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How the Synagogue of Satan Became Israel: From Sugar to Cotton to Oil

How the Synagogue of Satan Became Israel:
From Sugar to Cotton to Oil

“[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”

—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1984

The collapse of the “State of Israel” has dominated the world’s media as has nothing before it. The world stands in awe as the “People of the Book”—the “Chosen of God” and the “Light Unto Nations”—phosphorus bombs Gaza’s hospitals, refugee camps, and neighborhoods, obliterating the Palestinians like they were Navahos, Algonquins, or Cherokees. In fact, Israel’s savagery is an almost exact replica of a massacre 387 years ago when the “Pilgrims”—another people who believed in their own divinity—trapped some 700 Pequot, mostly women and children, near the Mystic River in New England and attacked them with unrelenting military force. Their leader, William Bradford, wrote proudly of their psychopathic massacre: “To see them frying in the fire, and the streams of their blood quenching the same, and the stench was horrible; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave praise thereof to God.”

To date, the United Nations says Israel has attacked more than 250 health care facilities in Gaza and the West Bank, including hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and their patients. As of this writing more than 30,000 Palestinians have been murdered, more than half of them women and children. To the Synagogue of Satan “the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave praise thereof to God.”

The Money Behind Genocide
And as the world is watching a genocide for the first time captured in real time, people may not be aware that they are not watching a religious conflict at all. Rather, they are witnessing an economically motivated depopulation movement to gain control of yet more oil and gas reserves. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoes the words of Deuteronomy 25:17 in posing Israel’s “war” with the Palestinians as the fulfilment of biblical prophecy: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible,” the Jewish leader said, aligning himself with the genocidal crusade of King Saul, who was ordered to “put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

But today’s covetous King Benjamin has another goal. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan pointed out in his monumental address on February 25th in Detroit that “Israel sees billions of dollars of oil wealth under Gaza and wants to build a canal larger than the Suez Canal and take advantage of that wealth.”

According to a 2019 United Nations report titled The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential, “Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth.” They estimate that the Palestinians are sitting atop 1.5 billion barrels of oil with an estimated value of $100 billion. Additionally, the UN estimates that Israel’s apartheid policies have thus far deprived the Palestinians of $2.57 billion in natural gas reserves.

Netanyahu told the United Nations on September 22 that he intends to establish “The New Middle East” by building a vast rail and shipping corridor connecting India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, and the European Union. The plan includes the reviving of a 1963 scheme to develop what he calls the Ben Gurion Canal as an Israeli challenge to the Egyptian Suez Canal. The $55-billion, 200-mile waterway would connect the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, giving Israel control over one of the world’s key chokepoints for military ships, grain exports, energy, and other commodities. The planned route of the canal goes right through Gaza, and many believe that Israel is destroying Gaza not to root out Hamas but to make way for the construction of this canal.

Netanyahu is also connected to a gas and oil company called Genie Energy which is seeking to exploit recent oil finds in Syria’s Golan Heights. The West’s “war in Syria” must be viewed in light of this massive discovery, which they say “would make Israel self-sufficient in oil for many years to come.” All of these fossil fuel and trade motives have been deliberately concealed from the world under Israel’s false façade of “religion”—a deception that Netanyahu and his cooperative cadre of politicians and media have perpetrated upon the world.

“They Are Not All Alike”
The fact is, the alleged “Jewish nation” has been misrepresenting itself for hundreds—even thousands—of years. The Holy Qur’an warns that we should make clear distinctions about the so-called People of the Book. It says in Sura (chapter) 3, “They are not all alike.” Some are “upright,” but others “disbelieve”—and “these are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.” The Bible is no less direct in its discrimination, in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9: “I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan….[They] are liars…” (emphasis ours). So, we find real congruity between the most ignored passages in the holiest scriptures of Christians and Muslims. And throughout history many notables—from Jesus to Philo to Martin Luther, and several of the popes—made that very same observation about the wildly different natures and behaviors of a people who claim the same name—Jews.

The Caucasian Israeli Zionists, believers in the fallacy that God sanctioned their “return” to Zion (a Hebrew term synonymous with Jerusalem), and their supporters have insisted that their actions are justified in the eyes of the world, which in 1948 established their “legitimacy.” Jewish scholars like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand have already dealt a fatal blow to the claim that the Caucasian Jews have ANY connection whatsoever to those Hebrews of your King James Bible. Genetically, these Caucasian “Jews” are Hebrew-speaking gentiles that have simply assumed the sacred identity of a lost people and used it to sanctify their boldest colonial conspiracies and conquests. Most Israelis probably believe they are descendants of that ancient people, but they are no more connected to the Hebrew patriarchs than are box turtles.

Instead, they have a multi-millennial rap sheet that goes far back, far beyond the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the First Zionist Conference of 1897, into the deep dark world of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And make no mistake, the path of destruction that follows those “who say they are Jews, but are not” is wide indeed. In The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews and its companion study Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, Jewish scholars and rabbis clearly document the Jewish role in the destruction of the Black man and the exploitation of his labor to serve empire-building ventures of the “Jewish” people around the globe. This history is not in dispute. The Anti-Defamation League sought to help America see the value of the Jewish presence in the “New World” when it published a pamphlet titled “American Jews: Their Story.” Putting their very best face forward, the ADL highlights 13 “pioneers” of the American Jewish community—10 of whom have been definitively linked to the black slave trade. Among them are slave traders and slave ship owners, like Aaron Lopez, Moses Lindo and the Franks family, whom the ADL describes as “well-to-do men [who] were highly respected by their neighbors and proud of their religious heritage.”

And it is that “religious heritage”—with its genocidal white supremacy at its very core—that we are witnessing today in Gaza. The more plausible motive of these Zionists only comes into focus when viewed in the light of the massive Jewish role in the worldwide marketing of sugar, cotton, diamonds, gold, and oil, commodities/industries that link Israeli Jews in a very direct way to the early stages of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

“Jews” & SUGAR

Let us start with the high-demand sweetener that inspired a people of one continent—Europe—to build fleets of war ships to invade three other continents—North America, South America, and Africa—to exterminate the people of two and to replace them with millions kidnapped from the third, forcing them to work forever to their deaths. Sugar cane did that. It was first grown commercially on the islands off the west coast of Africa, and by the mid-1500s it made the move to Brazil and Surinam and the Caribbean islands and finally to the southern coast of the soon-to-be United States. And it was Jewish merchants, largely from the trading centers of Portugal and Holland, who supplied the financing, expertise and the enslaved Africans for this labor-intensive crop to expand around the world.

According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, these Jews made Brazil “the most important area of sugar production in the world.” By 1600—176 years before the birth of America—the bulk of the sugar and slave trades was in the hands of the Jewish settlers of Brazil. The 1903 Jewish Encyclopedia affirms that these trader Jews who claimed to be the “chosen people” by 1643 “had a vast traffic beyond all the rest…”

And just as in twentieth-century Israel, the plantation Jews claimed that they were guided by God in their actions and that their plantation lands—factories of Black misery—were in fact their “Holy Land,” their New Jerusalem. To sanctify their sins and literally sugarcoat their evil the satanic sugar barons of Surinam set up their “synagogue” and called it Berakha ve-Shalom—“Blessing & Peace.” In her recent book Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society Dr. Aviva Ben-Ur describes how Surinam’s chosen ones blessed the thousands of Africans they enslaved: “The liberty Jews enjoyed…was inextricably intertwined with violent coercion….African slaves were routinely tortured on the village’s roadsides or along the fence enclosing the synagogue square.” Nonetheless, Dr. Ben-Ur says that they “viewed their agricultural undertaking as a link to biblical ancestors who communicated directly with God and received His blessings of plenty…” [emphasis ours] And in His honor Jews gave their slave plantations Old Testament names like Nachamu, Mahanaim, Succoth, Gilgal, Beersheba, Carmel, and Goshen.

Those familiar with the Jews’ brutal mistreatment of the Palestinians will start to notice some striking parallels. There’s more.

“Jews” & COTTON

In America Black toddlers, prized for their delicate and nimble fingers, spent their childhoods picking the tiny seeds out of the cotton fibers one-by-one before the lint could be milled into fabric. But with the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, a machine that speedily served that function, cotton exploded in marketability to become the most profitable commodity on the planet earth. Everyone wanted to be clothed in cotton, and that precious crop grew best in one place—the Mississippi Delta region of the American South.

We know that enslaved Africans were brought into that hostile wilderness in harrowing numbers, but only recently has it been revealed that a group of highly skilled Jewish merchants invested heavily in slave plantations and in the government, transportation, and marketing infrastructure that moved millions of bales of cotton down the Mississippi river to New Orleans and into the world markets.

And just as in Brazil and Surinam Jews in America were claiming they had been divinely guided into the plantation South. Once there, Jews used their fraternal financing connections to help build the slavery-based infrastructure of the international cotton industry. The Jewish Encyclopedia affirms this previously unknown Black/Jewish reality: “[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.” The Lehman Brothers banking dynasty began in the cotton fields of Alabama; the Weil Bros. Cotton Co. traded 500,000 bales a year when the U.S. was producing 10 million bales annually. In fact, cotton was the main engine of the American economy, the crop at its peak accounting for an astounding 75% of the nation’s exports and more than half of its revenues.

And much of cotton’s rise to preeminence was due to the extraordinary Jewish trading network set in place for centuries. As Dr. Michael R. Cohen demonstrates in his book Cotton Capitalists: American Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Reconstruction Era, cotton trading catapulted Jews into an economic realm beyond all others, and it became the very source of financing of the American Jewish powerbase. “The experience of Jewish merchants in the cotton industry accounts for American Jewry’s golden age during the Reconstruction era.”

And again, just as in Palestine, they claimed that “God” had led them there. Before New York became the Jewish stronghold in America in the 19th century, Charleston, South Carolina, was the main headquarters of Jews Inc. Charleston’s rabbi Gustavus Poznanski extolled the holiness of the highly profitable slavery South: “This synagogue is our temple, this city [Charleston] our Jerusalem, this happy land our Palestine, and as our fathers defended with their lives that temple, that city, and that land, so will our sons defend this temple, this city, and this land.” “Again and again,” writes historian James Hagy, “they referred to their home as ‘the Happy Land’ [Psalms 41:2]; it was their New Jerusalem, New Palestine, the Promised Land.”

This was an understatement. Indeed, the “Reform Judaism” practiced by most Jews and Zionists today began in their slave-built Charleston synagogue, and their new religion was announced to the world in 1825 by a wealthy cabal of Charleston’s Jewish slaveowners.

The New Orleans rabbi, Bernard Illowy (1812–1871), sounded very much like the Father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, when he consecrated the cotton South thus: “[T]his country will be our Jerusalem. O may it also forever continue to be the holy land, the land of liberty, the house of peace, and the asylum of oppressed and persecuted humanity…”

“Jews” & DIAMONDS and GOLD

Wikipedia is clear enough: “The South African gold rush began after 1886, attracting many Jews.…Johannesburg was also occasionally called ‘Jewburg’.” [emphasis ours] And once again, Jews flocked to and thrived in yet another violent racial cauldron of colonialism. The South African Jewish Year Book of 1929 admitted that “To enumerate all the Jewish financiers who worked in the opening up of the [mining industry] would mean a compilation filling pages of print….With hardly one exception all the original mining houses in Johannesburg possessed Jewish partners….One job which in those days counted as highly as any in the State was repeatedly held by Jews—the presidency of the Chamber of Mines.” It was the growth of mining that birthed APARTHEID, with its forced labor camps, the Nakba-like forced removals of whole populations, and the murderous marauding of the South African police, yet many immigrant Jews considered South Africa to be the Promised Land.

Ernest Oppenheimer
Alfred Beit

The infamous DeBeers mining company was financed by Alfred Beit (once thought to be the richest man in the world) and the N.M. Rothschild & Sons bank (“ten times the size of their nearest rivals”) and run by the richest man in South Africa, Ernest Oppenheimer. DeBeers held the worldwide monopoly on diamonds whilst raising racial repression to a fine art. Is it any wonder, then, that the world’s pariah, the white apartheid government of South Africa, became Israel’s most loyal friend and best trading partner?

“Jews” & OIL

By the turn of the 20th century it became clear to the giants of the industrial revolution that the free flow of oil would be essential to maintaining the growth and development of the Western empire. Their focus thus became Northern Africa—now rebranded the “Middle East”—as it was the source and center of about 80 percent of the world’s oil reserves. And to secure a steady oil supply the Western powers needed a long-term Caucasian presence. A senior senator at the time, “Genocide Joe” Biden could not have been clearer: “Were there not an Israel the United States of America would have to invent one to protect her interests in the region.” The Council on Foreign Relations lists that Number One interest as “ensuring the free flow of oil from the Gulf.” And just as with sugar and cotton and diamonds, Jews are again found making a “religious pilgrimage” to the very place where the raw material—in this case, oil—is most abundant.

The borders of the newly invented “Jewish state” were not designed based on any ancient scriptural dictate such as that in Deuteronomy (34:1–4). The very irreligious British had built an oil pipeline that reached from the oil fields in Iraq and terminated at the Palestine port of Haifa in the Mediterranean. Their plan was to build a Western-controlled infrastructure around the oil industry, with Haifa to become the oil spigot to the world. In fact, the majority of Zionist Jews that flocked to Palestine landed in Haifa—not in Zion, the Hebrew term for Jerusalem! The 1950 census shows that Haifa’s population was 205,000 while Jerusalem’s was 121,000. And one of the Jews’ first acts of anti-Arab terrorism occurred in 1947 at the Consolidated Oil Refinery in Haifa, when Jewish terrorists from the Irgun movement threw bombs into a crowd of Arabs, sparking a wave of death and destruction that has never abated since.

And thus the “Jewish” State of Israel was formed around a barrel of oil—not a bible.

To be clear, Israel’s clear intention to holocaust the Palestinians under the guise of religion fits a 500-year unmistakably “Jewish” historical pattern. Satanic “Jews” have chosen for themselves much high-value real estate for the profitable purpose of exploiting its strategic resources. Long before their 20th-century trek into Palestine, their pilgrimages to their beloved “New Jerusalems,” their “Promised Lands,” their “Eretz Israels,” just so happened to coincide with their speculations in sugar, cotton, diamonds and gold, and now gas and oil. All these “Jewish” crusades were framed by (and conducted under the cover of) biblical commandments, but we now see that their “religious” campaigns all really had one purpose—to generate incalculable profits for the moneychangers Jesus himself threw out of the temple (Matt 21:12–17).

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned the world in 1984 of this errant Synagogue of Satan and told us exactly what we are seeing today: “[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”

For more on this topic see the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. Download the free guide by clicking here.

To purchase the series click here.

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Investigate the term "Donmeh" which refers to a Jew hidden by practising another religion. Erdoğan in Turkey is a Donmeh, a Jew pretending to be a devout Muslim. In the UK, Boris Johnson ( Jewish Zionist) our ex Prime Minister is also a Donmeh due to his Turkish ancestry.
In Saudi Arabia the Wahabi Muslims arose from an obscure branch of Judaism.
If Turkey and Saudi Arabia are Jewish, the map of the Middle East looks very different.
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Last week, we marked the first anniversary of the start of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, which followed the Palestinian resistance operation that routed the Israeli army’s Gaza Division in mere hours.
EI associate editor Asa Winstanley and executive director Ali Abunimah speak to associate editor Nora Barrows-Friedman about the latest reporting on Israel’s widescale application of the Hannibal Directive on 7 October 2023 – the order that allows its forces to kill Israeli citizens to stop them being taken captive.
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oct 7
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Hilter founded Israel.
jew testimony
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Ilan Pappe is Jewish.
 If you mention the Israel lobby in the mainstream media then, more often than not, you’ll face accusations of antisemitism. There are of course people who talk about the Israel lobby in antisemitic terms, but that doesn’t undermine the fact that it exists, and has existed for well over a century.
This week’s guest is Israeli historian and author Ilan Pappé. His new book details the origins of zionism and the struggles against it throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. He joins Aaron to discuss Harold Wilson, Nye Bevan, AIPAC, Labour Friends of Israel and the Christian roots of Zionism.
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About half a million Jewish Israelis have left Israel to live abroad since October 7th and European governments report being inundated with inquiries from Israelis about establishing duel citizenship. One-hundred and fifty thousand Israelis have been internally displaced for their safety and three-hundred and fifty thousand have been called up for military service. On top of this, some seven-hundred thousand Gazans who used to be employed in Israel have not been at work for the last nine months. That is one quarter of the national workforce that has been removed from the economy. In 2009, a CIA analysis projected that the Israeli state would cease to exist within twenty years. Here it is.
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This generation might actually do it. They might finally free the United States from the Jewish And Christian zionist mob. Registering "foreign agents" would actually unravel the whole plot.

The problem is not actually Jewish "lobbying" as much as it's the criminals running the show with dual-loyalty or no loyalty. The US might not have to sink with the apartheid regime after all.

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 Raz Segal is Jewish, he is saying Israel is Committing Genocide.
  We speak with Israeli American Jewish scholar Raz Segal about the University of Minnes
ota's move to rescind a job offer over his comments early in the war on Gaza, when he characterized the Israeli assault as a "textbook case of genocide." Segal was set to lead the university's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, but after two board members quit in opposition to Segal's selection and a smear campaign led by the pro-Israel group Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), the school revoked the offer. Segal says he has been "targeted because of my identity as a Jew who refuses the narrowing down of Jewish identity to Zionism" and calls the JCRC-led opposition a "hateful campaign of lies and distortions" and "crude political intervention." "This was a completely legitimate hiring process," states Segal. He says rescission of his offer "spells the end of this idea of free inquiry, of academic freedom, of research and teaching — and all in the service, of course, of supporting an extremely violent state."
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IDF Documents Show Israel Had Detailed Foreknowledge Of October 7th Attack
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Former white blond goyim now dum female Jew Zionist.

A blonde, a woman and a zionist, that's like a triple stupidity buff


Hassidic Jews are still Zionists, they just believe they can’t return to Israhell until their Messiah comes


Those are religious Jews,  believe atheist Jews control Israel the same as atheists control the USA.


Its still ALL Jews. Even these "anti-Zionists" go to a Synagogue & follow the Talmud. They believe there is a different way to reach ruling the world, & enslaving all goyims. They still believe they are "chosen", & that all goyims ( all non Jews will be slaves of Jews.


Problem is, its not the whole truth .. The reason why is because they're prophecy of the destruction of the goyim and enslavement of those who live, cannot be fulfilled until there are no jews in israel.


ZIONISTS ARE KHAARIAN/FAKE 'j'0'0'z', or their meat sacks .. i know my ex is one, brainwashed, a total mess, married one!

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Miko Peled is Jewish Anti -Zionist.

'The potential for the end of Zionism is there and the recognition around the world that there should be zero tolerance of Zionism because it is a racist, genocidal ideology that produced a racist, genocidal state.'

-Miko Peled, grandson of one of the signatories of Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence, on whether the Gaza genocide marks the beginning of the end of Zionism and Israel


Rabbis explain jews created christianity and tricked the goyim into participating in the jewish cult
Rabbi explains christianity saved jews
Rabbi explains christianity spread the jewish cult for them
Rabbi explains christian antisemitism makes jews stronger
Rabbis love that christians worship jesus

This all comes from the torah. The talmud is the oral law explaining the torah written law. Judaism is zionism. And jews created christianity and islam as controlled opposition cults. All christians and muslims are zionists.

Not just Zionism, the whole Talmud is racist and genocidal.
The Talmud promotes Paedophilia. Look what it says, quoting from the Talmud:
“Sanhedrin 55b: A maiden aged 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.
”Kethuboth 11b reads:
“Kethuboth 11b: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, 6, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye.” (End quote.)
If you want to burn paedophilic material you’ll have to burn the Talmud and ask why people and institutions like synagogues harbor the Talmud in their libraries, both digitally and in print.
Imagine what they have in store for you if this is how they treat children? But according to the Talmud and Jewish mythology, you don’t have to imagine: in the Jewish ideal world heralded by their messiah, you either get to be one of 2800 personal slaves allotted to each Jew or all the rest of humanity must be killed.
Comment: The Talmud is a man written by people who hate other races, it is racism.

It's not a bad thing though, think about it. Once US and Europe collapses, so goes their military. No more wars around the world for centuries to come.


While the fake news carries stories about Palestine the Jews are doing this to the entire world with the support of the brainwashed, moronic "Christian" religion. By the way "Christians" if you worship their god Yahweh you are worshipping Satan. WAKE UP.


Balderdash. Why was Harry Truman the first national leader in the world to quickly recognize "Israel" in 1948? Because Jews already ran the US. And why does the US need a "fortress in the Middle East"? We don't - the House of Rothschild wanted it, and they controlled the US through the Federal Reserve.


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Jewish Bafrayung Fund as the largest funder of college pro-Palestinian protests.
A report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy named the Jewish Bafrayung Fund as the largest funder of college pro-Palestinian protests. Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks.



The best way to control the to be the opposition -Lenin ( Communist Jews).
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Jewish people can be against Israeli genocide. This shouldn’t be a big surprise


"Bafrayung" is a transliteration into English of the Yiddish pronunciation of the German word "Befreiung," pronounced B'-FRY-ung. It means "Liberation." Thank G_d that there are still compassionate Jews! Your interpretation of "From the River to the Sea" is beautiful, but you yourself admit that it is so remote from current reality that I think it should not distract from work on a two-state solution.


The far-left and radical ideas have always been strong in the Jewish community. All that bullshit in the US student's heads is put there mostly by radical Jewish left professors who were taught by radical left Jewish professors when they were young and so on it goes back 100 years.
The first violent clashes in British Mandate Palestine were not between Jews and Muslims but between Jewish settlers with communist ideas and capitalist ideas, in one of the first such clashes between Jews also some Muslims got killed as collateral damage, and all relations between Jews and Muslims went downhill from there.
Capitalist ideas eventually prevailed in the Jewish community and many communist Jews moved to the US where they established strongly as part of the US Universities, they hated Israel and the US foreign policy which was fighting communists all over the world, and loved the Soviet Union and now they love Putin or at least they think Putin had all the rights to do what he did because of ''NATO and the US imperialists' threat''—generation after generation of radical red Jewish communists teaching the US youth in US universities. Susie, Michael, and Rachel Geldman are products of that generational brainwashing.



The Jewish Bafrayung Fund has provided $298,000 in funding to Critical Resistance, an organization that has taken part in multiple events expressing support for Hamas. These events include protests that temporarily disrupted operations at the San Francisco International Airport, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, and the Port of Oakland.


If Ana or anyone really thinks that "from the river to the sea" implies to anyone a nice one-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians get along - just muck around on the internet a bit more. 99% of Palestinians are vehemently opposed to Israelis even being there. (Except, of course, for the Arab Israelis in Israel proper who have a good life there. Who are proud voting Israelis who appreciate democracy, freedom of religion, the right to be gay, etc., and are grateful. Who enjoy a much better life than they would under Hamas in Gaza or the PA in West Bank territories.)


Hmm. Jewish people funding Palestinians to protest against Jewish rule of Gaza, in America.



All leftists Jews hate America, Australia, Europe, Britain, Ireland, !! Is it any wonder that at least one Jewish family hates Israel ??? Get real , it's one family for gods sake, not a Jewish uprising



The best way to control the to be the opposition -Lenin ( Communist Jews).



Zionists run most of the main stream media are undermining what little democracy we have and curbing free speech,not just in the USA, Canada, Australia, Britain, Europe but all over the world.


George Soros funds the Protests who is a Jewish Billionaire, who is also an American-Hungarian.



Everyone gets so surprised and excited when they discover the zionist hegelian dialectic at work. It can be applied to any disaster they have ever caused. As far back as the French revolution, where they bought tons of food and created an artificial food shortage, caused a revolt, and put their puppet leader in place. 9/11 Same thing, create the problem provide the solution, control the outcome. They fund both sides of every war ! They funded the north and the south of US Civil war through the Rothschilds (Jewish) who you let walk around freely in your country. The Warburgs (Jewish) funded Hitler they live like kings in your country! The US is a breeding ground for zionists.


boring .... Israel / philistine conflict same as it has been since 1940's .. this newly interest in what is going on , is a cover distraction for loser white kids that don't even know how to communicate face to face , because they have a smart phone .. to determine the next cause that gives these retards a reason of being alive ... it goes from BLM, , defund the cops , me too movement , gay rights , police brutality , sexism , religion , russia , Trump derangement syndrome , Biden voting regrets , , drag show story hour , voting rights , white supremacy . taxes , housing , student loan debt .. what ever the news media . tik tok and retards from Facebook declare is the new flavor of the month to get pissed about is the state of dumb ass college white kids ...led like a pack of wolves .. without knowing WTF they are even doing .
jews against jew is
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Didn't Trump (Jewish Zionist) move the US embassy to Jerusalem? Sounds like something the Anti-Christ would do. Trump also got millions of people killed though promoting the covid jab Warp Speed.

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ICC Prosecutor A. A. Khan has asked for arrest warrants against Israeli PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant for alleged war crimes for overseeing the ‘widespread and systematic attack against the Palestinian population’.

‘Those who do not comply with the law should not complain later, when my office takes action, based upon solid evidence’, Khan stated.

He also accused the Hamas leader in Gaza, Al-Qassam commander-in-chief and Hamas Political Bureau chief of suspected criminal responsibility for war crimes.

John Morley

You can't slaughter 30,000 civilians because of what hamas did on 7 Oct. And think you're going to get away with it, it is GENOCIDE thats what hitler apparently did ..Hitler and Netanyahu are no different.

John Morley
No criticism for Hamas though because they are not doing anything wrong unlike all the terrible stuff that dishonest muslim propagandists claim the Jews are doing.
These are the same jokers who accuse Putin of the war crime of stealing children.
It takes just a minute of this bullshit for you to herald them as paragons of honesty and virtue.
I said at the start that Biden only pretended to be on the Israeli side and would eventually claim his hand was forced ad he had to cut them loose.
You Jew haters are unknowingly allies of Biden.
Unknowing is the basis for most of your opinions

You might want to fix the title of this video: Netanyahu is a Jewish terrorist, not POLISH. Cheers!


"Polish terrorist's" original family name is Mileikowsky from Warsaw.Both,father and sons were/are terrorists ,followers of another Ashkenazi terrorist Jabotinsky.

The Matt Mettler Podcast!

People may not understand but the ICC is in many respects a barking dog with no teeth - they attempt to usurp sovereignty and issue edicts as though they are a governing body overseeing all of the countries of the world and this is why the U.S. doesn't even recognize their authority.

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  ICC prosecutor files arrest warrant for Israeli and Hamas leaders over Gaza war

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Gallant, and Hamas leaders in Gaza for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the October 7 attacks and the ongoing conflict in Gaza. RT Middle East bureau chief Maria Finoshina brings us the latest updates.


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Israel's status as a bona fide democracy is often taken to be a self-evident truth, but a more critical look at the history and reality of Zionism calls this into question. After all, how can a democracy exist in a country constitutionally defined as an ethnostate that can only exist through the suppression and gradual elimination of its Others? Israeli historian Ilan Pappé joins The Chris Hedges Report for a discussion on Israel as an inherently colonial, and therefore anti-democratic, project.
Ilan Pappé is a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter in the UK, where he directs the European Centre for Palestine Studies, and co-directs the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies. Prior to coming to the UK, Pappé was a historian and politician in Israel. He is the author of several books, including The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.
Studio Production: Cameron Granadino, Adam Coley Post-Production: David Hebden
Watch The Chris Hedges Report live YouTube premiere on The Real News Network every Friday at 12PM ET:
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Let us analyze Zionist policies, since the beginning, the 1920’s, a quote from Israel Shahak, former Professor in Organic Chemistry and human rights activist: “Let us begin with Israel itself. The laws of the State of Israel pertaining to the use of land are based on the principle of discrimination against all non-Jews. The State of Israel has turned most of the land in Israel (about 92 percent) into ‘state land.’ After those lands are defined as owned by the State of Israel they can be leased for long periods only to Jews. ..placing all state land under the administration by the Jewish National Fund, a branch of the World Zionist Organization, whose racist status forbid their long-term lease, or any other use, to non-Jews.” (an estimated 70 percent of land in West Bank is state land). Shahak, former Professor of Organic Chemistry, courageous defender of human rights, who came to Palestine in 1945, from Nazis camps in Poland, with his mother. Above quote from his book: “Open Secrets- Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies” (1997).
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Thank you for this report, it literally brought tears to my eyes to know about the integrity of the Palestinian people that behaved in this manner towards the people they were guarding. Despite 75 years of the most atrocious behavior towards them, to behave in this manner is admirable. Also, brought tears to my eyes for the captors to have the integrity to tell the truth about how they were treated.
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  Why Oct 7th REALLY happened? Because Israel ignored every warning and allowed the attack to take place.
Because Netanyahu funded and supported Hamas.
Because Israel could use this attack as an excuse to further its genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Because Gaza has huge gas reserves and the proposed Ben Gurion canal project will ship the gas.
Because the attack makes the planned war with Iran seem inevitable.
Because the forever war machine needs forever wars.
Sources (Israeli media) "For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces." (Times of Israel 2023) "Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided - Netanyahu." (Jerusalem Post 2019) "Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas?" (Haaretz 2023)
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Vtoday in “historical context you won't get from the Race Lady at MSNBC or former AIPAC intern Wolf Blitzer at CNN” – providing that is the value of independent outlets like Armageddon Prose – via Jewish Virtual Library :

“Haavara [was] a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods . The Haavara Agreement is an example of a situation where the issue of Jewish rights, Zionist needs, and individual salvation were at odds with each other. Jewish organizations outside Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimize the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way to lure Jews to Palestine and save them from the Nazi universe, even if it meant collaborating with Hitler. For a time, the Nazi program to make Germany Jewish and the Zionist policy of seeking out Olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were deposited by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestine Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used to purchase goods, which the Haavara then sold in Palestine. The proceeds, in Palestinian currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine. The exchange rate was adjusted from time to time by the Haavara to the discount necessitated by the subsidy granted by the Haavara to Palestinian importers to compensate for the steadily declining value of the mark, so that German goods could compete with other imports. The resulting discount, borne by the emigrants, accordingly rose from 6% in 1934 to 50% in 1938. Most of the transfer proceeds provided the 1,000 Palestinian Pounds (then $4,990) needed for a “capitalist” immigration certificate from the Mandatorial administration, but also for other immigration categories such as Youth Aliyah, students and artisans and for the transfer of public funds. The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world and was therefore met with much resistance. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935), which decided by a large majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the Jewish Agency. The Zionists wanted to attract immigrants to Palestine, especially the prosperous German Jewish immigrants, and the Germans wanted to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports, and gain a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews over the boycott.The Haavara continued to operate until World War II, despite strong attempts by the Nazi Party to halt or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to 8,100,000 LP (Palestinian Pound; then $40,419,000), including 2,600,000 LP (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with the Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in enabling the immigration of some 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for expansion of agricultural settlements and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.”

The Haavara Agreement has long been a thorn in the side of the Zionist historical canon because of the obvious narrative difficulties it poses. As a result, pro-Israel media are forced to come up with rational arguments for how the Third Reich's funneling of money to finance the creation of Israel (the literal definition of Zionism) was not actually a Zionist enterprise, writes Ben Bartee .

Resistance fighters force Israeli tanks to withdraw from the outskirts of Gaza City

Via The Independent :

“Claims that Hitler was a Zionist, or supported Zionism, before his anti-Jewish policies turned to murder and extermination flare up regularly. They usually cite the controversial Haavara Agreement (transfer agreement) of August 1933 as the strongest evidence of deliberate collaboration between Hitler and the Zionist movement. If you look at it one way, on the surface this agreement seems to show that Hitler's government endorsed Zionism – but the fact that it was a mechanism to help German Jews move to Palestine does not mean it was 'Zionist'.”

The salient point here is not to conflate Zionism and Nazism – which are clearly different ideologies – or the Israeli state and the Third Reich, or whatever simple reactionary nonsense you might expect from the American mainstream media for highlighting such unsavory historical facts as above.

Clearly, Nazi Germany and the Zionists of the day had only briefly intersected political agendas in the early to mid-20th century - the superficiality of which was evident from the controversial nature of the agreement among the rank and file of the relevant factions .

