs are very different in their looks, there really are those who could be easily taken for a European, but there are also those who look Asian. That is not the crux of the matter, is it? The beauty or intellect is not in the size of our noses, if you believe it is, you are slipping on a dangerous path of racism.


Lone Live Europe 6

Lone Live Europe 6

Long Live Europe 4

Long Live Europe 4

Boléro vs Cleopatra Boléro vs Cleopatra   mishalb...

White Countries For Everyone

White Countries For Everyone

  AntiWhites up all night altCensored     This is Europa Publi.

Long Live Europe 2

Long Live Europe 2

  Hail to the European Mother!   Stefan 1 year ago (edited) ...

Long live Europe 3

Long live Europe 3

    The Love Of My People   DukeOfDurham Publish...

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Heilung | LIFA - Krigsgaldr LIVE

Heilung - Krigsgaldr (Live) Opinio




Kati Ran


Napalm Records




Nuclear Blast Records

g lov


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Oonagh - Gäa [Offizielles Musikvideo]

Tersky Cossack Choir - Oysya, you oysya (russian cossack folk song)

FAUN - Sonnenreigen (Lughnasad) [Snippet]

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Faun - Walpurgisnacht (Director's Cut)

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"Yes, Germany was destroyed in ww2 , now Germany is slowly and irreversibly being destroyed again. The hordes form ghettos and those ghettos will constantly expand. Within those areas Germany and her people are forced out never to be German again. They will not leave and German people are forced out. You are losing your country on a daily basis."

 German Alps From Above MUST SEE Views: Berechtesgadener Land 4k | Königsee

 AbuShakra Adventure

Music: A SACRIFICE TO SAVE YOU | by Efisio Cross

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  German Alps From Above MUST SEE Views: Berechtesgadener Land 4k | Königsee

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 All of my songs for you:
If you want to help us, contact me directly on Discord:
Pinned by Dr. Ludwig
Dr. Ludwig
Karl Sternau will upload a video too on his new channel:
We are so sorry that it didn´t work, but we really tried everything we can. Let us know in the comments what you think. If anyone of you wants to help us, for example with graphics, video cutting or just tipps and information, then use the Discord link in the video description. The path of resistance over a lawyer didn´t work, but we are not done yet! We will try other tactics soon.
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 Alpenzusjes - Wienie Wienie

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French Singers Les Brigandes

Les Brigandes Pl

Les Brigandes - Jeanne ( J’ai trouvé une épée )

 To order their albums go to website.

les brigandes l'heure de dire adieu mp4

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 The Identitarian and the Women's Movement

Defend Europe Identitäre Bewegung Frankreich Generation Identitaire France Identitarian Movemen

https:/ German women rise up! #120

Growing Stronger: The Identitarian Movement

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 The color of Fall is turning from red to white as Winter approaches the Land of Enchantment. The young ones are sad because they cannot run and play as they did during the warmer months. They began to cry until the voice of The Ancients called out to them. The Ancients told them to listen to the wise words of The Silver Moon Goddess and believe what she says. For the Silver Moon Goddess protects all life on the Land of Enchantment ~ she told the young ones "to look into their hearts, and do not cry, for tomorrow Christmas will be here". Once the children heard her speak those words their tears turned into laughter. Their sad faces were smiling once more.

Christmas is Near ~ The Land of Enchantment ~ Enya


ENYA -The Spirit of Christmas Past

Enya - Echoes In Rain

Enya - So I Could Find My Way (Official Video)

Enya Wild Child Lyrics

enya wild child

Enya - Wild Child - Gold Disc Awards 2001 - LIVE

Enya - It's In The Rain (Video)

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ENYA - Caribbean blue

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Ice Age White Europeans

Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present

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Sarah Brightman & Gregorian Chant

Gregorian Chant, Join Me sung by Amelia Brightman

Sarah Brightman and Antonio Banderas, The Phantom of the Opera (1998)


Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye

Gregorian Ft Amelia Brightman - Moment Of Peace

Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye

Gregorian Ft Amelia Brightman - Moment Of Peace


Celtic Woman - Danny Boy

Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg (feat Oonagh)

Andre Rieu

André Rieu & Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd

  André Rieu - El Cóndor Pasa (live in Peru)

 Preliator - Rome
Ancient Roman combat set to the music of Globus, (Immediate Music).

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Celtic Thunder

Heritage- "Whiskey in the Jar"Celtic Thunder:

'You've got a friend in me'Celtic Thunder:

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'Black is the Colour'

Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915'

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Cultural Music

The Vikings 1958.. Best Scene Ever!!

 Viking Song

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 Viking nordic song Herr Manneling & Yggdrasil

 Australian Songs

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Two Steps from Hell Victory Charge of the Australian Light Horse, Beersheba - extended version

The Battle of Beersheba, 31 October 1917

Battle of Beersheba - Canadian Frustration - Balfour Declaration I THE GREAT WAR Week 171

 G'day Larry.
So we must fly a rebel flag,
As others did before us,
And we must sing a rebel song
And join in rebel chorus. We'll make the tyrants feel the sting
O' those that they would throttle;
They needn't say the fault is ours
If blood should stain the wattle!"

Henry Lawson.

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda - John McDermott

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Russian National Anthem

Anthem of Russia, Crimea 2015 [Eng Sub]

This song was written specifically for WWII

The Sacred War - Alexandrov Red Army Choir

You know the difference between Russia and Europe/West? Russian people singing about defending their sacred land from invading, and I think all people should sing this song about defending their sacred country...

Valeria Kurnushkina & Red Army Choir (2014)

Stand up for faith, Russian land - Kuban Cossack Choir (2014)

Farewell of Slavianka - Dina Garipova & Alexandrov Ensemble (2013)

 South African White European Afrikaanse Songs

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 Bok van Blerk

Bok van Blerk

 Bok van Blerk - Land van Melk en Heuning (AMPTELIKE HD MUSIEK VIDEO)

De la Rey Song - with English subtitles

A Compilation of British -Afrikaanse War song by Bok van Blerk

Afrikanerhart - Bok van Blerk

De La Rey



Music by Jo Black, Leah performing Nooit Alleen

Jo Black, Leah - Nooit Alleen

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Karlien Van Jaarsveld

Karlien Van Jaarsveld - Sing Vir Liefde

European Afrikaanse History and Music.

Silent cry of the Boer

Heart of the Boer 

Boer Battlefield

Boer Battle Song (Bach Choir)


My Afrikaner Nation, my mother-tongue -

Why in shame our heads now hung?

We still have our pride but no place of safety to reside.

My people, my country, my Language ....

1 "Eendrag maak mag" we pray with anguish.


Boney M - Little Drummer Boy

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Christmas/Christian Songs

Say Merry Christmas - Vocal Carrie Rinderer and the American Christian Life United (ACLU) choir...

ENYA - The Spirit of Christmas Past (A Princess For Christmas)

The First Noël - Celtic Woman

Celtic Version of O Holy Night

Dean Martin - Let it Snow!

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What is Yule?

Amateur Videos

Bride Sings, Don't Stop Believing at her own wedding

Bride surprises groom at wedding and breaks out in song

Future American Idol Bride Sings to Groom at their Wedding



Bonnie Blue Flag

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ANTIFA Parody Song

Screenshot 1bbc b"> A Dedicated Follower Of Fascists (Parody Song)

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   ISIS Parody

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  Donald Trump Reads "Snake" Poem To Syrian Refugees

 Donald Trump reads "Snake" poem to a crowd of supporters in Cedar Falls Iowa on January 12, 2016.

Irish Music

 Who were the Black and Tans? (Actual footage of attacks)
The Black and Tans as a subject still arouses controversy in Ireland.  The Black and Tans were mostly former soldiers brought into Ireland by the British government after 1920, to assist the RIC, (Royal Irish Constabulary), in their work.

