Political termites who have infested our government. Home Store FAQ Contact Us ‘Termite’ Is EXACTLY Right, part 1 October 26, 2018 NOI Research Articles, Blacks and Jews, History, Politics, Race Relations, Religion, Slave Trade, Slavery 0 Turns Out that ‘Termite’ Is EXACTLY Right, part…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Harrison discusses shocking stories about hate against the Uyghurs and Irish people. The Uyghur Are Being Genocided, So Are The Irish Alice14 Harrison, thank you for talking about the problem of non-White immigration into Ireland. Whites are only 8% of…
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Legal & Politics
Serbia on high alert. UN peace summit, Russia not invited. Putin's plan to takeover Scotland. U/1 dvs1 Serbia is in a difficult position, as the "collective West" demands from Serbia to abandon K&M. In my opinion, the current Serbian government, and the one before, are partially…
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Culture & Heritage
ISRAEL will Join AFRICA UNION as AU Observer!, Africa Union Chairperson FAKI Shocks the World @alexomar7464 If Israel is allowed as an observer, I wish African Union to be Fractured and disbanded. //www.youtube.com/@alexomar7464"> @alexomar7464 If Israel is allowed as an observer, I wish African Union to…
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Hot Stories 2
Eva Vlaardingerbroek - Full CPAC Hungary 2024 Speech - Stop Racial Suicide! Beast of the Field Satyr-Demons Attack White Man in Staten Island Angel_Australia Happening more and more in Australia too.Especially in Melbourne where these AFRICAN SAVAGES have been brought here by the JEWS. reight…
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Legal & Politics
DreamState The jews declared war on Germany on March 24 1933 after Hitler arrested Nathaniel Rothschild and kicked out the globalist banking system. How The Jews Prompted A German Backlash History Articles, Neo-Nazi Rise In Germany Frightens Jews, Holocaust Hype Articles, How The Jews Prompted…
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Inspiring Change
The Winter Patriots: A Revolutionary War Tale (Full Movie) The Winter Patriots explores one of the darkest moments of the American Revolution and how the Continental Army, under the command of General George Washington, was able to save the cause of independence through one brilliant military campaign…
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Inspiring Change
CHINA New Silk Road? OR KISSINGER (Jewish) ROCKEFELLER (Gentile) ROTHSCHILD (Jewish) WALL STREET ENGLAND, ISRAEL BELT/ROAD? OR THE EAST INDIAN TREDING COMPANY? I Run 4 Ultra Edited. China's New Silk Road in Europe | DW DocumentaryDW Documentary4.45M subscribers uisburg is home to Europe's biggest inland port, and…
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Inspiring Change
Why are Most People Cowards? | Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism Lou Lou Lou (edited) I always knew I was different but it was this whole covid thing that showed me how different I am. I can't conform, I can't go along to get along…
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Inspiring Change
'Replacement is a fact': Dutch MP reveals Dutch-caused demographic crisis (Video @vimana589 Edited In the United States from 2009 to 2012 I worked for a large state contractor in Texas. Our IT dept was 11 men and women from India. All were hired from India.…
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Black America's Number 1 Enemy Discovered Bill Gates is the Globalist Goblin King Rothschild?? Leyba Davidovich Bronstein (the kike who worked to conceal his jewish origins; public pseudo-Russian name Leon Trotsky) is quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin: “We must turn Russia…
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Inspiring Change
GoFundMe won’t fork over $10+ million raised for Freedom Convoy, truckers and supporters outraged JudasPriest I have always hated "GO FUCK ME" accounts and this is just another reason to. Hey people-Quit fucking using this service! They are maggots. They are communist and controllers. Fuck "GO…
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Australian Police Admit Using Directed Energy Weapon Against Peaceful Protestor Australian Police Admit Using Directed Energy Weapon Against Peaceful Protestor. They cooked her with microwaves, barbaric completely evil. Neandertal girls...hot or not?
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Politics & Legal
Rumble CEO Discusses Being Attacked By Short Sellers & Protecting Freedom of Speech C. PAVLOVSKI is Jewish. Vaccine mandates have a long history in totalitarian, communist societies like East Germany (DDR) India mass sterilisation: ‘my wife died in tremendous pain’ Bill Gates…
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Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement Infowars Films For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced…
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Fighting Against Globalist