Professor David Miller is no stranger to Harry’s Place. In a students only meeting organised by the Palestinian student group Olive he made the following comments (recording of the whole event is here):
“One of the things we’ve come up against is that when we trace back the funding of some of these neo conservative think tanks in this country, Policy Exchange, Henry Jackson Society and others we found that many of them are funded by foundations that are run by people who also are engaged in funding activities beyond the green line in the occupied territories and so what we’ve noticed is that there’s a connection between people who fund the occupation and people who fund essentially hatred against Muslims.”
Then there was this:
The Jewish Agency, the Jewish National Fund and Keren haYesod all of which are engaged in supporting the occupation either directly or indirectly and not all of their work is done in the territories some of it is in Israel proper. So we find that a lot of the organisations in this country or in the US that are funding those three elements of the occupation are also engaged in funding neo conservative and Islamophobic organisations including two, including the EDL and Tommy Robinson, the Middle East Forum has been funding Tommy Robinson’s legal fees, the funding for the Middle East Forum comes largely from conservative pro-Israel sources. And so you have this huge funnel of money going into both the occupation and the encouragement of Islamophobia in this country in the US and in other places too.
According to Miller the Jewish charity Keren Kayemet Hayesod is connected to Tommy Robinson and the EDL. Exactly how remains unclear. But wait, there’s more, the Israelis are even behind the Pittsburgh shooting…kind of:
The Pittsburgh case might be the best way to put it. The idea, the conspiracy theory that the Muslims are taking over that there’s an attempt to Islamise the UK, Germany, France the US and that that Islamisation, creeping Sharia as they call it, is something which should be opposed, which is an indication of that Muslims will never believe in our values and all that kind of crap but it also underlies astonishingly really much of the rise of the new antisemitism. So the Pittsburgh killer killed the Jews because they were encouraging the Islamisation of America and the Hungarian antisemities, they’ve got the same analysis; the Jews, the Jewish conspiracy, is encouraging the Islamisation of Europe. Isn’t it extraordinary you should go and have a look at that, I’ve never written that yet but it’s a new thing I’m just about to go into this, but that’s an indication of some of the ideas that underline this so you have the curious situation where people who are extremely pro-Israel, pro settlement, pro occupation are actually also funding organisations that are in some ways antisemitic. It’s…we see Netanyahu and Victor Orban, that’s an actual thing.
But there’s more, surely Israel must be involved in antisemitism in the Labour Party:
“I want to go on from that to talk about how this relates to what we’ve seen in this country in the last two years which is the attack in particular on the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party, and the weapon of choice has been antisemitism. Now how does that relate to us and what we’re talking about? Well it relates in the sense that much of the attempt to paint the Labour party and especially Corbyn’s supporters of the party as antisemitic has been pushed by pro-Israel groups in this country sometimes funded in this country but sometimes also as we know from the al Jazeera documentary funded directly by Israelis from the million pound slush fund that they brag about. I think you can see that in the last 2 or 3 years. These new groups, these new hardline pro-Israel groups who have sprung up who are critical of the Board of Deputies for example North West Friends of Israel, Sussex Friends of Israel or kind of people who are active online who try to suggest that the labour party is more antisemitic than anything ever in the history of the universe which is clearly impossible. Let’s be clear there is antisemitism in the labour party there are people who are actual antisemites very, very few of them, a much larger number of people who occasionally say things that might be seen to be potentially antisemitic by accident but..I admit that’s true but by and large most of the allegations of antisemitism in the labour party have been false.”
And then:
And the weapon of choice has been antisemitism and one of the key ways through which it’s been implemented is the IHRA definition of antisemitism which actually as you’ll hear, as you know is a fairly short definition with examples which although the press didn’t report this very much the Conservative party hasn’t adopted. And of course what’s happened in relation to this is that the Labour Party has been effectively bounced into a position where they’ve had to accept all the illustrative examples as well as a definition of antisemitism proposed by the IHRA which in itself was a politically motivated attempt to pushback pro-Palestinian activism. Let’s be clear about that, that’s what it’s for, so far it’s done that very well it’s led to all sorts of splits within the pro-Corbyn wing of the party so now there are some elements of Corbyn’s supporters who now accept that there is widespread antisemitism within the party and it’s also meant that Israel’s attempts to drive a wedge into the Corbyn movement have been partially successful.