The relevant revelation is one I've tried to make before: Zionism is a political project that ultimately has only a superficial relationship with Judaism. The alleged relationship between the ancient Abrahamic religion called Judaism and the political project called Zionism is being promoted for practical and ideological purposes by many parties, both hostile and friendly to the State of Israel.

"A colossal war crime"

The Israeli propaganda machine is adept at confusing criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, a tactic it has lately been using more forcefully – but fortunately less and less effectively – than ever before in a veritable PR blitzkrieg as it scrambles to drum up international political support. to drum for his campaign in the Gaza Strip.

Israel is, and always has been since it was first conceived in Europe hundreds of years ago, an explicitly political project.

In general, the field of Armageddon Prose is geopolitical, not ancient theological quarrels. No amount or intensity of accusations of “anti-Semitism” or censorship at the behest of the Israel lobby will distract me from recognizing reality.

*Note: As you may have noticed if you follow the news closely, you probably won't get the kind of perspectives on the Israel-Gaza conflict offered on Armageddon Prose by the state media or, unfortunately, even by much of the independent media, much of which, for whatever reason, aggressively promotes the Israeli state narrative.

Copyright © 2023  translation  by Frontnieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a direct link are given.
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Rabbi Schneerson planned the Russia Ukraine War in 1994. Gog and Magog. Russia is doing God's work.

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 Ever since conflict in Gaza erupted in October, politicians and protesters alike have used the word 'genocide' to describe actions by both parties. Washington, however, has strongly opposed using the term in this case. RT's Chay Bowes explores the details.

What more needs to be said that what is below to understand the jews mindset? Besides, their actions towards Palestinians, Whites, Blacks, Asians PROVES their genocidal nature. EVIL.

"jews may use lies to circumvent a goy gentile." - Baba Kamma 113a

"All property of other nations belongs to the jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to jews in general." - Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348



The only genocide taking place in Ukraine is the one being conducted by the by Globalist run US as they supply weapons to further the slaughter of an entire generation of  White gentile young Ukrainian men, and now women, as they are sent unwilling to the front to fight a superior force in a battle which cannot be won.

People are blind. Israel knew Egypt warned Israel 10 days before invasion. Not one Israeli IDF for 9 hours after invasion. Benjamin allowed this to get boots in Gaza.Oil Gas trillions He have Palestine license to BP Oil for Gaza drill. Come wake up US wants Iran uranium has for decades

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Lee Camp is Jewish.
You would think US corporations would not want their brand name slapped on top of the rubble that was once a school or a hospital. But that would suggest some sort of conscience. In a new series, America Inc., comedian Lee Camp exposes the corporations that are perfectly willing to sponsor Israeli apartheid and genocide of Palestinians.
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Boycotting these products WILL save us money and avoiding these packaged foods will keep us healthier as well. We need to spread this awareness so that the boycott is done permanently: Domino's Pizza, McDonald's, KFC, Coca Cola, Nestle, Nescafe, Marks & Spencer, Pizza Hut, L'Oréal, PepsiCo, Starbucks, Hewlett Packard, Unilever, Mars, Nike, Papa John's, Burger King, Puma, Carrefour, Ahava and Sodastream.
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‘Let Gaza live!’

Hundreds of thousands American Jews are against Israeli war crimes.

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 The history of the Gaza-Israel conflict dates back to the 1948 War, which saw the defeat of Arab armies along the coast of what is today Israel. Gaza was part of the UN partition plan of 1948 for the Palestinian people; however, the Palestinian territory was captured by Israel during the June Six Day War of 1967. While Israel returned the territory to the Palestinians in the early 2000s, Gaza continues to be a major issue for the Israelis, as the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas is in control of the area. Direct Impact’s Rick Sanchez hosts part 2 of a panel with Dr. Norman Finkelstein and Steve Malzberg to discuss the history of the Gaza-Israel conflict and why it remains a hot topic in the present day.

Under international law israel as the occupier does not have the right to defend but rather the occupied have the right to resist.


Sanchez Says Jews Run Media, Is Fired

Tablet Magazine › sa...
4 okt. 2010 — Conan O'Brien may have had the best take on the affair: “CNN's Rick Sanchez says the Jews run CNN,” he Tweeted. “Ah, so that's who we blame for 

Sanchez Says Jews Run Media, Is Fired

CNN host is Elders’ latest victim

Marc Tracy
October 05, 2010

I’m late to the Rich Sanchez story, because Rick Sanchez chose a day when this more explicitly Jewish-run sector of the media was observing Simchat Torah to say a stupid thing and get canned. The CNN host former CNN host told a satellite radio host late Thursday afternoon that “everybody that runs CNN is a lot like [Jon] Stewart;” this shortly after his interlocutor had noted that Stewart was a Jew and therefore, like Sanchez (who is Cuban-American), a minority, to which Sanchez had responded, “Yeah. Yeah. Very powerless people.” On Friday, CNN announced that Sanchez was “no longer with the company.”

It’s worth noting that Sanchez’s main patron at CNN, who gave him more airtime even as others called for him to get less, was the also-recently-fired Jonathan Klein—who is himself, shall we say, “a lot like Stewart.” Stewart will reportedly address the whole thing tonight: 11 pm E.S.T. on Comedy Central.

Conan O’Brien may have had the best take on the affair: “CNN’s Rick Sanchez says the Jews run CNN,” he Tweeted. “Ah, so that’s who we blame for Rick Sanchez.”

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Lee camp is Jewish.
 LIVE: Netanyahu Said This Was The Plan For Years! (& much more)
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 Lee delves into reports that indicate Israel is responsible for most deaths, including those of its own citizens and Palestinians as well. #gaza #israel #idf #warcrimes #humanrights #comedy #news
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he Hamas attack on Israel was an “inside job” carried out with the full knowledge and support of the Israeli government, according to an Israeli Defense Force veteran who served on the Gaza border.

“We're all trying to understand what happened on October 7, when we all knew that Gazans came in and basically slaughtered a thousand Israelis and kidnapped a group, all in about 7 hours,” says the veteran, before unleashing an astonishing outpouring of truth that tears the official narrative to shreds, message

“So I want to back this up a little bit to help you understand why I believe this was an inside job.”


“First of all, we start with September 1st. The Israeli government confiscated weapons from security teams in communities in the Gaza belt. This happened against the wishes of those security teams. No one knows why this happened.

Fast forward to September 10, the municipalities received reports, these are civilians, they received reports of increased tensions at the Gaza border on Jewish holidays. These range from Yom Kippur to Shemini Atzeret, which was on Saturday.

The same municipal leaders asked whether they should cancel their festivities in light of warnings about increased tensions at the Gaza border. The military said no, don't cancel anything, it looks like we're going into a period of calm.

Now you can assume that the Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) was not aware of this attack. But that is highly unlikely. The State of Israel is probably the most advanced surveillance state in the world. The border with Gaza is probably the most heavily guarded. The Shin Bet, which somehow knew about a man who had corona in a toy store and followed him all the way to a football stadium during the days of corona, somehow did not know about this massive attack planned by thousands of Gazans on pick-up trucks and hang gliders.

Do you really believe that? Are you really that stupid? If so, I can sell you a bridge.

Do you know how long it takes for a helicopter gunship to activate and blow up one of those pickup trucks or hang gliders that invaded Israel? Less than 5 minutes. It could all have been over. It could have been a matter of 5 minutes. Instead, they had 7 hours to kill thousands and bring hostages back alive, unopposed.

This is not a burglary. This is an inside job.

And if it's not an inside job, that's even worse. Because that means the IDF is the most incompetent army to ever walk the earth. And now we have to trust these people to invade Gaza. Commanded by an army that a) didn't see this coming and b) was too incompetent to respond to a bunch of pickup trucks invading Israel.

Tell me what's worse. That it was an inside job? Or that it was incompetent?

And oh, by the way, now that America is coming with help, do you really think Israel needs American help to invade Gaza? Gaza? Their air force consists of hang gliders, their ground forces are pick-up trucks. They don't even have a tank. And Israel needs American help to fight them. Are you serious? Don't you think there's something strange going on here?”

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Shimon Yanowitz from Israel.
 The launch of our first broadcast of ‘World War Zeee’ on Brighteon TV features Shimon Yanowitz from Israel, who now faces potential JAIL TIME and seizure of property for speaking out against the tyrannical Israeli government and asking genuine questions about the war. Shimon, like many Israeli’s, is calling for peace but unfortunately, the powers that be don’t want peace.
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 Author and investigative journalist Leo Zagami's unique occult and geopolitical analysis from his books and
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 Israeli historian on the Holocaust says it’s Genocide in Gaza.

“Raz Segal is an Israeli historian residing in the United States who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University.”

Artie Effem

Reenforces the idea it's not "the" Jews..but a small globalist group calling themselves Jews, aided by continuous propaganda aimed at actual Jews. And if their unconditional support never wavers, this group, government, will let something happen , or just create it outright, to retain their control.

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Well he should have gone further, the israelites, the one and only "Jew" bloodline is only in 15% of those who "identify" as Jews today .. So who are the rest of them? Well they are White European goys and share no relation or ties to Israel. They converted to Judaism which according to the Torah is impossible. One needs a Jewish mother to be cursed with kikery . So not only do they have no ethnic claim to the land, they have no religious one either.


First, semantics. "Jew" and "Hebrew" have precise definitions and are not the same, even if both are derived from the same bloodline. From that perspective, there are a few things to consider:
- The tomb of Amenemhat I, founder of the 12th Dynasty, whom most consider to have been a usurper, is the only tomb permanently closed to the public, almost since its discovery. My bad that i don't remember his name but the Brit who discovered the tomb was murdered shortly after releasing his findings. Among these, he most significant was that the names "Abraham" and "Amenemhat" are used interchangeably in the tomb. Since pharaohs adopted a name upon taking the throne, it was concluded that the name, Amenemhat, was taken after his ascension, and that Abraham was his birth name.
- In a letter to the reigning pharaoh, carved into the walls at Karnak, the 18th Century BC Egyptian governor of Canaan described the Hebrews as invading "Asiatic" thugs armed with Aryan weapons. At that time, anyone or thing from east of the Tigris.was considered "Asiatic". It was from his description of their weapons, the crossbow and horse-drawn chariot, never before seen in Canaan or Egypt, that it can be ascertained they had Aryan weapons, with which they marauded across Canaan, pillaging and laying waste the countryside.This is where it gets interesting. As the Bible indicates, drought drove the Hebrews down into Lower Egypt which, at that time, was divided from Upper Egypt. What the Bible doesn't mention is that they usurped the crown and ruled as the Hyksos, the Shepherd Kings.
The Hebrews launched a war against Pharaoh Ahmose, of Upper Egypt, ostensibly over continued bull and calf worship in the new Age of Aries the Ram. Ever heard of using religion as a fig leaf for military aggression? Ahmose defeated them and then, granted them exile in his province of Canaan, provided they agree to act as his mercenaries, keeping rebellious Canaanite tribes under firm Egyptian rule.
In fact, the Bible is an accurate historical account only the authors chose to hide the real identities of the cast of characters. "God gave us this land". Not quite. Ahmose, aka Yahweh, granted them exile in return for mercenary services. That might explain why Yahweh was such an angry, vindictive, foreskin-coveting piece of work.
The fictional Kings David and Solomon were based on the real historical Pharaohs Psusennes and his son, Siamon. Psusennes ruled at the same time as David, for the same # of yrs, and he fought the same Canaanite tribes as David. His emblem, found on his cartouches, was the Star of Remphan, aka the Star of David.
Strip away the magic, the miracles and the myths, and apply the all-too-common appropriate human traits, such as greed, ambition, cruelty, lust, passion, and that Biblical cast of characters can be seen to morph into the real historical record.. This could explain the unbridled hubris and sense of entitlement displayed by this particular tribe.
[show less]

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Comment: Many Jews call all Blacks, Asians and White gentiles human animals and their Globalist masters believe most Jews are human animals.

Yes Zionist sounds very Nazi to us

All wars are started by jews


All Abrahmic religions in its core ar extremely hateful towards other to the extent where it calls for a open genocide.

Some Jews call non-jews Goyim and believe it is okay to kill all the goyims
Some Christians call non-Christians infidels and Christians killed half of the planet at one point of time in the name of Jesus Christ.
Some Muslims call non Muslims kafirs and they too want every one to either become Muslim or it is okay for Muslims to kill non-Muslims.


Read Jesus in talmud !!!!


Why many jew wants to kill Europeans (Whites) even their kids ... jews explain why !

The video its restricted. But its no surprise . Jew agents are "helping" "refugees" boats to come into Europe. They even instruct "the refugees" what to declare to enter Europe. Jews are starting the wars in Middle East and arabs hate Europeans . Arabs invade Europe and jews are very happy with this ethno genocide. Lets not forget ...all hate Europeans (Whites). It doesn't matter who they are. Arabs , jews , Asians ,Latinos , Africans and any combination between them. . Europe its doomed . In 30 yrs you won't find white people in Europe, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Canada. Two plans exist to destroy Europe. One its using colonialism to destroy the West and the other plan its for East Europe because East can't be blamed for slavery and colonialism. So, they are using war , depopulation , poverty , low birth rate, inflation etc. This is what is happening in Ukraine. Jewish globalist control all the main media in white western countries.

Israel is a sick evil toothless puppy but has the entire Anglo/Zionist Globalist "west" by the...wait those$$holes have no balls.
This Egyptian comedian rips lying trash sack Pier$ Morgan a new asshole


Comment: Jews are told by their Globalist masters they are not white, this is a lie because the majority of Jews are white gentiles who converted to the Jewish man made faith.

If you repeat a big enough lie, people will come to believe it

What planet do you live on?

Comment: Jewish organization only allow white Jews to join. When white gentile’s organization only allows whites to join, Jewish Globalist calls them racist.


Yet Israel has White apartheid had the "chutzpah" to lead a world boycott of  White apartheid South Africa (<1994)


No country has been more condemned by theUnited Nations than israel for its SUPPORT of apartheid south africa... fact


Was the League of Nations, the failed forerunner of the United Nations, created by the Globalist Zionists/freemasons/committee of 300 as a step towards their one world satanic government to be ruled over by the pathetic Lucifer, he who is worshipped by many Jews and silly gentiles Freemasons and all of the other garbage of this earth?


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They want you to pick a side and kill each other but we can always choose peace and learn to love our neighbors.
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There is something most important I need to say at this point. It is not the Jewish people that are any part of this conspiracy . We are all just people, and we did not choose for ourselves which family we would be born into. I say this for the protection of the innocent. The apostle Paul said, at Romans 11 28… 28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. He himself was a Jew, as well as all the apostles of course. And Paul was not speaking of all the Jews, by any means, but only the religious leaders who had Jesus killed out of envy. And in fact even then, many priests repented and became believers! Remember,the Jews are beloved for the Fathers sake. Jesus is their savior, he came to them to teach. They are precious in the Father’s eyes, and never forget that. God loves them immensely.. For God is love.Today, many many Orthodox Jews do not agree with the occupation of Palestine, as well as others who are not religious at all. Let us not be bigoted or stirring up hatred for a race of people that are beloved in the Fathers eyes and one’s he had chosen so long ago. I for one certainly want nothing to do with this or any hatred for peoples who were created in the image of God, for God is love, and it is God who has mercy on all of sinful mankind, including , thankfully both you and me! May all turn away from wickedness and be saved! 11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. Romans 14 My prayer is that God will protect his children from all harm and violence, and from wicked men who would seek to harm any one of them. If we hate our brother in our hearts, then we are murderers, and. No especially any of his dear children whom he loves so much! Let us walk in love for all men, displaying the joy that such love brings to us, and that will one day cover the earth. This is my prayer. InJesus’s name. Ame

This could be like Pearl Harbor where the Roosevelt administration permitted a Japanese Naval strike not expecting such severe damage. Benny Yahoo wanted an excuse for war to eliminate Hamas and maybe Hezbo and Syria also.


yep it is a complete betrayal of the tax payers when their government do things like what happened in Israel and Gaza. People in good faith contributed their time and labor to governments in taxes, every government in mankinds history have repeatedly throughout history have wasted the time and labor of the people of their nations. Time is life so when the government takes peoples time they are taking peoples lives when they take their time in taxes and then betray them by permitting attacks the government could have prevented or perpetrating attacks to manipulate the tax payers the governments are doubly degrading the tax payers.

The false flag gulf of tonkin incident, the 9/11/2001 stand down of the trillion dollar us air defense network and emergcy drill of building collapse, the c19 narrative, the 2003 iraq war babies in the incubators, the ww2 pearl harbor stand down, USS Liberty incident, etc etc etc etc, human history is basically primarily a list of times when governments behaved badly

Governments take what they want whenever they want from whomever they want, then pretend like their is justice and liberty and freedom in their societies because people work harder when they think they have a chance than when they know they are being degraded by their governments.

Both events benefitted Bolshevik Israel. On the night of 9-11 Netanyahu was asked how the event would effect relations between the US and the Zionists and he said it will be very good - it will generate immediate sympathy for the Zionists.


everyone knows Hamas is creation of Israel like ISIS, that people are coming out and saying this means the whole thing was a hoax, imo. This is part of their disinfo strategy to create "noise" that leads to crippling confusion in the targeted populace.


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19 YO Israeli Survivor of Hamas Attack on Kibbutz Has Message of Peace for the World

She’s right and Christians of America should be ashamed of themselves calling for blood. First of all they are ill informed, and secondly they didn’t learn a damn thing from the 911 atrocity propaganda that was used in that government sponsored event brought to us by the financial elite who have bribed, cheated, cajoled, intimidated, coerced, insinuated, blackmailed and assassinated their way into controlling our government and mechanisms of power from the headquarters of the International Bureau of Usury abroad; accelerated since the installation of the Federal Reserve (kabbalistic Jewish banking witchcraft syndicate) in 1913 to encourage and invoke war for profit and thin out the Christian population. Thirdly they learned nothing from the lurid poisoning attack by the same mass murdering psychopaths beginning with MRNA vaccines of 2021. No revelation from God coupled with bad information equals imbalanced advisors. So Christian leaders are actually paying more attention to those who oppose multiracial expressions of sympathy and respect for Jesus and the Christian ethos than to those who are neutral or sympathetic and in so doing are misleading mass numbers of people just like the media we should never pay attention to again. God knows what is going on. If you have never heard the audible voice of God yet would have like to, chances are you are believing something that is wrong. God does not dwell in blessed ignorance or reward generationally entrenched religious pinheads that stubbornly take offense at someone like Jesus.


Gentile are viewed as subhuman impure filth. They can kill with impunity. Rabbis explain why they can kill and destory all gentile nations -

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 Sorry Ben, Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings
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Jewish Globalist control the United States, Europe and France.
Facts don't care about your feelings --- until it involves Israel. And if you're not emotional about Israel, you're a Hamas supporter! ^^ This basically sums up the past week.
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 Lebanon’s militia group, Hezbollah flaunted its arsenal in a two-hour-long exercise in Aaramta village in Lebanon on May 21. During the drill, masked fighters jumped through flaming hoops, fired from the back of motorcycles, and blew up Israeli flags posted in the hills. The exercise came ahead of Liberation Day, the annual celebration of the withdrawal of Israeli forces from south Lebanon on May 25, 2000. The drill comes amid rising tension between Israel and Iran. Watch the video to find out how did Israel react to hezbollah’s drill. #iranisrael #hezbollah #worldnews
CORRECTION: The Lebanese Civil War ended in 1990 and Hezbollah was a minor faction during that conflict. This military drill in May celebrated Hezbollah's victory in an entirely different war that ended in 2000, which marked Israel's first defeat to Hezbollah and saw Israel leaving occupied Lebanese territory. That's why it's called Victory Day. Israel's second defeat to Hezbollah was in 2006 which saw another Israeli retreat.

Jewish Rabbis explain why Europe, USA and the rest of the gentile world must be exterminated. Their god 'Hashem' commands them to.


look at all the nazis here, Israel going to carpet bomb gaza and we going to have a bunch nazi sooks around here!

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Must Watch: What Pro-Zionist Demonstrators in NYC Are Advocating


If they want me to believe that they were gassed and killed y the germans in the Second World War to the tune of 6 mill they just lost all credibility by acting like savages for the last 70 years against the Palestinian people. People who suffered great pogroms will never do the same on other people.


Zionism is a jewish version of German nazism... The same Übermensch bullshit. Many jews were (and are) against creation of so called state of Israel..



They are nothing alike. You've been fed Government bullshit education.
The destruction of the financial and social institutions of Germany is why they hated Jews.
Jews did to Germany what they've done to the US today. Infested every institution and turned the country into progressive liberal shithole, and leeched it dry.
The Jews also declared war on Germany in 1933 at the height of the its depression in an attempt to destroy the people who were already starving.

Scotch Mist ConCeption

Zionist and Jew are two different things...
But they have You where they want you, or you are complicit in the distraction/cover up..
It's a Masonic Control System, The Scottish Rite and Swiss Octogon being the top of that tree, one War (BlackRock/MIC), one Financial (Vanguard/BIS) and both everything in-between...
Listen to an actual Jew, go in @02:08
and while you're at it check this out, because i know what you're gunna say... and if that's not enough, check where The Scottish got their inspiration from.... and check for yourself where the Templars base/homeland actually is.. Nothing Jewish about them...
Tip of Iceberg.


Retired IDF soldier interviewed on bitchute tells how he witnessed fellow IDF soldiers RAPING Palestinian children and then killing them ...DONT TRY TO TAKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND YOU FUCKING EVIL CUNT.

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  Reports Of “40 Babies Beheaded” Circulates Online, RFK Jr Blames Palestinians For Their Living Conditions On Fox

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 Lee Camp is Jewish.
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 Hundreds of women from women's rights associations rally through the streets of Jerusalem demanding a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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 Israel founders.
Join Richard and Tony as they delve into an intriguing exploration of the London School of Economics (LSE) and its connections to the influential Rothschild family. In this thought-provoking video, they uncover compelling insights into the LSE's historical ties, revealing how the Rothschilds' Zionist beliefs intersect with their pursuit of power. Gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating nexus, as Richard and Tony unravel the intricate web of influence and ideology that surrounds one of the world's leading institutions. Don't miss this captivating analysis that sheds light on the hidden forces shaping the LSE's trajectory. Maximize your knowledge and watch time by tuning in now!
the rothschilds are SABBATEAN satanists! NOT JEWS!
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Free Palestine
My Palestinian ancestors have been living in Palestine long before any religion. In 1917 the UK announced the Belfour Declaration to Rothchild, stating they will destroy Palestine my home and replace my people. From 1947-1949 over 520 Palestinian villages were destroyed. At the time, most Palestinian were farmers who couldn't read and write. My family are still in camps around Bethlehem and we want a Constitution and voting to decide our fate and have 2nd and 1st Amendment.
This creature is a liar and a murderer. Total disinformation and false stats to deflect away from the disproportionate jewish involvment in the trojan horse injection ("vax") and plandemic. Big Pharma is jewish. The central banks are jewish. The fake media is jewish. The central banks are behind this plandemic and genocidal trojan horse injection, and they're using their one arm (Big Pharma) to institute the depopulation shot, and using the other arm (media) to keep the masses ignorant and deceived. The central banks own and control Big Pharma and the media.
Jesus Christ told the jews, "You are of your father the devil. He is a liar and murderer from the beginning."
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 Israeli health reporter reveals a shocking story about the data governments around the world used to justify vaccine mandates.

Israel reportedly had no effective monitoring system for adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine in 2021 when the world relied on their data to guide vaccine policy, including mandates.

Israeli health reporter Yaffa Shir-Raz told Rebel News that “Israel was Pfizer’s laboratory” and the FDA’s decision to approve the booster shot was based on Israeli data.

“But what the world did not know is that almost for the entire year in which all the population was vaccinated two, even three doses, Israel did not have any functioning monitoring system,” she said.

Shir-Raz said the Ministry of Health lied, to its own people and to the FDA, when it claimed side effects from the vaccine were minimal and short term. They had no way of knowing, she said.

The journalist claims that it wasn’t until December 2021 that a six month study of reactions to the vaccine was properly conducted, the results of which completely contradicted advice the Ministry of Health had previously given.

“Those results actually contradict the entire narrative that we were told and the narrative was that side effects are mostly mild, if any,” she said.

“They found new side effects not listed by Pfizer, including very serious ones such as neurological ones … and menstrual irregularities.”

Shir-Raz says that when results of the study were presented in May of this year the Israeli Ministry of Health stopped the research.

The journalist, whose mother was a holocaust survivor, says she was shocked that their own government had betrayed them by recommending and mandating vaccines using falsified information.

Check out for all my latest reports from Israel.

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Avi Yemini is venturing to Israel to investigate how right-wing politician Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu returned from defeat to bury his political opponents

The country dubbed 'Pfizrael' for its insane COVID-19 response just voted in the most right-wing government since her rebirth in 1948.

But what really happened in Israel during the lockdown, and how did one of the world's harshest COVID-19 leaders win back the people?

Rebel News Chief Australian Reporter Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) is going on a fact-finding mission to Israel to expose the truth about who followed the rules and who didn't.

You can follow all our in-depth coverage investigating how Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu returned from defeat and donate to support our work on this page.

5 bombs
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Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews.

Henry Makow

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Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews

June 27, 2004

by Henry Makow Ph.D

In 1935 the steamer "Tel Aviv" made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle as a "metaphysical absurdity."

Actually it made perfect sense.

The ship transported German Jews who had taken advantage of the "Haavara" program, which allowed them to exchange their money for its value in Germany products in Palestine. As a result, the fledgling Jewish colony received about 70,000 highly educated German Jews and 140 million Reichmarks worth of German industrial equipment. This laid the foundation of Israel's infrastructure.

The arrangement also boosted the Nazi economy at a time when Jews worldwide were boycotting German products. (My main source is "The Secret Contacts" by Klaus Polkehn a prominent German journalist. It is included in Olivia O'Grady's The Beasts of the Apocalyse, 2001, 421-447.)

Why retell this story of Zionist-Nazi cooperation now?

Because "Jewish" leaders have been exploiting their "lesser brethren" for a long time, and are doing so today. Ordinary Jews pay the price and this price could rise.

In my opinion, Zionism is a movement to deceive Jews into advancing the objectives of British imperialism. (See, "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism") Zionists who have built their lives on a false premise naturally will reject this view.

Specifically, Jews helped the British-Jewish elite colonize the oil-rich Middle East under the pretext of Jews needing a national home. Despite the appearance of neutrality, the British (and Americans) financed, trained and equipped the Jews. (John Coleman, Diplomacy by Deception p. 107.)

The "British" are really the London-based international banking cartel associated with names like Rothschild and Rockefeller. It doesn't answer to any government. Its goal is to colonize the world and everyone in it. Jews are a means to this end.

As seen in Iraq, Zionists (a.k.a Neocons) play a major role in the colonization of the Middle East. The important thing to remember is that Israel is the creation of this cartel; both Israel and the US are its tools.

Iraq is only a phase in the emerging New World Order, which represents a continuation of the goals of "British" imperialism. John Kerry would take up in Iraq where George Bush left off. Democracy is a charade.


In 1925, Germany's 500,000 Jews were overwhelmingly indifferent or actively hostile to Zionism. The German Zionist movement had only 9000 members.

The "Central Union of Germans of the Jewish Faith " represented most German Jews and favored active participation in German life. Its main focus was combating anti-Semitism.

Zionists, on the other hand, welcomed the Nazis' anti Semitic policies. Like the Nazis, they believed in race-based national character and destiny. Like the Nazis, they believed Jews had no future in Germany.

The Zionists did not protest Nazi persecution such as the removal of 2000 Jewish scholars and scientists from German universities in 1933. The Nazis rewarded this "restraint" by allowing the Zionists to go about their work unhindered. All other Jewish and anti fascist organizations were disbanded and their leaders imprisoned.

The Nazis required all Jews to join the Zionist-led "Reich Union" whose goal was emigration. Jews were to be converted to Zionism at any cost. The Zionists were able to publish books and newspapers critical of the Nazis so long as the audience was restricted to Jews.

The cooperation extended to political and economic spheres. Adolph Eichmann set up agricultural training camps in Austria to prepare young Jews for Kibbutz life. He visited Palestine and conferred with Zionist leaders who confessed their true expansionist goals. There was even talk of a strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and Jewish Palestine. His report is in Himmler's Archives.

[For more on Zionist-Nazi cooperation, see online Lenni Brenner "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" Also, Lenni Brenner, 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (2002)]

The cooperation may have extended to the Jewish Holocaust and explain why most Jews passively accepted their fate. In his book, "The Holocaust Victims Accuse" Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld claims that Zionist- led Jewish Councils ("Judenrats") collaborated with the Nazis and deceived non Zionist Jews. See my "Zionism: Compulsory Suicide for Jews."

Europe's non-Zionist Jews were worth more dead than alive to Zionists and their financial sponsors. The Holocaust provided a political and moral rationale for the establishment of the Jewish state.


In 1919, Hitler was an Intelligence Officer with the German Army assigned to spy on the tiny German Labor Party. He became its leader. Max Warburg, brother of Paul Warburg, founder of the US Federal Reserve, was the chief of German Intelligence. Both were executives of the I.G. Farben conglomerate. There is no record of when Hitler stopped working for these Illuminati figures. (See also Be Afraid: The New World Order's Fascist Pedigree )

Hitler was sponsored by the banker oligarchy, and may have been their pawn.
Certainly the Nazis received millions of dollars from New York and London. See "Hitler Didn't Want World War."

Ernst ("Putzi") Hanfstaengl was close to both the bankers and Hitler and funneled money to the Nazis during their formative years. See also Antony Sutton "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" Chapter Eight

But when Hitler began to print his own money, he may have alienated these sponsors. See "Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony"

The bottom line is that both Nazism and Zionism were sponsored by the same banking cartel and had complementary goals. The rise of anti Semitism in Europe served to create the State of Israel, which President Assad of Syria described as a "dagger in the heart of the Arab nations."

Think about it. Hitler could have just confiscated all the Jewish wealth. Instead he used the "Haavara Program" to help establish the State of Israel. According to Polkehn, Hitler personally guaranteed this program in the face of opposition. It lasted until the beginning of the war.

This cartel, which controls the world today, has no compunction about using Jews (or anyone) as a means to an end.


All money is created in the form of debt to the privately owned banking cartel.

Imagine if you could create money out of thin air. Imagine you have the credit cards of all the nations in your pocket.

Your first impulse is to lend money to your nominees so they can buy most of the world's real wealth for you.

Your second impulse is to establish a totalitarian system ("world government" "globalization") to prevent any nation from challenging this system or defaulting on their "debt" to you.

To make nations accept "world government," you need to weaken them by having them fight among themselves, run up huge debts for armaments (which you will sell them), kill off the cream of their manhood, and become demoralized and decadent.

You accomplish this through your ownership of politicians and the press and your control of MI-6, CIA, Mossad who carry out terror and assassinations for you. This is the real history of the last 300 years.

"World government" is really about using debt to enslave us; it is an international loan collection agency. Naturally they shroud this with talk about tolerance, human rights, fighting poverty and preventing war.

A quote from a 1924 edition of the American Banker's Association Digest sums up what is currently happening. Keep this in mind when you vote.

"When, through the process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men who are now engaged in forming imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. "

Now consider the words of an Illuminati defector, Svali.

"The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy by many.
At the same time, the Illuminati covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fuelled. They are very duplicitous people...These people love the game of chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out of chaos."

In a personal email, she added:

"I have always wondered this, though, why some of the highest ranking financial families in the group (Baron Rothschild of France is one of the 13 European lords, or "kings" that run the group in Europe, and sits on the World Council) are Jewish, yet the group espouses hatred of their own race."


Ben Hecht said that reading the daily news to understand current events is like telling the time by looking at the second hand. You have to look at the decade and century hands to see what is really going on in the world.

The Rothschild-Rockefeller banking cartel is behind most political (and cultural) trends and its goal is to destroy the nation state, true democracy, religion, culture, marriage and family, in order to degrade humanity to animal status in advance of totalitarianism.

In the "war on terror," they have created a bogeyman to establish a system of repression to be used when they call in their "loans."