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Friends in Safe Spaces. Chad Prather and Steve Mudflap McGrew aka Larry the Liberal

Chad Prather and other singers

Chad Prather - The "Snowflake Cry" song

Snowflake Blues a Trumptrain parody of Folsom Prison Blues

Hillary Clinton - All I Want For Christmas is to be President (Mariah Parody)

The Wreck called Hillary Clinton

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The key to a nation's future lies in its past. The people who lost has no future

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Tribute to Rhodesian Military

Rhodesians Never Die

Taras Bulba - army gathering. The Ride to Dubno -
TARAS BULBA ©1962: The Ride to Dubno, also known as, 'The Ride of The Cossacks', music composed and conducted by Franz Waxman 1906-1967.  Starring Yul Brynner in the title role, also starring Tony Curtis, Kristine Kaufmann, Perry López and Sam Wanamaker, filmed in Argentina, directed by J.Lee Thompson.The Horse Charge
Music from the group, Two Steps from Hell, "Heart of Courage", released in 2010.  A video of horses charging from a number of various movies.

150 thousand People! Poland Rises Against Islam/March Of Independence2015/MarszNiepodległości
According to one reader, the music is a mix of Why do we Fall; Imagine the Fire; Without a Rope; Take me to Bane - Soundtrack from The Dark Knight, by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard.

 Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood

Israel - Anti.N.W.O SonG - S-Line - ILLUMINATI DISS (Anti - NWO) FICK die FREIMAURER)


Visegrad Alliance - Central Europe Rises

Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood

Europe says NO to Angela Merkels Islamic invasion

European Dances

André Rieu & 150 dancers - Lara's Theme & Light Cavalry

The Second Waltz - André Rieu

Zorba The Greek Dance By the Greek Orchestra Emmetron Music HD

AMAZING Russian Female Ensemble Beriozka Performs Marvellous "Gliding" Dance

Jackie Evancho

Jackie Evancho started singing before the age of 9.  We hope this motivates young boys and girls to sing.

'O Mio Babbino Caro' (June 2009)

Jackie Evancho & Sarah Brightman - Time to Say Goodbye

Jackie Evancho & Andrea Bocelli - Con te partirò - Live 2015



Visegrad Alliance - Central Europe Rises

Europe says NO to Angela Merkels Islamic invasion

European nationalism on the rise - fight for your people.  Retain your European identity.  Proclaim the sanctity of race.  Believe in the Sacred Gene Pool.  Treasure this noble heritage.
Eternity must be ours!

Sentimental/Country and Western Music

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The Shifting Whispering Sands as done by Jim Reeves YouTube

  The Mamas And The Papas - California Dreamin' - Subtitulado Español & Inglés  Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind

Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)

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Patti Page's biggest hit released in 1950, "The Tennessee Waltz" and was #1 for thirteen weeks that year.Little Peggy March - I will follow him (best version)

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"I believe" - Clint Walker
This is one of the songs included in Clint's Inspiration CD, available through his website at Walker: "The Kentuckian Song" 

Burl Ives - The original recording of Ghost Riders In The Sky
This is the first recording of this famous song by someone other than the writer, Stan Jones, who recorded it in 1948.

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Pernell Roberts - They Call The Wind Maria - With Lyrics


Youtube Channel: THE LEGACY OF PERNELL ROBERTS – By Nsimiao- Clip: Pernell Roberts sings
“THEY CALL THE WIND MARIA” [ With LYRICS ] Scenes from Bonanza
Away out here, they got a name For wind and rain and fire, The rain is Tess, the fire is Joe. And they call the wind Maria.
Maria blows the stars around, And sends the clouds a-flyin'. Maria makes the mountains sound, Like folks up there was dyin'.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria.
Before I knew Maria's name, And heard her wail and whinin'. I had a girl and she had me, And the sun was always shinin'.
But then, one day, I left my girl, I left her far behind me. And now I'm lost, so god darn lost, Not even God can find me.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria
Out here, they got a name for wind, And rain and fire only. But when you're lost and all alone, There ain't no word but lonely.
And I'm a lost, and lonely man, Without a star to guide me. Maria, blow my love to me, I need my girl beside me.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria, Maria, Maria, blow my love to me.
They call the Wind Maria

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Patsy Cline - Back In Baby's ArmsPernell Roberts -

They Call The Wind MariaThe Seekers - Georgy Girl (1967 -

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Stereo)Petula Clark Downtown. Original version

Non English  Channels

✠ Der Preußische Adler

Swedish Traditionalist


General Fritz

Armin Von Bretternitz


Norwegian Baron

Ingmar Burghardt



Trump Responds

300: Making America Great Again [Donald Trump Parody]


Read 11084 times

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  Nicole Scherzinger - Phantom Of The Opera (Royal Variety Performance - December 14)

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Four Phantoms Medley ft. Sarah Brightman | The Phantom of The Opera

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Irish Stew of Sindidun - Take Me High / Tri boje zvuka

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New music video to warn people about vaccines.

EXCLUSIVE: Jane Ruby Teams Up With Nashville Star For Vaccine-Warning Music Video

 Nashville Star Shawn Gallaway of joins guest host Dr. Jane Ruby of on The Alex Jones Show to show the new music video they collaborated on to warn people about vaccines.


White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

Screenshot 1women 2

SKÁLD - Flúga

SKÁLD - Flúga


42K 506 Share

Listen/Buy SKÁLD’s album:
Follow SKÁLD: Facebook:
Official Site:
Music: Pierrick Valence
Text: Christophe Voisin-Boisvinet
Universal Music Publishing France, Editions Hurlantes

Screenshot 3donkey

Trio Mandili - Kakhuri 


Screenshot 33 ladies

Trio Mandili in Corsica - Bella Ciao



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Alizée - J'en ai marre ! (Live 2021)



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Bok van Blerk sing Generaal, Generaal by Affies

 Screenshot 11 year ago

What a lovely view. White People


Yes! Goosebumps.Why? Because even making generous allowance for the universal celebrity worship of young girls, it is still a profound statement that THIS is a song they know by heart. I bet you would not find a phenomenon like this anywhere else in the West today

 Gareth Rutherford

We need much more of this.. ??? The culture is alive and growing... Listen to its passion.


Love the underlyiung spirit of the song - preserve the spirit of your nation - warm greetings from Russia!

De la Rey (English translation)

English translation

De la Rey

On a mountain in the night
We lie in the dark and wait
In the mud and the blood
As rain and streepsak clings to me
And my house and my farm were burnt to the ground so they could capture us
But those flames and fires now burn deep deep within me.
De La Rey, De La Rey can you come and lead the Boers ?
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General we will fall around you as one.
General De La Rey.
Hear those Khakis as they laugh
A handful of us against their massive force
With our backs to the cliffs of the mountains
They think its over for us
But the heart of a farmer is deeper and wider, they shall soon come to see
On a horse he comes, the lion of West Transvaal
De La Rey, De La Rey can you come and lead the Boers ?
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General we will fall around you as one.
General De La Rey.
Because my wife and my child are in a camp dying,
And the Khakis are walking over a nation that will rise again
De La Rey, De La Rey can you come and lead the Boers ?
De La Rey, De La Rey
General, General we will fall around you as one.
General De La Rey.
Screenshot 1live at time
Music video by Bok Van Blerk performing Afrikanerhart (Live At Time Square Sun Arena, Menlyn Maine / 2018). © 2018 Coleske Artist
cesar fernandez lopez

Screenshot 1experiment

  We Can Agree (What's in the V?) by Betsy Dewey - Official Lyrics video


Screenshot 2enya many songs

The Best of ENYA | Non-Stop Playlist



Official Music video for 'Wys Jou Vleis' by JAN JAN JAN.