The Jewish Chronicle wrote of the meeting:
Prof Miller went on to say, in response to a question about Jewish students feeling unsafe on campus, that “it’s absurd if Jews genuinely feel unsafe as a result of Palestinian rights, well then you’ve got to ask questions about who they are and what they’re talking about.
“It’s not Jewish students who feel unsafe, it’s specific Jewish students who are part of a particular political tendency who are saying that they feel unsafe.”
He went on to say that “these are not students who are spontaneously threatened”, alleging that “it’s propaganda which they have been schooled with… there are organisations Israel lobby organisations Zionist movement organisations, some allied to the Israeli government, who have devoted huge amounts of time to do messaging to working out how to combat, in particular, BDS.”
Ah, now it all becomes clear. It was Israel who made Jeremy ignore the mural, it was Israel who made Jeremy hang out with Holocaust denier Paul Eisen, it was Israel who made him make his infamous comments about Zionists” and “irony” at a conference advertised by the armed wing of Hamas. It was Israel who made him invite blood libeller Raed Salah to tea in Parliament. It was Israel who made all those Labour Party councillors share antisemitic material on social media, it was Israel who forced him to refer to his “brothers” in Hamas and his “friends” in Hezbollah while sitting next to abu Jahjah a man who has shared such virulently antisemitic images that only Jeremy Corbyn would ever have given him a platform in the first place. It was Israel who, on Holocaust Memorial Day 2010 forced dear Jeremy to ignore events hosting hundreds of Holocaust survivors commemorating the genocide and honouring the victims in favour of the one survivor who used the occasion to call Israelis Nazis.
What is Miller, author of such game changing works as :‘the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018, and other alleged chlorine attacks in Syria since 2014’ where he strongly implies poison gas attacks on civilians never happened:
- “In a widely-publicized incident in Sarmin on 16 March 2015, the deaths of a family of six were allegedly caused by a chlorine barrel bomb. For this incident the alleged munition is implausible, the alleged mode of delivery is improbable, and the images of the child victims in hospital are consistent with drug overdose rather than chlorine exposure as the cause of death.”
even doing at Bristol in the first place? Thanks to Miller that prestigious university now soils itself with links to the pro-Assad conspiracy group the so called Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and the Media. The Times exposed them a while back saying:
Senior British academics are spreading pro-Assad disinformation and conspiracy theories promoted by Russia, The Times can reveal.
And that:
Another SPM academic, Tara McCormack, a lecturer in international relations at Leicester University, has tweeted that it is “an established fact that a) the White Helmets are basically Al [Qaeda]”. Dr McCormack has also argued that the death of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic while being prosecuted for war crimes in the Hague “brought an end to the farce” of his trial.
The first briefing note published by SPM, titled “Doubts about ‘Novichoks’ ”, questioned whether Russia’s secret nerve agent programme ever existed. Britain has blamed Moscow for the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury last month.
I suppose if we asked Miller he’d say it was “parts of the Zionist lobby” that got him the job there, it’s his answer to every other question after all.
Setting Up Community Based Organization
A community based organization, is an organization which is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and is engaged in meeting people,
CBOs: Provide numerous, often highly valued,targeted population programs and services to the members and to the community.
European organization are usualy only policial party groups and they do not represent their community needs. The following short list for example:
Womens organization to represent and fight for European rights and help women and families
European youth organizations to help young people in relationships, education, Find Jobs, Training new skills, learn about European History and become leaders.
European children organization to help children with education, European history, camps and to become leaders.
European men organization to help with relationships and find partners and leadership training. them a
Community Based Organization (CBO) Engagements
Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture
The Conservative movements
The conservative movement was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of Neo- conservative Jews. Some Neo- conservatives European jews are Christians who fight against big gonenrment, globalism and communism. They are Jewish nationals who promote people into leadership position in conservative movement to keep control over European true Jews and gentile whites and stop them from building community based organization. They will not promote and will not build European Anti-Defamation Organizations to fight for European rights, no gentilel womens movement, no national congresses to unite all Europeans, no world nationa lorganizations and no world congresses to help unite Europeans. They promote conservatism and do not promote nationalism and many will not talk about or fight for European gentile or true jewish rights. Many European gentiles and jews think of themselves as conservatives, can not make changes, because conservatism is not about making changes in the conservative movement. Conservative will not win against globalism , only nationalism will win against globalism and new ideas to over come the enemy. People who call themselves conservatives must move to we the people nationism and build organizations for gentiles europeans and for true Jews and both organizations work together.