I was once a Zionist who believed Jews needed a homeland because of anti Semitism. I realize now that, like most of history, this view was mostly contrived. Anti Semitism is caused because many Jews serve (consciously or unconsciously) the bankers' harmful agenda. Zionism, Communism and Feminism are a few examples.

Most Jews are now totally identified with Israel, which is a tool of the Rothschilds' demented megalomania. If past is preface, this cannot end well for Jews or anyone.


See Barry Chamish on the Sabbatean Heresy


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Henry Makow © 2020

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WOW! Israeli Vaccine Director SPEAKS OUT! - Blows Whistle on Mass Murder & Monkeypox!

 Absolutely correct. There is NO SARS-CoV2 virus. There is NO HIV virus. Fauci is running the same playbook with COVID that he ran with HIV/AIDS. The medical community and the general public worship at the shrine of medical tests. I donated blood in 1990 and my blood was "tested for HIV" and I got a letter from the Maryland state health department that I had tested positive for HIV and needed to immediately see my doctor. If I had done that, I would have been put on AZT and would have been dead in 6 months. Needless to say I ignored the letter and still am in perfect health 32 years later. DO NOT take any COVID test. If you get sick from any illness TREAT THE SYMPTOMS of that illness. Taking a COVID test and getting a positive result could land you in the COVID ICU and being killed by REMDESIVIR and the VENTILATOR. An unsuspecting friend of mine was murdered by the COVID PROTOCOL in just this manner.

just found out Tanzania have 0 vaccinations I wanna move to Tanzania now.




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Israel Is Arming Ukraine's Blatantly Neo-Nazi Militia the Azov Battalion

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Episode 65: Ardern's COVID Narrative Collapses

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The Nazification of the West

And what it really means to be a NAZI

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Some of what Greg said in this video is taught in high school back in the 90's like at the school I attended. If schools still teach those points of history about the attempted coup of the US, then people would understand who their enemy is and not people they call right wingers. That is the problem. They are being taught to go against their own people in this nation and in others. When I tell people that the leadership in Ukraine are Nazis and can be directly linked to Hitler's Nazi party, they laugh it off. I do not understand. Project Paperclip was taught in high school, and the Soviet's version. Did schools cease teaching about the world wars and their consequences that still cause ripples in water as they do, today? I really wonder. What are people thinking, if they were taught this stuff? I mean that Harvard grad that claimed she had a masters degree in history and said that to Jay Leno on his old Jaywalking segment of the Tonight Show. She claimed that George Bush Jr. was the first president in history. Are these people so bad at knowing any history that they make things up to make themselves not look ignorant or bad? I do not know, but people who do not study the past are doomed to repeat history. That is taught in all schools. Problem is that we have been repeating history since 9/11. And these people just do not get it that they are doing that. They did not study the past.

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VACCINE RECKONING: More than 66% of “fully vaccinated” Israelis are now suffering adverse reactions

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Jews Must Submit Vaccine Pass To Eat In Israel

 A viral video exposes a McDonald's in Israel where vaccine passports are now required to eat



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What no one noticed is that he gave them his fingerprint when he said no to the green pass. Get ready the system will gather all of this information into your social credit score, so saying no at McDonalds means you won't be able to buy a home, or drive a car, etc.
you cannot even own a fire arms in Israel so who is surprised about the country not caring about freedom.
The same in Australia, we cannot travel interstate, eat in a restaurant go into a bar, a swimming pool or gym or keep employment without having had the jabs. They say we are free to make our own decisions but withhold our freedoms from us if we don't. Bring on the Nuremberg 2 trials, please save us as they now start pushing boosters every 4 months.

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Israel…now a police state?

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  Thursday LIVE: Evergrande’s $300 Billion Default Signals MASSIVE Collapse In China’s State-run Economy – FULL SHOW 12/9/21

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Fauci wants all little kids, babies “vaccinated” for covid by Spring 2022




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  Emergency! Watch General Flynn Predict Omicron Variant, New Lockdowns, And Controlled Economic Depression

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Israel’s covid vaccine efficacy data FAKED: Group of Israeli scientists blow the whistle with “severe concerns,” warn FDA about covid “vaccines”


Are Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” safe and appropriate for humans, and especially young children? According to the Israeli Professional Ethics Front (IPEF), the answer is no.

The group of independent physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers says it expressed “severe concerns” to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the reliability and legality of official Israeli covid vaccine data, which has more than likely been tainted by Big Pharma to support its profit agenda.

Recognizing that the Jewish state of Israel has largely been “the world laboratory” when it comes to the Pfizer-BioNTech injection specifically, the IPEF wants action to be taken to at least protect the youngest and most innocent among us from these questionable injections.

“We believe that the significant failures underlying the Israeli database, which have been brought to our attention by numerous testimonies, impair its reliability and legality to such an extent that it should not be used for making any critical decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccines,” the IPEF’s letter to the FDA reads.

You can read the full letter at

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WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel.

WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel



The Testimonies Project

The Testimonies Project

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.  The testimonies project - the mo...






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Claim COVID-19 Is ‘Here To Stay’ — Only Defense Will Be A Vaccine

 Rothschild-Funded Israeli Researchers Claim COVID-19 Is ‘Here To Stay’ — Only Defense Will Be A Vaccine

Christians for Truth

Rothschild-Funded Israeli Researchers Claim COVID-19 Is ‘Here To Stay’ — Only Defense Will Be A Vaccine


Despite the mounting evidence that COVID-19 is not much different from the seasonal flu, Israeli ‘researchers’, funded by the Rothschilds, are telling Big Pharma exactly what it wants to hear: COVID-19 is ‘unique’ and isn’t going anywhere, and the only way to avoid getting infected is to submit to their experimental vaccines:

The novel coronavirus is not going anywhere anytime soon, suggests new research conducted by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which centered on the study of the new virus’ structure.

Prof. Michal Linial, professor of biological chemistry at the university, together with Dr. Dina Schneidman from the Department of Biological Chemistry and the School of Computer Science at the Hebrew University and Postdoctoral Intern Ester Brail, said that each strain of the virus holds different “offensive capabilities” used to bind itself with human receptors, while the method of binding varies from virus to virus.

The researchers claim that this new virus strain, named COVID-19, bears a striking 72.8% resemblance in structure to the SARS strain, and so the researchers tested the way in which COVID-19 attaches itself to the ACE2 enzyme, which is part of almost every cell in the human body and is known to serve as an entry point for the SARS virus.

According to the research, SARS attaches itself to human cells in such a way that researchers found easy to break using medicine.

Unlike SARS, the COVID-19 strain attaches itself to human cells in a much more aggressive manner, meaning that its removal from a cell is much harder when compared to SARS.

Due to that fact, researchers and doctors will find it substantially more difficult to develop a cure for this latest coronavirus strain, meaning that a cure could still be a ways off.

Furthermore, the researchers believe that even after a vaccine is developed, COVID-19 will still be a part of our everyday life.

Once a vaccination is found, those who will vaccinate themselves will be immune to the disease, while those who won’t, will continue to spread it,” said Prof. Linial. “I assume that in the future when we will understand the virus’ effects on our immune system better, a vaccination will be given at schools or in any other way in order to protect us from our new ‘friend’.”

Isn’t it interesting that one of the ‘researchers’ who made this spurious claim works at Hebrew University, which just received a huge grant from the Rothschilds to ‘study’ COVID-19.

The media, from the beginning of this manufactured ‘pandemic’, have been very careful to constantly remind the gullible public that this virus is ‘novel’ or unique, a one-of-a-kind, something we’ve never seen before.

All coronaviruses are unique — they constantly mutate, which is why the flu vaccines never work.

But the CDC and the media want everyone to think that if you are merely exposed to this ‘deadly’ virus, you will get the disease and die without a vaccine — which is why the media has buried the story that everyone in a homeless shelter in Boston tested positive for the virus but none of them showed any symptoms of the disease.

Yet we know that COVID-19 destroys hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which causes oxygen deprivation and difficulty breathing, which is why a common, cheap, and widely available anti-malarial drug is so effective against COVID-19.

These Israeli ‘researchers’ obviously didn’t bother to consult with the Australian researchers who, well over a month ago, announced that hydroxychloroquine ‘cured’ COVID-19 infections.

People in malaria-stricken regions of Asia and Africa have been taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative for the last 50 years with minimal side effects, but the FDA just got around to approving a study to test its ‘safety’ to treat COVID-19.  What a crock.

But if this cheap drug works as both a preventative and a ‘cure’ for COVID-19, how will Big Brother and Big Pharma convince the public to take their dangerous and experimental mRNA vaccines grown on cell lines of aborted human fetuses?

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Why Didn’t Jews Object To Bill Gates Calling COVID Vaccine ‘The Final Solution’ To The ‘Pandemic’?


Christians for Truth


Sherlock Holmes once solved a criminal investigation using the concept of “the dog that didn’t bark.”

When the guard dog doesn’t bark, then those committing the crime are very familiar to the victim.

For example, last year when a newspaper in Norway used the term “the Jewish Question” in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Jewish organizations went ballistic and forced a public apology and retraction.

Clearly, Bill Gates used the term “final solution” deliberately as a nod to his kosher cronies in crime — and the fact that Colbert immediately brought up “conspiracy theorists” shows just how scripted this exchange actually was, including the fake joviality.

Of course, “the final solution” is not a phrase coined by the “Nazis”, but rather by the founder of Zionist Movement, Theodor Herzl, who said that the Jews moving to Palestine and establishing a Jewish ethno-State would be the “final solution to the Jewish question.”

And Karl Marx once described his “final solution” in these terms,”Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution.”

So there you have it — the “final solution” to the Jewish Question is the establishment of a worldwide communist system ruled over from the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem — and this plandemic is being used to take a quantum leap forward toward that goal.

Marx knew this wasn’t just an economic war but also a racial one as well: “The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way….they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.”

And speaking of Sherlock Holmes, we would be remiss not to point out another astute observation he once made: “It must tend to some end, or else our universe is ruled by chance, which is unthinkable.”



Laramie in WY

The Jewish controlled media made a huge headlines when the number of so-called corona cases reached the magic 6 million number–clearly a signal to their judeo-masonic brothers that their hidden hand was at work:



Well here you have it genocide with impunity…….”FDA Says Yes to Coronavirus Cure From Israel; US Gov’t Ready to Test Trial Medicine Starting Next Week”……

Israeli Biowarfare Institute Seeks FDA Approval For COVID-19 Vaccine For U.S. Market….


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In Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world, HALF of all new “delta” infections are occurring in “fully vaccinated” people

In Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world, HALF of all new “delta” infections are occurring in “fully vaccinated” people
08/01/2021 / By Ethan Huff / Comments
Bypass censorship by sharing this link:

According to reports, out of any country in the world, Israel is seeing the most compliance with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine push. As a result, Israel is also seeing a “spike” in new cases of the “delta variant” among the fully vaccinated.

The situation is so bad there, according to government and media talking-heads, that officials are, like dogs to their own vomit, reinstating mask mandates and other authoritarian provisions that they claim will help to “save lives.”

As many as 90 percent of all new infections with the Chinese Flu are occurring in people who got jabbed in obedience to the medical fascists. Only a minute few of all new “positive cases” are occurring in the unvaccinated.

Even so, the Israeli government, like many other governments, continues to push its non-jabbed citizens to roll up their sleeves and comply already, or else even worse restrictions could soon be on the way.

In order to buy and sell in Israel, Israelis are required to get the Trump Vaccine. It is one of the most oppressive regimes in the world right now, and it wants other countries to follow suit.

“The entrance of the Delta variant has changed the transmission dynamics,” announced Prof. Ran Balicer, the chief innovation officer for Israel’s largest health management company, Clalit.

Vaccinated people are the new pandemic

First discovered in India, the “delta variant” was not, according to government officials, supposed to be a problem in vaccinated people. Getting jabbed, we were all repeatedly told, was supposed to provide “immunity” against the disease.

We now know, however, that most new infections are occurring in people who got the jab. These same people are also spreading the variant to others, making them a public health menace.

The problem is prolific in Israel, and we are also now seeing it here in the United States where fully vaccinated people are getting sick and dying, many of them flooding into emergency rooms where they now occupy scarce hospital beds.

What were supposed to just be rare “breakthrough” infections are quickly becoming a new pandemic of the vaccinated, just as we long warned our readers.

As of this writing, more than 80 percent of Israelis over the age of 16 have received two doses of either Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injection, which permanently reprograms human DNA and turns people into spike protein factories.

“Our goal at the moment, first and foremost, is to safeguard the citizens of Israel from the Delta variant that is running amok in the world,” proclaimed Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in a recent statement pushing for more Israelis to get the Mark of the Beast injection at “warp speed.”

As admitted by The Wall Street Journal, at least half of all new delta variant infections in Israel are occurring just in people who were injected with the Pfizer vaccine.

“Why is this genocide taking so long to get to Nuremberg?” asked one of our commenters.

“The Final Solution vax is doing what it was intended to,” wrote another, drawing from World War II language about the “final solution.” “The vax’d should work their bucket lists while they still can.”

Others pointed out that they are growing weary of hearing the term “fully vaccinated” used by the government and the media to describe people who have received all of the injections demanded. It is a propaganda term used to suggest that the non-fully vaccinated are a danger to society when the exact opposite is true.

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Trump Vaccines can be found at

Sources for this article include:


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Dr. Peter McCullough of joins The Alex Jones Show in-studio to destroy the official COVID-19 narrative.

  Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative In-Studio with Alex Jones

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Fake News Hit-Piece Against Ivermectin Collapses Spectacularly As More Americans Reject COVID Shot FULL SHOW 9-5-21

Fake News Hit-Piece Against Ivermectin Collapses Spectacularly As More Americans Reject COVID Shot

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They used to sell Ivermectin on Amazon. Was on there just the other day last I checked. They took it down just recently I guess lol..It's not on there anymore. Not surprised that Amazon would take it down. They are 100% a globalist corporation.

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Leaders of FDA Vaccine Program Resign Over Biden Move to Inject Children with Deadly COVID Vaxx Breaking: Democrats Announce Plan to Forcibly Take Children From Parents For Possible Contact With Covid Carriers – FULL SHOW 9/1/21

 The plan has always been to give UN-controlled contract tracers total martial law powers over every nation & individual on Earth, the images from around the world of "medical" SWAT teams dragging crying children from their homes is now coming to America. But the house of medical tyranny cards is coming down! Both of the FDA's top vaccine experts have resigned, citing the dangerous political move by the White House to push the deadly Frankenshots on children and "Covid boosters."


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Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes COVID-19 Bioweapon Agenda


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PRISON STATE: Israel warns of more lockdowns if vaccination rates don’t increase

An Israeli health official has warned that a new post-vaccine strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could force Israel back into lockdown. At the same time, the Israeli prime minister said the only way to avoid another lockdown is to continue vaccinations.

COVID-19 cases in Israel are still rising, despite it being one of the most vaccinated nations in the world. Around 60 percent of its population is fully vaccinated, and another five percent has received one COVID-19 vaccine dose.

As of Wednesday, Aug. 18, Israel has 59,218 active COVID-19 cases. Of these, 991 are hospitalized, 600 in serious condition and 103 on ventilators. These figures are from the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Since the release of that government data, another 4,583 confirmed COVID-19 infections were detected, with 5.39 percent of COVID-19 tests coming back positive.

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Hordes of jabbed people all throughout the promised land are dropping dead.

New COVID-19 deaths now exploding in the most heavily vaccinated country in the world: ISRAEL

The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” push in Israel is failing to “save lives” as hordes of jabbed people all throughout the promised land are dropping dead from getting their genes modified.

According to data collected by journalist Alex Berenson, Trump Vaccines are failing to protect against not only mild infection with the Chinese Virus but also severe infection.

“That’s a theory,” Berenson tweeted about the government claim that Fauci Flu shots somehow prevent serious infection, adding that “the clinical trials didn’t (and couldn’t) prove it.”

Government data out of Israel shows that 81 percent of all new Chinese Virus deaths and 65 percent of all “severe” and “critical” hospitalizations are occurring in people who received the shots. Only a miniscule percentage of unvaccinated people are experiencing any health problems.

Israel’s Ministry of Health has since admitted that the so-called “vaccines” are only about 39 percent effective, whatever that means.

“Israel’s new government is proving to the world today without a shadow of a doubt that they’re soldiers of the new world order, promoting modern slavery by dividing, spreading hate and panic, coercion and discrimination,” tweeted one individual about Israel’s system of medical apartheid, which is dividing and pitting against one another vaccinated versus unvaccinated citizens.


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Emergency Broadcast! Opposition To COVID Measures Defined As Terrorism By Biden DHS


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Jerusalem Hospital -85% to 90% cases are people who are vaccinated.

  Global Bombshell! Israel & Australia Report All Covid Hospitalizations Are Vaccinated – FULL SHOW 8/6/21

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   Amazing Israel



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 Hatikva-The National Anthem of ISRAEL

 HATIKVAH with English & Hebrew Lyrics plus Musical Notes


 We support the country of  Israel and have been wanting to write this article about Israel and the way this country is governed. The reality is, Israel is established and is not going to disappear or submit to pressure to relinquish land to Palestinians at any point in the near future. We do support a Palestinian State. While we support the people of Israel, we do not agree with every facet of the Israeli government.  There are many concepts that work very well in Israel and we think Western countries should consider adopting, and we will write more about Israel sometime soon.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel (/ˈɪzriəl, ˈɪzrəl/; Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל; Arabic: إِسْرَائِيل‎), also known as the State of Israel, is a country in Western Asia, located on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern shore of the Red Sea. It has land borders with Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan on the east, the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip[18] to the east and west, respectively, and Egypt to the southwest. The country contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area.[19][20] Israel's economic and technological center is Tel Aviv,[21] while its seat of government and proclaimed capital is Jerusalem, although the state's sovereignty over Jerusalem has only partial recognition.[22][23][24][25][fn 4]

Population: 8.712 million (2017) Trending, World Bank

Israel is a constitutional Republic

Israel is a constitutional Republic- not quite on par with the USA, but way more good than bad- a mixture of American and British systems and there are Muslim members in the Israeli Parliament. 

Constitution of Israel)


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68 reasons to celebrate Israel: diversity, hi-tech, fun, delicious snacks and much more.

  68 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Israel

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  Israel - Small but Outstanding

Published on Apr 29, 2012 Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is so many different things: It is a bridge between Africa, Asia & Europe, It has pulsating urban life, breathtaking nature, an abundance of plant & animal species, Thousands of years of fascinating history, a rainbow of cultures and traditions. Israel offers an energizing experience with a vibrant cultural scene, and is proud to be an innovative leader in science & High-Tech. Sounds too much? you'll believe it when you see it. Visit the MFA's Social Media Channels: Facebook - Twitter - Please credit the MFA and the creators of this clip for any use of this video. Photographer and Editor: Eyal Bartov Additional Photographs: Samuel Magal After Effects: Gili Ittah Original Music: Israel Kasif



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 Israeli Tanks

  Secrets Of War, Deadly Intelligence 02 Shadows Of The Six Day War


Published on Jul 6, 2017
A well made doc of the 6 day war with emphasis on the intelligence aspects. These include the only capture by the West of a complete MIG 21.

Golan: Yom Kippur, 1973 - IDF Tanks defeat Syrian force 7 times its size

 From "Greatest tank battles" TV show. In 1973, Syria launches a surprise attack against Israel in the Golan Heights.This is a story of survival, where a few out-numbered tankers manage to hold off an enemy of overwhelming size in one of the greatest tank battles ever waged.


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" Why is the Israeli army so powerful? What are the key elements explaining such a military success? Today we are going to tell you the 5 key facts that explain this".

Why is the ISRAELI ARMY so POWERFUL? - VisualPolitik EN




Army Conscription

Israeli Female Military

Since its early days as a fledgling State, the Israel Defence Force was given authority to enlist any citizen from 18 years of age.  Under their law, both men and women had to serve for a minimum period.  Men - 3 years and 2 years for women.  There are a number of reasons Israeli citizens can be exempt from service which include medical problems, religious study and criminal records to name a few.  Today, many citizens choose to stay after their initial conscription and the military becomes their career and livelihood.  

Upon evaluation, each person is given a medical profile which determines where they will serve.  The highest grade profiles are placed in one of five infantry brigades, field, and combat intelligence units or can serve as combat engineers.  Other roles include artillery, military and border police, Aman, logistics corps, adjutant Corps and more.

Women in the Army

Israel is one of the few countries that has mandatory conscription for women into their armed forces.  While it is still mandatory, there are more reasons for an exemption available to women including religious conscience, pregnancy, marriage and motherhood.

Currently, 65% of women serve in the army, 25% choose to opt out on religious groups and the remaining 10% are exempted due to marriage and family or physical/emotional reasons.


Ex-Mossad Agent

Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky Interview


Religious Divide

 Judaism Divided (1998) - The gulf between ultra-orthodox and secular Jews is threatening Israel’s stability more than their conflict with the Arabs. Subscribe to Journeyman for news and science reports every weekday: In a suburb of West Gaza, an orthodox community are outraged by the habits of their secular neighbours. “They walk with cleavage in front of people who need to observe modesty.” Liora and her secular neighbours complain of a recent incident when a Rabbi barged into her house and broke her stereo. The tension peaks at the Western Wall - an unholy battleground wher

Israel's Dangerous Religious Divide Within Judaism


Jews Have Right to Self-Determination



Only Jews Have Right to Self-Determination’—Jewish State Bill Passes First Reading in Israeli Knesset

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history


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Golan Heights winter 2013


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Highway 98 Majdal Shams - Mount Hermon ski resort


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Gordon Robertson looks at Israel's remarkable agricultural innovation, with special focus on the role of the kibbutz in Israel's agricultural success, growing crops and orchards in desert, rocky land and swamps with hard work and ingenuity.

Made in Israel: Agriculture


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Because more than half of Israel is desert, the lack of clean water is a life-or-death issue. Gordon Robertson examines several of the ways that Israel conserves water, including desalination, drip irrigation and recycling.

Made in Israel: Water



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  Planting Trees - Pushing Back the Desert

How do you push back centuries of desertification? Through planting trees in the desert, of course! Learn how KKL-JNF helps trees survive in the desert. Find out more about 'Green Sunday', a JNF Australia initiative that encourages Jewish Australian youth to get involved in planting a green belt around Beer Sheva.


Goats & sheep are part of the cause of desertification. The shape of their mouth lets them nibble exposed plant stems down to the bare soil, and it can not recover and dies. Need to put an end to free-roaming sheep/goats, and enforce managed rotational grazing with permanent fencing, so protected fenced plants have time to recover after grazing.

If left unchecked, the sheep will eat every little sapling that ever tried to sprout.

A problem with mass plantings everywhere is that only one or a very few different types of trees are planted. When disease hits, most of the trees are lost in that kind of tree. Plantings should be of every sort of tree feasible in any given area where they can grow. Through diversity of trees, wildlife does much better. Where only one or a few kinds of trees are planted, food sources for birds and other wildlife often do not do well. I don't know about what kind of trees are being planted here, but the pictures all looked the same. I will look it up and see what it is from the comments.

When the grand turk of Turkey realized rebels were running into the forests to hide, he ordered a tax on every non-food producing tree. All across the empire, trees were burned off. the Fertile Crescent had good grazing for two years, then the rains stopped. When the Jews came home to Israel, they realized for the first time why Moses was told, when you get to your new land, plant trees. Before the Turk, the forests were so thick, a man had to walk sideways at times to get between them. You're bringing back the trees, something sacred to God. Be forever blessed for that. You walk in beauty.


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  2,000 year-old seed brought back to life

 Methuselah, the Judean Date Palm – links the past to the present through agriculture and archeology. One of the world's most ancient species, it is being revived after 2,000 years at the Center for Sustainable Agriculture in Israel.



Prevention of Infiltration Law



Pro Israel ProtestThis controversial law was originally enacted in 1954 with the express purpose to prevent the entry of Palestinian refugees and sympathizers into Israel due to fear of terrorism.

In 2013 the law was amended due to huge increases in the number of illegal immigrants ( infiltrators ) coming in from Africa.  These amendments included limitations on the amount of time an infiltrator could be detained as well as increasing the number of anti-infiltration enforcement officers.  Israel also has an ingenious scheme where they will compensate detainees if they agree to go home.

The new amendments enable the Israeli government to give jail time to migrants on temporary visas for any criminal activity regardless of its severity as a way of ensuring a zero tolerance attitude of African attitudes towards women and rape.

All detainees are put through an identification process and medical examination.  Those who file for asylum are given temporary visas allowing them to remain in detention or in the Israel community for up to 3 years.  Anyone who aids migrants via smuggling, providing shelter or giving them with weapons are also up for lengthy harsh sentences.  People from Sudan and Eritrea are under no circumstances allowed to file for asylum.  People from these nations are given options of cash and a ticket home, or to be taken to a detention center.

In 2015, 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugee were sent letters informing them they had 30 days to accept one of 3 options:
•   Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home
•   A one-way ticket to an unnamed third country in Africa
•   Incarceration at Saharonim detention center


Only 190 asylum seekers have been granted refugee status in Israel since it signed the 1951 Convention in 1954.

Israel grapples with wave of north African migrants | ASSAF - Aid ...


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Israelis Want Africans Out



Israel Egypt BarrierIsraeli-Egypt Barrier

Since building a barrier between the Egypt and Israel border, the number of people seeking to enter Israel illegally has significantly decreased. 

It should also be noted that a number of countries, including India and the United States, has sent officials over to Israel to review and learn about their successful barrier technology.


Israel Enacts Law Allowing Authorities to Detain Illegal Migrants for Up to 3 Years

The leftwing News HAARETZ promotes Israel should allow Illegal migrants to live in Israel.


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Israel's Anti-infiltration Law Is a Disgrace

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison


Israel Deporting Dreamers to Africa

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Some Jews promote third world invaders into Europe

Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe

Ellie SearIt was reported at the beginning of April on RT news that the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had sent letters to half of the black population saying either go to Africa or go to jail. After a quick re-think he decided he could create more mayhem by dumping them on to white countries. He then decided that they should be sent to Canada, Italy and Germany and got the United Nations to support his "RACIST" decision. Why can't Europeans make the decision to make all unemployed blacks return to Africa? This is common sense considering the rising number of street killings and our unacceptable drug problem.


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Gaza: The Fight For Israel (Middle East Documentary) - Real Stories

 In the summer of 2005 the Israeli government attempted to remove 8,500 Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip. The operation split Israel down the middle, between those who see settling the land as a religious duty, and others who believe the settlements are a barrier to peace. This observational documentary follows the General in charge of the operation, himself the son of one of the founders of the settler movement.

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Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.

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Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism &amp; Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

 European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

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The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - To Genocide Indigenous Europeans in Europe

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US Constitution & Bill of Rights. Article…

Europe &amp; Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

 Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

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Barbary Muslim Pirates Kidnapped Whites

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Freedom of the Internet

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In Europe

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In

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Genocide Whites & all Races

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White Indigenous Rights

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Promoting Large Families

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Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

 Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

New World Order Globalist. Update 2

New World Order Globalist

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The European Holocaust

 Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice. Update 2

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

Fighting Genocide Worldwide

 Bankers Control the World

Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Gentile Organizations & Jewish Community Based Organizations

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White & Jewish National Congresses

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Orania White Afrikaner Community

Orania White Afrikaner Community

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Helping Whites. South African Family Relief …

 I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.




Jewish community-based organizations

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With the US set to elect its next president in just over 24 hours, RT's Middle East Bureau chief Maria Finoshina examines the close ties between Washington and Israel, highlighting the influence of Israel's powerful lobby in the US.

zionists have always been terrorists and they will get rid of anyone they want by whatever means it takes

Comment: Jews controls the United States.

Zionists know our politicians are afraid of them.

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White Jews hate White gentiles and want to replace them with non whites.
 Henrik invites Dr. David Duke to discuss recent events in the middle east and Israel's insane actions to escalate the war.
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In the history of the USA, AIPAC is most dangerous enemy the country has ever had. And knowing that they make up 90% of America's government should explain the destruction of the country from within.


All the more reason to classify AIPAC as a foreign entity or outright ban it from any halls of power, anywhere in the west.

Comment: AIPAC represents Israel.

pt 2

Sunrise Movement update

The Communist run Sunrise Movement is financed by mainly white supremacist Jews.

On the surface, the Sunrise Movement is group of peaceful young activists fighting for a “Green New Deal”. On a deeper level, they are a gateway to radicalization teaching young activists how to exploit tragedy, including one’s own victimization, for political gain.

Undercover Investigation Pt. 2 - Teenage Political Extortion Ring

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The Truth About AIPAC in America


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AIPAC's Influence Explained

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Terrorists and influence peddlers with a kippah!!!! Throw them out of your country US or you will be doomed to a dreary fate!!!


Influence? They probably have enough film footage to reach to the moon and back with United States politicians and administration officials in compromising position with underage boys and girls.


We have written before about the success of the Jews due to their community-based organizations;  They are a nation within a nation with many whose loyalty lies first and foremost with Israel and the Jewish community.  The Jews' community organizations generally have little or no loyalty to their host country and as we showed in our previous article.  Each of these community groups is linked to hundreds of other umbrella groups around the world. Many Jews are nationalist and Internationals nationalist, working united with most Jewish organizations all over the world as nationalist and one nation. They have World and regional Congresses to keep them united.

The core Jewish population from 2014 was estimated to be 14.2 million and is roughly 0.2% of the world's population.  It is astounding how many societies, groups, organizations, committees and associations they have actively run across the globe.  Even with all these successful, established groups, the Jewish community is still crying poor about their Jewish identity being in turmoil and they are throwing, even more, money into establishing a sense of Jewish pride and ancestry in the younger generations.

Country Total Population                            
Jewish Population
United States                          
318.9 million (2014) Between 5.7 and 6.8 million
Russia 143.5 million (2013) 186,000
France 66.03 million 475,000
Britain 64.1 million (2013) 300,000
Germany 80 million 118,000
Canada 35.16 million 385,300
Australia 24 million 90,000

Many argue that there are plenty of organizations in the countries listed in the table above who are representing gentile Europeans such as RSL, Rotary, Scouts etc, but it is important to realize that these organizations are not fully representative of gentile Europeans and simply cover interests within specific fields.  People need to get active from within these organizations and start to enact change.  At the same time, we need a solid international organization to represent the European people.

Europeans are afraid of their cultural identity, for fear of being labeled 'racist.'  We discussed the idea of European white guilt and this shame and political correctness have ensured that Europeans (whites and true Jews) are unable to establish the organizations we need to build strong communities and fight for our people.  We suggest that you read these articles and the information on the Jewish organizations linked below, and start to build your own organization with a similar structure which is connected to all other relevant groups. 

Cultural and Racial Organizations in Britain

Many cultural groups are proud of their organizations; however, people of European heritage are now labeled as 'racist' if they display similar pride.  Below is a list of organizations in Britain that represent different colored races, but do not represent British native Europeans.  When Europeans have created organizations to represent them, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Britain has claimed it is practicing discrimination according to race and skin color.  For some reason, however, the organizations in Britain listed below are given a free pass as being perfectly acceptable!

  •  The Black Police Association

  •  Black and Asian Therapists Online
  •  BBC Asian Network
  •  Asian Radio
  •  Federation of Black Housing Organizations
  •  Asian Modelling Service
  • UK
  •  Society of Black and Asian Lawyers
  •  Black Lawyers
  •  Asian job UK
  •  Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
  •  Black UK
  •  Sussex Black Police Association
  •  Black Students Association
  •  UK Black Teachers Association
  •  Operations Black Vote
  •  UK Asian Business Directory
  •  Asian People Disability Alliance
  •  Asian Arts Agency
  •  Black Enterprise Awards
  •  Black Engineer
  •  AIM Magazine
  •  Natwest Bank (AsianEntrepreneurs Unit)
  •  Asian Voice
  •  Africa Asian Arts Venue
  •  Black Training Enterprise Group
  •  UK Black Pride
  •  Ethnic Minority Foundation
  •  Black And Minority Ethnic Elders

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Ronald Lauder President of the World Jewish Congress

European White Nationalist need to build National Congress in each country & European World Congress to Unite all organizations & Europeans                                                               

Many people do not realize that the most powerful organizations in the world are Jewish. They developed solid community-based structures for their foundations and from there, developed all their other affiliate groups. 