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I love White Afrikaans music.  There is so much more soul / spirit in it...

Official Music video for 'Wys Jou Vleis' by JAN JAN JAN.

JAN JAN JAN - Wys jou Vleis

Screenshot 2wear nice

Screenshot 2moment like this

I love White Afrikaans music.  There is so much more soul / spirit in it... carry on!

Jay en Lianie - In A Moment Like This - OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO



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Shelter In Place

Leyba Davidovich Bronstein (the kike who worked to conceal his jewish origins; using a public pseudo-Russian name Leon Trotsky) is quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin: "We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence!” SOUND FAMILIAR!

Follow Erika on Twitter: @WulffJones



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 From 1966 to 1989 The South African Defense Force (SADF) fought a war on the border between Angola and South West Africa (today known as Namibia). This 23 year conflict is today referred to as the Forgotten War.

The 'Kaplyn' (cutline) was a thin strip of land cleared of any growth. This was the border.

During this period every single white South African son was forced, through the Conscript System, to serve at first, one, then later two years as soon as they left school. A total of 715 South African Soldiers gave their lives to protect their country.

Its funny how many wars white South Africans fought for this country... but its all forgotten, my dad was here, at the age of 16... remember him having nightmares about this.

When the time comes you will have your Flemish and Dutch brethren at your side alongside a lot of other Europeans who still have their eyes open and have not been shamed into submission by our globalist P.C political overlord, good Christian men (protestant, catholic, orthodox it doesn't matter here) will prevail in the end!! my family already suffered when the U.N forced them out of their homes in the Congo so they could give all they owned to people that didn't know a single thing about farming/organisation (or civilisation), then they came for Rhodesia, I swore that if it would happen in SA and the call for volunteers would come and I would still be young enough I'd answer that call.


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Катя Бужинская -Україна-це ми!


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  Наталія Бучинська "Перемога" (Peremoga)

  Світлана Весна "Мій рідний край"

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Александр Буйнов - ВДВ - С неба привет! (Official video)


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  Наталья Самойлова – Спецназ

Наталья Самойлова – Спецназ

Самойлова –95 лет ОДОН им. Ф.Э. Дзержинского Служу России и горжусь этим!


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  Юлиана Ян - Товарищ военный

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Sabaton - March to War


SABATON - Great War (Music Video)

The War to End All Wars! Movie: All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) Song: Great War - Sabaton (2019) Newest Video:


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Sabaton - Rorke's Drift (Music Video)

 In 1879, under the command of Lieutenant John Chard and Gonville Bromhead, a small company of British soldiers successfully defended the outpost at Rorke's Drift, a Swedish hospital and church, against an intense assault by almost 4,000 Zulu warriors. The massive Zulu attacks came very close to defeating the tiny garrison but were ultimately repelled.


  Autumn-Appassionata (Secret Garden)


 “L’autunno porta con sé il ricordo di una stagione generosa, colori, sensazioni, profumi..... (Stephen Littleword)

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  Enya-Only Time


 Fantasy Love 4...Magia Fantasy... immagini tratte da web...

musica di Enya Il nostro sito La nostra pagina Facebook

European Music Archives

There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music.  Europeans composed distinctive songs, music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal.  We have a short rich history of European music below. 

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Marilyn Monroe - RIVER OF NO RETURN

 Marilyn Monroe real name: Norma Jean Baker.

River of no Return 2)Marilyn Monroe/Finale- Rivière sans retour (En/Fr Lyrics)

The river of no return    Marilyn Monroe Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie There is a river Called the River of no return Sometimes it's peaceful And sometimes wild and free Love is a traveler On the River of no return Swept on forever To be lost in the stormy sea Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call (no return, no return) Wail-a-ree I can hear my lover call come to me (no return, no return) I lost my love on the river And forever my heart will yearn Gone gone forever Down the River of no return Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee She'll never return to me ( no return, no return

Down in the meadow - Marilyn Monroe 

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Jasper Remembers Marilyn Monroe And “The River Of No Return”

A good part of Jasper has not changed too much since the 1950's, much of the main street still has the original buildings, the heritage train station and National Park information office are still there and the passenger train with its 1950's historic silver cars calls once a day in summer in its trip across Canada. Even the town itself still lives slightly in a 1950's culture, tourists from around the world crowd the place in summer. "Yellowhead" refers to a nearby road and rail pass through the mountains, named after a male blonde fur trader of the early 1800's, this TV news report is from the city of Edmonton, 400 km / 250 miles east of the town.

Marilyn had a lovely singing voice and  could have also easily persued an equally  successful singing Career as she was so very talented in so many varied areas of the Arts (except for dancing she could liteally "do it all" !) Thanks for this Wonderful upload ! Laura Daitch-Landgraf

Nice song and so meaningful reallly. One can never return with certain special persons of the past nor relive our loves with them. Life takes us in a certain path and we cannot deviate from it nor return. So we may only do the best we can where we are now, and accept what was left behind or lost was left behind or lost for good.


 On this June 1st Marilyn Monroe's 92nd birthday. Marilyn footage with a song by Elton John "Healing Hands" Here is a beautiful Marilyn Birthday tribute

Marilyn & Elton John?! Ok Iam sold! More than pretty she was a charmer. Smiling even when she was broken inside... I like something she had said, that she just wanted to be wonderful. Not only as an actress but I guess this was including as a person aswell. Shame she was so objectified during her life time. But it is actually wonderful that her myth still lives on.

Film:  Marilyn Monroe - A Ticket to Tomahawk



Be Jealous, Very Jealous Of Mother Europa! Guard her and all her children well. -- Nothing captures what her offspring has accomplished in 40,000 years.

They're trying to breed us out and push our women on other races to fade our genes out... they're trying to rewrite our history as well taking away our great accomplishments... its sickening... I'm glad lots of whites are waking up tho... we've been through the roughest wars in human history and conquered the world.. but were being brainwashed to baby sit and feed sub humans... that are racist towards us yet we've been labelled as the only color capable of the act

I love Europa so much. She is my divine Goddess.



 Russia destroying ISIS. Russian power in action. With music.

Russia destroying ISIS.Russian Power in action!God bless you Mother Russia!

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Putin has destroyed 10 years old U.S. plan for Syria!Whole Syr...


Putin takes back former Russian land of Crimea. With music

Putin destroyed 30 years old US plan for Ukraine & Crimea!Epic moments of this historical events

 Tribute  to European race, history, music and songs

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  This is Europa - Imagine a world without anti-whites

[Video blocked in country]

This is Europa - We are Europe

This is Europa

This is Europa - What We Love

This is Europa

This is Europa - All the Things We Cherish

This is Europa
[Video blocked in country]

This is Europa - A World To Imagine

This is Europa

This is Europa - Europe as it should be

This is Europa

Our Paradise on Earth - A Tribute to Europa

This is Europa

  This is Europa - Worth Fighting For

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Europa Nostra - Tribute to Europe

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Ode to European Civilization

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L Kulning - Ancient Swedish herdingcall


In the middle of the bright summernight I went out to call for the cows. I thought that maybe, something deep inside them, remember the sounds from the ancient times when people called for them over far distances.

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  Slavic women in ethno dresses

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  Polyushka Polye

Polyushko-polye (Russian: По́люшко-по́ле; IPA: [ˈpolʲʊʂkə ˈpolʲɪ]) is a Soviet Russian-language song. Polye means "field" in Russian, "polyushko" is a diminutive/hypocoristic form for "polye".

The music was composed by Lev Knipper, with lyrics by Viktor Gusev in 1933.

