Aaron Mate on how NATO provoked Russia in Ukraine and undermined peace Even the US Surprised! Turkey Just SHUTS DOWN Russia's Biggest Hope of Important Material Income Russia's BIGGEST Megaproject Surprises Coming in 2025! …
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Sex and Sexuality for the Ancient Romans Weird Sexual Rituals Followed Around The World Canadian Flu Shot Stunt Tied To Monsanto Roundup Hoax Canada’s Health Minister was allegedly caught on camera pretending to receive a flu vaccine during a news segment encouraging citizens to…
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Culture & Heritage
l "All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time. "All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time... the Reverend Cedric Jacobs, one of the genuine…
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DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife Alexander Soros is Jewish Globalist. DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife WHO (IS) WAS HUMA ABEDIN Huma Abedin's Muslim mother above Saleha Abedin. Soros Goal To Destroy Christian Civilization, & The…
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Religions & Faiths
Liberal World Order Must Be Destroyed. Macron, Europe can die. ATACMS to target Crimea. Yellen pushes EU steal of Russian assets Orban said the following Remus Octavian Mocanu Liberal world order must be destroyed – Orban » Not only ! The liberal regimes in the West…
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Inspiring Change
Dr. Lee Merritt of https://themedicalrebel.com joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the COVID-19 bioweapon agenda. Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes COVID-19 Bioweapon Agenda BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests…
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Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh? | Start Here Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians Armenian genocide 107th anniversary | Enormous commemorative demo in Yerevan and Stepanakert Thousands of Yerevan and Stepanakert residents took part in a massive march to commemorate the 107th anniversary of…
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Most Powerful & Filthy Rich Families in South Africa in 2024! Who actually decides what will happen in South Africa? Well, the obvious reason is that the government and institutions ensure everything. But what if we say that’s not the case? In every country,…
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Culture & Heritage
The Rise Of The Lakota Nation | Nations At War | Timeline Kelton Oliver The British and later US governments were in a difficult position. It's likely that in many cases the treaties were negotiated in good faith but the reality was that it was simply impossible…
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Culture & Heritage
How Bad is my Batch? Craid Paardekooper infowars It has been said that “you are what you eat”. Similarly, what you feed your mind is what you will eventually become. Print this post Print this postThe White Nationalist Manifesto
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Chairman of Jewish National Fund Claims Race Mixing is a ‘Catastrophe’ During the 1970s very few Jews married outside the Jewish community. Because Jewish globalist have been promoting interracial marriages, now approximately 60% of Jews in the United States now marry outside the Jewish community. Keren…
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Fighting Against Genocide
French Jews Publish Children’s Book That Normalizes Race Mixing The jewish-owned publishing company, Nathan, has published an illustrated children’s book that glorifies race mixing to young impressionable French children: Nathan [owned by the jewish Cahen-Lipmann families] is one of the few publishers in France which…
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Legal & Politics
Jay Dyer Breaks Down the History of Mind Control Warfare Deep Dive on Tavistock: The Institution Of Mass Brainwashing & Social Engineering Tavistock Institute The Tavistock Institute is a British psychological warfare and human relations unit that begun during the second World war. Some say…
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Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule
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Religions & Faiths
German MEP explains how 15 minute cities will be used to enforce climate lockdowns German MEP, Christine Anderson, explains how 15 minute cities will be used to enforce climate lockdowns POWERFUL: UK Town Rejects “15-Min-City” Project With Rebuke To Entire…
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Inspiring Change