The photo on left, shows current World Jewish Congress President, Ronald S. Lauder, attending the Solidarity Mission in Brussels in 2014.  He is largely touted as a billionaire philanthropist by mainstream media and web sources.

American Muslims for Jerusalem created a boycott of Estee Lauder products in 2001, and there are many other boycotts on Israeli products as a stand against Israel's ongoing expansion and agenda in the Middle East. In 2015, Iceland voted successfully to boycott Israeli goods, however, under intense pressure from Israel, Iceland retracted this decision just a week later.

As well as presiding as President of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder is also President of the Jewish National Fund, which openly promotes Israeli occupation on Palestinian land. This is currently illegal under international law.

Below is a map of all the different affiliates and branches that the World Jewish Congress have established back in 1953 before there were internet and ease of global communication. They built an international community organizations to promote and ensure the Jewish Diaspora were catered for around the globe.


The Jewish community have built powerful organizations from literally nothing, which operates as independent nations within all host countries.  Many Jews promote patriotism, loyalty to the Jewish community, Israel first and foremost. There are Jews of course, who are very loyal to western countries and some work with the Jewish community even though they have a great love for America, Australia, and Europe.

We have outlined a few of the biggest Jewish organizations to give you an idea of how good community groups breed success .

WJC LogoWorld Jewish Congress

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland of August 1936, and promotes the idea that it represents the international federation of Jewish organizations and communities. Membership is open to Jews only, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country. 

A growing number of people argue that this organization has too much power over western countries, especially considering the small percentage of Jews world population. Jews actually represent.  In the United Nations Economic and Social Council it has special consultative status and they also have a Research Institute based in Jerusalem, Israel, which does research on a variety of issues concerning Jews.   

Jews World Regional Congresses

WJC presents five regional congresses and are also in charge of the Israel Council of Foreign Relations and the European Jewish Parliament. From May 2013, French Banker Baron David Rene de Rothschild was elected as chairman of the WJC Governing Board.

European Jewish Congress
Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Latin American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Congress
Israeli Jewish Branch

During the 1960s the World Jewish Congress was involved in the United States civil rights movement and were behind opening American borders to non-European immigration.  In more recent times they have been pushing the flood of immigrants into Europe which led to the 2015 Immigration Crisis. These immigrants are attacking the Jewish community and forcing Jews out of many European countries.  When the European indigenous population campaigned against this invasion, they were publicly labeled by Jewish organizations as "racist, bigots, extremists, anti-Semitic and islamophobic", just for trying to defend their lands and culture.  Jewish organizations ensures that Israel has closed borders to third world immigration and carry out everything in their power to keep Israel pure for Jews while ensuring the media gives it very little attention in order to keep most of the world in the dark about their hypocritical policies.

Many would say that Jewish organizations are too white.  You will not find many Africans or Asians in these organizations. They have been misled to believe that Israel is their homeland. This 'polarization' has led to patriotic blind loyalty to the point where mainly European Jews are destroying their own people and their ancestral homelands in Europe.  Many Jews have European features; blue eyes and blonde hair traits which are scientifically proven to have originated in Europe and most definitely did not develop in the Middle East.

The question Jews must start asking themselves is what happens to their people when the rest of the world is under Islamic control?  Do you honestly think the Muslims will not remove Jews from power?  Muslims have a terrible opinion of Jews and it is no secret that many Muslim groups intend to wipe Jews off the planet. 

ICJP logo

The European Jewish Congress in Europe is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris,

France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC

as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.


The followings charts are from about 2012 and some of the people’s names on the chart many not be still in those positions.

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International Council Of Jewish Parliamentarians–

Part One – 'Jewish Parliamentarians' 

Jeremy Wootliff directs and writes this feature length documentary introduced by Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP.  Four other parts of this documentary are available on YouTube, or in broadcast quality on a DVD from The Pears Foundation.

Official Website of Tal Ofer Working Hard for UK Jewish Community

Member of European Jewish Parliament Tal Ofer Discusses Boycott on Israeli Cultural Events

Lawmakers Worldwide Mobilize in Defense of Israel

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians/World Jewish Congress
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a World network of Jewish Parliamentarians from different countries supported by the Knesset (Israel Parliament), the World Jewish Congress, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum who come together to share and develop ideas that can be promoted in Jewish organizations, policilatal parties and media in the countries they came from.  The ICJP was founded  in 2002,  headquarters is in Jerusalem, Israel, to involve Jewish Parliamentarians from  United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Australia just to name a few. 

The Jewish  Parliamentarians supposedly represent the Jewish voice.  Many Jews say ICJP cause anti-Semitism against Jews because they promote hatred against Christians, Gentile Europeans and are promoting Third-World immigration into all European countries and working toward  Racial Genicide of Europeans Whites,  abolishing borders in European countries.  

Many say these politicians may be elected in a country that do not always represent the gentiles (non-Jews) and the Jews who elect them.  The  Parliamentarians promote Laws  back in their own countries which are not in the best interests of the Nations, affecting Gentiles and the Jewish population, so these Jewish Parliamentarians are causing treason within the country they are elected to represent.

The Jewish Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, a 'steering committee' representing Jewish Politicians (Lawmakers) from all over the world. 


 WE CONTROL AMERICA" - Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.  October 3, 2001.

"We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America.  In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."  Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
“When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about ‘our’ government, he means the government of Israel.”  - David Ben-Gurion, First Prime Minister of Israel.

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 jewish Supremacists Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective


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Europeans need to build National & International Community Based Organizations & copy the Jewish B'nai B'rith & Anti-Defamation League Organization Structure

Jewish Community Based Organization, B'nai B'rith International and its Jewish Anti-Defamation League                                                                     

B'nai B'rith  in Hebrew means the  = Sons of the covenant
B'nai B'rith Moto = Benevolence, sisterly & brotherly love and harmony.

The Menorah or candlestick has seven branches which stand for Light, Justice, Peace, Truth, Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Harmony.

The Menorah is the symbol of the B'nai B'rith. The Menorah which is the ancient universal Jewish symbol of Judaism.

B'nai B'rith is rightwing Jewish Nationalist first and using leftwing socialism ( no free speech) to control its members, and is a left-wing advocacy group.

The B’nai B’rith is one of the largest and the oldest Jewish service organization in the world.  Founded by Henry Jones and 11 others on 13 October 1843 in New York City, United States.  Jews founded this organization to provide service to their people and it now has men's lodges, women’s chapters and youth organizations all over the world.  Its aims are aiding Jewish college students mainly through the Hillel foundation, sponsoring education programs for the youth and adults and promoting welfare in Israel.  It has training programs for adults and youth groups who help people during national disasters and gives support to hospitals.  In the United States, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has 28 office domestically as well as offices abroad.

Only Jews are allowed to join the B'nai B'rith.  They are committed to helping Jews and the State of Israel and promotes the idea it is fighting so-called anti-Semitism and bigotry, when in fact, it has been accused by Jews and others as anti-Semitic towards Europeans (whites and Jews) and blacks, in that it promotes anti-Semitism and bigotry by promoting open borders and allowing millions of non-Europeans into America and other European countries except Israel .

Education and Publications:  Since 1886 the organization has published the oldest Jewish periodical B'nai B'rith magazine in the United States.  B'nai B'rith have activities and programs, adult education, career guidance and vocational counselling, youth activities, group relationships, and philosophy.


B’nai B’rith and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League

In 1913 the B’nai B’rith established the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to combat so-called anti-Semitism and racism and to fight for Israel.

The opposition has a different opinion on what this organization stands for.  For example, they say this organization is the longest running most powerful racist hate group against Europeans (whites & Jews), Africans and Arabs in the world.  The ADL have nearly 60 million dollars a year to combat free speech, fight to control race minorities and to help refugees and foreigners come into the United States and other countries.

The opposition says this organization stands for the following:   

  •  Promotes open borders and no restrictions on immigration into Western and other countries.
  •  Promotes same-sex marriages.
  •  Campaigns to restrict Europeans from developing organizations to represent themselves.
  •  Restricts free speech for Europeans (Gentiles & Jews), blacks and anybody who criticizes Israel and the Federal Reserve Bank, media, Hollywood, and government.
  •  Promotes abortion.
  •  Works to reduce Christian influence.
  •  Promoted the New World Order.
  •  Campaigns against gun ownership.
  •  Promotes race mixing.
  • It works to replace European White Americans with non whites
  • Promotes Affirmative Action: Transferring white children into black schools and black children into white schools in the United States.
  •  Campaigns for race laws to restrict European and black free speech.

B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO)

This is the largest Jewish youth organization worldwide and provides opportunities for Jewish teens from Grade 9 through to Grade 12 to develop their leadership potential, help them have positive Jewish identity and with personal development.  The B’nai B’rith also offers scholarships to their best and brightest to help them achieve the highest education possible.  In the year 2000, it was estimated to have 50,000 youth members in 1500 chapters worldwide.

B’nai B’rith youth organization groups are also active in the local welfare of the Jews including helping the blind and handicapped, funding campaigns, assisting drives and local community service.  The B’nai B’rith sponsors summer exchange programs for youths to study and work in Israel and for Israeli youths to travel to America and other countries.  These exchanges are only open to Jewish youths.

They have camps for 2 to 7 weeks for young girls and boys entering Grade 3 through to Grade 11 and the program consists of learning, forming friendships, having fun, athletics, squash, art, outdoor adventures and teaching them history and Jewish culture.

Both girls and boys are taught leadership skills and a positive Jewish identity and the opportunity to enjoy social community service in athletic and Jewish culture.  The boys belong to an organization called 'Aleph Zadik,' the girls, 'Omaha.'

Teams Leaders can be elected to office by their peer's betweens regions and chapters at various organizational levels, and elections are usually held on a yearly or half-yearly basis.

 B'nai B'rith & Hillel Foundation

Hillel is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world and is engaged with college students at more than 550 universities across the world.  Hillel engages the leadership of more Jewish college students than all other endeavours combined.  90% of Jews in the United States go to college and are part of a diverse network.

Established in 1923, the first Hillel opened at the University of Illinois.  It had the vision to convey the Jewish civilization to a new generation.  By the 1980s, admission barriers against Jews had been completely dropped and it became a challenge to serve a large number of Jewish people now on campus.

In 2012, Hillel was added to the list of 16 People and Organizations 'Changing the World,' a list put together by philanthropist and Internet entrepreneur Craig Newmark.

B’nai B’rith Women

B'nai B’rith women (BBW) was founded in 1909.  In 1957 membership totaled 132,000 women in 768 chapters in the United States and Canada with 41 chapters in foreign countries.

The membership has been falling and in "1990, BBW and BBI reached an agreement recognizing that B'nai B'rith women as an independent self-governing organization affiliated with the B'nai B'rith.

B’nai B’rith Foundation

The money contributed is used to support a variety of humanitarian, voluntary, service and educational programs under the auspices of the B’nai B’rith.

B’nai B’rith Retirement Villages

It has a budget of 14 million with nearly 95% membership in the United States

Europeans need to copy and build the following Jewish Organization for European Whites.

A Short List Of Some Jewish Organizations

We gave a list of large international Jewish organizations in our first organization highlighting the success of the Jewish people.  This article endeavors to provide some additional community groups that are more niche.                                                                             

Women's International Zionist Organization

The Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO) is a volunteer organization dedicated to social welfare in all sectors of Israeli society, from education in Israel and the world's Jewish Diaspora, to the advancement status of women.

Today, they run day care centers in Israel caring for 14,000 children of working mothers, needy families, and Jewish immigrants.

The organization also organizes summer camps, courses for single parent families and therapeutic frameworks for children when they are removed from their parents by a court order.
WIZO was founded in England in 1920.

Board of Deputies of British Jews

The Board of Deputies of British Jews is the main organization supposedly representing Jews in Britain.  Founded in 1760, it is a widely recognized forum for different views of the Jewish community.  The opposition to this organization says it works against Europeans' (whites and Jewish) rights and campaigns for mass immigration invasion into Britain.  The Organization has approximately 300 deputies being elected from synagogues and Jewish community groups.

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)

The Jewish Federations of North America is an umbrella organization representing 154 Jewish Federations and the Network of Independent communities, as well as 300 smaller non-profit Jewish organizations across North America.  Collectively the JFNA is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world and raises and distributes more than $3 billion annually for education, social service and welfare in more than 70 countries.

National Jewish Welfare Board

The JWB was formed just three days after the United States declared war on Germany to support Jewish soldiers in the U.S. military during World War II.

The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America

The American Jewish Veterans' Organization, is the oldest veterans group in the United States.  It has an estimated 37,000 members.

National Council of Young Israel

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) or Young Israel is a synagogue-based Orthodox Judaism organization in the United States with a network of affiliated "Young Israel" synagogues.  NCYI was founded in 1912 by Rabbi Israel Friedlander and Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan to combat the wave of assimilation by Jews into secular American society.

Jewish Policy Centre Organization

The Jewish Policy Centre (Think Tank) is a non-profit organization that analyzes foreign and domestic policies by leading scholars.  It advocates low taxes, free trade, fiscal responsibility as well as free speech and intellectual diversity. I do not think this organization promote free speech for non Jews.

Board of Progressive Jewish Education

The Board of Progressive Education (BPJE) is the umbrella organization which provides Progressive Jewish education and the Progressive Jewish approach to education including Jewish History, Judaism, and Israel.

The Republican Jewish Coalition

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) was founded in 1985 and is the unique bridge between the Jewish community and the United States  Republican Party decision makers.  It ensures the needs of the Jewish people are looked after in the Republican agenda, and also has a Young Leadership program and a National Women’s Committee.  

Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance

Many Jews who are members of motorbike clubs are members of an international alliance organization called the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance.  Here they can coordinate their activities nationally and internationally. 

yosef gentiles exist to serve jews


European Jewish Congress: Zionist Globalist Run

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Screenshot 7pre of jewish congDr. MOSHE KANTOR  Pres. European Jewish Congress

European Jewish Congress 

The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe.  The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that  2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) people living in Europe and have more power then all the European Governments in Europe.

World Jewish Congress                                                                                                                                                                              

The European Jewish Congress is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris, France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.

The Former European Jewish Union


The European Jewish Congress formally known as the European Jewish Union is a non-Government organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe and was founded in the spring of 2011.  Its stated aim is to be a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe.  The European Jewish Union established a European Jewish Parliament comprising of 120 members from 50 countries and is modelled on the Israeli parliament called Knesset.  This parliament says that its aim is to represent the concerns of the Jewish Diaspora in the European Union and other European Countries.

The EJC protects the interests of its affiliated communities, working daily with European Union institutions and officials, the Council of Europe (where the EJC has participatory status) and national governments and parliaments.  According to Wikipedia:  "The EJC intends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people. To meet these goals, the EJC has initiated and organized several large international projects, in particular the Let My People Live! international forums.....Another important issue on the EJC's agenda is preventing nuclear terrorism."

Aims of the European Jewish Congress

Many Europeans, including Jews say that this organization is actually promoting racism and anti-Semitism against Jews and are using Jews as a smoke-screen to hide their illegal activities in making money and gaining  power. They say it is a Zionist organization that has been set up to achieve Zionist goals. That is, to protect Israel from third-world non-Jewish infiltrator migrants moving into Israel. Behind the scenes it is pushing the European Economic Community (EEC) to open its borders and allow Europe to be flooded by infiltrator migrants, i.e. it is actually a secret organization working with the European Commissions to destroy European culture, language and history. 

When Europeans resist, the EJC campaign with Governments and the European Commission, the media, and Left-Wing Socialist/Communists to prevent native Europeans from campaigning against genocide and destruction of their countries Christianity and history.  Many European Jewish organizations want to eradicate the entire European population by promoting inter-breeding with Arabs and Africans with the aim of diluting the population.  The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EJC campaigns against anti-Semitic Jews yet it is promoting it by allowing Europe to be flooded with Third-World immigrants who hate and are attacking Gentiles and Jews. The immigrants become increasingly confident and many believe that one day in the future, Islam will rule Europe and European Jews will be driven out of Europe or killed.

EJC Holds General Assembly in Brussels:  European Jewish Parliament Members Represent Europe's Jews
In May 2012, the newly
elected European Jewish Parliament held its first general session in Brussels...    

European Jewish Parliament Members Discuss Jewish Issues during Inauguration in Brussels in Belgium
The European Jewish Parliament is now called:  European Jewish Congress. Television's Jewish News One (JN1's), Sivan Raviv spoke with members of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) in Brussels during its inauguration on February 16th. The EJP includes 120 elected Jewish leaders from across Europe – the same number of members as the Israeli Knesset – and provides European Jewry with a platform for dialogue with the European Union and world leaders. Over 400,000 Jews voted in the parliamentary elections in late 2011, and the newly elected leaders will now work to impact legislation and political agenda. Their first EJP Annual General Assembly was held in Brussels on May 15 and 16, 2012. 

Zionist Plans for Europe

International Council Of Jewish Parliamentarians–

Part One – 'Jewish Parliamentarians' 

Jeremy Wootliff directs and writes this feature length documentary introduced by Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP.  Four other parts of this documentary are available on YouTube, or in broadcast quality on a DVD from The Pears Foundation.

Official Website of Tal Ofer Working Hard for UK Jewish Community

Member of European Jewish Parliament Tal Ofer Discusses Boycott on Israeli Cultural Events

Lawmakers Worldwide Mobilize in Defense of Israel

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians/World Jewish Congress
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a World network of Jewish Parliamentarians from different countries supported by the Knesset (Israel Parliament), the World Jewish Congress, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum who come together to share and develop ideas that can be promoted in Jewish organizations, policilatal parties and media in the countries they came from.  The ICJP was founded  in 2002,  headquarters is in Jerusalem, Israel, to involve Jewish Parliamentarians from  United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Australia just to name a few. 

The Jewish  Parliamentarians supposedly represent the Jewish voice.  Many Jews say ICJP cause anti-Semitism against Jews because they promote hatred against Christians, Gentile Europeans and are promoting Third-World immigration into all European countries and working toward  Racial Genicide of Europeans Whites,  abolishing borders in European countries.  

Many say these politicians may be elected in a country that do not always represent the gentiles (non-Jews) and the Jews who elect them.  The  Parliamentarians promote Laws  back in their own countries which are not in the best interests of the Nations, affecting Gentiles and the Jewish population, so these Jewish Parliamentarians are causing treason within the country they are elected to represent.

The Jewish Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, a 'steering committee' representing Jewish Politicians (Lawmakers) from all over the world. 



The Bristol Uni Professor who Calls out “ the Zionist Lobby”

Professor David Miller is no stranger to Harry’s Place. In a students only meeting organised by the Palestinian student group Olive he made the following comments (recording of the whole event is here):

“One of the things we’ve come up against is that when we trace back the funding of some of these neo conservative think tanks in this country, Policy Exchange, Henry Jackson Society and others we found that many of them are funded by foundations that are run by people who also are engaged in funding activities beyond the green line in the occupied territories and so what we’ve noticed is that there’s a connection between people who fund the occupation and people who fund essentially hatred against Muslims.”

Then there was this:

The Jewish Agency, the Jewish National Fund and Keren haYesod all of which are engaged in supporting the occupation either directly or indirectly and not all of their work is done in the territories some of it is in Israel proper. So we find that a lot of the organisations in this country or in the US that are funding those three elements of the occupation are also engaged in funding neo conservative and Islamophobic organisations including two, including the EDL and Tommy Robinson, the Middle East Forum has been funding Tommy Robinson’s legal fees, the funding for the Middle East Forum comes largely from conservative pro-Israel sources.  And so you have this huge funnel of money going into both the occupation and the encouragement of Islamophobia in this country in the US and in other places too.

According to Miller the Jewish charity Keren Kayemet Hayesod is connected to Tommy Robinson and the EDL. Exactly how remains unclear. But wait, there’s more, the Israelis are even behind the Pittsburgh shooting…kind of:

The Pittsburgh case might be the best way to put it. The idea, the conspiracy theory that the Muslims are taking over that there’s an attempt to Islamise the UK, Germany, France the US and that that Islamisation, creeping Sharia as they call it, is something which should be opposed, which is an indication of that Muslims will never believe in our values and all that kind of crap but it also underlies astonishingly really much of the rise of the new antisemitism. So the Pittsburgh killer killed the Jews because they were encouraging the Islamisation of America and the Hungarian antisemities, they’ve got the same analysis; the Jews, the Jewish conspiracy, is encouraging the Islamisation of Europe. Isn’t it extraordinary you should go and have a look at that, I’ve never written that yet but it’s a new thing I’m just about to go into this, but that’s an indication of some of the ideas that underline this so you have the curious situation where people who are extremely pro-Israel, pro settlement, pro occupation are actually also funding organisations that are in some ways antisemitic. It’s…we see Netanyahu and Victor Orban, that’s an actual thing.

But there’s more, surely Israel must be involved in antisemitism in the Labour Party:

“I want to go on from that to talk about how this relates to what we’ve seen in this country in the last two years which is the attack in particular on the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party, and the weapon of choice has been antisemitism. Now how does that relate to us and what we’re talking about? Well it relates in the sense that much of the attempt to paint the Labour party and especially Corbyn’s supporters of the party as antisemitic has been pushed by pro-Israel groups in this country sometimes funded in this country but sometimes also as we know from the al Jazeera documentary funded directly by Israelis from the million pound slush fund that they brag about. I think you can see that in the last 2 or 3 years. These new groups, these new hardline pro-Israel groups who have sprung up who are critical of the Board of Deputies for example North West Friends of Israel, Sussex Friends of Israel or kind of people who are active online who try to suggest that the labour party is more antisemitic than anything ever in the history of the universe which is clearly impossible. Let’s be clear there is antisemitism in the labour party there are people who are actual antisemites very, very few of them, a much larger number of people who occasionally say things that might be seen to be potentially antisemitic by accident but..I admit that’s true but by and large most of the allegations of antisemitism in the labour party have been false.”

And then:

And the weapon of choice has been antisemitism and one of the key ways through which it’s been implemented is the IHRA definition of antisemitism which actually as you’ll hear, as you know is a fairly short definition with examples which although the press didn’t report this very much the Conservative party hasn’t adopted. And of course what’s happened in relation to this is that the Labour Party has been effectively bounced into a position where they’ve had to accept all the illustrative examples as well as a definition of antisemitism proposed by the IHRA which in itself was a politically motivated attempt to pushback pro-Palestinian activism. Let’s be clear about that, that’s what it’s for, so far it’s done that very well it’s led to all sorts of splits within the pro-Corbyn wing of the party so now there are some elements of Corbyn’s supporters who now accept that there is widespread antisemitism within the party and it’s also meant that Israel’s attempts to drive a wedge into the Corbyn movement have been partially successful.

The Jewish Chronicle wrote of the meeting:

Prof Miller went on to say, in response to a question about Jewish students feeling unsafe on campus, that “it’s absurd if Jews genuinely feel unsafe as a result of Palestinian rights, well then you’ve got to ask questions about who they are and what they’re talking about.

“It’s not Jewish students who feel unsafe, it’s specific Jewish students who are part of a particular political tendency who are saying that they feel unsafe.”

He went on to say that “these are not students who are spontaneously threatened”, alleging that “it’s propaganda which they have been schooled with… there are organisations Israel lobby organisations Zionist movement organisations, some allied to the Israeli government, who have devoted huge amounts of time to do messaging to working out how to combat, in particular, BDS.”

Ah, now it all becomes clear. It was Israel who made Jeremy ignore the mural, it was Israel who made Jeremy hang out with Holocaust denier Paul Eisen, it was Israel who made him make his infamous comments about Zionists” and “irony” at a conference advertised by the armed wing of Hamas. It was Israel who made him invite blood libeller Raed Salah to tea in Parliament. It was Israel who made all those Labour Party councillors share antisemitic material on social media, it was Israel who forced him to refer to his “brothers” in Hamas and his “friends” in Hezbollah while sitting next to abu Jahjah a man who has shared such virulently antisemitic images that only Jeremy Corbyn would ever have given him a platform in the first place. It was Israel who, on Holocaust Memorial Day 2010 forced dear Jeremy to ignore events hosting hundreds of Holocaust survivors commemorating the genocide and honouring the victims in favour of the one survivor who used the occasion to call Israelis Nazis.

What is Miller, author of such game changing works as :‘the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018, and other alleged chlorine attacks in Syria since 2014’ where he strongly implies poison gas attacks on civilians never happened:

    “In a widely-publicized incident in Sarmin on 16 March 2015, the deaths of a family of six were allegedly caused by a chlorine barrel bomb. For this incident the alleged munition is implausible, the alleged mode of delivery is improbable, and the images of the child victims in hospital are consistent with drug overdose rather than chlorine exposure as the cause of death.”

even doing at Bristol in the first place? Thanks to Miller that prestigious university now soils itself with links to the pro-Assad conspiracy group the so called  Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and the Media. The Times exposed them a while back saying:

Senior British academics are spreading pro-Assad disinformation and conspiracy theories promoted by Russia, The Times can reveal.

And that:

Another SPM academic, Tara McCormack, a lecturer in international relations at Leicester University, has tweeted that it is “an established fact that a) the White Helmets are basically Al [Qaeda]”. Dr McCormack has also argued that the death of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic while being prosecuted for war crimes in the Hague “brought an end to the farce” of his trial.

The first briefing note published by SPM, titled “Doubts about ‘Novichoks’ ”, questioned whether Russia’s secret nerve agent programme ever existed. Britain has blamed Moscow for the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury last month.

I suppose if we asked Miller he’d say it was “parts of the Zionist lobby” that got him the job there, it’s his answer to every other question after all.

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Setting Up Community Based Organization


A community based organization, is an organization which is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and is engaged in meeting people,

 CBOs: Provide numerous, often highly valued,targeted population programs and services to the members  and to the community.

European organization are usualy only policial party groups and  they do not represent  their  community  needs. The following short list  for example:

Womens organization to represent and fight for European rights and help women and families

European youth organizations to help young people in relationships, education, Find Jobs, Training new skills, learn about European History and become leaders.

European children organization to help children with education, European history, camps  and to become leaders.

European men organization to help with relationships and find partners  and leadership training. them a

Community Based Organization (CBO) Engagements

What is Community Organizing?

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The Conservative movements

The conservative movement was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of Neo- conservative Jews. Some Neo- conservatives European jews are Christians who fight against big gonenrment, globalism and communism. They are Jewish nationals who promote people into leadership position in conservative movement to keep control over European true Jews and gentile whites and stop them from building community based organization.  They will not promote and will not build European Anti-Defamation  Organizations to fight for European rights, no gentilel womens movement, no national congresses to unite all Europeans, no world nationa lorganizations and no world congresses to help unite Europeans. They promote conservatism and do not promote nationalism and many will not talk about or fight for European gentile or true jewish rights. Many European gentiles and jews think of themselves as conservatives, can not make changes, because conservatism  is not about making changes in the conservative movement. Conservative will not win against globalism , only nationalism will win against globalism and new ideas to over come the enemy. People who call themselves conservatives must move to we the people nationism and build organizations for gentiles europeans and for true Jews and both organizations work together.

European Anti-Defamation Organization

 Many people today have been conditioned by the Globalists who accuse them of inciting hatred and then they find themselves in court having to defend themselves using their own finance. Court cases can cost thousands of hundreds to millions in monetary value above and beyond the affordability of most people. The reason we lose our rights is that we do not have a legal organization to defend our rights. If we had an organization that operated nationally and internationally we could obtain more financing through the public and member organizations. This could include liability insurance also.

All European Organizations will need Security Council of permanent founding members  to stop radicals from  taking organization over

The organization will need Security Council of Permanent founder membership to stop radicals from taking the organization over and keeping it on track and to remove any person who breaks its constitution. Members who are Elected and who prove they can be trusted can become members of the Security Council.

The organization should represent Europeans and all other races to run in each country which is connected to an international organization. The organization needs volunteers, membership, and lawyers to give advice and fight for us in court.

There is a need to set up a National and International European Anti-Defamation Council to fight for Europeans and all other racial groups on the planet.

Most human rights organizations around the world today are more interested in 'minority' rights, rather than 'majority' rights, and are silent when it comes to the many laws that have been broken by so-called Governments and organizations such as the United Nations. If you look at the list below of the United Nations laws, they are not upheld and are in fact abused in virtually every country globally.

We believe what is needed is to set up organizations which mirror the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and the most effective course of action is to win court cases to set precedents which support European communities throughout the world. The stark truth is that without legal funds and representation you are not given a voice and at present, there is no organization to represent Europeans and our needs have been pushed to the background. 

Updated 23 November 2016

This organization is being set up both Nationally and Internationally to be a community organization to cater for all our needs.  Because we are new, we need help from our members to build branches and we will help you do this by putting you in contact with other members in your area and if you wish to write articles you can submit these for review to go on our website.

You can start a branch organization without too much hassle with as little as two people in your foundation membership.  All you need is you and a friend or family member and you've got enough to get going!  There are many of groups that this organization wants its members to get involved with including:

  • European Sabbath
  • Women's Chapters
  • Motorbike Clubs
  • Legal
  • Conservation
  • Political

These are just to name a few - for a full list of ideas for branches, please have a read of our "What We Stand For" page and Community section on the website.

The website represents us, "We the People."  There may be other groups which we have talked about on the website because we believe we are part of a world community and must work with many different organizations so we promote them and they help us.  This is a step forward to build a network of organizations to come together because unity is strength and division are a weakness.

Tips & Advice On Starting An Event/Group

Once you have the basics of your event down pat, please contact us with the details so we can advertise it to other members in your local area.

Pick Your Time & Date

Have a think about a suitable time and date for your event - it's important not to just choose a time that works for you, but one that will also work best for your audience.  This will be different based on what your group is doing.  A playgroup would probably work best in the middle of the week in the morning and for no more than an hour.  A family gathering type event would probably work better on a weekend when everyone is free to come along.

Choose Your Location

Choose a location that works for your group.  Something that's close by with ample parking or public transport, make sure if it's out in the open like a park you've consider a wet weather alternative nearby.  Some ideas for group gatherings include:

  • Parks
  • Scout Halls
  • Church Halls
  • Local Community Venues for Hire
  • Libraries
  • Member's Homes

Things to consider.  
If the group is very large or if there will be high levels of noise or political activity you may need to look up your local council rules and regulations.  In some countries, permit may be required.

Structure and Activities For Your Event

Some of our community events will need more structure than others.  These are just a few things you might need to take into consideration.

Consider if you need to approach other members to speak at your event.

  •   Do you require technical services such as internet access or microphones/speakers so that everyone can hear you?  
  •   Is catering a requirement - does everyone need to bring some food and drink or is this not required?
  •   What activities are happening at your event?  A playgroup might require everyone to bring some toys along to share. 
  •   Find a band that can play some European music.
  •   Print out some brochures to hand out to prospective members about what we stand for.
  •   Get the name and contact information for everyone who attends so you can add them to your email lists.

Make sure your invitation is very specific on member etiquette - we don't promote drunken, debauchery or physical violence within our community and this needs to be clear from the event get go.


Feel free to have a donation box to help offset the costs that occurred for running the event.

You could also have donation options for other sections of our organization such as the anti-defamation league.

We don't believe in contacting the media or invite them to our events, so please refrain from gaining publicity in this manner.


Feel free to contact other local members to see if they are willing to help you organize your local event.

After the Event

Please send through pictures and information about how it went so we can put in on the site - which hopefully means more interest in future events you organize!





 Screenshot 3b j b

 The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a  Zionist supremacist organization.


Screenshot 3board f deputies

 "We are also the foremost point of contact for London’s diplomatic community, and the UK affiliate of the European Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress."

Screenshot 3council of jews

  Former president of Board of Deputies of British Jews calls for Jeremy Corbyn to be SACRIFICED

Jeremy Corbyn is Jewish.

UK Jews Issue ‘Ten Commandments’ That All Politicians Must Obey To Better Serve Jewish Interests


The Board of Deputies of British Jews — a Jewish and Zionist supremacist organization — has published three separate “Jewish manifestos” outlining their demands for all political candidates to follow in London, Scotland, and Wales, ahead of the forthcoming elections in May:

The detailed manifestos set out a series of issues affecting Jews in each of their local communities. Some of the recommendations, to which it is hoped individual candidates will sign up, are matched in each manifesto, while others are more specific, with individual “policy asks” relevant to the particular community. Board president Marie van der Zyl said: “As our society recovers from the pandemic, these manifestos provide a road map to elected representatives on how they can serve their Jewish constituents. Following the recommendations will help ensure that the [local] Jewish community is supported and valued.”