The song was part of the symphony with chorus (lyrics by Gusev) "A Poem about a Komsomol Soldier" (Поэма о бойце-комсомольце) composed in 1934. The original lyrics are sung from the perspective of a Red Army recruit, who proudly leaves his home to keep watch against his homeland's enemies. The song was covered many times by many artists in the Soviet Union, including a well-known rock version recorded by The Singing Guitars (Поющие гитáры), released c. 1967. The song has been regularly performed and recorded by the Alexandrov Ensemble, and it is listed in the Alexandrov Ensemble discography, best known as the Red Army Choir.

Lyrics: Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле, Едут по полю герои, Эх, да Красной Армии герои. Девушки плачут, Девушкам сегодня грустно, Милый надолго уехал, Эх, да милый в армию уехал. Девушки, гляньте, Гляньте на дорогу нашу, Вьётся дальняя дорога, Эх, да развесёлая дорога. Только мы видим, Видим мы седую тучу, Вражья злоба из-за леса, Эх, да вражья злоба, словно туча. Эх, девушки, гляньте, Мы врага принять готовы, Наши кони быстроноги, Эх, да наши танки быстроходны. Эх, пусть же в колхозе Дружная кипит работа, Мы дозорные сегодня, Эх, да мы сегодня часовые.

Field, field, Field, wide field, Heroes are riding over the field, Oh, Red Army heroes. Girls are crying, The girls are forlorn today, Their loved ones are leaving for a long time, Oh, their loved ones are leaving for the army. Girls, pay attention, Look at the road we ride on, The road is long and winding, Oh, what a merry road. We only see We only see the gray clouds, The hate of the enemy from the forest, Oh, the enemy's hate, it's like a cloud. Oh, girls, pay attention, We are ready to engage the enemy, Our horses are fleet-footed, Our tanks are swiftly rolling. Oh, let the farmers, Work with peace of mind, Today we are the watchmen, Today we are watching over them.


- Е. Сотникова4,444,753 views



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  Loreena McKennitt Night Ride Across the Caucasus

 Right Ride Across the Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt made by hikmet chechnya chechnia bashlam caucassia adiga çerkes galgay chardak dudayev maskhadov basayev tusheti caucasia grozny nazran magas shali terek ingushetia cultu

This video is about Caucasian historical culture. Absolutely about historical wedding in Caucasus. Also music is gorgeous really. Greetings from Caucasus

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 Uyghurs and Hungarians (Secret History of Huns)
The section from the books, "The Children of Mu" and "Lost Continent of Mu" by James Churchward:  Great Uyghur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe.

thank you for this beautiful video! You've put quite a bit of work into it. The culture is beautiful and an interesting reference to the Hungarian culture. That Aryans come from Central Asia is a fact and, as a linguist, I can trace similarities between Turkic  and Germanic languages that could only be explained by their distant common origins. I do not, however, understand any nationalistic sentiments for or against this video. The contents of the video, I would opine, should be taken as a piece of interesting information. Is there any need to spill bile and inject vermin of racist hatred here? We should treasure whatever happened in the past, but we should be living in our present and be looking into the future, not bound by any religious or ethnic ties. The geopolitical reality of the Uyghurs is that their land is part of China and, while preserving their ethnic and cultural identity, they have to put their efforts to catch up with the rest of the people in China getting along with the rest of them. They have to secure their future there - where they are now. The future is there, not in the Taklamakan desert among the mummies.  For those less knowledgeable, Uyghurs are very different in their looks, there really are those who could be easily taken for a European, but there are also those who look Asian. That is not the crux of the matter, is it? The beauty or intellect is not in the size of our noses, if you believe it is, you are slipping on a dangerous path of racism.

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Long Live Europe

 Europa Tradition. Vangelderden Published on Apr 12, 2016 Some tra.


Lone Live Europe 6

Lone Live Europe 6

Long Live Europe 4

Long Live Europe 4

Boléro vs Cleopatra Boléro vs Cleopatra   mishalb...

White Countries For Everyone

White Countries For Everyone

  AntiWhites up all night altCensored     This is Europa Publi.

Long Live Europe 2

Long Live Europe 2

  Hail to the European Mother!   Stefan 1 year ago (edited) ...

Long live Europe 3

Long live Europe 3

    The Love Of My People   DukeOfDurham Publish...

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Heilung | LIFA - Krigsgaldr LIVE

Heilung - Krigsgaldr (Live) Opinio




Kati Ran


Napalm Records




Nuclear Blast Records

g lov


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Oonagh - Gäa [Offizielles Musikvideo]

Tersky Cossack Choir - Oysya, you oysya (russian cossack folk song)

FAUN - Sonnenreigen (Lughnasad) [Snippet]

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Faun - Walpurgisnacht (Director's Cut)

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"Yes, Germany was destroyed in ww2 , now Germany is slowly and irreversibly being destroyed again. The hordes form ghettos and those ghettos will constantly expand. Within those areas Germany and her people are forced out never to be German again. They will not leave and German people are forced out. You are losing your country on a daily basis."

 German Alps From Above MUST SEE Views: Berechtesgadener Land 4k | Königsee

 AbuShakra Adventure

Music: A SACRIFICE TO SAVE YOU | by Efisio Cross

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  German Alps From Above MUST SEE Views: Berechtesgadener Land 4k | Königsee

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 All of my songs for you:
If you want to help us, contact me directly on Discord:
Pinned by Dr. Ludwig
Dr. Ludwig
Karl Sternau will upload a video too on his new channel:
We are so sorry that it didn´t work, but we really tried everything we can. Let us know in the comments what you think. If anyone of you wants to help us, for example with graphics, video cutting or just tipps and information, then use the Discord link in the video description. The path of resistance over a lawyer didn´t work, but we are not done yet! We will try other tactics soon.
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 Alpenzusjes - Wienie Wienie

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French Singers Les Brigandes

Les Brigandes - Pierre & Jean


Les Brigandes - Jeanne ( J’ai trouvé une épée )

 To order their albums go to website.

les brigandes l'heure de dire adieu mp4

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 The Identitarian and the Women's Movement

Defend Europe Identitäre Bewegung Frankreich Generation Identitaire France Identitarian Movemen

https:/ German women rise up! #120

Growing Stronger: The Identitarian Movement


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 The color of Fall is turning from red to white as Winter approaches the Land of Enchantment. The young ones are sad because they cannot run and play as they did during the warmer months. They began to cry until the voice of The Ancients called out to them. The Ancients told them to listen to the wise words of The Silver Moon Goddess and believe what she says. For the Silver Moon Goddess protects all life on the Land of Enchantment ~ she told the young ones "to look into their hearts, and do not cry, for tomorrow Christmas will be here". Once the children heard her speak those words their tears turned into laughter. Their sad faces were smiling once more.

Christmas is Near ~ The Land of Enchantment ~ Enya


Screenshot 7 Enya

ENYA -The Spirit of Christmas Past

Enya - Echoes In Rain

Enya - So I Could Find My Way (Official Video)

Enya Wild Child Lyrics

enya wild child

Enya - Wild Child - Gold Disc Awards 2001 - LIVE

Enya - It's In The Rain (Video)

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ENYA - Caribbean blue

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Ice Age White Europeans

Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present

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Sarah Brightman & Gregorian Chant

Gregorian Chant, Join Me sung by Amelia Brightman

Sarah Brightman and Antonio Banderas, The Phantom of the Opera (1998)


Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye

Gregorian Ft Amelia Brightman - Moment Of Peace

Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye

Gregorian Ft Amelia Brightman - Moment Of Peace


Celtic Woman - Danny Boy

Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg (feat Oonagh)

Andre Rieu

André Rieu & Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd

  André Rieu - El Cóndor Pasa (live in Peru)

 Preliator - Rome
Ancient Roman combat set to the music of Globus, (Immediate Music).

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Celtic Thunder

Heritage- "Whiskey in the Jar"Celtic Thunder:

'You've got a friend in me'Celtic Thunder:

  Voyage - Black is the Colour

Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915'

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Cultural Music

The Vikings 1958.. Best Scene Ever!!

