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The Coverers League collects information about history, on Globalism and relationships etc, so people can obtain the information quickly.  The main articles usually remain and over time they are changed by adding more information to them.  Henry Kissinger is Jewish The Globalist has declared war against Europeans (whites)…
Published in Culture & Heritage
 Johnson & johnson Covid 19 drugmakers  CEO Alex Gorsky is Jewish.   Trump Booed For Bringing J&J Vaccine Manufacturers On-stage At Rally     CALAZINFOWARRIOR Look folks. Either Trump is a total sellout or really stupid for bragging he's friends with the demonic JJ heir. Somebody that…
Published in Hot Stories 2
MYFREEDOCTOR.Com will help you obtain Ivermectin Tablets. Doctor: The Day They Approved a Poison Lethal Injection to be a Vaccine is the Day I Became Antivaxx       johnmark7 Yea Alex, Trump was "hoodwinked." This is becoming pathetic at this point. It's so obvious you refuse…
Published in Organizations
 NEWSWEEK   The Newsweek photographs at top right promote white babies as being racist and to feel sorry for black babies.  Many describe this publication as a false Jewish Zionist publication.  To help stop racist, bigoted attacks, boycott Newsweek by not purchasing it or displaying it, on…
Published in External Articles
Christian's Are God's Chosen People. HOW CAN THE JEWS who oppose their own Messiah, Jesus Christ, be the “Chosen People?” Christians Are God's Chosen People NOT Jews!, Jews & Their Guilt Of Deicide, State Of Israel: Not Biblical Prophecy!, Jews Are NOT The "Chosen People", Why The…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Biden DHS: No Secret Service Protection For RFK Jr. Alex Jones covers that Biden Admin. DHS has not provided secret service protection for RFK Jr. who has over 20% support in DNC polls United States Department of Homeland Security  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The United States…
Published in Organizations
  REAL LIFE HORROR! Abortionists Admit To Keeping Babies Alive To Harvest Organs FULL SHOW 9/8/2019                             Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White Europeans…
Published in Politics & Legal
  How Will the Christian Zionists' Millennial Kingdom Survive the Fire?  Over the past 50 years, the dominant eschatology of American Protestant Evangelical churches is what I call DPPZism. DPPZ. Dispensational, Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation, Zionism.   Kingdom Warrior 1 year ago Pastor Rick asked a question at the…
Published in Organizations
  Smuggling illegal aliens is STILL a Federal crime.   Biden Human Smuggling Operation Exposed! Federal Crimes Committed     ThunderRoar316   NORMA PIMENTAL PAY ATTENTION ...ITS NOT STAGED ...NORMA PIMENTAL IS A HUMAN SMUGGLER CRIMINAL AND SHOULD BE ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY!!     FoxMulder Should charge ALL…
Published in Religions & Faiths
United Nations Racism Act White, black and Asian people who fight for their country are called racists, but the people who promote the multicultural society are the real racists. They hate white people so much that they want to flood their countries with non white people. This…
Published in Politics & Legal
Will the White Race Survive? DON'T LET MY VIDEOS BE CENSORED! Due to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos -- YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and…
Published in Inspiring Change
      The presentation is about how GEO (No.1 Pakistani Channel for news and entertainment) is linked to Jewish Lobby. Take a look as how i have tried to expose it to the world. GEO IS JEW (Exposed)- ZK            The…
"This time they are after the entire global population" - Holocaust Survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, Vera Sharav talks to Right Now       __________________________________________________________________________________ Zionist Jews take over Eastern European TV & media! According to an article in the April…
Published in Organizations
  This rabbi promotes racist hate and ideas from the man written Talmud which has nothing to do with God. The Talmud is written by racists who have no real understanding of true history. Hess speech does not represent all Jewish thinking. The Talmud should be changes…
Published in Religions & Faiths
SLAVIC WORLD Hidden Facts about Slavery in America - Jewish slave owners, Irish slaves Hidden Facts about Slavery in America Jews and Slavery:"The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339,…