European Anti-Defamation Organization
All European Organizations will need Security Council of permanent founding members to stop radicals from taking organization over
Updated 23 November 2016
This organization is being set up both Nationally and Internationally to be a community organization to cater for all our needs. Because we are new, we need help from our members to build branches and we will help you do this by putting you in contact with other members in your area and if you wish to write articles you can submit these for review to go on our website.
You can start a branch organization without too much hassle with as little as two people in your foundation membership. All you need is you and a friend or family member and you've got enough to get going! There are many of groups that this organization wants its members to get involved with including:
- European Sabbath
- Women's Chapters
- Motorbike Clubs
- Legal
- Conservation
- Political
These are just to name a few - for a full list of ideas for branches, please have a read of our "What We Stand For" page and Community section on the website.
The website represents us, "We the People." There may be other groups which we have talked about on the website because we believe we are part of a world community and must work with many different organizations so we promote them and they help us. This is a step forward to build a network of organizations to come together because unity is strength and division are a weakness.
Tips & Advice On Starting An Event/Group
Once you have the basics of your event down pat, please contact us with the details so we can advertise it to other members in your local area.
Pick Your Time & Date
Have a think about a suitable time and date for your event - it's important not to just choose a time that works for you, but one that will also work best for your audience. This will be different based on what your group is doing. A playgroup would probably work best in the middle of the week in the morning and for no more than an hour. A family gathering type event would probably work better on a weekend when everyone is free to come along.
Choose Your Location
Choose a location that works for your group. Something that's close by with ample parking or public transport, make sure if it's out in the open like a park you've consider a wet weather alternative nearby. Some ideas for group gatherings include:
- Parks
- Scout Halls
- Church Halls
- Local Community Venues for Hire
- Libraries
- Member's Homes
Things to consider.
If the group is very large or if there will be high levels of noise or political activity you may need to look up your local council rules and regulations. In some countries, permit may be required.
Structure and Activities For Your Event
Some of our community events will need more structure than others. These are just a few things you might need to take into consideration.
Consider if you need to approach other members to speak at your event.
- Do you require technical services such as internet access or microphones/speakers so that everyone can hear you?
- Is catering a requirement - does everyone need to bring some food and drink or is this not required?
- What activities are happening at your event? A playgroup might require everyone to bring some toys along to share.
- Find a band that can play some European music.
- Print out some brochures to hand out to prospective members about what we stand for.
- Get the name and contact information for everyone who attends so you can add them to your email lists.
Make sure your invitation is very specific on member etiquette - we don't promote drunken, debauchery or physical violence within our community and this needs to be clear from the event get go.
Feel free to have a donation box to help offset the costs that occurred for running the event.
You could also have donation options for other sections of our organization such as the anti-defamation league.
We don't believe in contacting the media or invite them to our events, so please refrain from gaining publicity in this manner.
Feel free to contact other local members to see if they are willing to help you organize your local event.
After the Event
Please send through pictures and information about how it went so we can put in on the site - which hopefully means more interest in future events you organize!
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a Zionist supremacist organization.
"We are also the foremost point of contact for London’s diplomatic community, and the UK affiliate of the European Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress."
Former president of Board of Deputies of British Jews calls for Jeremy Corbyn to be SACRIFICED
Jeremy Corbyn is Jewish.
UK Jews Issue ‘Ten Commandments’ That All Politicians Must Obey To Better Serve Jewish Interests

The Board of Deputies of British Jews — a Jewish and Zionist supremacist organization — has published three separate “Jewish manifestos” outlining their demands for all political candidates to follow in London, Scotland, and Wales, ahead of the forthcoming elections in May:
The detailed manifestos set out a series of issues affecting Jews in each of their local communities. Some of the recommendations, to which it is hoped individual candidates will sign up, are matched in each manifesto, while others are more specific, with individual “policy asks” relevant to the particular community. Board president Marie van der Zyl said: “As our society recovers from the pandemic, these manifestos provide a road map to elected representatives on how they can serve their Jewish constituents. Following the recommendations will help ensure that the [local] Jewish community is supported and valued.”
The Jewish Manifesto for London has been drafted by the London Jewish Forum, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council. The community’s policy priorities are summarised in the manifesto’s “#TenCommitments” that candidates are being asked to support, which include implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, ensuring faith and culturally sensitive provision of public services and opposition to boycotts of Israel.