 Viking Song

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 Viking nordic song Herr Manneling & Yggdrasil

 Australian Songs

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Two Steps from Hell Victory Charge of the Australian Light Horse, Beersheba - extended version

The Battle of Beersheba, 31 October 1917

Battle of Beersheba - Canadian Frustration - Balfour Declaration I THE GREAT WAR Week 171

 G'day Larry.
So we must fly a rebel flag,
As others did before us,
And we must sing a rebel song
And join in rebel chorus. We'll make the tyrants feel the sting
O' those that they would throttle;
They needn't say the fault is ours
If blood should stain the wattle!"

Henry Lawson.

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda - John McDermott

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Donald Trump

Donald Trump Insists The National Anthem Must Be Sang in Anaheim
Wednesday, 25 May, 2016:  A Trump campaign rally in Anaheim, California, in The United States, was about to get underway without the National Anthem having being sung.  Mr. Trump calls the female singer up to the stage to sing the National Anthem.


 South African White European Afrikaanse Songs

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Steve Hofmeyr - Feeslied (Official Video)

Steve Hofmeyr word deur verkeerspolisie vasgevat

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  Steve Hofmeyr ft Demi Lee Moore Amanda

Steve Hofmeyr & Demi Lee Moore - I Will Always Love You

I support Steve because his one of the only Afrikaans artists not to sell us out! Dankie Steve

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 Bok van Blerk

Bok van Blerk

 Bok van Blerk - Land van Melk en Heuning (AMPTELIKE HD MUSIEK VIDEO)

De la Rey Song - with English subtitles

A Compilation of British -Afrikaanse War song by Bok van Blerk

Afrikanerhart - Bok van Blerk

De La Rey



Music by Jo Black, Leah performing Nooit Alleen

Jo Black, Leah - Nooit Alleen

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Karlien Van Jaarsveld

Karlien Van Jaarsveld - Sing Vir Liefde

European Afrikaanse History and Music.

Silent cry of the Boer

Heart of the Boer 

Boer Battlefield

Boer Battle Song (Bach Choir)


My Afrikaner Nation, my mother-tongue -

Why in shame our heads now hung?

We still have our pride but no place of safety to reside.

My people, my country, my Language ....

1 "Eendrag maak mag" we pray with anguish.


Boney M - Little Drummer Boy

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Christmas/Christian Songs

Say Merry Christmas - Vocal Carrie Rinderer and the American Christian Life United (ACLU) choir...

ENYA - The Spirit of Christmas Past (A Princess For Christmas)

The First Noël - Celtic Woman

Celtic Version of O Holy Night

Dean Martin - Let it Snow!

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What is Yule?

Amateur Videos

Bride Sings, Don't Stop Believing at her own wedding

Bride surprises groom at wedding and breaks out in song

Future American Idol Bride Sings to Groom at their Wedding



Bonnie Blue Flag

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ANTIFA Parody Song

Screenshot 1bbc b"> A Dedicated Follower Of Fascists (Parody Song)

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   ISIS Parody

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  Donald Trump Reads "Snake" Poem To Syrian Refugees

 Donald Trump reads "Snake" poem to a crowd of supporters in Cedar Falls Iowa on January 12, 2016.

Irish Music

 Who were the Black and Tans? (Actual footage of attacks)
The Black and Tans as a subject still arouses controversy in Ireland.  The Black and Tans were mostly former soldiers brought into Ireland by the British government after 1920, to assist the RIC, (Royal Irish Constabulary), in their work.

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Friends in Safe Spaces. Chad Prather and Steve Mudflap McGrew aka Larry the Liberal

Chad Prather and other singers

Chad Prather - The "Snowflake Cry" song

Snowflake Blues a Trumptrain parody of Folsom Prison Blues

Hillary Clinton - All I Want For Christmas is to be President (Mariah Parody)

The Wreck called Hillary Clinton

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The key to a nation's future lies in its past. The people who lost has no future

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Tribute to Rhodesian Military

Rhodesians Never Die

Taras Bulba - army gathering. The Ride to Dubno -
TARAS BULBA ©1962: The Ride to Dubno, also known as, 'The Ride of The Cossacks', music composed and conducted by Franz Waxman 1906-1967.  Starring Yul Brynner in the title role, also starring Tony Curtis, Kristine Kaufmann, Perry López and Sam Wanamaker, filmed in Argentina, directed by J.Lee Thompson.The Horse Charge
Music from the group, Two Steps from Hell, "Heart of Courage", released in 2010.  A video of horses charging from a number of various movies.

150 thousand People! Poland Rises Against Islam/March Of Independence2015/MarszNiepodległości
According to one reader, the music is a mix of Why do we Fall; Imagine the Fire; Without a Rope; Take me to Bane - Soundtrack from The Dark Knight, by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard.

Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood


Israel - Anti.N.W.O SonG - S-Line - ILLUMINATI DISS (Anti - NWO) FICK die FREIMAURER)

European Dances

André Rieu & 150 dancers - Lara's Theme & Light Cavalry

The Second Waltz - André Rieu

Zorba The Greek Dance By the Greek Orchestra Emmetron Music HD

AMAZING Russian Female Ensemble Beriozka Performs Marvellous "Gliding" Dance

Jackie Evancho

Jackie Evancho started singing before the age of 9.  We hope this motivates young boys and girls to sing.

'O Mio Babbino Caro' (June 2009)

Jackie Evancho & Sarah Brightman - Time to Say Goodbye

Jackie Evancho & Andrea Bocelli - Con te partirò - Live 2015



Visegrad Alliance - Central Europe Rises

Europe says NO to Angela Merkels Islamic invasion

European nationalism on the rise - fight for your people.  Retain your European identity.  Proclaim the sanctity of race.  Believe in the Sacred Gene Pool.  Treasure this noble heritage.
Eternity must be ours!


Sentimental/Country and Western Music

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The Shifting Whispering Sands as done by Jim Reeves YouTube

  The Mamas And The Papas - California Dreamin' - Subtitulado Español & Inglés  Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind

Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)

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Patti Page's biggest hit released in 1950, "The Tennessee Waltz" and was #1 for thirteen weeks that year.Little Peggy March - I will follow him (best version)

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"I believe" - Clint Walker
This is one of the songs included in Clint's Inspiration CD, available through his website at Walker: "The Kentuckian Song" 

Burl Ives - The original recording of Ghost Riders In The Sky
This is the first recording of this famous song by someone other than the writer, Stan Jones, who recorded it in 1948.

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Pernell Roberts - They Call The Wind Maria - With Lyrics


Youtube Channel: THE LEGACY OF PERNELL ROBERTS – By Nsimiao- Clip: Pernell Roberts sings
“THEY CALL THE WIND MARIA” [ With LYRICS ] Scenes from Bonanza
Away out here, they got a name For wind and rain and fire, The rain is Tess, the fire is Joe. And they call the wind Maria.
Maria blows the stars around, And sends the clouds a-flyin'. Maria makes the mountains sound, Like folks up there was dyin'.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria.
Before I knew Maria's name, And heard her wail and whinin'. I had a girl and she had me, And the sun was always shinin'.
But then, one day, I left my girl, I left her far behind me. And now I'm lost, so god darn lost, Not even God can find me.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria
Out here, they got a name for wind, And rain and fire only. But when you're lost and all alone, There ain't no word but lonely.
And I'm a lost, and lonely man, Without a star to guide me. Maria, blow my love to me, I need my girl beside me.
Maria, Maria, they call the wind Maria, Maria, Maria, blow my love to me.
They call the Wind Maria

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Patsy Cline - Back In Baby's ArmsPernell Roberts -

They Call The Wind MariaThe Seekers - Georgy Girl (1967 -

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Stereo)Petula Clark Downtown. Original version

Non English  Channels

✠ Der Preußische Adler

Swedish Traditionalist


General Fritz

Armin Von Bretternitz


Norwegian Baron

Ingmar Burghardt



 Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule





American Roots Radio





Tommy Robinson Song "How They Rule Ya" Coddington Bear Cover

Enya - "Only Time" Lyrics on screen

Owen BenjaminHere’s a song for tommy Robinson. And it’s not about politics or if you like the guy. What’s happening to him is wrong. If you are ok with the imprisonment of your political rivals because of their ideas. Song for Tommy Robinson - Owen Benjamin "How we rule ya"



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Russian National Anthem

Anthem of Russia, Crimea 2015 [Eng Sub]

This song was written specifically for WWII

The Sacred War - Alexandrov Red Army Choir

You know the difference between Russia and Europe/West? Russian people singing about defending their sacred land from invading, and I think all people should sing this song about defending their sacred country...

