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                Borislav Bereza.(Photo: Denis K.)   Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It A Q&A with the Right Sector Parliamentarian Borislav Bereza by Vladislav Davidzon December 01, 2014 My meeting with Right Sector’s Borislav Bereza,…
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What Is God?   Rabbi Manis Friedman Published on May 8, 2019 This lecture was Sponsored in memory of Barbara Schwartz by her family.     About Rabbi Manis Friedman: Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  NYC streets flooded with Gaza supporters on July 4th     AhmedApril  Edited This generation might actually do it. They might finally free the United States from the Jewish And Christian zionist mob. Registering "foreign agents" would actually unravel the whole plot. The problem is not…
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REDACTED: Ukraine´s DARK secrets Free-Soma Wherever you have Jewish rulers corruption and destruction follow them   Miudzislav Ukraine has always been a stinky country since I remember, but after having listened to all 'revelations' during those three years of that war, it all has made me certain,…
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    Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious…
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Is There A Mysterious Underwater City Beneath The Black Sea? | Secrets Of The Black Sea | Timeline  The documentary Dark Secrets of the Black Sea journeys to the said region and explores recently-unearthed archaeological evidence of a technologically-advanced civilization that once lay there, now submerged beneath…
Published in Culture & Heritage
    U.S. foreign aid and the Israeli nuclear weapons program - Grant F. Smith Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Published on Mar 24, 2019   In 1969, the Department of Defense, intelligence community and Department of State recommended President Richard Nixon uphold the Treaty on…
                            Mossad and Christian Zionist has infiltrated the Tea Party in the United States.     David Duke Speaks to the Tea Party   Dr. David Duke speaks straight to the Tea Party Movement…
Published in Organizations
Grant Smith: A brief history of unprosecuted Israeli foreign agent, smuggling and espionage cases   National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" Published on Apr 19, 2014   Presentation at the National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" on March 7, 2014 at the National…
Exclusive: Covington Catholic Students Sue Kathy Griffin And Others For Fake News     Free America Law Center "Arm yourself as a citizen of Free America with the best defense you have: your Constitution. Join Free America Law Center today and enjoy voting rights on future cases,…
Published in Politics & Legal
  The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 Store  >  DFS Books   Home Articles FAQ Store Contact   "Volume Two of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews reveals that as merchants and businessmen, Jews gained much in a repressive Jim Crow society. In…
   Philistines—The Jews’ Ancient Enemies—Were Europeans, DNA Confirms THE NEW OBSERVER   Philistines—The Jews’ Ancient Enemies—Were Europeans, DNA C onfirms TNO Staff — July 29, 2019 The Philistine people—who gave their name to the land called Palestine—and who were the ancient Jews’ greatest enemy, as recorded in…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Not as Innocent as They Seem - Mel K Interview Find Mel at ► Connect with her on her Secure Server at ► To watch more of Mel K with Flyover Conservatives, check out:           Sacha Baron Cohen Caught In…
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  WHO Releases Plan for Global Digital Vaccine Passports Funded by Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation  The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a proposal backed by two major globalist organizations that serves as a blueprint for governments to implement a worldwide vaccine passport verification system. Read…
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Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. ?? The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel l Al Jazeera Investigations Al Jazeera English   CORRECTION: At timecode 25:16 of this programme, the phrase "range of shareholders" appears with respect to We Believe in Israel and…
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