Adrian Cohen and Andrew Gilbert, co-chairs of the London Jewish Forum, said: “The last year has been incredibly tough for Londoners, including our Jewish community. This manifesto will give our elected officials a guide to addressing the needs of London’s Jewish community as we come out of this pandemic. We very much look forward to working with the next mayor, their team and the London Assembly to support the Jewish community.”
Among the “policy asks” in the London Jewish Manifesto are detailed concerns about transport routes which affect the Jewish community in the capital, including a renewed plea for the linking of bus routes between Stamford Hill and Golders Green, and a request to retain bus routes under threat in outlying areas of London — often relied on by Jewish school students.
In Wales, ahead of the Senedd elections, the Jewish community has launched its Jewish Manifesto in two languages — Welsh and English. It has been drafted by the South Wales Jewish Representative Council and the Board of Deputies. As with London, the community’s policy priorities are summarised in the #TenCommitments / #YDegYmrwtmiad. Laurence Kahn, chair of the South Wales Jewish Representative Council, said: “The Jewish Manifesto for Wales guides Senedd candidates on how they can ensure that Wales continues to be a great place to be Jewish. We urge them to support it.”
The Welsh Jewish Manifesto notes: “Jewish communities must not be forced out of the public square by antisemitism, and we must recognise that increasingly the public square is online. As part of a wider anti online hate strategy, the Welsh government should commit to combatting online antisemitism as well”.
Meanwhile in Scotland, where there are elections pending in Holyrood, there is a Jewish Manifesto drafted by the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council.
As with the other two manifestos, the Scottish one asks candidates in the elections to support its #TenCommitments, again including the implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, ensuring culturally sensitive provision of public services, promoting of links to Israel and supporting anti-racist education.
Noting that “there are Jewish people in every local authority area in Scotland, with substantial communities in the Glasgow area, and in Edinburgh and the Lothians, small but vibrant clusters in Tayside and Fife, and around Aberdeen, and significant numbers of Jewish individuals throughout the whole of Scotland”, the drafters point out that “although there is no single ‘Jewish view’ on many political issues, there is a great deal of unanimity on issues that directly affect the community, and throughout this document, we have sought to represent as much of that consensus as possible”.
A spokesperson for the organisations said: “The last year has been incredibly hard for everyone. So many people have lost, or know someone who has lost, a loved one. As Scotland recovers and rebuilds from the pandemic, this manifesto provides a guide for the next intake of MSPs (members of the Scottish Parliament) on how best to represent Jewish Scots. We look forward to working with the new Scottish Parliament and government on implementing our manifesto proposals, and we urge all candidates and elected representatives to endorse the principles summarised in the #TenCommitments to help ensure that Scotland continues to be a great place to be Jewish.”
This is yet another example of unmitigated “chutzpah” — any other group that attempted to make these same demands would be denounced as “domestic terrorists” — and arrested on “hate crime” charges.
Jews have no interest in making sure that England, Wales and Scotland continue to be “great places to be English, Scottish, and Welsh” — that, of course, would be “antisemitic” and “dangerous.”
Despite their tiny numbers in Wales and Scotland, Jews make it sound that they deserve to have influence completely disproportionate to their actual numbers — which they most certainly do.
In fact, all that the 8,000 Jews in Scotland have to do to get their way is to threaten to leave the country en masse — as if them leaving would somehow be a terrible blow to Scotland’s happiness.
And Scotland’s afro-Pakistani Justice Minister — at the behest of Scotland’s tiny Jewish population — has enacted new draconian laws that will allow the government to literally monitor “hate speech” in people’s private homes.
We can’t have the ethnic Scottish people talking about this tiny Jewish cabal that is running the country — that might cause “another” Holocaust if they found out what’s really going on.
And the proof that there is a powerful Jewish cabal is that it is illegal to criticize them.
Or the fact that when 50 young women were raped and sexually assaulted by members of a Jewish fraternity at Saint Andrews University, no one went to jail — the Jewish perpetrators were allowed to leave the country to escape prosecution.
Jews seem especially concerned about antisemitism in Wales — they actually fire bombed Welsh historian Alan Wilson’s home because his research clearly established that the Welsh people were direct descendants of the ancient Israelites — a fact that directly challenges the false historical identity that Jews have fabricated for themselves.
But these “Ten Commandments” that the Jews have issued to all politicians are nothing new — anyone who crosses the Jews will be publicly humiliated and forced to grovel at their feet begging for forgiveness — just ask MP Neale Hanvey what happens when you object to the ongoing genocide in Palestine.
