The Bolsheviks Jews (communist) rule Russia (Soviet Union) and still have much power in Russia today and they now promote Nationalism.
Soviet prison camps were a criminal system of oppression that was widespread and long-lasting. The first camps were founded in 1918, and their number reached its peak in the 1950s. During more than 40 years, 20 million people were brought to almost 500 camps. Innocent people were made guilty. Every sixth adult citizen was forced to a camp or expelled. The writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn named this system the Gulag Archipelago. It extended thousands of kilometres from the White Sea to the Black Sea, from Moscow to Vladivostok and from the Arctic Circle to Central Asia. It was hidden away, and its existence was denied for decades. Prison camps were hard to see and understand. They are not well known even today.
00:00 - 1. Origins, 1917-1933
In 1918, only a few months after the October Revolution, the first concentration camps appeared. With the aim of getting rid of political adversaries and re-educating so-called "asocial" elements through work, the new Bolshevik regime carried out its first large-scale experiment on the Solovki archipelago, very close to the Polar Circle. Thousands of political and common law detainees, men and women, were deported there and subjected to forced labor. With Stalin's rise to power, slavery in these camps became a major economic resource. The death of thousands of zeks ("prisoners") will not, however, worry the regime which sees its population as an inexhaustible source of labor...
52:12 - 2. Proliferation, 1934-1945
Glorified at the 17th Congress of the Communist Party in 1934, Stalin launched major projects that would make history. The NKVD, which succeeded the GPU, multiplied the camps. The number of deportees crossed the million mark in 1935. A spectacular showcase of the great terror unleashed in 1937, the Moscow trials conceal the extent of the repression which blindly fell on the whole of Soviet society and anonymous people. In August 1939, after the signing of the German-Soviet pact, hundreds of thousands of Poles, Balts, West Ukrainians and Moldovans joined some 2 million Soviet deportees in the Gulag camps. Prison conditions deteriorated appallingly with the invasion of the USSR by the Wehrmacht in June 1941; and in 1945, despite the victory over Nazi Germany, the number of oppressed increased by tens of thousands of men, women and even children who often had no other fault than having survived the war. Nazi occupation...
01:46:20 - 3. Apogee and agony, 1945-1957
At the end of the 1950s, populations of the new occupied territories in the East and intellectuals remained two categories particularly suspected of anti-Sovietism. Subjected like men to exhausting tasks, women, including many war widows sentenced to heavy sentences for small food thefts, now represent a quarter of the zeks. Nearly 2 million detainees, many of them on the very edge of survival, are still crowded into the camps. Little by little, these appalling living conditions caused the economic profitability of the Gulag to fall. On March 5, 1953, after Stalin's death, one million people were released. In 1956, Khrushchev, absolving himself of his responsibility, although undeniable, denounced the crimes of Stalinism, causing an immense shock wave throughout the world.
Brutal! Drawings from the Gulag.
Brutal! Drawings from the Gulag.
With every vignette, Baldaev brings his characters to vivid life: from the lowest zek (inmate) to the most violent tattooed vor (thief), the practises and inhabitants of the Gulag system are revealed in incredible and shocking detail. He documents the contempt shown by the authorities to those imprisoned, and the transformation of these citizens into survivors or victims. This graphic depiction exposes the systematic methods of torture and mass murder of millions undertaken by the administration, as well as the atrocities committed by criminals on their fellow inmates.
Just one of thousands of Bolshevik terrorists:
Naftaly Frenkel best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag concentration system, personally invented the notorious you-eat-as-you-work system, also known as the nourishment scale. Like the larger scale Holodomor genocides-murder by starvation this destroyed weaker prisoners in weeks and induce a phenomenal death toll.
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atrocities, beatings, bolshevik, bolsheviks,bolshevism,communist,soviet forced-labor camp-system, brutality, camp, cannibalism, cheka, NKVD,commie, communism, russia, russians, slav,slavs, slavic,eastern europe,corpse, crime, danzig baldaev, delation, denunciation, drawings from the gulag, espionage, execution, famine, genocide, holodomor,gulag, gulags,history, humiliation, informer, inmate, justice, kgb, kingpin, labor, logging, mass graves, murder, mvd, nkvd, prison, rape, rat, red terror, repressions, russia, science, sex slavery, siberia, soviet, starvation, strappado, stukach, thief, thug, torture
For More information on the Bolsheviks (Jewish leftwing Communist) run Gulag Concentration camps in the Soviet Union. Jews Admit Jewish Killing In The Soviet Russia…
Jews Admit Jewish Killing In The Soviet Russi…
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