Valeria Kurnushkina & Red Army Choir (2014)

Stand up for faith, Russian land - Kuban Cossack Choir (2014)

Farewell of Slavianka - Dina Garipova & Alexandrov Ensemble (2013)



Trump Responds


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300: Making America Great Again [Donald Trump Parody]




Alien Entity



Defending Britain: Who Keeps The Country Safe? | Forces TV

The Hidden Truth of World War 2 (Luzon) - Full Documentary




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 Polish March for 2018
The media claimed Poland's Independence March was a Nazi event. What was it really like? Our correspondent interviewed attendees.

  Polish Independence March: Reality Vs. Media Lies


European Youth

SDU - Salute to the European youth




Weekly News Wrap Up: 29 March 2016

  • Tuesday, 29 March 2016 04:53

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

Foreign firms in Zimbabwe have till April 1 to sell shares to blacks or close
"Companies owned by foreigners face closure unless they sell or give up 51 percent of their shares to black Zimbabweans by April 1, announced Indigenization Minister Patrick Zhuwao."

Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel
"A newly-released Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the 'best way to help Israel'.”

Message to the People of Turkey
Geert Wilders MP, founder and leader of the Party for Freedom Party for Freedom  a political party in the Dutch parliament, states that the Turkish Government is fooling its people that Turkey will be an EU Member.

Orban's historic speech puts Hungary on war footing
"Victor Orban gives historic speech and appears to be putting Hungary on a war footing."

“Statesman” Trump Gives 1 Speech That Changes Everything… Leaves Critics Helpless
"On Monday evening, Trump delivered a thoughtful, well-prepared and well-received speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee"

Germany's Merkel to Voters: "No Change to Migration Policy"
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to continue her open-door migration policy — despite heavy losses in regional elections that were widely regarded as a referendum on that very policy.

Turk Blackmail “Deal” with EU
On Friday, March 18, Turkish police intercepted 3,000 invaders attempting to cross on land and sea in a major operation involving coast guard and helicopters, as the “deal” was being struck in Brussels.

Slovakia: Fighting the Invasion
The Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico announced earlier that his nation would refuse to implement a decision made by the European Commission (EC)—the EU’s governing organ—which dictated that all EU member nations had to take in a share of the nonwhite invaders who have poured into Europe this year.

Jihad in Brussels
Judith Bergman summarizes the West's "complete refusal to examine the doctrines of Islam, out of fear of offending Muslims".

Caucasian Egyptians & Debunking Afrocentrism

The Races of Ancient EgyptThe anti-Semitic Zionists and Globalists who control our media are allowing people to promote ideas which are creating a false world view of history.  This rewriting of history is also known as revisionism.  Revisionism occurs because of poorly constructed research which is released to create political pressure and change on current ideologies.  

An example of revisionism, which has been questioned many times over the past two decades is the concept of Afrocentrism.  This definition being a rewriting of history from the perspective of African culture and celebrating African achievements.  Due to the strong race politics, especially in the United States, articles on Afrocentrism are considered factually accurate even though they are based on little more than a myth. Many scholars are not willing to contradict these blatantly false statements for fear of being labeled "racist" and their careers being destroyed.  Political influence means that texts such as Black Athena are used in schools and colleges all across the United States perpetuating these thinly researched ideas as fact.

(Pictured right), Four individuals made by an Egyptian artist.  As illustrated, the Egyptians clearly understood different racial groups.  The first man on the far right is a light brown-skinned Egyptian.  Some Egyptians were light-skinned like Europeans today, similar to the two caucasian men represented in the picture.  The distinct black African negro represents the Nubians and other black Africans of that ancient Egyptian period.  As you read through our articles, you will also see a number of blond-haired Egyptians depicted in drawings.

Black Athena by Martin BernalBlack Athena:  The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization by Martin Bernal

From around 1975, Martin Gardiner Bernal underwent a radical shift in his interests.  In his own words, he wrote:  "The scattered Jewish components of my ancestry........"

Synopsis: Could Greek philosophy be rooted in Egyptian thought? Is it possible that the Pythagorean theory was conceived on the shores of the Nile and the Euphrates rather than in ancient Greece? Could it be that Western civilization was born on the so-called Dark Continent? For almost two centuries, Western scholars have given little credence to the possibility of such scenarios.

The brilliant book "Black Athena Revisited"  is also worth noting.  Made up of 20 essays from leading scholars who tackle and refute the claims made by Martin Bernal in Black Athena.  The authors of these essays create a compelling argument showing that Bernal's claims are highly exaggerated and in many instances unjustified.  We must challenge this revised history now, the consequence if we fail, will be our future generations will be taught to believe a completely different version of events.  The media and world leaders do little to question or stop this revisionism amongst the African American populations.

In Black Athena, an audacious three-volume series that strikes at the heart of today's most heated culture wars, Martin Bernal challenges Eurocentric attitudes by calling into question two of the longest-established explanations for the origins of classical civilization. The Aryan Model, which is current today, claims that Greek culture arose as the result of the conquest from the north by Indo-European speakers, or "Aryans," of the native "pre-Hellenes."  The Ancient Model, which was maintained in Classical Greece, held that the native population of Greece had initially been civilized by Egyptian and Phoenician colonists and that additional Near Eastern culture had been introduced to Greece by Greeks studying in Egypt and Southwest Asia. Moving beyond these prevailing models, Bernal proposes a Revised Ancient Model, which suggests that classical civilization, in fact, had deep roots in Afroasiatic cultures.

There are many critics against Afrocentrism and some of these critics are African-Americans themselves including Clarence E. Walker from the University of California, who described Afrocentrism as: "a mythology that is racist, reactionary, essentially therapeutic and is eurocentrism in black face."

Author Manning Marable who wrote Beyond Black and White: Transforming African-American Politics summarized it perfectly as: "Populist Afrocentrism was the perfect social theory for the upwardly mobile black petty bourgeoisie. It gave them a sense of ethnic superiority and cultural originality, without requiring the hard, critical study of historical realities. It provided a philosophical blueprint to avoid concrete struggle within the real world.... It was, in short, only the latest theoretical construct of a politics of racial identity, a world-view designed to discuss the world but never really to change it."

Beyond Black and White by Manning MarableBeyond Black and White: Rethinking Race in American Politics and Society by Manning Marable

Synopsis:  A generation removed from the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power explosion of the 1960s, the pursuit of racial equality and social justice for African-Americans seems more elusive than ever. The realities of contemporary black America capture the nature of the crisis: life expectancy for black males is now below retirement age; median black income is less than 60 percent that of whites; over 600,000 African-Americans are incarcerated in the US penal system;  23 percent of all black males between the ages of eighteen and 29 are either in jail, on probation or parole, or awaiting trial.  At the same time, affirmative action programs and civil rights reforms are being challenged by white conservatism.