Setting Up Community Based Organization
A community based organization, is an organization which is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and is engaged in meeting people,
CBOs: Provide numerous, often highly valued,targeted population programs and services to the members and to the community.
European organization are usualy only policial party groups and they do not represent their community needs. The following short list for example:
Womens organization to represent and fight for European rights and help women and families
European youth organizations to help young people in relationships, education, Find Jobs, Training new skills, learn about European History and become leaders.
European children organization to help children with education, European history, camps and to become leaders.
European men organization to help with relationships and find partners and leadership training. them a
Community Based Organization (CBO) Engagements
Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture
The Conservative movements
The conservative movement was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of Neo- conservative Jews. Some Neo- conservatives European jews are Christians who fight against big gonenrment, globalism and communism. They are Jewish nationals who promote people into leadership position in conservative movement to keep control over European true Jews and gentile whites and stop them from building community based organization. They will not promote and will not build European Anti-Defamation Organizations to fight for European rights, no gentilel womens movement, no national congresses to unite all Europeans, no world nationa lorganizations and no world congresses to help unite Europeans. They promote conservatism and do not promote nationalism and many will not talk about or fight for European gentile or true jewish rights. Many European gentiles and jews think of themselves as conservatives, can not make changes, because conservatism is not about making changes in the conservative movement. Conservative will not win against globalism , only nationalism will win against globalism and new ideas to over come the enemy. People who call themselves conservatives must move to we the people nationism and build organizations for gentiles europeans and for true Jews and both organizations work together.
European Anti-Defamation Organization
All European Organizations will need Security Council of permanent founding members to stop radicals from taking organization over
Updated 23 November 2016
This organization is being set up both Nationally and Internationally to be a community organization to cater for all our needs. Because we are new, we need help from our members to build branches and we will help you do this by putting you in contact with other members in your area and if you wish to write articles you can submit these for review to go on our website.
You can start a branch organization without too much hassle with as little as two people in your foundation membership. All you need is you and a friend or family member and you've got enough to get going! There are many of groups that this organization wants its members to get involved with including:
- European Sabbath
- Women's Chapters
- Motorbike Clubs
- Legal
- Conservation
- Political
These are just to name a few - for a full list of ideas for branches, please have a read of our "What We Stand For" page and Community section on the website.
The website represents us, "We the People." There may be other groups which we have talked about on the website because we believe we are part of a world community and must work with many different organizations so we promote them and they help us. This is a step forward to build a network of organizations to come together because unity is strength and division are a weakness.
Tips & Advice On Starting An Event/Group
Once you have the basics of your event down pat, please contact us with the details so we can advertise it to other members in your local area.
Pick Your Time & Date
Have a think about a suitable time and date for your event - it's important not to just choose a time that works for you, but one that will also work best for your audience. This will be different based on what your group is doing. A playgroup would probably work best in the middle of the week in the morning and for no more than an hour. A family gathering type event would probably work better on a weekend when everyone is free to come along.
Choose Your Location
Choose a location that works for your group. Something that's close by with ample parking or public transport, make sure if it's out in the open like a park you've consider a wet weather alternative nearby. Some ideas for group gatherings include:
- Parks
- Scout Halls
- Church Halls
- Local Community Venues for Hire
- Libraries
- Member's Homes
Things to consider.
If the group is very large or if there will be high levels of noise or political activity you may need to look up your local council rules and regulations. In some countries, permit may be required.
Structure and Activities For Your Event
Some of our community events will need more structure than others. These are just a few things you might need to take into consideration.
Consider if you need to approach other members to speak at your event.
- Do you require technical services such as internet access or microphones/speakers so that everyone can hear you?
- Is catering a requirement - does everyone need to bring some food and drink or is this not required?
- What activities are happening at your event? A playgroup might require everyone to bring some toys along to share.
- Find a band that can play some European music.
- Print out some brochures to hand out to prospective members about what we stand for.
- Get the name and contact information for everyone who attends so you can add them to your email lists.
Make sure your invitation is very specific on member etiquette - we don't promote drunken, debauchery or physical violence within our community and this needs to be clear from the event get go.
Feel free to have a donation box to help offset the costs that occurred for running the event.
You could also have donation options for other sections of our organization such as the anti-defamation league.
We don't believe in contacting the media or invite them to our events, so please refrain from gaining publicity in this manner.
Feel free to contact other local members to see if they are willing to help you organize your local event.
After the Event
Please send through pictures and information about how it went so we can put in on the site - which hopefully means more interest in future events you organize!