The Jewish Manifesto for London has been drafted by the London Jewish Forum, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council. The community’s policy priorities are summarised in the manifesto’s “#TenCommitments” that candidates are being asked to support, which include implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, ensuring faith and culturally sensitive provision of public services and opposition to boycotts of Israel.

Adrian Cohen and Andrew Gilbert, co-chairs of the London Jewish Forum, said: “The last year has been incredibly tough for Londoners, including our Jewish community. This manifesto will give our elected officials a guide to addressing the needs of London’s Jewish community as we come out of this pandemic. We very much look forward to working with the next mayor, their team and the London Assembly to support the Jewish community.”

Among the “policy asks” in the London Jewish Manifesto are detailed concerns about transport routes which affect the Jewish community in the capital, including a renewed plea for the linking of bus routes between Stamford Hill and Golders Green, and a request to retain bus routes under threat in outlying areas of London — often relied on by Jewish school students.

In Wales, ahead of the Senedd elections, the Jewish community has launched its Jewish Manifesto in two languages — Welsh and English. It has been drafted by the South Wales Jewish Representative Council and the Board of Deputies. As with London, the community’s policy priorities are summarised in the #TenCommitments / #YDegYmrwtmiad. Laurence Kahn, chair of the South Wales Jewish Representative Council, said: “The Jewish Manifesto for Wales guides Senedd candidates on how they can ensure that Wales continues to be a great place to be Jewish. We urge them to support it.”

The Welsh Jewish Manifesto notes: “Jewish communities must not be forced out of the public square by antisemitism, and we must recognise that increasingly the public square is online. As part of a wider anti online hate strategy, the Welsh government should commit to combatting online antisemitism as well”.

Meanwhile in Scotland, where there are elections pending in Holyrood, there is a Jewish Manifesto drafted by the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council.

As with the other two manifestos, the Scottish one asks candidates in the elections to support its #TenCommitments, again including the implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, ensuring culturally sensitive provision of public services, promoting of links to Israel and supporting anti-racist education.

Noting that “there are Jewish people in every local authority area in Scotland, with substantial communities in the Glasgow area, and in Edinburgh and the Lothians, small but vibrant clusters in Tayside and Fife, and around Aberdeen, and significant numbers of Jewish individuals throughout the whole of Scotland”, the drafters point out that “although there is no single ‘Jewish view’ on many political issues, there is a great deal of unanimity on issues that directly affect the community, and throughout this document, we have sought to represent as much of that consensus as possible”.

A spokesperson for the organisations said: “The last year has been incredibly hard for everyone. So many people have lost, or know someone who has lost, a loved one. As Scotland recovers and rebuilds from the pandemic, this manifesto provides a guide for the next intake of MSPs (members of the Scottish Parliament) on how best to represent Jewish Scots. We look forward to working with the new Scottish Parliament and government on implementing our manifesto proposals, and we urge all candidates and elected representatives to endorse the principles summarised in the #TenCommitments to help ensure that Scotland continues to be a great place to be Jewish.”

This is yet another example of unmitigated “chutzpah” — any other group that attempted to make these same demands would be denounced as “domestic terrorists” — and arrested on “hate crime” charges.

Jews have no interest in making sure that England, Wales and Scotland continue to be “great places to be English, Scottish, and Welsh” — that, of course, would be “antisemitic” and “dangerous.”

Despite their tiny numbers in Wales and Scotland, Jews make it sound that they deserve to have influence completely disproportionate to their actual numbers — which they most certainly do.

In fact, all that the 8,000 Jews in Scotland have to do to get their way is to threaten to leave the country en masse — as if them leaving would somehow be a terrible blow to Scotland’s happiness.

And Scotland’s afro-Pakistani Justice Minister — at the behest of Scotland’s tiny Jewish population — has enacted new draconian laws that will allow the government to literally monitor “hate speech” in people’s private homes.

We can’t have the ethnic Scottish people talking about this tiny Jewish cabal that is running the country — that might cause “another” Holocaust if they found out what’s really going on.

And the proof that there is a powerful Jewish cabal is that it is illegal to criticize them.

Or the fact that when 50 young women were raped and sexually assaulted by members of a Jewish fraternity at Saint Andrews University, no one went to jail — the Jewish perpetrators were allowed to leave the country to escape prosecution.

Jews seem especially concerned about antisemitism in Wales — they actually fire bombed Welsh historian Alan Wilson’s home because his research clearly established that the Welsh people were direct descendants of the ancient Israelites — a fact that directly challenges the false historical identity that Jews have fabricated for themselves.

But these “Ten Commandments” that the Jews have issued to all politicians are nothing new — anyone who crosses the Jews will be publicly humiliated and forced to grovel at their feet begging for forgiveness — just ask MP Neale Hanvey what happens when you object to the ongoing genocide in Palestine.


Setting Up Community Based Organization


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A community based organization, is an organization which is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and is engaged in meeting people,

 CBOs: Provide numerous, often highly valued,targeted population programs and services to the members  and to the community.

European organization are usualy only policial party groups and  they do not represent  their  community  needs. The following short list  for example:

Womens organization to represent and fight for European rights and help women and families

European youth organizations to help young people in relationships, education, Find Jobs, Training new skills, learn about European History and become leaders.

European children organization to help children with education, European history, camps  and to become leaders.

European men organization to help with relationships and find partners  and leadership training. them a

Community Based Organization (CBO) Engagements

What is Community Organizing?

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The Conservative movements

The conservative movement was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of Neo- conservative Jews. Some Neo- conservatives European jews are Christians who fight against big gonenrment, globalism and communism. They are Jewish nationals who promote people into leadership position in conservative movement to keep control over European true Jews and gentile whites and stop them from building community based organization.  They will not promote and will not build European Anti-Defamation  Organizations to fight for European rights, no gentilel womens movement, no national congresses to unite all Europeans, no world nationa lorganizations and no world congresses to help unite Europeans. They promote conservatism and do not promote nationalism and many will not talk about or fight for European gentile or true jewish rights. Many European gentiles and jews think of themselves as conservatives, can not make changes, because conservatism  is not about making changes in the conservative movement. Conservative will not win against globalism , only nationalism will win against globalism and new ideas to over come the enemy. People who call themselves conservatives must move to we the people nationism and build organizations for gentiles europeans and for true Jews and both organizations work together.

European Anti-Defamation Organization

 Many people today have been conditioned by the Globalists who accuse them of inciting hatred and then they find themselves in court having to defend themselves using their own finance. Court cases can cost thousands of hundreds to millions in monetary value above and beyond the affordability of most people. The reason we lose our rights is that we do not have a legal organization to defend our rights. If we had an organization that operated nationally and internationally we could obtain more financing through the public and member organizations. This could include liability insurance also.

All European Organizations will need Security Council of permanent founding members  to stop radicals from  taking organization over

The organization will need Security Council of Permanent founder membership to stop radicals from taking the organization over and keeping it on track and to remove any person who breaks its constitution. Members who are Elected and who prove they can be trusted can become members of the Security Council.

The organization should represent Europeans and all other races to run in each country which is connected to an international organization. The organization needs volunteers, membership, and lawyers to give advice and fight for us in court.

There is a need to set up a National and International European Anti-Defamation Council to fight for Europeans and all other racial groups on the planet.

Most human rights organizations around the world today are more interested in 'minority' rights, rather than 'majority' rights, and are silent when it comes to the many laws that have been broken by so-called Governments and organizations such as the United Nations. If you look at the list below of the United Nations laws, they are not upheld and are in fact abused in virtually every country globally.

We believe what is needed is to set up organizations which mirror the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and the most effective course of action is to win court cases to set precedents which support European communities throughout the world. The stark truth is that without legal funds and representation you are not given a voice and at present, there is no organization to represent Europeans and our needs have been pushed to the background. 

Updated 23 November 2016

This organization is being set up both Nationally and Internationally to be a community organization to cater for all our needs.  Because we are new, we need help from our members to build branches and we will help you do this by putting you in contact with other members in your area and if you wish to write articles you can submit these for review to go on our website.

You can start a branch organization without too much hassle with as little as two people in your foundation membership.  All you need is you and a friend or family member and you've got enough to get going!  There are many of groups that this organization wants its members to get involved with including:

  • European Sabbath
  • Women's Chapters
  • Motorbike Clubs
  • Legal
  • Conservation
  • Political

These are just to name a few - for a full list of ideas for branches, please have a read of our "What We Stand For" page and Community section on the website.

The website represents us, "We the People."  There may be other groups which we have talked about on the website because we believe we are part of a world community and must work with many different organizations so we promote them and they help us.  This is a step forward to build a network of organizations to come together because unity is strength and division are a weakness.

Tips & Advice On Starting An Event/Group

Once you have the basics of your event down pat, please contact us with the details so we can advertise it to other members in your local area.

Pick Your Time & Date

Have a think about a suitable time and date for your event - it's important not to just choose a time that works for you, but one that will also work best for your audience.  This will be different based on what your group is doing.  A playgroup would probably work best in the middle of the week in the morning and for no more than an hour.  A family gathering type event would probably work better on a weekend when everyone is free to come along.

Choose Your Location

Choose a location that works for your group.  Something that's close by with ample parking or public transport, make sure if it's out in the open like a park you've consider a wet weather alternative nearby.  Some ideas for group gatherings include:

  • Parks
  • Scout Halls
  • Church Halls
  • Local Community Venues for Hire
  • Libraries
  • Member's Homes

Things to consider.  
If the group is very large or if there will be high levels of noise or political activity you may need to look up your local council rules and regulations.  In some countries, permit may be required.

Structure and Activities For Your Event

Some of our community events will need more structure than others.  These are just a few things you might need to take into consideration.

Consider if you need to approach other members to speak at your event.

  •   Do you require technical services such as internet access or microphones/speakers so that everyone can hear you?  
  •   Is catering a requirement - does everyone need to bring some food and drink or is this not required?
  •   What activities are happening at your event?  A playgroup might require everyone to bring some toys along to share. 
  •   Find a band that can play some European music.
  •   Print out some brochures to hand out to prospective members about what we stand for.
  •   Get the name and contact information for everyone who attends so you can add them to your email lists.

Make sure your invitation is very specific on member etiquette - we don't promote drunken, debauchery or physical violence within our community and this needs to be clear from the event get go.


Feel free to have a donation box to help offset the costs that occurred for running the event.

You could also have donation options for other sections of our organization such as the anti-defamation league.

We don't believe in contacting the media or invite them to our events, so please refrain from gaining publicity in this manner.


Feel free to contact other local members to see if they are willing to help you organize your local event.

After the Event

Please send through pictures and information about how it went so we can put in on the site - which hopefully means more interest in future events you organize!

Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.

Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism &amp; Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

 European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2

 Screenshot 2coudenhove

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - To Genocide Indigenous Europeans in Europe

 Screenshot 2us constitution

US Constitution & Bill of Rights. Article…

Europe &amp; Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

 Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2

 Screenshot 2second try

Barbary Muslim Pirates Kidnapped Whites

 Screenshot 2keep fredom free

Freedom of the Internet

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In Europe

The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In

 Screenshot 2gencide

Genocide Whites & all Races

Screenshot 2white indigous laws

White Indigenous Rights

Screenshot 2big family 2

Promoting Large Families

Screenshot 2farmland

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

 Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

New World Order Globalist. Update 2

New World Order Globalist

 Screenshot 2picture of dead people

The European Holocaust

 Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice. Update 2

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

Fighting Genocide Worldwide

 Bankers Control the World

Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

Orania White Afrikaner Community

Orania White Afrikaner Community

Helping Whites. South African Family Relief …


Jews Fighting For Our Rights. 29/12/2024

 False Jews use Jews

All content in this website is the copyright material.   Visitors are welcome to share any articles, but we ask that you acknowledge us as the source.

As there are good blacks, bad blacks there are also good whites, bad whites, bad Jews and good Jews. We criticize many people on this website including whites, blacks and Jews but we promote anyone who are fighting for our rights and the rights of all people.

Professor Norman Finkelstein, Milo Yiannopoulos, Benjamin Freedman, Aaron Russo, Brother Nathanael, Michael Savage and Mark Steyn all advocate and embody the true Jewish spirit and are against anti-Semitic attitudes promoted by false Jews, Zionist Globalists and the elite few. 

Many of the major Jewish organizations have leaders and Rabbis who follow the Talmudic man-made laws when in reality, many of these people do not believe in God. Many of them restrict information both to the Jewish community and other communities and they use one-sided critical theory. True Jews have come to believe the anti-Semitic and racist bigotry are promoted by non-Jews when in fact, many false Jews promote hatred against True Jews and Gentiles.  Many false Jews are promoting the New World Order and open borders for all countries except Israel.



Coming from a “Jewish” family I have seen the light. The so called Jews, they call themselves Jews but do lie are hell bent on sending this nation to hell. The sad thing about it the whole thing is that the main stream Christian church and media aid and abet them in their crusade to bring their form of Communism to America.

The Declaration of Independence is our 'political and governing bible', as a founding document, more significant than the Magna Carta. Use it and take back America from these 'ruling elites - Satanic nobility, who will happily eat you for breakfast. They are sociopathic monsters who have no empathy for their fellow man, and do not give a toss about loving their neighbour nor showing compassion for their fellow man. They are the 'direct children' of Satan, having literal blood ties to him because they practise what Satan practises, so they are literally of their Father the devil, resembling him in every way. That is what we are up against, Satan and his minions, Gog and Magog, and they want to destroy us badly, their bones ache with desire to kill us. We are in a war with Satan directly as he 'seeks his kingdom' and the total annihilation of Christians and Western Civilisation. Satan will have no sympathy for us as he demonstrated in China, the Soviet Union and Cambodia. Therefore our catchcry is no 'Sympathy for the Devil'. His head must be crushed underfoot. His Marxist bullshit spurned and mocked, and God's Kingdom and His Righteousness established forever more. Understand this is the 'War of Armageddon' and it has been waging for some time now. The players are you and I. We must wake up and realise that. If you doubt it, pray about it. As Jesus said, "He who is not with me is against me". For God or against God. Which is it? For our conscientious, freedom loving Americans who don't necessarily have a faith, then just do the math, follow the logic, your rational minds, and your own study of history and reality.

All this suffering because the Rothschild (Jewish) banking cartel want to unseat Russia and steal her treasure. That’s kabbalistic Jewish usury for you. They weren’t lying when they said “All wars are bankers wars.” When the fiat currency Ponzi scheme collapses, the financio-corporate shareholders of usury in everyone’s blind spot seek to stay out of our awareness. They’ll blame things on everything under the sun, but when the inevitable collapse of their fiat currency counterfeiting scheme is imminent they try to send all non Jews to war against each other.

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Nation of Islam Research Group

"The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr." —Hadith

Rabbi Bertram Korn Speaks: Jews in the Slave Trade

Rabbi Bertram W. Korn
is the recognized Jewish expert on 19th-century American Jews. He speaks at Fisk University in Nashville, Tenn., in June of 1974 about the Jewish involvement in the slave trade, confirming the information and data in the Nation of Islam book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. The National Consultation on Black-Jewish Relations was jointly sponsored by the Department of Religious and Philosophical Studies at Fisk and the American Jewish Committee.

Hear Rabbi Dr. Korn: 




Dr. Benjamin Quarles, Fisk conference chair:

In the first session, Dr. [C. Eric] Lincoln[, co-chair of Fisk University’s First Consultation on Black–Jewish Relations,] pointed out that Blacks and Jews were no strangers to each other, and I think from the two presentations that we’ve already heard and the rich number of suggestions and responses that we’ve got from them, we would know that this was obviously true. Now, we’re now beginning to focus in in this third session on the New World experience, as contrast to the Old World experience of the first two [sessions], and moving more particularly to the American experience.

Now, when you come down to the Black–Jewish relations in American history, this, like the other topic as you can see, is extremely broad and there is much ground to cover. And I think we are very fortunate this afternoon to have such persons to cover this ground—two persons who are delivering original papers: [Dr. Leonard E. Barrett and Dr. Bertram W. Korn]. Dr. Korn, as most of us well know, has written an authoritative book on American Jewry in the Civil War. He has been working for twenty-five years on the African slave trade to the New World and the Jewish relation thereto and African slavery in America, more particularly the United States and the Jewish relation thereto….It is therefore a pleasure to begin with Dr. Korn, whose topic you already have in front of you. Dr. Korn.

Rabbi Dr. Bertram Korn:

Thank you, Dr. Quarles. It is a pleasure to be associated with you in this effort to bring together what we know and to try to evaluate what we don’t know…

In this work in which I’ve been engaged for twenty-five years or more, I’ve had a lot of objections tossed at me on the part of Jews, scholars, and lay people, including my wife, who think that it’s best to sweep things under the rug. That the suggestion that any Jews owned any slaves or had anything to do with the slave trade is putting a gun in the hands of the enemy. This kind of attitude towards academic work is to me, to say the least, regrettable. And I think that if we achieve anything in our meetings this week, we’ll at least begin to come to an understanding of what the realities are.

Jews are no enemies to misconceptions about themselves and Jews are not immune to self-righteousness. And I thought you might be interested in these three quotations with which the outline begins. Firstly on the part of Harold Isaacs in the New Yorker, quoted by the distinguished Horace Mann Bond: “I have had the small but faintly consoling thought that my ancestors, whatever other sins they might have been committing at the time, were sequestered in some Eastern European ghetto and could not have been among the slavers who waded out there on those ships.”

That may be true for Harold Isaacs’ ancestors who may have been eastern European Jews, but whatever Jews there were in the western hemisphere, for the most part, throughout the existence of slavery, were involved.

A rabbi from Santa Barbara, Calif., writing with great indignation just a month ago: “Why should Jews be made to pay the price for past and present black disadvantages? After all, how many Jews owned slaves?” Etc., etc., of the presumption that Jews were not involved. Finally, Max Weitman, who ought to know a lot better, says quite categorically: “A small number of Southern Jews were involved in slave-holding.” He’s referring to the period of the 1850s, just before the Civil War.

I want to review very swiftly some material which I’ve gathered together, which is just the tip of the iceberg of a lot more material that’s in my files, and far, far beyond that material which I haven’t been able to uncover and no one seems interested in working on. During the colonial period, almost from the very beginning, Jews participated in the whole system of slavery.

The inventory of the estate of the outstanding New Amsterdam Jew (it was New York by the time he died), Asser Levy, reported that he owned a black boy. Almost every stable Jewish household in the North or South of any substance whatsoever possessed at least one slave. To go into some detail, the Newport, Rhode Island, census of 1774 listing every Jewish inhabitant lists only 2 Jewish families without slaves. Of 41 wills of Jews probated in New York City—1704 to 1799, that have been published by the American Jewish Historical Society with full annotations—14 refer specifically to slaves, 3 of which provide for manumission. But this of course is no evidence that the others didn’t own slaves.

To pick out three outstanding Jews of the colonial period: Jacob Rodriguez Rivera of Newport owned 12; Levi Sheftall of Savannah, 44; and Francis Salvador of South Carolina, 40. Sheftall and Salvador were both plantation owners—to answer a question that someone directed at me no more than 15 minutes ago.

Some Jews were involved in the slave trade. It’s difficult to tell you specifically how many because there’s been no totally exhaustive study of all the people who were involved. I give a few typical names here: Isaac Da Costa and Moses Lindo of Charleston; three people in New York City; and most disappointing of all, the outstanding Jew of Newport, Rhode Island, Aaron Lopez, perhaps the most outstanding colonial Jew of all the colonies, had at least one slave ship on the seas each year during the 1760s, more in the 1770s, as many as three a year. He used Negro workers in weaving and chocolate grinding, which were two of the many commercial enterprises in which he was involved, and had six domestic slaves in his home. He had customers who were black, both slave and free.

Altogether you can say that Jewish individuals in the colonial period revealed no record of ideological opposition to slavery. Even a synagogue, Shearith Israel of New York City, in 1729, hired two slaves from a widow and used other black people in the building of a new synagogue building. That’s a quick survey of the colonial period. Now, into the national period as quickly as I can manage.

In the 1790 census in South Carolina, there were 73 identifiable Jewish heads of households. Thirty-four owned one or more slaves to a total of 151 among them all, one of whom held 21 slaves. In the 1820 census, over three quarters of all of the Jews that we can identify in Richmond, Charleston, and Savannah owned slaves. One out of three [Jews] in Baltimore [owned slaves]; one out of 18 in New York. Of 74 identifiable Jewish houses in New York City, 21 included free blacks to a total of 29. And one of those who didn’t own any in 1820, Jacob Levy Jr., had already manumitted six slaves in 1817. I give some further data for the 1840 and 1850 census in two communities in which I’ve done a great deal of research, New Orleans and Mobile. Of 129 wills of southern Jews that are collected in the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati, 33 refer to the ownership and disposition of slaves. And it’s entirely possible that others possessed slaves without referring to them in their wills.

Any Jew who was in business was almost guaranteed in the southern towns to have dealings with slaves in one way or another. As storekeepers they either sold to slaves or they sold to slave owners, auctioneers—all of these had dealings with slaves or in slaves—and commissioned merchants acting for plantation owners had a great deal to do with the slave system.

A few Jews were slave traders—may I say that none of them was nearly as big as the outstanding slave traders in the South but some of them were pretty prosperous. And I give the names of a few here, including one family of Jews mentioned by Harriet Beecher Stowe [the Davises, based in Virginia—reputed to be the largest Jewish slave dealers].

Surinam was the only place in the western hemisphere where black slaves or free blacks were converted to Judaism with any regularity. Matter of fact, they had their own synagogue there, probably because Jews were so large a proportion of the inhabitants of Surinam. But the constitutions of the Jewish congregations in Richmond, Charleston, and New Orleans restricted their membership to white Jews. But in the North a black girl who was a member of Mikveh Israel [synagogue], was buried in the congregation’s cemetery, in 1838; and there’s a record of one Jewish black who regularly attended services in Charleston. These are the only specific cases I have—there may be others. Looking for such people is like looking for needles in a haystack but it’s got to be done to ascertain the facts.

It has to be stated without any attempt to cover up that leaders of Jewish communities participated in the slave system without apology. Judah Touro’s father, the cantor of the Newport congregation in the colonial period, had slight investment in a slave voyage. Rabbi George Jacobs of Richmond, later of Philadelphia, rented slaves only because he couldn’t afford to own them. The acting rabbi of the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation, Jacob Levin, owned slaves and dealt in them. Israel Jones, the outstanding Jew of Mobile, president of the congregation for decades, while he was in the auction business, auctioned off slaves—all this without apology or without explanation. You can take it, in other words, as fact that most Jews prior to the Civil War in the South, most Jews in the North prior to the spread of the emancipation movement accepted slavery as the natural course of the events.

Some Jews were active in the Pennsylvania and New York City abolition societies almost from the very beginning. In Philadelphia, for instance, a man named Benjamin Nones, who owned a slave of his own, freed him and by 1793 had become an active member of the Pennsylvania Society for the Manumission of Slaves and acted as a witness ten times at manumission ceremonies.

Matter of fact, he brought a family of Jewish refugees from San Domingue to the Society to free their slaves. It’s partly because manumission was in the air in Philadelphia in the 1780s and ’90s, and in New York City slightly later, so that Jews participated in this movement too. Moses Judah was an active member of the New York Society and Rebecca Hart was an officer for many years of the female antislavery society of Philadelphia. In the only situation of its kind that we’ve been able to turn up, 24 Philadelphia Jews as Jews sent a petition to the Senate in 1838 favoring the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. But on the other hand, in the South, a man like Henry Hyams, who ultimately became Lt. Governor of Louisiana in 1835, took part in anti-abolitionist activities.

The abolitionist movement of the 1850s was a strongly Protestant-flavored movement. And as such it would be likely to turn Jews away psychologically and spiritually. But some Jews were very strongly in favor of the abolitionist movement, as distinguished from the specific societies which were organized for abolition. And I mention a few of these people: Rabbi David Einhorn of Baltimore, who had to flee Baltimore at the threat of his life in 1861, came to Philadelphia, where he became one of my predecessors at Kennesseth Israel congregation. Lewis Naphtali Dembitz of Louisville—the uncle of Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis—who translated Uncle Tom’s Cabin into German. Isadore Bush, who was a forty-eighter and a politician in Missouri and who was one of the most vociferous proponents of abolition in Missouri, of all places. The forty-eighter Michael Heilprin, who was one of the authors of one of the great encyclopedias of the pre-Civil War period. On the other hand you have Jews like Isaac Mayer Wise, who protested at the apparent indifference of abolitionist leaders to Jewish suffering.

The most famous Jewish pronouncement on the subject of slavery unfortunately was the sermon “The Bible View of Slavery” by Rabbi Morris J. Raphall of New York City in 1861, which was widely reprinted and quoted. Rabbi Raphall was something of a literalist, a Jewish fundamentalist. Let me quote a paragraph…:

“How dare you denounce slave-holding as a sin, when you remember that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Job, the men with whom the Almighty conversed, with whose names He emphatically connects His own most holy name, that all these men were slave holders. Does it not strike you that you are guilty of something very little short of blasphemy? And if you answer me, ‘Oh, in their times slave-holding was lawful, but now it has become a sin,’ I in turn ask you when and by what authority you draw the line? Tell us the precise time when slave-holding ceased to be permitted and became sinful.”

He tried to explain that the Jewish view of slavery in biblical times was somewhat different than the view of the Southern slave holders, but nonetheless he was a literalist and a fundamentalist, as you can see. He was roundly denounced by Rabbi Einhorn of Baltimore. Let me quote a few lines from Rabbi Einhorn: He asked “whether Scripture merely tolerates this institution as an evil not to be disregarded, and therefore infuses in its legislation a mild spirit gradually to lead to its dissolution, or whether it favors, approves of and justifies and sanctions it in its moral aspect?”

Einhorn was a great preacher. Let me read a couple of paragraphs: “Is it anything else but a deed of Amalek, rebellion against God, to enslave beings created in His image, and to degrade them to a state of beasts having no will of their own? Is it anything else but an act of ruthless and wicked violence, to reduce defenseless human beings to a condition of merchandise and relentlessly tear them away from the hearts of husbands, wives, parents and children?” So forth and so on. Rabbi Einhorn made one telling comment. He said, “Does a disease cease to be an evil on account of its long duration?”

Rabbi Michael Heilprin was another who attacked Rabbi Raphall roundly in the Jewish and the secular press: “I had read similar nonsense hundreds of times before. I knew that the father of truth and mercy was daily invoked in hundreds of pulpits in this country for a divine sanction of falsehood and barbarism. Still, being a Jew myself, I felt exceedingly humbled, I might say outraged, by the sacrilegious words of the rabbi. Have we not had enough of the reproach of Egypt? Must the stigma of Egyptian principles be fastened on the people of Israel by Israelitish lips themselves?”

So you see, Jews were on both sides of this debate about the biblical view of slavery. We need not have had anyone but these historic figures who lived a century ago but to hear Jews quoting bible for their own purposes. Fact of the matter is that very few of these people spoke for the Jewish group as a whole. There are only two significant Jewish agencies in the day, of a national character—the Board of Delegates of American Israelites and the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith—and neither of them expressed any kind of uniform Jewish view and I think we need to understand that in that day and age no one spoke for the Jews.

I’m sorry we have so little time. I want to suggest very briefly that there’s very little documentary material that would help us to understand how blacks perceived Jews. Some blacks knew that Jews were their fathers. There were some Jews who lived with black or mulatto women. The most notable product of such a union, of whom I know, was Frances Cardozo, senior that is, whose father was either the great journalist [and] economist of South Carolina or his brother the custom house employee. But Frances Cardozo never wrote of his father, who tutored him for part of his childhood. We don’t know how he perceived him.

We can very well imagine how some blacks perceived Jews who sold to them or bought from them. In 1773 in Charleston, a Jew was flogged for receiving stolen goods from a black slave but the black was executed for that. We do know that some blacks learned folk songs and spirituals that weren’t quite as complimentary as those that were quoted this morning: “Cruel Jews just look at Jesus. They nail him to the cross. They rivet his feet. They hanged him high and they stretch him wide. Oh, the cruel Jews done took my Jesus.” So there are two sides of the perception of Jews by blacks.

There is one unusual case, though, that I want to bring to your attention. That is the fact that one of the best known Jews of the antebellum period, Judah Touro of New Orleans, who left many hundreds of thousands of dollars to Jews and non-sectarian charities, had a mulatto clerk named Pierre Cazenove, whom he ultimately appointed as one of the executors of his will. This is something that I have not run across in print anywhere. It’s the most outstanding fact that I’ve found about the relationships of blacks and Jews in the antebellum period. That this man of extreme wealth in a place like New Orleans should have the guts, chutzpah in Yiddish, to appoint a mulatto as one of the executors of his will, bestowing the largess of philanthropy on every kind of Jewish and non-Jewish agency that we could possibly imagine. This is the Jew as patron. But I’m sure it wasn’t patronizing for him to behave in that way.

Finally, let me swiftly conclude. Those who know something about Jewish history understand that the Jew through most of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries was so aware of his differentness, was so conscious of the ways in which he was regarded by the WASP civilization that he did not think of himself as being part of the majority. I don’t believe that most of the Jews who participated in the slave system thought of themselves as oppressors in anyway. To the contrary I suspect that they still thought of themselves as being among the oppressed and just adopting the ways and mores of the society, the environment of which they became a part.

There was no such thing as a social action or a social justice teaching in American Judaism—with the single exception of Rabbi David Einhorn, to whom I’ve referred—until the late 19th century. Emil G. Hirsch and Joseph Krauskopf and Stephen Wise began something which has grown and grown enormously, thank God—that is, the capacity of the Jew to look at the problems of society from a Jewish prophetic viewpoint, which was hardly ever voiced prior to the time that Rabbi David Einhorn took his notable abolitionist stand just prior to the Civil War. It’s tremendously important for us to realize that an enormous amount of the energy of Jews in the western hemisphere up until today has grown into concern for Jewish victims everywhere in the world. And especially I need to call your attention to the fact that there were Jewish slaves on the island of Malta under the Knights of Saint [John]—. [end of recording]

See Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South – 1789-1865_text, by Rabbi Bertram W. Korn



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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report

Three months into Israel's bombardment of Gaza, the atrocities the IDF has committed against Palestinians are too numerous to name. Israel is staging a prolonged assault on the Palestinian people's very means of existence—destroying homes, hospitals, sanitation infrastructure, food and water sources, schools, and more. To understand the genocidal campaign unfolding before our eyes, we must examine the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of Palestinians. Accordingly, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel's crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism against Palestinians. Miko Peled, former IDF Special Forces and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality at the foundations of Israeli identity.


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Comment: AIPAC is Jewish Zionist organization that controls the United States for Israel.

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Brother Nathanael is former Jew

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Brother Nathanael Reacts To Ben Shapiro Celebrating Dead Kids

Brother Nathanael is a former Jew.

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Blinken on the left is head of the United States State Department is Jewish Zionist.

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1989 Oprah Winfrey interviewed a Jewish woman engaged in satanic rituals



Kabalah Jews and Satanism go hand in hand.

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Film Industry turning against Israel? Sarah Friedland accepting the Venice Festival prize


The whole Film and Music industry is run by Jews.
So where does she land after this statement for propaganda?
Although it's very brave to speak up, Manchurian candidates are to be found anywhere and she is dressed in Blue?
The favorite "Israel" color. She is Jewish.
After the genocide someone will say sorry and (temporary) peace will return, but no one can bring back those who were slaughtered on the Jewish altar. Perhaps terrorist Bibi will step down, but no one will prosecute him for "defending Israel".
It's all far too late to turn the tide. Israel is clearly carrying out war crimes..They always did. Their religion allows them to destroy the goy ( all non Jews). It's not only Gaza; it's a religious war against the entire world in their chosen supremacist delusion. The NWO.
If only the world would stand up, but they won't. As long as it is not on your doorstep, who cares?
Sitting comfortable, honoring movie stars and producers of fairytales.