Confronted with a renascent right and the continuing burden of grotesque inequality, Manning Marable argues that the black struggle must move beyond previous strategies for social change. The politics of black nationalism, which advocates the building of separate black institutions, is an insufficient response. The politics of integration, characterized by traditional middle-class organizations like the NAACP and Urban League, seeks only representation without genuine power.  Instead, a transformationist approach is required, one that can embrace the unique cultural identity of African-Americans while restructuring power and privilege in American society.  Only a strategy of radical democracy can ultimately deconstruct race as a social force.

Afrocentric Myths

Examples of the myths promoted in Afrocentrism include the concept of Africans starting the Chinese, Indian and Egyptian civilizations promoted in the book  "Out of Africa."  This theory states all humans originally came from Africa and we are all genetically traced back to Mitochondrial Eve – the mother of all humans.  If one believes we are all inherently the same, why is it that forensic examiners can racially profile human bodies based on skeletal remains?  Archaeologists have been researching and uncovering human history for a long time and yet there is little evidence of African remains found in ancient Europe and Asian archaeological sites - how can this evidence be dismissed?

The idea that Africa and African civilization was the foundation in some powerful ancient nations; such as Egypt and Greece has been unfounded.  One book which was written called "Not Out of Africa," uses evidence-based research to refute the politically motivated claims of Afrocentrism in Black Athena.

Not Out of African: How Afrocentrism became an excuse to teach myth as historyNot Out Of Africa:  How "Afrocentrism" Became An Excuse To Teach Myth As History

Synopsis:  Not Out of Africa has sparked widespread debate over the teaching of revisionist history in schools and colleges. Was Socrates black? Did Aristotle steal his ideas from the library in Alexandria? Do we owe the underlying tenets of our democratic civilization to the Africans? Mary Lefkowitz explains why politically motivated histories of the ancient world are being written and shows how Afrocentrist claims blatantly contradict the historical evidence. Not Out of Africa is an important book that protects and argues for the necessity of historical truths and standards in cultural education.For this new paperback edition, Mary Lefkowitz has written an epilogue in which she responds to her critics and offers topics for further discussion. She has also added supplementary notes, a bibliography with suggestions for further reading, and a glossary of names

Another example of revisionism that is not stamped out is the belief that some African Americans are descendants of the Israeli tribes of Israel.  They believe that black Jews were created from the "Curse of Ham" from the Book of Genesis where Ham cursed Canaan for looking upon his naked body and the curse turned his skin black.  Considering that daily bathing and modesty are relatively new concepts and instead most people in ancient history swam naked in rivers or the ocean clearly in view of others, surely if the Curse of Ham was actually true, we would all be black today!  

Genetic evidence has proven that approximately 80% of Jews are actually European in origin which further debunks this idea that there are African American are descendants of Jews.

Ancient Egyptian Slave MarketThe Egyptians accurately recorded through their prolific artworks which clearly displayed the difference between themselves and black Africans. Also, their information reveals that there was the conflict between the two groups. 

Black History Myth:  Cleopatra

The basis for the claim that Cleopatra was black, according to black power websites, is because Egypt is located in the continent of Africa. The Chicago Church that Barack Obama belongs to, teaches that Cleopatra was black.  Even “mainstream” black publications pander to this “black power” absurdity.

Portait of Cleopatra from Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians are classified by anthropologists as “North African Caucasoid.” However, Cleopatra was not even Egyptian.  An aristocracy of Macedonian Greeks ruled Egypt at the time and Cleopatra’s ethnic background as a Macedonian Greek is well documented.

Contemporary depictions of Cleopatra, from the time she ruled Egypt, still exists today.  In these ancient Hellenic busts, we can see exactly what Cleopatra looked like in right picture.

Tutenkhamon's Hope Chest

Above:  Close-ups of the sides of Tutankhamen’s “Hope Chest” showing Semitic and black enemies being defeated.  From The Children of Ra.

Yuya and Thuya

Above left:  Yuya, an Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC.  He was the father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.  Yuya’s blond hair has been well preserved by the embalming process. Alongside, his equally blonde-haired wife, Thuya, great grandmother of Tutankhamen.  From The Children of Ra.


Above:  A bust of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty (1509–1458 BC), and her mummy.  From The Children of Ra.


All shades of hair were found around the time of Ancient Egypt’s civilization – from brown to blonde, and even auburn and red. Today, these hair colors are found among the people of North Europe and North America, and are indicative of Caucasian origins. Does this mean there were fair-skinned, blonde or red-haired ancient Egyptians prior and during Egypt’s dynastic periods?

Ancient Egyptian Mummies Found With RED & BLONDE Hair


  Cleopatra was of Greek ancestry so she was white and so was most of her relatives


Egyptian History

This lecture examines a key period of Egyptian history, which is roughly contemporaneous with the Babylon of Hammurabi, during which Egypt for the first time expands its horizons beyond its own frontiers.

  The Middle Kingdom (Lecture 6)

Egypt's monarchy comes to play the dominant role in the Near East until the empire comes to an end with attacks associated with the so-called "Sea Peoples"—invaders coming out of both Libya and the Aegean world.

 Imperial Egypt (Lecture 7)

 The Egyptians today are mainly Caucasian and Arab. The Ancient Egyptians were mainly Caucasian.


Africans Don't Need to Revise History – They Have A Wonderfully Rich Cultural History Already

Africans today should learn their true history and not start adopting false history in an effort to claim other people's culture and history.  There are many great tribes such as the Zulus in South Africa and the Masai in Kenya who have a rich culture and interesting history from which Africans can learn.

The word Negro means black in Spanish.  The word  Africa came from Tunisia which was a Roman controlled area on the Mediterranean Coast and eventually the name Africa was given to the entire continent.

Masai PeopleNot all people who live in Africa are Negroes, for example, the Tunisians and Algerians are mainly Caucasian people and 99% of the population is classified ethnically Zulusas Arab-Berber so they are called Caucasian Africans. They have been living in these areas all along North of the Sahara desert for many thousands of years.



Useful Videos & Links

Black Egypt Is A Fake

DNA of the Pharaohs

Black History Month Myths

New Study on Starting Date of Ancient Egypt Highlights Racial Divisions in Civilizational Development

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt

Ancient Egyptians were not Black, Stop Robbing our History, Leave Egypt to the Egyptians

Ancient Egypt

Egypt's Golden Empire - The Warrior Pharaohs

Minoan Civilisation DNA Evidence

Mysterious Minoans Were European, DNA Finds

Minoan civilization was made in Europe

Half of European men share King Tut's DNA

Ancient White Egypt: March of the Titans Proven Right


Images courtesy of New Observer Online, Wikipedia and Story Nory






Weekly News Wrap Up: 15 March 2016

  • Tuesday, 22 March 2016 03:45

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel
In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the “best way to help Israel” is to “use force” in Syria to overthrow the government.

Turk Blackmail “Deal” with EU
The Turkish government has started to halt the flood of invaders sailing to the Greek islands in terms of its “deal” with the European Union—proving that they could have done it all along and merely used the nonwhite invasion to blackmail Europe.

Slovakia: Fighting the Invasion
The Slovakian government will submit its lawsuit against the European Union (EU) over the nonwhite invasion on December 18, even though it is under imminent threat of sanctions after refusing to take in any invaders.

Has history proved Eysenck right about genes and IQ?
Eysenck's thoughts on IQ and genetics were also hugely unpopular. He argued that general intelligence (a broad measure of mental capacity) had a genetic basis, which is associated with a wide variety of life outcomes, including socioeconomic difference. When coupled with the race-IQ controversy, all of this was explosive stuff and Eysenck was regularly criticised for his views and even, on one occasion, physically attacked. In 1973, a female protester punched him in the face at a London School of Economics event.