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Rabbi's Daughter Interview-Chasya | Soft White Underbelly


She woke up and realized that she was being subjected to pagan rituals, and not those of Abraham and Moses. Modern Judaism is a perversion of early Judaism. And those that follow it are in a state of suspended disbelief. They are told they are special people and others will attack them for their belief -- the very things to keep them prisoners. Only those that use critical thinking can escape


Wait a second … chickens are being slaughtered? Weren’t the books saying that Jews slaughter kids??? How come this is different?

Are the religious Jews reaching for purity or are they Satan’s kids? Which one is true?

If the Jews are doing those bathing rituals and if those are so sick, why do Christians baptize their kids in water the same way. Just not as regulated? Why would Christians emulate a weird Jewish rule?

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Jewish rapper releases diss track against his own people


He was not against his own people, just against his rulers like he should be..

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‘Do you realize that it’s madness?’ – MFA spokeswoman speaks on LGBT+ with German magazine


‘You can cut that out if you want to. But I will say this…’ – Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Jewish) discusses LGBT+ propaganda and how it may influence the European society.

WATCH FULL INTERVIEW with ‘Compact’ magazine HERE:


Zakharova is right: the LGBTQI+ agenda *is* madness. but i think that it is a symptom of a bigger problem. the LGBT thing got completely out of control over the past 10 to 15 years, but birth rates have been declining for decades. i think the core problem is economic: a concentration of wealth among the "elites" with a corresponding decline of the middle class, from whom the elites have been taking money. that more an more people are under economic stress is done more damage to the structure of society and of the family structure, than anything else. once society started to degenerate, that gave room for the "acceptance" of social degeneracy in general; stuff like LGBTQI+.

No surprise, LGBT mutating into Genocide, not unexpected at all. self hating people will hate.

She is the smartest and most beautiful spokesperson of all important ministries worldwide.

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The forgotten history of Arab Jews | Avi Shlaim | The Big

 For thousands of years, Jewish communities lived and thrived in the Arab world, and were integral to shaping its history, culture and economy.

But when Israel was established, more than 260,000 Arab-Jews fled their homes, and their history has largely been forgotten.

So what happened in the 1950s that forced the vast majority of them to leave?

This week on The Big Picture podcast, we sit down with Israeli historian and Oxford fellow Avi Shlaim, who himself was born in Iraq and left as a child.

Professor Shlaim documented his own family’s migration from Iraq, describing a prosperous and happy society that didn’t buy into the promise of Zionism.

In fact, he says he’s uncovered proof that external forces conspired to scare Arab-Jews into leaving.

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Is Zionism a white supremacist project?

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Aaron Bastani is Jewish.

The Israel Lobby Is Real. This Is How It Works | Aaron Bastani meets Ilan Pappé

 If you mention the Israel lobby in the mainstream media then, more often than not, you’ll face accusations of antisemitism. There are of course people who talk about the Israel lobby in antisemitic terms, but that doesn’t undermine the fact that it exists, and has existed for well over a century.

This week’s guest is Israeli historian and author Ilan Pappé. His new book details the origins of zionism and the struggles against it throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. He joins Aaron to discuss Harold Wilson, Nye Bevan, AIPAC, Labour Friends of Israel and the Christian roots of Zionism.

You can find Ilan’s book, ‘Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic’, here:

00:00 Intro

02:45 Why Write This Book Now?

05:18 Censorship in Israel

13:42 How did Zionism Begin?

20:46 Early Political Zionists

30:22 Early Anti-Zionists

36:00 The Israel Lobby and The Labour Party

46:57 Conservative Friends of Israel

49:09 Israel and ‘The Left’

57:17 AIPAC

01:12:37 Luke Akehurst

01:16:25 Tony Blair and the Israel Lobby

Novara Live broadcasts every weekday from 6PM on YouTube and Twitch.

Episodes of Downstream are released Sundays at 3PM on YouTube.

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Ilan Pappe:I hope for the end of Israel and the creation of free Palestine from the river to the sea

 Israeli historian Ilan Pappe launched his new book, "Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic," on 11 June at an event organised by The Cordoba Foundation, MEMO and One World Publications in London, UK. At the event, Pappe spoke about historical and present antisemites who have supported Zionism.


What can be more beautiful than a righteous Jew who supports the Palestinian People. Thank you Professor Pappe, you represent our hope
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Many Jews and false White Christian Globalist are behind White replacement in all White countries.


When I was an Austrailan militay officer I served as a Liaison Officer with the US-funded Multinational Force & Observers, MFO (Google it) in 1982-83. I was in the Sinai, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. The Zionists were killing the Palestinians and stealing their land back then.
After that experience, I decided to go to Auschwitz in Poland and study the Holocaust claim of millions of Jews having been gassed there for myself. To cut a long story and a lot of investigation short, the claim of mass gassings of Jews at Auschwitz is a complete hoax.


The holocaust is a forensicly proven lie. The Ha'avara transfer agreement made between Hitler and the jewish nation after they had declared war on germany in 1933 explains the 'disappearance' of jews from germany and europe. Gaschambers are impossible and a forensic lie.


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We are Israel. The western nations of the United States and British commonwealth ARE Israel. The nation called Israel in the middle east today is Judah. Made up of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and part of Levi. Judah was only 1 of the 12 sons of Israel. The white people of the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and some other western European nations are the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. All Jews are Israelites, abut not all Israelites are Jews.
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Zhirinovsky was Jewish.
Bolsheviks were Jewish Communist.
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Zionists call these ultra-orthodox “True Torah” Jews “self-hating Jews” because they historically opposed the creation of the Zionist state, and still do. The “anti-semitic” label doesn’t stick on these people either.
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 Jonathan owes people - especially the Jewish community - an apology for making antisemitism a business.
 This is my full confrontation with Jonathan Greenblatt at the WEF gathering of elites in Davos
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zionist rejecked the naz
Frankist Reform "Jews" were universalists and Grand Orient freemasons who promoted the end of all patriarchal Judea-Christian values. The Frankist launched a propaganda war and smear campaign against the Orthodox jews in Russia when they refused to send their kids to state sponsored schools. Frankists are not jews, they are gnostics and decedents of the ancient Caanite and Phoenicians who settled in North Africa and the south of Italy and Spain. They were the merchants of the sea, interfacing with all mediterranean nations, initiating royalties in the mystery religion. In the 9th century they resurfaced as the Sephardi inside gnostic branches of Shia-Islam. They initiated the Templars, the Sufi and the Assassins which spread inside the ancient guilds, eventually assuming the modern form of freemasonry. According to Jeffrey Steinberg et al. in Dope Inc, the Bakunin’s anarchists, along with the Order of Zion, formed part of an underground network of subversion headed by Lord Palmerston, England’s Prime Minister who was affiliated with the Scottish Rite.
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Jewish-born, Brother Nathaniel, has dedicated his ministry to rejecting and exposing the children of Cain, giving us a glimpse of what the camps were actually like.

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Australian International People Power News Service


Jewish hoax enaided by Jewish Hollywood confirms holocaust is the ‘holohoax’




June 4, 2012

The Great Jewish Lie Holocaust Truth Exposed [ Re-Post ]


Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301

For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.”

Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite.

Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.

Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document, proving the so-called “Holocaust” [the long-and-often-claimed-6-million Jews] is just plain wrong.

Jews around the world have intentionally exaggerated and perpetually lied for the purpose of gaining political, emotional and business advantages for themselves.

They committed wilful, criminal FRAUD upon millions of trusting people around the world!

Please NOTE that the truth has been known since long before 1979!!! The above compiler, replying to a letter, had to rely on information that was already in existence!!!

Tax-payers of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Poland and other nations have had multiple Millions of dollars taken from their wages to be paid out to “holocaust survivors” and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN.

The tax-payers of these United States of America spend Billion$ each year in direct, indirect and military support of the State of Israel (which is not Biblical Israel).

This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible.

Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc.

The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magical figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900′s

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Jonathan Greenblatt Jewish Globalist who hates Whites, Blacks, Asians and some Jews.
Avi Yemini (Jewish) of Rebel News joins Alex Jones live from Davos, Switzerland to report about the WEF annual summit, and explain how ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt (Jewish) snapped at him while he asked a few questions.
No one cares if people are Jewish. People with real complaints are against the zionists that are extremely racist against anyone not in their cabal. I love how AJ will attack the Germans or the “anglos” but always prefaces his criticism of fake Israel. He always makes it about Jews when no one is against Jews that aren’t apart of this synagogue of Satan.
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  • Brother Nathanael January 2, 2024 @ 7:53 pm

    Hitler’s New Popularity

    Sales of “Mein Kamph” are rising.

    “We need a final solution!” are teeming on social media.

    “Hitler was right!” is seething on Comment Section readings.

    Adolf Hitler keeps easing on back to spook the Jews.

    And for good reason.

    As during Hitler’s rise to power, Jews dominated the press, theater, arts, politics, banking, and culture-formation, so it is the same today.

    The press was slanted toward Jewish concerns, theatre and the arts were decadent, political power favored the defeaters of Germany, banking usurped the foundations of property, and culture-formation besmirched the racialism of the German people as “backward” in light of global interchange.

    Similarities today are striking.

    The press is owned by the Jews.

    Hollywood—Jew-run—is decadent.

    Banking is Jewish through-and-through and wipes out any chance for Gentiles to own homes and build families.

    Culture-formation ‘grooms’ Gentile youth to embrace sexual perversion through Jew-owned Disney and Jew-owned YouTube.

    The head of the Medusa is Jewish Money—International Jewish Money—the prime fear of the Third Reich led by Hitler. [Clip]

    [“With the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria in March 1938, and then with the pogrom of Kristallnacht in the same year, the outlines of a specific Nazi economy were drawn, an economy which incorporated a systematic anti-Semitism into the regime.”]

    The figure of the Jewish banker, the International Jewish Financier, that age-old money-changer—who in Hitler’s Germany divvied up private production via his stock market into “shares”—parceling out the labor of hard-working Germans into global servings to satisfy the voracious, parasitic Jewish appetite.

    As then as now, the stock market pivots local production into the hands of the International Jew.

    As then as now, Jewish-issued bonds subject nations to the Jewish boot.

    As then as now, Jewish-issued mortgages transfers Gentile-earned property into Jewish possessions.

    As Hitler saw it, the war is between the Aryan productive spirit and the Jewish avaricious spirit.

    Between the Aryan creative spirit rooted in the soil, and the rootless, commercial, materialistic spirit of the Jew.

    Without a rootedness in the soil, to a bonded racialism with society, the Jew functions in a world of mobile abstraction.

    The Jew—whether intrinsically or calculatingly—cannot create with his own hands. [Clip]

    [“At its core the Nazi worldview was racist and biological. Positing that the so-called Aryan race, primarily the North Europeans, was the superior race of human beings to which all positive human development in science, technology, art, architecture, and other fields could be attributed. All other races and peoples, save the Jews, were viewed as occupying rungs below the Aryans in a sort of hierarchy of races.”]

    What Jew has ever invented anything?

    The Gentiles have given us Edisons, Teslas, Fords, Graham-Bells, Orville Wrights, and Goodyears.

    I mean, what tool has ever been named after a Jew?

    We have DeWalt drills, Bosch grinders, Stanley hammers, and Milwaukee saws.

    But no Garfinkel grinders, no Dershowitz drills, nor Rubenstein routers.

    What Jew has ever created great works of architecture?

    The Gentiles have given us Buckminster Fullers and Frank Lloyd Wrights.

    No Abrams, Silversteins, or Levins.

    What Jew has ever created great works literature?

    The Gentiles have given us Melvilles, Twains, Tolstoys, Conan Doyles, and Kiplings.

    But the Jew barfs out sick fiction in the Roths, the Kafkas, the Salingers, the Mailers, and the Steins. [Clip]

    [“…innate superiority granted them the right to rule over other races and peoples for the benefit of humankind. The Jews, in complete contrast, were seen as a kind of anti-race, dangerous inhuman beings, in seemingly human form. They were viewed alternatively as microbes and parasites, or as devils, that is, inhuman creatures with super-human power. A threat to the very existence of the world. A threat of cosmic proportions. And a radical danger that required a radical, total, and irreversible solution. ”]

    It’s a cocked up Jewish myth.

    Nowhere was a “final solution” attached to any ‘extermination’ of Jews.

    In fact, huge emigration projects were facilitated by Hitler’s Third Reich between 1934 and 1939..

    Including its Haavara Company which enabled Jewish people, with their property and money, to be transferred to Palestine.

    As Jewish kids in the 50s we never heard of gas chambers, or showers, or lampshades, or “Holocaust.”

    And owing to German efficiency, and nazi “ruthlessness”—as the Jews keep harping about—if Hitler did order the “extermination” of Jews, why are there so many “survivors?”

    How efficient and ruthless as that?

    I mean, everywhere you look some Yid has a grandmother who’s a “survivor.”

    And it’s always from the same place, Auschwitz.

    There was supposedly a thousand of them, but somehow all those Jewish grandmothers who “survived” were from Auschwitz.


    That nest of gas chambers, showers, lamp shades, soap factories, where not a single original “chamber” or “shower spout” or “soap shop” or “skin mill” has been discovered.

    What isn’t a hoax is the ongoing “holocaust” that Jews are perpetrating on thousands upon thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.

    That’s why, within internet range, it’s being shouted:

    “We need a final solution now!”

    And sales of “Mein Kamph” are rising.

    Many are exploring the useful themes of Hitler’s Third Reich.

    There’s much more than what the Jews bring into your sight.

  • Brother Nathanael January 2, 2024 @ 8:32 pm
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 INSANE: “Being the slave of a Jew is the best!”

— Israeli military academy teachings, by David Sheen

➡️ Must watch, pretty crazy stuff.


Well...race is real and important....and multiculturalism hasn't exactly worked out for the better.....But maybe the rebbes need to embrace the idea of decency and humanity more seriously.


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A quality Jewish women, she feels the pain like so many of us, I was raised as a Christian
I was raised Christian and I’m 68 years old and I also was taught the Zionist point of view. It’s only in about the last five years and this last year that I have really taken a deep dive and been very saddened by all that I have learned. The Palestinian people have suffered, and are still suffering terribly. Apartheid, governments and colonialism is not a sustainable way for a society to live and thrive, because any citizen is only as free as their least free citizen.
I've gotten up to speed the last couple of months and everything she said matches what I've learned. I grew up in Baldwin Hills Los Angeles and went to school that was half Jewish. Everyone got along fine. We celebrated Hanukkah as well Christmas at my grammar school. Three of my best friends and funniest guys I've ever known were jewish. Zionism is not Judaism. I don't really know any Arabs or Muslims very well, but I believe people are people and everyone should have equal rights. No one is born evil. No one is born with a religion. It's all brainwashing and indoctrination, nothing more. The Ashkenazi Jews running Israel for the most part are not even Semites they come from Eastern europe. Einstein was one of them and a characteristic is high intelligence. Einstein turned down the offer of being president of Israel. He wanted no part of the Zionist's dream because it was a nightmare visited upon the indigenous Arabs. Thank you young Jewish lady for speaking the truth.
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Most Banned Woman in the World Speaks Out! Laura Loomer Uncensored

Colleen Wilson is a lawyer and a highly successful real estate developer. She hosted a daily TV show for 25 years on Canada's Global Television Network. Colleen will be one of our many great hosts.


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WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel.

WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel

The Testimonies Project

The Testimonies Project

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.  The testimonies project - the mo...

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Ariel Toaff was a Jewish Babbi.
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issue periodic updates and revisions, all bearing the latest revision date.

Our aim is to produce an absolutely perfect complete translation,
including the Latin where it is of any interest.

This is a long-term project.

The present translation retains the original footnote numeration,
but places the footnotes at the end of each chapter, instead of lumping
them together at the end of the book.


Prof. Toaff has since partially recanted, and now maintains that:

yes, Jews are a corrupting and disruptive element in society;

yes, Jews lend money at 40% and seem to do little else;

yes, Jews buy and sell justice with huge bribes;

yes, Jews pull off all sorts of fraudulent bankruptcies and

yes, Jews resort to poisoning and assassination when thwarted;

yes, Jews are obsessed with hatred for Christians and the

Christian religion;

yes, Jews kidnapped and castrated Christian boys on a large scale
and sold them into slavery in Islamic Spain for centuries;

yes, Jews used [and still use?] human blood in all sorts of quack
remedies, despite the Biblical prohibition, even for minor complaints;

yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their
matzoh balls at Passover;

yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their
wine at Passover;
yes, the blood had to be from Christian boys no more than 7
years of age;

yes, the blood had [has?] to be certified kosher by a rabbi;

yes, there was [is?] a large and profitable trade in fake blood
products and animal blood, which was [are?] unsuitable to the purpose;

yes, Christians tried to sell the blood of Christian boys to Jews,
but were rejected because the Jews feared it was animal blood; but no,
no Christian boys were ever killed to obtain the blood. Never, never!
Or hardly ever. It all came from voluntary donors!

Anybody having read the book will simply laugh.

The only saving clause is that these charges are made against
Ashkenazi Jews only. It would be interesting to see how much filthy
Sephardic linen” the Ashkenazi could air in public if they so chose.

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Ben Shapiro is Jewish.
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Israel sharply condemns Sergei Lavrov (Jewish) after the Russian foreign minister said that Adolf Hitler was “of Jewish descent” and that “the Jews themselves are the greatest anti-Semites.”
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This was a great and very interesting show. I have a strong thought that I would like Adam King to really consider and address at some point if possible. So, as a 20 year researcher of the insanity of this world I see many, or really most, of the agents of chaos are Jews. Let's take many of the key issues of today. Hollywood produces filth, and horror, and shit culture moving narratives as well as hugely deceptive historical accounts in their movies. Hollywood is a totally Jewish empire/enterprise. They produce porn, which is a Jewish creation. They own and operate the internet porn sites which have always been gross but are beyond disgusting at this point. Jews run banking which has become extremely corrupt. Jews run all big news media which is comically deceptive and horrible. Jews run big pharma and are the at the hierarchy of the CDC. What else, the gay agenda, abortion, immigration/invasion, social justice movements and produce shit music in the rap industry... etc.. etc. These people that run all these things are Jews in name and profess to be Jewish. I am sure we can agree this is bad optics at the least. So here is the big question, why don't righteous Jews stand up and rebuke and call these people out as "bad Jews"? Instead of heaving the nonsense word of anti-semite at everyone who notices this pattern and speaks clearly of it, why doesn't the Jew embrace these truths and join the gentile to fight these bastards? I would be less suspicious of everyone who calls themselves a Jew if the Jew would openly speak of the bad Jews and kick them from the tribe and fully recognize what is so obvious to those of us looking into real world problems. Oh yeah, one more thing. The word Nazi has lost all it's power to thinking people due to it's ambiguous over use. It has become a comical and lazy insult, description or label that lacks a possible replacement with more definition of the group being referenced. Look forward to more talks with the Adam's.
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 On today’s show I’m showing Dennis Prager (the real Top G) some of the most viral hot takes from TikTok “Alpha Males” Sneako and Andrew Tate. Will Dennis agree with them, dismantle their arguments, or a little bit of both? Let’s get into it.
leftisn denial of reality
Dennis Prager is Jewish.
All of leftism is a denial of reality.
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Maomi Wolf is Jewish
Pfizer knew that their mRNA vaccine did not work against covid or the transmission of covid. They also knew their vaccine caused catastrophic health issues in both adults and children. They tried to hide the documents that proved this.
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Governor Ron DeSantis is Jewish Zionist.
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Laura Lomer Is Jewish person who is exposing Jews behind House bill 269 seeks to curb free speech.
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 Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield testified during a Congressional hearing on the origins of COVID-19 that the virus most likely came from the Wuhan lab
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 Roseanne Barr is Jewish.
 Answer: Suffering exist in order to help us evolve...
The proverb "Spare the rod and spoil the child" means that without harsh and painful consequences for our negligent actions, we do not gain the Wisdom and Intelligence in order to Evolve...
Some will make the argument that innocent children suffer and even die at the hands of evil people which should not be allowed by a Loving and Merciful God...
God does not interfere or intervene in human affairs because it would alter, effect or take away our 'Free Will'. Human beings must be free to choose Good or Evil and learn the rewards or consequences for their actions (in life and in death) in order to evolve. Unfortunately, this means that many innocent adults, children and infants will suffer and die...
However, Death is a transitory state just like Life and souls are reincarnated over and over again in order to learn from their experiences and evolve...
It is not friends, family, or loved ones that will help you to evolve, but rather your enemies who create hardships, pain, struggle for you to overcome that will help you to evolve...
"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…" - Matthew 5:43-45
Thanks Roseanne. Happy Purim to my fellow Jews.
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are the biggest individual shareholders of Canadian Pacific and Norfolk Southern. The 2 train cos. with the most derailments.
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Laura Loomer (Jewish) of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how her lawsuit exposed Deep State election meddling. Edited.
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Dr. Jane Ruby is Jewish.

Dr. Jane Ruby with Brother Alexis Bugnolo - Uri's Newsletter › ov...
4 okt. 2022 — Jane Ruby is a Jewish Medical Doctor who understood early on in the PLAN-DEMIC the conspiracy against humanity of lies, malfeasance and murder, ...
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Jewish Holocaust Survivor Warns: The Covid Jab Is Another Mass Genocide.
At least she was honest, it wasnt a deathcamp, the allies bombed the hell out of Germany and everyone was short on food. Look at Wehrmacht at beginning vs end of war, strong and hardy vs skinny and worn.
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Putin is Jewish Christian.
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 Edited .Rebel News reporters Ezra Levant(Jewish) and Avi Yemini(Jewish) confront CEO Pfizer and Chief COVID Jab pusher Albert Bourla(Jewish) on the streets of DAVOS. They ask him a laundry list of questions with the clot shot, including sudden deaths, myocarditis and ineffectiveness. For more reports from Rebel Media go

an hour ago
Actually the injection did work, it did everything they wanted it to do. The thing about deciphering reality is inverting the lies, brainwashing, and propaganda we are fed. Do you really think this sophisticated injection no one on the surface of this planet that isn’t an “in-the-know” zionist agenda’d murdering prick, can’t seem to figure out was just a big miscalculation? Your military and intel been weaponizing nanotechnology since at least the 1960’s…. here is the culmination of their work — developed and weaponized underground. Dumbed down masses who still think viruses are real; it was a real pandemic; bill gates’ new operating system is now inside you and is now your new medical expert; getting boosters protects them; anyone will ever serve jail time with a raging population of asleep nitwits etc, etc… here’s another lie: the masses are waking up. From what I see they are in more of a coma every day. Give me a break. I hate bullchit. Here’s the truth: Nearly everyone plays their part, even the idiots walking up and down the aisles of the supermarket wearing their face muzzles. The only thing that can change this fake inversion of reality is for the masses to get a clue.
17 minutes ago
The Demon Possessed Satanist scum DO NOT CARE about Killing us because they actually relish and ENJOY causing maximum suffering, Grief and Death. The "silly" questioning means NOTHING to them as they mock us daily with moronic Gaslighting psychopathy.
Great reporting by EZRA and AVI. Well done gentlemen. That snake Bourla will never answer honestly. Support Rebel News dollar. They ROCK like INFOWARS. Check me out to by searching "THE CALAZ INFOWARRIOR" on bitchute, brighteon and Gab.
Smug bastards, they don't give a shit how many millions of people they murder for their bullshit pharmacy investment funds.
RIGHT! This SOB Pfizer CEO KILLED my Dad and millions others with his "COVID" shot! Anyone else lost any family or friends because of Big Pharma MURDERERS like this Pfizer POS?!
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Maomi Wolf is Jewish.
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 On Reality Asserts Itself, Miko Peled tells Paul Jay that he's come to understand that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands began in 1948 and he broke with the liberal zionist belief in the "secularization of the bible" and the mission of a Jewish state; he says BDS is an effective strategy that should be supported
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 Alex Jones presents video footage from an interview with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, where he admits that an agreement was made with Pfizer to use the Israeli people as test subjects for their new COVID vaccine.
Free Palestine
My Palestinian ancestors have been living in Palestine long before any religion. In 1917 the UK announced the Belfour Declaration to Rothchild, stating they will destroy Palestine my home and replace my people. From 1947-1949 over 520 Palestinian villages were destroyed. At the time, most Palestinian were farmers who couldn't read and write. My family are still in camps around Bethlehem and we want a Constitution and voting to decide our fate and have 2nd and 1st Amendment.
This creature is a liar and a murderer. Total disinformation and false stats to deflect away from the disproportionate jewish involvment in the trojan horse injection ("vax") and plandemic. Big Pharma is jewish. The central banks are jewish. The fake media is jewish. The central banks are behind this plandemic and genocidal trojan horse injection, and they're using their one arm (Big Pharma) to institute the depopulation shot, and using the other arm (media) to keep the masses ignorant and deceived. The central banks own and control Big Pharma and the media.
Jesus Christ told the jews, "You are of your father the devil. He is a liar and murderer from the beginning."
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Illuminati founded by Jews.
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Avi Yemini is Jewish.
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Milo Yiannopoulos (Jewish faith) fights Against the Globalist.

  Milo Yiannopoulos on the anti-Semitism of the #altright - "They're right about all that stuff"

TEXT: Most of the generation Trump, the alt-right people, the people who are like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. They might have some assumptions about Jews, they might have some prejudices about Jews. Like the Jews run everything—well we do. That the Jews run all the banks—well, we do. That the Jews run the media—well, we do!"

Milo Explains Why You're All Wrong About Antisemitism on the Internet

Joseph Stalin's Efforts to Topple Jewish Power

Joseph Stalin's Efforts to Topple Jewish Powe…

David Duke on Joseph Stalin's Noble Efforts to Topple Jewish Power from the Soviet...

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Jews Now Demand Reparations For Property Stolen By Jewish Communist Regime

Christians for Truth

Jews Now Demand Reparations From Poland For Property Stolen By Jewish Communist Regime

After soaking the German government for billions in “Holocaust” reparations, the Jews are now demanding reparations from the Polish government for not only property lost in WWII but also for property seized by the communist regime in Poland, which was dominated and largely controlled by Jews:

In Poland today, there is an issue that encompasses the ravages of the Nazi occupation during the Second World War, the scars of Communist rule, the current Europe-wide surge of nationalist populism, and the ghosts of the country’s Jewish community.

That issue, the restitution of Jewish property confiscated by the Communist regime in Poland after the war, has become a central pillar of public and political campaigns by far-right parties in Poland to gain relevance, popularity and electoral success.

This campaign has fueled antisemitic sentiment and dialogue in the country, and with presidential elections scheduled for next year the campaign’s malign affects on the country shows no sign of abating.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s the Communist authorities enacted a massive program of property confiscation across the country, which included large amounts of property which belonged to Poland’s pre-war Jewish population of some three million people, 90 percent of whom were murdered at the hands of the Nazis in the Holocaust.

Recent efforts to advance the cause of restitution for Jewish property confiscated in that era, including the passage of legislation in the US and comments by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have heightened tensions over the issue.

Following the October parliamentary elections in Poland in which a coalition of far-right parties called the Confederation Liberty and Independence one 6.8 percent of the vote, legislation was proposed which would ban and even criminalize the restitution of or compensation for heirless property.

Heirless property is that which there is no longer a valid individual claimant, mostly due to the fact that the owners and their families were murdered.

This might be the most audacious and cynical money grab from the Jews to date.  They know full well that ethnic Jews dominated the murderous communist party in Poland, and they were the ones who confiscated not only jewish property but mostly property owned by ethnic Poles.

Of course, it’s ‘antisemitic’ to claim that the communists were largely jewish, but it’s a cold, hard and indisputable fact.  The Poles even coined a word for it: Zydokomuna (jewish communism).

Why should Jews be uniquely compensated because their co-ethnics stole property from their relatives under the jewish guise of communism?  The Polish economy would collapse today if the government were forced to repay all Polish citizens who had property stolen from them by the jewish communists.

We can fully expect the Jews to rationalize this hypocrisy by bringing up how millions of Jews were “murdered” in WWII and that somehow the communists added “insult to injury” or some such nonsense.

Of course, if you dare criticize this nauseating and rapacious greed, you must be an antisemite.

Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941


Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

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Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

One can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.” – Jerusalem Post

Of course the Jerusalem Post is trying to make it seem like a good thing that a bunch of jewish supremacists are behind the development of vaccines that will put neurotoxins into people and change their genetic structure. I guess we should be saying, Thanks jews!

Greer Fay Cashman starts out the article by explaining how jews are almost always at the top of any field, even though they are such a small part of the world population.

The individual does not necessarily represent the pack, but when the individual achieves fame or notoriety, he or she is immediately associated for good and for bad by friend and foe with the country or faith into which he or she was born. This is particularly so in the case of Jews, who, after all is said and done, represent a minuscule percentage of the world’s population. Nonetheless, it is amazing how many accomplished individuals there have been, in any number of fields, whose biographical details, as published by Wikipedia, include mention of the fact that he or she was born into a Jewish family. There are far fewer references to someone being born Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Episcopalian, Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, Mormon, etc., although given their political clout, there is increasing mention of Evangelicals.

Of course when we are dealing with the field of “medicine” (poison) we are bound to find an extremely high number of jews.

Getting back to singling out Jews, one can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.

The article goes on to mention only Albert Bourla, who heads Pfizer, and Dr. Tal Zaks, who is Moderna’s chief medical officer, and how they have been attacked by “anti-semites,” but there are many more jews Cashman could have mentioned.

For example, Michael Dolsten is the chief scientist at Pfizer, who is leading the company’s vaccine charge. He said, “There has been a strong Jewish tradition around contributing to humanity and a strong tradition within medicine.” He also said that he hope hopes the US stays a “melting pot,” which itself was a genocidal concept cooked up by jew Israel Zangwill.

Pfizer and Moderna received $1.95 and $2.5 billion respectively through Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, and soon they will be seeking emergency use approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after they cooked their books about the safety and efficacy of their vaccines.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, whose maternal grandmother was a jew (which would make his mother and himself a jew as well), has said that a vaccine will go first to “wherever it’s going to add the most value according to the data and the science and the recommendations of our experts.” Just trust the experts, goyim!

If you value the health and safety of yourself and your loved ones, you will stay as far away from this jewish vaccine as possible!

Jews Run the CDC Centers for Disease Control

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Walensky is married to Loren D. Walensky, also a physician-scientist. They have three sons. They are Jewish and members of Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts.
Vzdělání: Washington University (BA); Johns ...
Narození: Rochelle Paula Bersoff; April 5, 1969 (age ...
Ředitel: Joe Biden

Rochelle Walensky - Wikipedia

" Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, is the 19th Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the ninth Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry."

Dr. Rochelle Walensky takes over at CDC – The Forward › news › dr-roc...
9. 2. 2021 — Walensky is “a tireless champion of the core Jewish value of pikuach nefesh, saving life,” said Rabbi Michelle Robinson of Temple Emanuel...

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.  The testimonies project .

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines Update 2.

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronav…

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I have to admit I didnt believe the jews did it or were behind everything bad until i saw I POTS series. he details everything with proof that i was able to verify. the jews really r behind all the bs. its really true. By the way I was a jew not anymore.
I think Jews tend to vote Democrat, purely because they swallowed the same BS, white liberals believe. They believe they are “helping the poor”, by voting Democrat, and charity is a very important value in Judaism, similar to how Christians believe in helping the poor, but what they are really doing, by voting Democrat, is costing themselves more money in the long run. Jews tend to make more money then non Jews, let’s just be honest, and they tend to live in higher taxed states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, etc. What they really do, by voting Democrat, is basically, unknowingly give the democrat party, as well as the government more of the money, they rightfully earned, and they end up keeping less of it. Blacks and Hispanics tend to vote Democrat more as well, but for completely different reasons. For them it’s for their own self interest, basically for more free welfare and government money. People need to run, not walk, from the Democrat party, no matter your faith.
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 From a hospital bed, just a few weeks before his untimely death, Dr Vladimir Zelenko had a final message to humanity.
Dr. Z, We appreciate everything you did to stand up for us, to care for us with covid when no one else would. You saved my entire family twice over with your covid treatment protocol. May you forever be blessed and sitting at the right hand of god in his kingdom. Keep a watchful eye for us from the heavens. RIP Doc.
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Miss Laural Loomer is a Jewish nationlist and is pro United States and Israel.

Laura Loomer said:

"We can no longer deny that there is a war on white America, there is a war on white Christian conservatives in particular, and things like CRT [Critical Race Theory] and affirmative action are just code words for ‘hate whitey.’ They have declared open season on whites in America. I look forward being an outspoken critic of anti-white racism. I am really honored to be speaking at American Renaissance in November."

“Free speech absolutism” should unite not just white advocates but all Americans. America is not a “proposition nation,” but even if it were, free speech should be the proposition. If we don’t have that, this is not a free country and its institutions are not legitimate.

jews anf flag
 Around 1,000 people marched to the Parliament of Victoria in Melbourne to protest against Premier Dan Andrews, chanting their demands and carrying signs bearing the Australian Red Ensign and Eureka flags.
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blood passover
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This is why I will always stand with Israel against TERRORISTS in Gaza

Please WATCH & SHARE my family story: My family lived in Gaza before the Israeli government evicted them “for peace with the Palestinians”. It took years to rebuild their lives only to be shot at FROM their old home.

FULL STORY: https://rebeln…
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Wayne Allyn Root joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down a study from Columbia University that claims the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is only recording 1/20th of the adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine.
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Wayne Allyn Root is a Jewish Christian.
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Gal Shalev of joins The Alex Jones Show to call for the people to hold their corrupt justice system accountable.
I respect this guy because he is one of only a few Jewish people to point out that the Jews who run most of these big corporations that are pushing all crazy shit ....If we are going to stop all this we need more Jews to come out and call out these socialist jews who are pushing all this
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 Massive Lockdown Protests Across The World Put Medical Tyrants On Notice
jew with beared
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 Vladimir Putin (Jewish/Christian) warning that the same people behind the Bolsheviks(Jews) are now destroying America today.
Alex Jones breaks down Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent speech warning Americans that the same type of people behind the Bolsheviks are now destroying America today.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin is Christian/Jew.

It’s not often that the United States and the West, in general, get good advice from Russian President Vladimir Putin, but he doled some out during a recent speech that, if Americans and citizens of other Western democracies still care about liberty and freedom, should pay close attention to and heed.

Speaking at a conference headlined “Global Shake-up in the 21st Century,” in Russia’s largest resort city of Sochi last week, Putin ripped ultra-woke “cancel culture” and explained that the impetus behind it is nothing but pure tyranny.

“We see with bemusement the paralysis unfolding in countries that have grown accustomed to viewing themselves as the flagships of progress,” said Putin during his speech. “Of course, it’s none of our business or what is happening, the social and cultural shocks that are happening in some countries in the Western countries, some believe that aggressive blotting out of whole pages of your own history, the affirmative action in the interest of minorities, and the requirement to renounce the traditional interpretation of such basic values as mother, father, family, and the distinction between sexes are a milestone … a renewal of society.”

The Russian president noted further that while other nations are free to chart their own course, “the overwhelming majority of Russian society” has pushed back on what amounts to left-wing political and cultural ideologies.

“The preparedness of the so-called social progress believe that the bringing a new conscience, a new consciousness to humanity, something that is more correct,” the former KGB operative and prime minister told the conference, adding that in fact, woke thinking is “nothing new.”

“Paradoxical as it may seem, but this is something we saw in Russia. It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of [Karl] Marx and [Friedrich] Engels,” he said, in reference to the two German philosophers who first devised and introduced Communist thinking as a political philosophy in the 1800s.

The Russian president noted that both philosophers “declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society,” as they focused on ways to “destroy age- and century-long values” as a way of “revisiting the relationship between the people.”

“It was hailed as the march of progress,” he continued, adding that the movement back then “was very popular across the world and it was supported by many.” And, “as we see, it is happening right now,” he added.

Putin went on to talk about how the Bolshevik mindset was one of intolerance, and whose adherents rejected “other opinions…different from their own.” He noted that that way of thinking “should remind you of something that is happening” currently “in the Western countries.”

“…[I]t is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind in distant path, the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity — when great authors of the past such as Shakespeare are no longer taught in schools and universities because they announced as backward classics that did not understand the importance of gender or race,” Putin said.

“In Hollywood, there are leaflets reminding what you should do in the cinema, in the films, how many personalities and actors you’ve got, what kind of color, what sex, and sometimes it’s even tighter and stricter than what the Department of Propaganda of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee did,” he continued.

“And I would like to say that this is not something new, and the 20s and the 1920s, the Soviet couture Tagore came up with the so-called ‘Newspeak’, and they thought that thereby they were building a new consciousness and coming up with new values, and they went so far that we feel the consequences up until now,” Putin said, going on to add a final remark about transgenderism.

“There are some monstrous things when from a very young age, you teach to children that the boy can easily become a girl and you impose on them this selection, this choice. You push the parents aside and make the child take these decisions that can destroy their lives,” he said.

“And if we call the spade a spade, this is nigh to crime against humanity and all of that under the banner of progress, while some people just want to do that.”

Sources include:

jews kill jews
Jewish phone caller exposes how some people call themselves Jews and use Jews.
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Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

colemen llk
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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the authoritarian medical tyranny takeover is genocide.
Thank You Dr. Vladimir Zelenko for appearing and sharing your wisdom, and thanks to Alex Jones for having this awesome doctor on!
Zelenko is a modern hero... He should chair the Nuremberg 2:0 criminal court....
By blocking safe and effective treatments Democrats are committing genocide.
at least all the jews are not zionists!! take team NOW!!!! jews just want revenge agaisnt whites for the holohoax
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Buried in a tedious article quibbling about the number of Jews who died at the Jasenovac camp in Croatia during WWII — published in the Jerusalem Post — Dejan Ristic, the acting director of the Museum of Genocide in Belgrade, Serbia, makes a rather remarkable and unqualified admission about the lack of evidence at Auschwitz:

…Following the ridiculous, pseudo-scientific, anti-civilization and shameful logic which in this revisionist article denies the number of victims in Jasenovac solely on the grounds that there are no adequate forensic data (except for 2,500 to 4,500 victims, as the author falsely claims), we could ask a question as to whether it is possible to deny in the same way the number of 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 killed in Auschwitz since there is no forensic evidence for that claim either…?

 Read full article click on link above.
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(JNS) Knesset member Galit Distel-Atbaryan of the Likud Party, who says Facebook targeted her for her right-wing views, introduced a law in June to give citizens recourse should they find themselves out of favor with the social networks.

“The Social Networks Bill,” in its explanatory section, says that while online networks like Facebook want to prevent undesirable phenomena such as radicalization and violence, “it seems that the removal of content and the blocking of users is done arbitrarily, without the users being given the opportunity to understand the reason for the blocking, and without the actual possibility of appealing it.”

 2021/08/03/ Police Detain, Confiscate Gun of Jewish Homeowner Who Shot Arab Burglar

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Jewish Prof. Roger Dommergue Demolished the Holocaust and Warned of Worldwide Weimar




40 higher thenothers
We are joined by Rony and Yoaveylon of Voice of Redemption from Israel on the latest vaccine news from there.
Show Resources Link:
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Why do christians concern themselves with israel? they rejected jesus and are waiting for their own messiah


Its so sad that Israel forced this on their own people. They of all should have known better.


You are right. Jews went through the horrors of the Holocaust and Dr. Mengele. Jews should know better. I guess it is the Israeli deep state, the Mossad, who imposed this on good honest Jews.


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 Don't Take The Poison Death Shot & Hang Those Who Started This Plague, The Real Weapon Is Global Fear & Child Sacrifice - Dr. Zelenko

"which looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon". Would that not be Israel? Israel has projected itself as totally innocent to the world, but in reality can subdue all the Arab countries around it. It not only has perhaps the finest military (though small) in the world, but over 200 nukes if the regular military cannot accomplish what it wishes. Also, Israel's influence in the world goes far beyond 'military'. Jewish CEO's run most of the major banks, Big Pharma corporations, and media corporations in the wold. And don't forget the biggest PAC in the U.S. .... AIPAC.


I don't think Israel will experience a lot of deaths from the injections
BECAUSE the corporations making them are run by Jewish CEO's ..... and they are
making sure they don't send the Killer Shots to Israel.



Search Brighteon and Bit Chute etc., for Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a lawyer who's been a member of the bar in both Germany and California for 26 years and whose English is that of a native speaker has discussed the findings of the International Corona Investigative Committee that was formed on July 10, 2020 by lawyers, doctors, and scientists.
This group originally set out to determine:
1) How dangerous is the virus?
2) What is the significance of a positive test?
3) What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures in regards to the world’s health and economy?
They have jointly reached the conclusion that COVID-19 may be the greatest crime against humanity in history.
Dr Fuellmich has apparently litigated with success against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen and he has laid out a legal case of crimes against humanity for enforcing lockdowns based on the fraudulent use of PCR test results.


just another round of white genocide, the people who own the media, hollywood, big tech, did this.. don't fall for this con game, its a trick, now they have enough white people dead to push their CRT anti white attacks... it's them. wall street hates white people wake the fuck up.

Jews Run The Covid Vaccine Companies

Jews Run The Covid Vaccine Companies

Brother Nathanael. Former Jew.

  Jewish Zionist run the Covid vaccine companies, including Wuhan in China. &n...

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Dr. Simone Gold is Jewish.
dr simone gold americas frontline doctors

Dr. Simone Gold is the founder of America's Frontline Doctors, a group of physicians and lawyers who expose the life threatening misinformation campaign that is sweeping across the world since the pandemic. Dr. Simone Gold exposes 'incredible lies of incredible proportions'. Dr. Gold also gives critical information about the untested, experimental biological agents that are deceptively marketed as vaccines for COVID-19.

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 Visit if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation. Also visit Visit PharmaDeathClock for more information and validated statistics about the tragedies along the Allopathic “train” on which 200 million Americans ride.

2 jews

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database Jewish Slave Owners of Jamaica: Prof. Stan Mirvis Interviewed by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz


556 subscribers
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, President & Dean of Valley Beit Midrash interviews Professor Stan Mirvis, Harold and Jean Grossman Chair in Jewish Studies at Arizona State University, on the topic of "How were Jews of Color Regarded by Jewish slave owners in Jamaica in the 18th century?" DONATE: For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:
JoJo 88
Interesting how Jews were, in large part, behind this
 Alison Hilll
Just tell people that the British stopped it , and the Jews did it OK ? Thank you !!! .
 Zion Truth
Notice there are no last names because all our last name was Israel. Wow! Truth we are Israelite's decedents of Israel Not an entire continent of Africa.
Deuteronomy 28 :15-68 68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.
You know that's funny because the first US CENSUS that was ever taken in the USA wasn't until 1790? So how is it you have records going back to the early 1600's? Oh I forgot you lied and made it all up because black people were already here before the Europeans were and the Europeans sold and sent black indians to the Carribean Islands Europe and AFRICA! Dane is just here to make us think and research and you are wanting in the balance!
Patrick G Henry
Get a DNA test and you will find you are African. Look up ancestry . com DNA and you will find the truth. You Are. AFRICAN.

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Avi Yemini fights for our rights and he is Jewish.

Avi Yemini OWNS police who tried to ARREST him today at lockdown protest

Hundreds of police packed into busses, travelled to Melbourne's CBD and violated every covid rule on the way because they wanted to arrest a few people protesting lockdown. Then tried to STOP Rebel News from filming them.

WATCH & SHARE what really happened on Saturday.






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Infowars Callers On Both Sides of Israel-Palestine Debate


Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines

Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronav…

  Jerusalem Post Admits jews Are Behind Coronavirus Vaccines Jerusalem Post Ad...



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 Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat Explains How Hitler Was Right!

Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat explains why Hitler hated the Jews and who was behind communism and social decay. The JEWS.

Why did Hitler hate the Jews?


 Source: Why did Hitler hate the jews? By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat. 16 min.

Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat Explains How Hitler Was Right!


Important stories, important facts, that clarify things we didn't receive in school. We didn't receive the curriculum. They didn't teach them even in high education. I gave lectures in front of history professors. Why really (did) Hitler hate the Jews? What did he want from them? How did they bother him? But it's all written here in Mein Kampf. This book was published only recently, it just got approved to be translated into Hebrew (my language). It was forbidden all these years. But there is an earlier translation made by Yad Vashem. Hitler claims in his book, that Jews are communists. They made the Russian Revolution. They killed there 30 million Russians (Alex. Solzhenitsyn claims 66 million.) All the intelligent ones, in a cruel and horrific way, and that's their plan for the entire world. The next country in line is Germany. They founded the German communist and socialist parties, and that's true. "If we don't defeat them now, they will eliminate us, and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent people." And that's how they went from country to country. So eventually the only intelligent ones remaining would be the Jews. And he (Hitler) repeats it many times, make no mistake. And he is right.

The Russian Revolution was made by the Jews. The Russian Army was built by Trotsky, who was an incredible genius, an anti-semite like no other. He created the Jewish division of the (Russian) Communist Party, which members informed on their father, mother, brother and son, whoever owns a Siddur or even a Hebrew learning book, I'm not even talking about Tefilin and Mikveh. He (Trotsky) destroyed everything by the Jews, but for sure, by the Russians. In the first picture of the Russian government, out of 13 members, 6 were Jews. Who founded the KGB? Jews. So everything is clearly written. He (Hitler) didn't hate the Jews because they had "Peos", he didn't hate them for observing Mitzvoth, (he hated them) because they are communists. He writes it clearly: "The Jews destroyed religion and faith." They spread in Germany the heresy in G-d." That's how he writes... "I feel like the messenger of G-d to exterminate the Jews, because they don't believe in Him." (Hitler) writes this (in Mein Kampf).

Now you understand why they don't teach (the book) in schools? Because who writes the curriculum?... those same Leftists. Of course they will not write that Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because they are the forefathers of the Left, and of Marxism, of Communism and Leninism. But that's what Hitler writes. They (Jews) destroyed all the values (Weimar republic). Poisoned literature and theater. Who did that? Torah-obervant Jews poisoned the German theater?

Out of 9 large German newspapers 7 were owned by Jews. There was one of the great composers, Wagner, whose pieces are still forbidden to be played, up until now he is banned (in Israel). Because he was anti-semite, long before the NAZI era. I was very interested to know what (Wagner) really said. So the Hebrew University published his book translated to Hebrew. He writes this: "I don't like the Jews. The religious ones, I don't like them. But what do I care? The Jews who left the Torah and the Mitzvoth, and look like the gentiles, I hate. Because they merge into our society, and destroy our culture and poetry, and the German being. Those who converted to Christianity, I see them as 5th column. Traitors that are going to destroy the German nation, if we don't defend ourselves of them from now, they will finish us. Because they are disguised to Germans, but they are not Germans, they are (still) Jews. (it happened in medieval Spain too)"

So do you understand why it is forbidden here (Israel) to teach about him (Hitler or Wagner) and what he says? Just how everyone here hates the Nuremberg Laws without even knowing them. (Rabbi makes derisive gesture.) Nuremberg said that a Jew can't marry a gentile, so for sure the schools here call it racism. To say that a Jew is different than a gentile is racism, here in this state, unfortunately. Nuremberg just copied what's written in the Torah. Wagner just said what's written in the Torah. That a Jew is a Jew, even if he wears a mask, even if he converts to Christianity. "A Jew who sinned is still a Jew." (Wagner) writes "You are merciful people. We are cruel people. You destroy our culture." Yes, that's how Wagner writes. Therefore his entire book is aimed against the Jewish composer (Felix) Mendelsohn, whose father converted to Christianity, and baptized him in church when he was 5 years old. He (Wagner) writes to him (Mendelsohn): "Listen, do you think that if you speak German, and converted to Christianity, you are German? No! Your poetry is of a crybaby, your music is not authentic, (not German) and you poison our culture, because people think that this is German music. German music is filled with pride, and you can't do it. And therefore you are called the enemy of German culture." So isn't he (Wagner) right? Of course he is right! "You choose us from all the nations", true, we (Jews) are humble, merciful, shy, indeed. This is our source of pride.

So understand that things didn't just happen, not a coincidence, it didn't happen without alerts. "Our sins sent us to exile, out of our land." And thank G-d we returned (to Israel), and we have to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes, and re-assimilate right here, and give legitimacy to that low self-esteem in front of the gentiles, and the will to be like them. We came to this world to be different, we were created in this world to be Jewish, and our entire purpose is to be with G-d. Whoever really wants to be with G-d, G-d is with him. In any place. In good times and bad, here and also not here, and may it be G-d's will that G-d will say to our troubles "Enough". In any form, and in any situation, and in any place, may we have the merit for eternal redemption, and eternal happiness.


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Simone GoldMD, JD, FABEM
Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, is a board certified emergency physician.

There is Nothing to Fear About Covid


 Dr. Simone Gold is Jewish.


There is Nothing to Fear About Covid

There are remedies for the illness and legal assistance to fight illegal orders

Dr. Simone Gold burst into the spotlight last year when she spoke in front of the U.S. Supreme Court with a group of physicians dressed in white lab coats about the lies surrounding the “pandemic” and the remedies available to save lives.

Gold, 55, a board-certified emergency physician who has successfully treated numerous Covid-19 patients, told the audience Friday at the Health and Freedom conference in Broken Arrow, Okla., that there was never an emergency that necessitated a vaccine.

In her speech, Gold, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, compared the perpetrators of the Covid scheme with the Nazi doctors, who performed experiments on Jewish concentration camp inmates.

She is the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, which has been instrumental in exposing the false mainstream narrative on everything associated with the “pandemic”.

“The lead basis for dispensing the vaccine at warp speed was that there was an emergency, of which there is none, and there is no effective treatment, of which there now are several,” said Gold, also an attorney, who has been a leading critic of lockdowns and masking of healthy people.

“Everything about this pandemic was handled the opposite way of what is taught in medical schools and public health schools,” Gold told the crowd of 4,500 unmasked people from across America, who were gathered in Rhema Bible Church. Her speech was frequently interrupted by enthusiastic applause.

She said textbooks teach that early treatment is best, quarantining healthy people is not effective and herd immunity occurs naturally.

Vaccines have killed more than 2,000 people

Gold, who recently organized a team of attorneys to help people fight against mandated vaccines and masking, said the CDC’s VAERS database, which reports on adverse vaccine events, shows there have been more than 2,000 deaths from the Covid inoculations.

“Why are Johnson and Johnson and Astra-Zeneca vaccines paused, but Moderna and Pfizer, with new technology and far more deaths are not?” Gold said, adding that people should do their own research on the vaccines. “People need to give voluntary informed consent on all medical treatments, especially in the case of experimental agents.”

However, we’re seeing the opposite, said Gold, who has suffered tremendous opposition as a result of her public stand against Covid policies. She was arrested by the FBI and indicted in federal court for speaking Jan. 6 in the U.S. Capitol.

Gold is facing charges of Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct, and Restricted Building or Grounds, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release.

“We’re seeing employers and businesses already attempting to enforce mass inoculations over anyone they control. The science has been so recklessly ignored that it is undeniable that something else must be going on,” Gold said.

“The real problem is not that people are ignoring science, not that governors are killing actual people, not that school boards are proving that they don’t care about children, and not that mayors and city councils have tried to eliminate the middle class.

“It’s not even that the American people have revealed their soft underbelly of complacency in the face of tyranny.”

Killers will be brought to justice

Gold said the main target of socialist and communist dictators are the churches.

“Churches have the capacity to connect people to something greater than themselves, and people will be loyal to that sense of belonging,” Gold said. “That sociopaths exploit people’s need to believe by substituting something evil is not unusual. But the delusion and the tyranny we are experiencing is worldwide, and this has never happened in the history of the world.”

Gold said the Nazi Era did not come to an end in 1945.

“What followed Naziism was the Nuremberg Trial, where Nazi doctors were hanged,” Gold said, adding that the ensuing Nuremberg Code mandated that no human being could be forced to participate in a medical experiment. “The names of the perpetrators of the Covid evil will be eventually repugnant as Nazis, and we hope the post-Covid era will be a rededication to human freedom, just like Nuremberg, following Naziism.”


Dr. Simone Gold, emergency physician and attorney, said communist dictators are using the pandemic to close churches, as well as harm people through unnecessary masking and dangerous inoculations. Her group,, has assembled a legal team to assist Americans facing mandatory masking and vaccines.

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Naomi Wolf is Jewish.

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Bill Maher and Bret Weinstein are the only two jews speaking truth on this.TheyShallBurnForever.
On a recent segment, Bill Maher talks about all the falsities and stupidity surrounding covid-19

Must See! Watch Bill Maher Comes Out Against The Covid-19 Hoax

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How dare this not funny jew say anything about our great president Trump. Did this idiot say people died because of trumps incompetence? Trump offered treatments like Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquin while the left slammed him. He closed flights from China when we only had one case of covid in ALL of America while at the same time Biden and Polosi laughed at the problem. To me bill is just another leftist ahole.

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EZRA LEVANT is Jewish.

Ezra Levant of joins The Alex Jones Show to update the ongoing fight for religious freedoms as occupying police forces cause church congregants into underground services.

Congregants Forced Into Underground Church Service Hidden From Police

Globalists want to destroy any belief system that does not put the globalists first?

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"The Globalist Agenda in 10 Minutes" w/Dr. Rima Laibow & Rt Mj Gn Bert Stubblebine

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD (Jewish) discusses the globalist de-population agenda in response to a question with Major General Albert Stubblebine. February, 2010.

Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

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An Open Letter to the New York Jewish Community :: Dr. Rima ... › open-letter-to-ny-jewish-community
Apr 16, 2019 - Received this note from Rima Laibow, MD: “As a psychiatrist and New York physician of Jewish heritage I am appalled at the government ...
You visited this page on 9/25/19.

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  Homelands by Katie Hopkins


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Holocaust Survivor Warns, COVID Tyranny Worse Than NAZI Germany

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes


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  The Castration of Samael (Guardian Angel of the Gentiles) in Kabbalah - 'Beware the World to Come'





No surprise. Jews are in a tough spot. On one hand the “Young Turks” were a Donemeh Zionist military group funded by European Jew bankers that eventually over through the sultan and concocted the VERY ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ITSELF. (Sir Gerard Lowther British Ambassador) The main purpose was theft of wealth and property, wanting to put themselves in control of the silk road trade routes and to have a clear unhindered path for oil to Europe that was newly found in the Caspian in 1905, which some say is what sealed the Armenians eventual fate.. This VERY FACT has been the main obstacle of any recognition of the Armenian Genocide since..Jews straddle between keeping this complicate fact silent at all cost and the need to be Holocaust victims. Israel will NEVER acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. NEVER. Jews have too much to personally lose. Abe Foxman’s, head of the ADL, main argument for the AG recognition was, “harm to Jews in Turkey”?..That alone is clear evidence.. Know your enemy my dear Armenians. Know the truth.

Israel is again showing its phony side. It is trading 1.5 million dead for scraps from Turkey. It continues to supply arms to an aggressive Azerbaijan.
Would Israel sit quietly if the Jewish Genocide was diminished or denied? We know the answer to that.
Armenia should loudly denounce this Israeli denial in the United Nations and in national capitals around the world, including in Israel. This is a shameful disgrace.


As a Zionist, I am sorry for the nonaction of my country. Most Jewish people and Israelis stand by the Armenians.

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Israel Globalist Test Site: Holocaust Survivors Report being Triggered by Concentration Style Lineups at Airports


 Ilana Rachel Daniel came with an emotional outcry for international help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. At record speed, the government is vaccinating the entire population - including pregnant women and children - against the coronavirus. "Civil rights are put aside and people are not allowed participation in multiple places in society unless they've been vaccinated or in some places of work, after repeated PCR testing every 2-3 days," told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an - even - more emotional audio clip on Telegram. Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations. "Reminiscent of Fascism," said Ilana Rachel who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem some 25 years ago.Ilana Rachel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor, activist and information officer for a new political human rights party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Censored ruthlessly in both mainstream and social media and with members of the party thwarted in their daily lives.

To hear more from Ilana Rachel Daniel please join her Telegram Channel

This is an official platform to find more info about Rappeh:>

The facebook group has been removed and the site can no longer be found, but through this newspaper article you can find some information about the activities of her and the party;

BLCKBX is a Dutch YouTube platform including a website with a sharp focus on society matters. We are critical and seeking for truth in a investigative way but we don’t want to polarise the debates. If you want to support our work please donate what ever you can so we can maintain the important work.

 Jeff Sikes

Irony at its highest level. The state of Israel has become medical Nazis.
Israel has become the forefront of global fascism. The irony.
Chas Mon
I am appalled that the Israeli government is using tools obviously from the Nazi playbook against the Israeli people.
The irony of Israel breaking the Nuremberg Code in regards to informed consent over medical experiments is beyond stagger
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Jewish Role In The Slave Trade.


Black and Jewish Slave Trade Archive Update 2.

Black and Jewish Slave Trade Archive


“… [The Jews] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise … The slave ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains.”
—Seymour Liebman, New World Jewry, 1493-1825 , Ktav Publishing House, 1982

“Those who succeeded in establishing themselves under Dutch jurisdiction prospered as traders, middlemen, interpreters and brokers of slaves. The West India Company monopolized the import of slaves, but the private entrepreneurs ran the slave auctions. Among these were numerous Jews who also provided the credit that plantation masters needed until the sugar crop was brought in. Considering that the mill owners found it cheaper to replace a slave every seven years than to feed him properly, business was brisk.”
—Judith Elkin, The Jewish Presence in Latin America, Allen & Unwin Publishing, 1987

“In the first half of the seventeenth century all the great sugar plantations in Brazil were in the hands of Jews.”
—Abram Leon, The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation, 1971

“The first Jews that Poles encountered must certainly have been traders, probably slave traders, of the type called in the 12th-century Jewish sources holekhei rusyah.”
Encyclopedia Judaica, v. 13, pp. 710

“In the tenth century the Spanish Jews often owed their [entire families] wealth to their trade in [European & African] slaves.”
—Israel Abrahams, Jewish Life In The Middle Ages (1100-1700), Forgotten Books Publishing, 2012 reprint.


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Israeli Prime Minister Leads His People To Destruction!

Hey, he only learned it by watching his Nazi daddy! As often is the case, abused children often grow up to mirror their abusers and become evil themselves.
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Former Jew exposing Jew RacheI Levine.

  The Meaning Of Rachel Levine

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  ADL vs. Gab: Jewish Masonic Group Covers Up Zionists' Participation in Capitol Riot

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 Hitler meets Jew on the left.

TPQ1980 Edited

Hitler had 150,000 Jewish soldiers in armies including officers and 1000's in the police force. Bolsheviks used German Jewish money to bankroll the Bolshevik coup in Russia. Most Germans had no idea that some of the upper Nazis were Jews. The whole anti-Jewish narrative in Germany was stirred up by Jewish  Zionist owned press. Communism is essentially secular Judaism. The Jew's religion culminates in them getting 6000 slaves each. They believe they are the "master race" who should rule over all other peoples. In reality most are gentile European converts to the Jewish faith. Zionist Jews promote networking, strong in-group bias, manipulation, projection, narrative control, international plutocracy and ideological hegemony. Marx was a Jew. Lenin was a Jew. Trotsky (Bronstein) was a Jew. Grigori Voitinsky was a Jew. All Communist Jews, as were the mass murdering Bolsheviks and 80% of the Central Committee (executive) of Bolshevik Russia.

Hitler allowed vast numbers of Jews to immigrate to other nations and prior to WW2, Hitler used the German state to transport 10s of thousands of German Jews (with 50% of their wealth) to British Mandated Palestine, where they set up a proto-Israel with help from the German state. History is merely AN account of what is said to have happened. Sometimes there's physical evidence to help piece the historical narrative together, but it's always interpretation and always a narrative. The "authoritative" account is created in the universities where Jews are massively over-represented. The publishers are predominantly Jew owned or controlled. The media companies likewise. Jews are over-represented in politics, where educational policy is made. Think for yourself. Question everything.


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In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City. Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military, but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid.

Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of his service and explains how war crimes are institutionalized, as well as how systematic the oppression against Palestinians really is in a war of conquest that will no-doubt be accelerated under the Trump Administration.

Israeli Soldier's Explosive Tell-All: "Palestinians are Right to Resist"


US and British imperialism are responsible for the criminal set up known as Israel on the land of Palestine...
American Police have been indoctrinated to be brutal thugs against their own neighbors by Israeli "trainers". Does that sound a bit Treasonous and outrageous?
 Rothschild Killed JFK

Israel is ruled by Nazi Rothschild nothing to do with the Jewish people

Stuart Fishman

Anyon who thinks that jews can't be fascist should be reminded that mussolini had quite a bit of support from right wing jews. Israel is veering towards fascism. They need to be stopped..
 aman ali
One brave Israeli a true Jew and not a Zionist.
 flying Snow

Big respect to this Soldier, as he switched on he's brain and rethink - he's doing. If it's right and justified or if it does more harm. We understand the Israeli pain the past caused. But i have Problem with it, that Israel all the times cry out "Anti-Semite" but we not, we just criticize the apartheid system they installed on robbed land. This Soldier clearly understood that the Israeli behaviour just creates all this fear, hate and death. We should question our self each day, are we on the right side. Are we doing fair and ok, or we bullying others? Not every Arab is by definition a Terrorist! But with your open air prison called Gaza strip you cultivate resistance and violence. Everyone born their within the last 20 years has only experienced death and hate plus recognize on the internet, there's another free life behind the fences and walls. Israel needs it enemy to justify their land theft. But that's just a thought. Research the truth by your own.


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“Resist NOW — It Will Only Be Harder, Later”

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith,, joins to talk about the importance of resistance to lockdown as Cuomo & DeBlasio target the NYC Orthodox community for persecution by medical tyranny

For viral content, in-depth insights and breaking news be sure to follow David Knight on Parler and Twitter @Libertytarian

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NY Rabbi Begs Trump for Help

 This NY Rabbi is in fear of the leadership in New York and the irresponsible behavior they displayed amongst the COVID 19 crisis.

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  “De-Blasio is a Nazi!” ANGRY JEWISH Community IN NY Marches for Trump, riots against “Nazi” Blasio & Cuomo!

 NYC's burgeoning Jewish community is raising it's eyebrow at the crooked lockdown practices ushered in by Deblasio, and are aligning with Trump to fight against the tyranny.

zionism are terror


 Israel Shahak: The Jewish Professor Who Warned the World Against Jews

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Israel Shahak: The Jewish Professor Who Warned the World Against Jews

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Israel Shahak was an Israeli professor of organic chemistry at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Shahak was born in the Warsaw ghetto and was a survivor of Belsen who settled in Israel after WWII. Playing an increasing role in Israel as a humanist and rights activist, he published Jewish History, Jewish Religion – the Weight of Three Thousand Years in 1994 with a foreward from Gore Vidal. The book was reissued in 1997 and in 2002 and 2008 after Shahak’s unexpected death in June 2001, shortly before 9-11.

In Jewish History, Jewish Relgion, Shahak asks whether, as described in the book promotion, “the secular state of Israel has been shaped by religious orthodoxies of an invidious and potentially lethal nature. Drawing on the Talmud and rabbinical laws, Shahak argues that the roots of Jewish chauvinism and religious fanaticism must be understood before it is too late.”

The challenge before us is whether we can maintain the rule of law as a society – whether domestically in our individual countries as well as globally. If anything stands in the way of doing that it is the privilege nurtured by numerous cultures and societies to compromise the sovereignty of others. Consequently the history and questions Shahak raises are of the utmost importance to our present age.

I was once at an investment conference in London listening to a speaker discuss the US national security risks and their impact on investment.

He quoted a former FBI director saying that Israel posed the single greatest risk to US security. That risk is now significantly greater given what appears to be the growing commitment to the Ziocons by the current US [Trump] administration.

Ever notice that in the United States the immediate result of Presidential impeachments is a significant increase in money disappearing and the drums of war?

Someone is trying to start WW III.

Reading Shahak will inform your thinking on this topic and what we might do to prevent it. In my opinion, step one is to outlaw dual passport citizens from holding positions in the US Congress or Administration. Step two, until we do, all dual passport citizens should be recused from discussions or votes that benefit the country of their other passport(s).