Anti-Trump Protester Who Slapped Police Horse Describes Herself as a “Commie Feminist”
Waving a giant red flag, 29-year-old April J. Foster was caught on camera yelling at the horse and trying to scare the animal as police attempted to control an unruly mob. She subsequently slapped the horse and tried to run away when police singled her out for arrest.

Black Lives Matter Threaten Violence Against Whites Who Vote Trump
Black lives Matter spokesmen, Tef Poe has always been the voice of the bigoted group. In November 2014, Poe was even flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to speak about “police violence.” Funny, now that very same person is now inciting a race riot.

The Great Racial Hoax of Albany
The Albany Hoax is just one of several racial fairy tales to come and go over the past year. But Albany columnist Chris Churchill is urging us to pay them no mind. They are the work of the devil, he said, because everyone knows that black people are victims of relentless white racism all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything.

Exporting Jihad
The jihadi groups, including Al Qaeda, no longer had relevant answers for the situation of young people in Tunisia. The jihadis wanted all or nothing, and that would never work. Walid no longer believed in that life.

Halal (Islam/Muslim) and Kosher (Jewish) Slaughter

Kosher Slaughter of GoatIn  European countries, there is a growing awareness of the cruel practices of Halal (Islam/Muslim), and Kosher (Jewish), slaughter where animals have their throats cut while they are alive.  This is painful for the animal and brings suffering, and often to the other animals in view. 

During the 90s, there was a scholarly investigation into the pain felt by animals during slaughter practices and public awareness put pressure on the industry to change.  By the late 90s, most western countries introduced human slaughter laws to ensure animals experienced minimal distress.  Thspecific religious context in which animals is caused issues for the Jewish and Islamic communities who had must be slaughtered by cutting throat while animal is alive. 

Both religions require the animals to have its throat cut, and the death is from exsanguinations (bleeding out) because this is considered a 'clean' way to die.  In America, the meat industry is exempt from the humane slaughter legislation based on religious exemption, so it is not a problem, however, in the European Union, Australia and New Zealand the industry has had to work with policy makers and religious leaders to ensure their needs are met within a legal framework. 

Kosher Killing

The word "Kosher" means "fit" to eat and people of the Jewish faith can only consume Kosher foods.  Kosher gives a range of beverages and foods (including meat), that are acceptable.  Kosher food laws are based on interpretation of the Bible and the Torah which comprise of the Judaic scriptures.  Jews are forbidden to consume blood and are forbidden from eating meat products from any animal that does not have a split hoof and chews its cud. 

Pigs (pork), is not kosher because they have split hooves and don't chew their cud.  Rabbit meat is not kosher because while they chew their cud, they don't have split hooves.  Jews are not allowed to eat any dairy products along with meat at the same meal.  If they eat meat at one meal they must wait six hours before they can eat any dairy food.

All of this is superstitious nonsense and has absolutely nothing to do with improving the quality of any food products.  Still, this clever scheme of requiring kosher labeling has become a multi-million dollar business today!

The Jewish Encyclopaedia of 1942, states the practice of eating Rabbi-approved "kosher" foods goes back to ancient times when Jews were forbidden from eating with Gentiles or having sex with Gentiles.  The Encyclopaedia says Rabbi's taught that:

"Gentiles are ridden with diseases and death from unclean habits, and that, God wishes to protect his people from being contaminated by the Gentiles.  The non-kosher goods of the Gentiles were ruled to have a contaminating effect!"

Many Jews are not aware of the history of some of their laws, including that of Kosher meat.  When you consider approximately half of the Jewish population in the United States now marry non-Jews (Gentiles), and would be horrified to read the above racist quote and should campaign from within their community to remove this bigoted attitude from Jewish books. 

Kosher Certification

Kosher Slaughter

There is ceremony surrounding kosher slaughter with staff in a kosher meat plant being trained as a specialist in religious slaughter.  The animal must be killed so it feels little pain.  A sharp knife is used to cut the oesophagus, the trachea, carotid arteries and jugular veins in one action.  Excessive pressure on the blade is forbidden.  The animal is raised so blood flows out and this blood is then covered with dirt.  Failure to do any of these acts correctly means the animal is unfit to eat.

What is kosher slaughter in Australia?

Kosher Tax

On every pantry shelf in America, sit dozens of canned and packaged food products which have a tiny "K" or "U" printed on the label if it is kosher.

This symbol informs Orthodox Jews, the items have been checked by a Rabbi to make sure they have been prepared in accordance with "Jewish Dietary law" as set forth in the Jewish Talmud.

American food companies are forced to pay multi-billions of dollars to several Orthodox Jewish organizations just so an estimated 10% to 20% of Jewry (or 800,000 to no more than 1.2 million Orthodox Jews), will buy their products.  Please bear in mind that the US, as of 2016, has just over 320 million people, and we are all forced to pay this "Kosher Tax" just to appease less than one percent of the entire population!

Halal and Kosher Certification Logos

The Chabad Mafia has exposed major problems with taxation on Kosher where the tax is applied even to factories where they are not bothering to use real kosher practices, and are killing in a truly cruel way.

Kosher Seal Tax
The following article sheds light on the "Kosher Seal" and the resulting "Kosher Tax."  Non-Jews are unaware that people are paying extra for their food because of this tax.

The Kosher Seal Revealed

Halal Killing

The word 'Halal" means relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Sharia Muslim law.  Like the Jewish Kosher slaughter, the animal must be alive and healthy when the slaughter needs to be performed by a Muslim in a ritualistic manner whereby, the animal's throat must be cut by a sharp knife severing the carotid artery, jugular vein and windpipe in a single swipe and the blood must be drained out of the carcass.

Where Halal differs significantly to kosher slaughters, it is in countries with legislation around humane slaughter, Halal allows for the animals to be stunned prior to the throat being cut.  This is still considered religiously acceptable, providing that the actual stunning does not cause the animals death, but by the 'bleeding out'.  The animal dies because of the loss of blood.

In Britain, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) estimates that 88% of animals killed in the UK for Halal purposes were stunned prior to their death.  Unfortunately, while many Western countries practice humane slaughter around the world, other Muslim countries can be described as nothing but cruel and brutal with their slaughtering processes.

What is Halal slaughter in Australia?

Halal CertifiedHalal Certification Scam

In Australia, the Indonesian Council of Ulama is the Islamic organizing body for Halal certification which forces Australian companies to pay vast amounts of money to them in order to say their foods are certified as Halal. 

 Sharia tax laws: Indonesian Council of Ulama is run from Indonesia asian country  north west from Australia. The global governing body is located in Saudi Arabia and similar Halal Certification schemes are run in most Western Countries.  The terrifying part of all this is that many people believe that this money is being given to Islamic Jihadist groups who want to undermining free Western Democracies.

The Christian aid group, 'Barnabas Fund', released this statement on Halal Certification:

"There is an open campaign by Islamic food agencies to integrate halal into the mainstream market and to extend it to non-Muslims. The World Halal Forum held its annual conference in London earlier this month, (November), and has identified the UK as a pilot project for halal in Europe… The spread of halal is often part of the commitment to Islamic mission, (dawa), and the Islamisation of non-Muslim societies.  The imposition of sharia practices on non-Muslims may be interpreted as an act of Islamic supremacy.”

Fact check:  Does halal certification fund terrorism?

Useful Links and Videos

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ...Halal or Haram….Slaughter houses killing cattle

This Is Halal - Animal cruelty exposed.

Another halal camel slaughter

Reclaim Australia Halal Tax in Australia "Exposed as a scam" Today Tonight

Pauline Hanson links halal certification to terrorist organizations a day after nationwide, anti-Islam protests

Malaysia:  9 things you’d never guess were halal

Halal choices