As to the responsible diaspora in Beverly Hills and on Wall Street, my question is why the children of the Southern States should die so that you can own and control the private equity on the Silk Road? Seems like a bad trade to me.

Israel Shahak is this week’s Hero of the Week – a brave and brilliant man.


“In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews. The extent of the persecution and discrimination against non-Jews inflicted by the “Jewish state” with the support of organized diaspora Jews is also enormously greater than the suffering inflicted on Jews by regimes hostile to them. Although the struggle against antisemitism (and of all other forms of racism) should never cease, the struggle against Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism, which must include a critique of classical Judaism, is now of equal or greater importance.” ~ Israel Shahak

Originally appeared at: Darkmoon
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 Jewish Activist Reveals How Jews Use Worldwide Network Of ‘Sayanim’ To Silence Their Critics


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Jewish Activist Reveals How Jews Use Worldwide Network Of ‘Sayanim’ To Silence Their Critics

Jacob Cohen, an anti-Zionist Moroccan-French Jew, explained in the following interview how world Jewry uses a network of tens of thousands of highly placed Jews — or sayanim –around the world to help promote the Jewish agenda while silencing anyone who opposes it:

The sayanim are tens of thousands of people — Jews, Zionists — who are members probably of the B’nai B’rith, for instance.  B’nai B’rith is the jewish masonry who occupy high levels in all the societies. I mean, you can imagine five thousand sayanim in New York only in the business area. Five thousand sayanim in Los Angeles in the production area, in the artistic area. And in France, in London, you can imagine a thousand sayanim in the medias.

And they receive orders from the Mossad, from a department in the Mossad called the War Department. They work for the Mossad. It means that all these people who work normally. The work in a bank. They work political. They are publishers.

But when the Mossad calls them and tells them, ‘Look, I need information. For instance, I need all the sayanim, all over the world, say that this person — for instance, the Secretary General of the United Nations — has said something antisemitic.’ And you see all over the world — in Europe, in New York — the medias….When I discovered that, I understood.  It’s like when you turn the light on, you know?

Because suddenly you open a newspaper, you listen to the radio, you hear a politician, everybody says, ‘The Secretary of the United Nations said something antisemitic.’ And the poor guy….why? Because the Mossad gave the order to do that.

And I can say for instance Gilad Shallit, you know, the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas. In 24 hours, his name was known all over the world. I mean, even if it was an American general who was kidnapped, his name would never have been mentioned. Gilad Shallit, in 24 hours celebrated in the universe. And this is the work of the sayanim.

Of course, Jews bristle at the idea that there is any kind of worldwide “Jewish conspiracy“, but that’s exactly what Jacob Cohen here is describing.

Jews would like us to just see this “hidden hand” as Jews helping out other Jews “in need”.

It reveals why it is absolutely essential to Jewish Power that they exercise a stranglehold on all major media and social networks.

They literally have an army of sayanim monitoring the internet 24/7 that is ready to attack anyone, especially politicians and public figures, who says anything remotely unflattering to Jews and Israel.

And they are working feverishly to enact new laws that make ‘antisemitism’ a prosecutable ‘hate crime’ that will land you in prison facing the death penalty.

If you follow the Jewish news outlets, they literally all carry the same stories about ‘antisemitism’ regardless of how trivial, like a high school teacher in rural New York who said something complimentary about Hitler.

Abe Foxman, the ‘former’ head of the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish supremacist organization with deep ties to the Mossad, once claimed the the “Holocaust” allegedly started with an antisemitic statement that went unchallenged — that a comment about Jews set the whole thing in motion.

Of course, the Holocaust never happened, but it’s essential for the Jewish supremacists to pretend that it did so as to keep their legions of critics at bay — Jews themselves have admitted it’s part of a trick to silence their critics.

Originally appeared at: Christians For Truth


Jewish merchant Levy Andrew Levy providing blankets laced with smallpox

 Hold On, DeSean: Jews Owned & Sold Black Slaves in Philadelphia!

"And speaking of Hitler, Jewish merchant Levy Andrew Levy was part of a massive trading operation based in western Pennsylvania. It was Levy who participated in the extermination plot against the Indians by providing British General Jeffrey Amherst with blankets laced with smallpox. The disease killed millions of Indigenous human beings across America. Levy’s receipt for the blankets was published in a book by Rabbi Harold Sharfman."


Britain First movement wants solidarity with Jews.


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Paul Golding above picture is Jewish ?.

British Jews say 'no thanks' to nationalist group's ...

Britain First leader Paul Golding said in an interview with The Times of Israel that his party merely wants to support the Jewish community in the face of "a sustained attack by Islamization."



Reina Rose I'm Jewish and I strongly support Britain First and will until I have factual reason not to trust their stated position. Jews have to stop clinging to the old politics. Times are changing. I cannot even fathom the stupidity of Jews who defend Islam. Western nations are being colonized by Islam.

James Sunderland
I'm a Jew and I strongly support them if they really do have no problems with Jews.
The Jewish community has been a part of the England for close to a thousand years.
Muslims and the rest? Not so much.
Joshua AdesYou see guys?
These are thoughts of the far right groups in Europe. I'm a Jew from Israel and I also would strongly support them if I could be sure that they don't hate Jews but unfortunately many of them are


Israeli Historian Discovers '6 Million' Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944

Israeli Historian Discovers '6 Million' Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944

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Boston University's director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous "6,000,000" number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in what is now known as the state of Israel. 

For years, supporters of the Holocaust narrative have held that the number first appeared at the Nuremberg trials using highly discredited testimony by Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss. The 6,000,000 figure was again repeated by Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped by the Mossad and forced to participate in an internationally televised 1962 show trial in Israel. 

According to documents in the Central Zionist Archive, the first mention of the 6 million claim was at a meeting of high ranking Zionist political figures in Palestine on January 19th, 1944 -- more than a year before the war in Europe ended and a census could be taken, and a year before the Red Army entered Auschwitz. 

Rappel names Eliezer Unger, a Polish-Jew who helped lead the Hashomer Hadati religious Zionist youth organization, as the major figure in developing the count of Jews killed by the Nazis. Unger claimed to have escaped from his Polish ghetto through Eastern Europe. After arriving in Palestine, he stated his intention "to shock the entire world, all of humanity and our brothers the Children of Israel in particular.” Unger had no evidence for what he was saying, but he did not believe Rabbi Stephen Wise's assertions in the international media in 1943 of 2 million Jews being killed was making enough of an impact. 

After Unger met with the Jewish groups and got them all on the same page, Haaretz published a small article a few days later that for the first time put the 6 million figure on the record, preceding German military leaders tortured into making confessions after the war. It doesn't appear that Unger mentioned anything about homicidal gas chambers. 

The Haaretz article ends the revelation by quoting Eichmann's chief prosecutor Gideon Hausner, who on the 6 million number stated: "In the consciousness of the nation the number 6 million has become sanctified. It’s not so simple to prove that. We did not use this number in any official document, but it became sanctified.” In other words, it's a lie. 

After decades of killing, imprisoning, firebombing and bankrupting Holocaust revisionists, it seems that the Jewish community is now being forced to recalibrate their narrative and give more and more ground. That they are now beginning to concede that the "6 million" is nothing more than Zionist propaganda is a major blow to the myth.  


Alternative-Right or Alt-Right

 The Jewish Origins of the Alternative-Right



Anti-Semitism is an artificial construct created to silence critics of the Jews, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said.

Anyone who hates the Jewish people is Anti-Semitic. In reality, however, many New World Order/Globalists who are members of the Jewish organization are Zionists and have no regard for the Jewish community.  They use their organizations as a smokescreen to push their ideas and agendas, and call any person who exposes or disagrees with their agendas anti-Semitic.

Israel minister, " We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust." Shulamit Alui shows how the Zionist lobby does not represent  all Jews or Israel.

Anti-Semitism is just a way to stop criticism of Jewish criminality.

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Flashback: Israeli Politician Admits Jews Invoke The Holocaust and Antisemitism to Silence Critics

"Antisemitic, its a trick we always use"

In 2002, jewish news commentator Amy Goodman, on her show Democracy Now, interviewed former Israeli Member of the Knesset and Education Minister, Shulamit Aloni, who admitted that Zionist Jews cynically invoke the Holocaust and ‘antisemitism’ to silence their critics:

Amy Goodman:  Yours is a voice of criticism we don’t often hear in the United States. Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?

Shulamit AloniWell, it’s a trick. We always use it when from Europe somebody’s criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust.  When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are ‘antisemitic’.  And the organization is strong and has a lot of money.  And the ties between Israel and the American Jewish Establishment are very strong, and they’re strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which is okay.  They are talented people powerful, and they have money and media and other things.  And their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong.’  The identification.  And they are not ready to hear criticism.  And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as antisemitic, and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the jewish people, and that’s to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

Of course, it isn’t just Israeli Jews who use this trick: all Jews who are caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar use the same “trick”.  Criticize a Jew anywhere for any reason, and your motivation is automatically assumed to be motivated only by an irrational hatred of Jews.

We are told no one could possibly criticize jewish behavior for any other reason except that they want to round up Jews and put them in some sort of ‘gas oven’ or something.

This is also why maintaining the official narrative of the so-called Holocaust is of utmost importance: it gives all Jews, regardless of age or location, the moral “high ground” so that no matter what they are accused of, their defense is “You want to kill Jews, not just criticize them.  Admit it.”

No other people on the face of the earth has such a powerful “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, and that is why they have used their substantial power to make questioning their version of WWII illegal in many countries.  When they protect the memory of the alleged Holocaust victims, they insulate themselves from any criticism no matter how justified.

Learn to like true Jews.

"Anti-Semitism!!" -- EXPOSED


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  STUMP THE RABBI (4) Tobacco vs. Marijuana, Rabbi vs. Gadol, Cash Advance & Eurovision Dangers

Hebrew people are the ones who started Christianity

Kenny Kamel says

I am from a Jewish family and now am an Orthodox Catholic Christian. I have an idea in my mind that the Hebrew people are the ones who converted to Christianity, see Saint Paul’s comment about being a “True Hebrew among Hebrews,” while the Jews were the ones to rejected Jesus Christ the Messiah. Jesus was born of Mary who was betrothed to Joseph, both earthly parents were of Hebrew/Jewish origin which is why Jesus has been identified as such during his Incarnate Life.


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The Burnt Offering Atonement Ritual, Mystical 6 Million, 1948, & 2/3rds Refined Through the Fire

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The mainstream media are the ENEMY of the people


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French Jew Eric Zemmour Blames Third World Invasion on ‘Christian Universalism’

Eric Zemmour, an Algerian Jew and political journalist in France, has come out with a serious critique of the unrestricted Third World invasion, …


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What DON’T Jews Own In America?

America In Decline Articles, Jewification Of America Articles

What DON’T Jews Own In America?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner June 11, 2017 ©

WHAT DON’T JEWS OWN in America? Perhaps a few bars and grills. That’s about it.

But BIG, INFLUENTIAL BUSINESSES like PayPal (Schulman), Facebook (Zuckerberg), and Google (Brin/Page) - are owned by Jews.

Same with media: CBS (Sumner Redstone/b. Murray Rothstein), NBC (Brian Roberts), ABC (Robert Iger), CNN (Vivi Nevo) - are owned by Jews.

Wherever you look, whether its Wall Street (Goldman Sachs), Brewing Companies (Ken Grossman), Real Estate (Stephen L Green) (Automotive (Norman Braman), Hedge Funds (Paul Singer), Casinos (Sheldon Adelson), Tech Giants (Larry Ellison) - JEWS own it.

Speaking of Goldman Sachs, colleges are beholden to its Jewish agenda vis-a-vis its Grants Program, including Gary Cohn’s funding the “Cohn Jewish Student Center” at Kent State.

Jewish patronage of academia is a well-known ‘philanthropic’ (READ: control) endeavor.

Besides owning DC, Jewish Wall Street underwrites the stocks of defense contractors, which means more wars for the Jews.

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MANY FEAR USING the “Jew word” but instead use generic phrases, like Alex Jones using “globalists;” Paul Craig Roberts, “presstitutes;” and Gerald Celente, “elites.”

But Jews themselves BRAG about their power and influence. (Jews don’t fear Goys like Goys fear Jews.)

Alan Dershowitz, for instance, recently told an audience at Young Israel Synagogue in New York that “Jewish power” is to be lauded, not denied.

“Don’t ever, ever, be embarrassed about using Jewish power,” Dershowitz urged.

“We have to hit them in the pocketbook,” he exhorted when vilifying institutions critical of Israel’s policies. (Blackmail by any other name would smell the same.)

Hitting pocketbooks is easy for Jews. They OWN everything, except for a few bars and grills.

Yours truly was ‘hit’ by PayPiss which banned me recently. (Schulman owns it.)

But I don’t cave to Christ-killing Jews.


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Robert Weissberg, Jewish & Black Relationship

Robert Weissberg, Jewish & Black Relation…

Prof. Robert Weissberg, Jewish. The Relationship Between Jewish and Black People ...

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'Jews Selling Blacks' Book Stirs Reparationd Movement


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‘Jews Selling Blacks’ Book Stirs Reparations Movement


Nation of Islam Research Group

It was inevitable that the Black Reparations debate would ultimately shine a spotlight on those who profited the most from the 500-year destruction of Black civilization. The selective banning by Amazon of the Nation of Islam’s The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews book series was a clear indication of how skittish Jews have become about their exposure as major beneficiaries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And even as Jewish leaders move to cut off campus access to strong Black voices of Reparations, their own Jewish scholars continue to supply damning evidence of the Jewish role in Black slavery.

Dr. Harold Brackman wrote, “Jews were about twice as likely to be slave owners as the average white Southerner.” Rabbi Dr. Marc Lee Raphael, the longtime editor of the most prestigious of Jewish historical journals, the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, wrote of the slave trade that “in all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.” Jewish Encyclopedia: “[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews…” Dr. Michael R. Cohen wrote in his 2017 book Cotton Capitalists, that “Jews clustered in the cotton industry, and…became deeply enmeshed in the nation’s—and perhaps the world’s—most important industry.” A soon to be released book by Arizona State University professor Stanley Mirvis will confirm that Jamaican Jews were slave owners and dealers in alarming numbers.



U.S. Officially Acknowledges Armenian Genocide – But Ignores The Jewish Young Turks Who Orchestrated It

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 Screenshot 2turk geno  U.S. Officially Acknowledges Armenian Genocide – But Ignores The Jewish Young Turks Who Orchestrated It

U.S. Officially Acknowledges Armenian Genocide – But Ignores The Jewish Young Turks Who Orchestrated It

 You can read The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by the jewish writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes in our free online Book Library.



Jews who actively campaign against Chabad-Lubavitch is not a true Jewish organization.


Jews Against Chabad Organization

Jews Against Chabad Organization

 The information is taken from a Jewish website with permission by true Jews who actively campaign against Chabad-Lubavitch.  They state that Chabad-Lubavitch is not a true Jewish organization but are in fact false Jews, whose leadership engages in criminal activities.  The Chabad Mafia website gives the reader insight into the cult-like tendencies of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement and has a list of links and categories.

Chabad-Lubavitch is a Hasidic movement in Orthodox Judaism and is one of the world's largest and best-known Jewish organizations.  Chabad maintains institutions in over 1000 cities around the world. By 2010, there were an estimated 3,600 Chabad institutions worldwide across 70 countries, providing outreach and educational activities for Jews through Jewish community centers, synagogues, schools, and camps.  The movement has over 200,000 adherents and up to one million Jews attend Chabad services at least once a year.



Israeli Soldiers Against Persecuting Innocent People

Israeli Soldiers Against Persecuting Innocent…


We sometimes hear bad things about the Israeli army, but it is worth remembering there are many fine soldiers who are against the persecution of Palestinians, and they set an example for all of us to follow worldwide when they created an organization called "Breaking the Silence".

Logo of Breaking the Silence organizationBreaking the Silence

Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Youtube  |  Purchase the Book

This website is highly recommended and has lots of information including video testimonies from former soldiers, who are against provoking violence such as destroying Palestinian houses in incursions, destroying property, making life hard for working Palestinian people, and throwing away owners car keys, shooting holes in Palestinian water tanks, looting homes, removing Palestinians from their homes, sometimes destroying the buildings.



Milo (Jewish faith) said Jews Control Media and Banking

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice. Update 3

Screenshot 1milo j o media Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice. Update 3

Milo Yiannopoulos (Jewish faith) fights Against the Globalists.                                                                      

  Milo Yiannopoulos on the anti-Semitism of the #altright - "They're right about all that stuff"

TEXT: Most of the generation Trump, the alt-right people, the people who are like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. They might have some assumptions about Jews, they might have some prejudices about Jews. Like the Jews run everything—well we do. That the Jews run all the banks—well, we do. That the Jews run the media—well, we do!"

Milo Explains Why You're All Wrong About Antisemitism on the Internet



Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in the Middle East.

'ISIS' Run by Jewish Zionist

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Reports Israeli Operatives Leading ISIS in Mosul

Steven Ben-Denoon of Israeli News Live proclaims that top ISIS agents are Israel MOSSAD.

It is a shame to receive such news that Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in Mosul. This report comes after the fact that INL had once before reported from sources in the Israeli Military that had first shared this information with us.

Simon Elliot, who is no doubt Israeli MOSSAD, leads ISIS; with the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

MOSSAD Simon Elliot leader of ISIS


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The Day Israel Attacked America



 "We must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said.


Since Torah Jews believe that the state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of Elohim, we should not support them either.

Dr. Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivor, said:

“If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed. “The brainwashing of the Jewish Israeli populations is going on for over sixty years. They cannot see a Palestinian as a human being.”

“My message for the Palestinians is that they should not give up their fight,” he replied. “If they give up, they might lose their self-esteem with the ongoing humiliations by the Israeli Nazis. Fight with human means. It is justified to show to the Israeli Zionists that you are a force to reckon with. Fight with stones, with weapons. Yes, also with weapons. If you don’t fight, you lose your self-esteem and will not be respected by the Israelis.”

“If we Western democratic societies don’t support the Palestinians in their fight, we must feel ashamed if the Palestinians are annihilated. The US and the European Union must show their teeth,” he added.



Christians Should Not Support The ...

 Most of the sources from the link below are from Jewish people.
general son
 "Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine." He is the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled. Miko has taught karate to Palestinian youth in refugee camps. He spoke at Seeds of Hope and Justice for Palestinians and Israelis: What is required of US?, a FOSNA conference held April 4-5, 2014, in Portland, Oregon."
Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler's.
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 Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis By Lenni Brenner

Lenni Brenner (Jewish born 1937) is an American Trotskyist writer. In the 1960s, Brenner was a prominent civil rights activist and a prominent opponent of the Vietnam War. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


51 Documents - ZionistCollaboration With The Nazis

51 Documents - Zionist
Collaboration With The Nazis
By Lenni Brenner

In 1983, Croom Helm Ltd. published my 1st book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. American writers don't expect favorable reviews from the London Times, but editorialist Edward Mortimer declared that "Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler's."
Still less could a Trotskyist dream of a review from Izvestia, the Soviet government gazette, but they hailed it. "During the world war, Brenner points out, Zionism showed its real meaning: for the sake of its ambitions, it sacrificed the blood of millions of Jews."
Louis Rapoport, a failed Berkeley radical, denounced the book in the Jerusalem Post as "leftist babble." Nevertheless, he conceded, there were "very real charges that will continue to haunt" Zionism "until they are dealt with honestly."

Clive Palmer (Jewish) Political System In Australian Is Totally Corrupt

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Clive Palmer is the leader of the Australian first Party. Clive says that he is worth 3 thousand million dollars

Clive Palmer  " Listen to my speech at Beenleigh where I talk about the issues for Australia, and the practical solutions to Make Australia Great."

Clive disects electricity prices, paris agreement & climate change and impacts on our economy


Everybody should listen to Clive Parmer speech where he talks about the following:

Clive talks about why the Australian Electrify cost is so high.

No free speech allowed on mainstream media in Australia, the globalist has total control what information given to the public.

Rupert Murdoch Media Empire has too much control  of mainstream news and is put together in the United States before it's given to the Australian public.

 The mainstream media news promotes that political party's members hate each other, but truth is that many liberals and Labour are good mates behind the scenes.

 The political system in Australian is totally corrupt and there is no democratic system.

The Australian political elections are rigged and political parties know who going to win before the election.

Australia is a totalitarian state with rigged election and total globalist control of main stream media.

Clive Palmer talked about the electrical structure in Australia needed a major overhaul. Members of liberal and labour parties had advisers come from oversea to advice them. The advisers said they could over haul the electrical system and they would  give a loan of 45 billion dollars at 10% interest. All the state governments agreed with the deal. This is why Australian electivity cost is arising so high that makes Australia industry less completive against other countries. The Australian Government could obtain a loan at 2% interest and instead of paying 10%. The deal was made because the lobbies made money and big donations given to Liberal and Labour parties.


If the Australian Government fully controlled the Australian Federal Bank they could have paid the total cost at no expense to the Australian people.

Clive Palmer supports the non white immigration into Australia.

Clive Palmer said "If you are communist in your 20's you do not have a heart and if you are communist in your 40's you do not have a brain.



The Entire Cash Advance Industry Is Comprised Mainly Of Jews



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Rabbi: "The Entire Cash Advance Industry Is Comprised Mainly of Jews"

The game is being exposed. All of these "organizations" created by Jews to include the NAACP!!! Yes black people you did not create this (organization) Jews did. And HUD!!!! Black people didn't create HUD!!! Jews.

 Not All jews are bad.
Research Chabad-lubavitch centers in your area. These are Jewish learning centers that brain wash young Jewish children. Turning them into Sociopaths.





Screenshot 1jew masons  Jewish Freemasons Admit Israel’s Palestinian Genocide Causes Antisemitism Toward Jews in France

 Flanders says

“Masonic lodges are established all over the world to help us achieve our independence. Those pigs, the non-Jewish Masons, will never understand the final objects of Masonry.” – Theodor Herzel, Founder of Modern Zionism, 1897

A New Zealand site has an interesting way of viewing the Christchurch flag attack, and links that to NZ Freemasons and jew Sayanims.

Chesterton says

What a scam: the ADL, which is an offshoot of the judeo-masonic B’nai B’rith, claims that Jews do nothing to create antisemitism, and yet the Masonic Lodge in France admits that the behavior of Jews in Israel causes antisemitism in France. Somebody didn’t get the memo….






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Brother Nathanael. Former Jew.

04-01-2013 - Why Jews Push Gay Marriage

Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, and The Bilderberg Group, all have a lot in common - Jewish membership. These 3 Groups also share a hatred of nations that oppose their “multiculturalism” which translates into “mult-religions” with no monolithic opposition against them. Serbia is an Orthodox Christian nation. The Jews want to destroy the Orthodox Christian nation of Serbia because it stands in their way of multi-cultural globalization where no culture, that is, religion, dominates.

Here are the Christian-hating Jews — all interconnected:

* Dianne Feinstein, Senator; Trilateral Commission
* Madelaine Albright (Miriam Korbel); Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations
* Richard C. Holbrooke (Richard Moos); Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group
* Henry Kissinger; Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group
* Alan Greenspan; Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations
* Stanley Fischer, Chief Economist IMF, Chairman Bank of Israel; Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations
* Paul Wolfowitz, Neocon; Bilderberg Group
* Richarad Perle, Neocon; Bilderberg Group
* Nadine Strossen, Executive Director, ACLU; Council on Foreign Relations
* Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman U.S. News and World Report; Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group
* Stephen Friedman, Co-Chairman Goldman Sachs & Co; Trilateral Commission
* Robert E. Rubin, Director Citigroup Inc; Council on Foreign Relations
* Peter R. Kann, CEO of Wall Street Journal; Trilateral Commission
* Katharine Graham, President Newsweek: Council on Foreign Relations
* Richard N. Haass; President, Council on Foreign Relations
* Martin S. Feldstein, President, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc; Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group


 The Russian Presitent Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg),[20][21] the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998). Vladimir Spiridonovich's father was a cook to Vladimir Lenin.[22] Putin's birth was preceded by the deaths of two brothers, Viktor and Albert, born in the mid-1930s. Albert died in infancy and Viktor died of diphtheria during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II.[23] Putin's mother was a factory worker and his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, serving in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s. Early in World War II, his father served in the destruction battalion of the NKVD.[24][25][26] Later, he was transferred to the regular army and was severely wounded in 1942.[27] Putin's maternal grandmother was killed by the German occupiers of Tver region in 1941, and his maternal uncles disappeared at the war front.[28]"

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


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Socialism/Communism was created by Jews.

I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31

“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix

“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11

“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20


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 The Jewish Monopoly on Opium Still Fuels Chinese Resentment Today


Jews and Opium

20 jan. 2012 - The Jewish Monopoly on Opium Still Fuels Chinese Resentment Today ... Survey of Jardine, Matheson & Company's Operations, 1842-1895.

Jews and Opium
By:Mubashir, Canada
Date: Friday, 20 January 2012, 4:01 pm

Salam Friends,

Just wanted to share the following by Adam Israel Shamir (a former Jew now converted to Catholocism) which is a real eye opener.

It reveals some shocking facts and figures about how a trading group, used the British (willing partners) to destroy a nation by opium. After reading material like this, one cannot help wondering why Allah is so critical of these kind of Jews.


The Religion of Bernie Sanders


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The Religion Of Bernie Sanders


 Please help by making a donation to help whites against the blockade.


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Would you please help by making a donation to help whites against the blockade.

Maclean’s called Alberta's blockade buster a racist, so we're helping him sue! Will you support hi..

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Police, Trudeau ignore train derailments, violent protesters | Ezra Levant

Rebel Media

Remember a few weeks ago when some masked eco-terrorists blocked a railroad near Edmonton?

Police just stood there and did nothing to remove it. So a handful of peaceful Good Samaritans simply drove up with a big truck and carted away the garbage that was blocking the railroad.

It was wonderful — normal, law-abiding Albertans peacefully solving a problem that all the politicians and police wouldn’t.

But not to Maclean’s magazine. They published a crazy rant about racist white supremacist vigilantes — and illustrated it with a picture of one of those Good Samaritans, Chase Chomey.

Go to for more great Rebel content.

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. When law enforcement refuses to enforce the law that they dutifully bound to uphold, it is the responsibility and obligation of the citizenry to enforce such laws and deem those who refuse null and void of their duties.

. Thanks for aiding in his lawsuit. Every white Canadian needs to start suing these media organizations for their libellous smears.

Isn’t it strange how whites are always under attack, while other groups can never be criticized?

You need to organize a Legal group/fund with lawyers, like Judicial Watch or the ADL to sue these Marxist.. Turn the tables on them.



Jews are brainwashed from 3 YEARS OLD to be afraid of every one



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Israeli Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan (racism, child abuse etc) running rampant in Israel

 Very informative discussion (deleted from jewtube), which explains a lot about the psychotic behaviours of 98% of the jews in Israel.
Jewish soldiers encouraged to kill women & babies !
Jews are brainwashed from 3 YEARS OLD to be afraid of ever...


We actually owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the very few Jews who have broken ranks to courageously tell us the truth about the "Jewish Conspiracy Myth" as you call it, because IT IS REAL. It is thanks to courageous Jews like Henry Makow, Brother Nathanael, Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg and others that humanity is waking up. Also thanks to ex-Zionists like Elizabeth Dilling, who was so horrified by her translation of the Jewish Talmud that she wrote "The Plot Against Christianity".

-"Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?" and "Zionists Set Their Sights on Patagonia" on the Henry Makow website

- "Satan at the Wailing Wall" by Brother Nathanael

- "The Child Rape Assembly Line" interview with Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg



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Know More News LIVE feat. Doooovid

Dooovid was much less shifty this time, than I remember last time, but at the end of the day he still believes that God is going to have the Jews be the rulers and the rest of humanity will have to abide by the noahide laws... this is plain and simple supremacism, JEWISH Supremacism. This argument that the noahide laws are moral and harmless is complete bs, as they are the self proclaimed judge, jury, and executioner of what is and is not breaking them, not to mention there is no outside debate as to what and why these "laws" should be moral. Western society has spend 1000s of years debating its laws with every interested party to figure out what is moral and why, there is no such process in Judaism, they have their private debates and then seek to impose their conclusions on the rest of humanity.

Even with his over reliance on his religious beliefs, he should be a role model for other Jews as a way to be honest and have factual based conversations about reality and not try to sweep under the rug the horrible things some Jews have done and continue to do. I follow many different groups of people, and some are "Anti-Semetic" but it is a direct result of being called such when they raise concerns, kind of like well if they are going to call me one anyways screw it might as well run with it. Where as if most Jews were like dovid and were honest about this stuff and could discuss it honestly without resulting to slander most of the people that become "anti-Semitic" (which is only a rational reaction to the situation) would not. So overall, Thanks for coming on dovid and having truthful debate and acknowledging the world as it is without trying to sugar coat the Jewish influence/involvement and smearing any legitimate criticism with baseless allegations like so many of your brethren.



  The Impact of Zionist Influence in the U.S.


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Alan Sabrosky is Jewish.

Alan Sabrosky: Israel writing US laws, Zionist lobby now has total control

Alan Sabrosky – The Impact of Zionist Influence in the U.S. 1:07:05 – 2:01:30(YouTube) Alan Sabrosky examines the process by which Zionists acting on behalf of Israel have gained significant control of the United States and its government. Starting gradually in the 1950s, Zionist Jews now hold a commanding influence in such sectors as finance, business, media (online and offline), the academy, the arts, and most obviously, politics. Through funding and other tactics, they effectively control both houses of Congress, leverage the Executive branch, and exert strong influence in nearly two dozen state governments. Regardless of what one thinks of 9/11, neocons (overwhelmingly “Israel Firster” Zionist Jews) are the driving force behind the 9/11 Wars. Without their hidden hand, the wars against Iraq, Libya, and Syria would not have happened, nor the hostilities with Iran and Russia. Incessant charges of “antisemitism” and “Holocaust denial” coercively keep Jews and non-Jews alike from questioning or challenging the dominant narratives.

The reason anti-zionists have no traction is that the rothschilds don't invest enough in them, just enough to control any opposition,but not enough to make them a credible threat. The psychopaths are very well networked and resourced - that's what we are fighting. We have numbers on our side but not the money and leverage for media, political, economic, legal control.


Based Rabbi Reuven

Source: (go to 1 hour and 15 minutes)

He talks about Hitler removing Jewish bankers because they were damaging the German Economy and Hitler removed interest rates on loans for the German people.


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Soul of a Jew, soul of a gentile: Two views



 The following article from The Nation of Islam




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World Orders Review: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews (Jewish Role In Enslaving Africans)


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  Israel did 9/11 - Dr. Alan Sabrosky - U.S Army War College

  Who Was Really Behind the 9-11 Attacks?

 Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Jewish) U.S. Marine and a former Director at the U.S. Army War College points his finger with certainty at Israeli and American Zionists for planning and executing the 9/11 crimes. Only Israel benefitted. He calls for the culprits to be treated like the traitors they are.

I don't care what anyone says dr. Sabrosky is an honorable man he may be Jewish but so what he is an honorable Jew and he puts America first God bless this wonderful man!

Bin Laden did an interview with a Pakistani reporter just weeks after 9/11 and denied everything. Google 'global research bin laden denies 9/11'. And he's doing it on Iranian tv because western media is bought and paid for. Patriotism has nothing to do with blindly following your governments edicts. You're either clueless on purpose or a troll.

Zionists are behind 9/11, US media, ADL, SPLC, DHS, TSA, FEMA camps, fusion spy centers, NDAA, NSA, militarization of US law enforcement, spy drones over America, gun control/confiscation and all other draconian laws passed against Americans. Until we remove all Zionist dual Israeli citizens holding high positions in US govt, their supporters, AIPAC, Rothschilds Federal Re$erve counterfeiters, their extortion army the IR$, America will never recover to become the Republic it once was.




Dr. Andrew Bostom Jewish Professor.

Why Are So Many Jews Denying the Holocaust?


Why Are So Many Jews Denying the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is a tricky issue that many Christans are afraid to discuss, let alone even question. Despite this, Holocaust skepticism is on the rise …

You can read The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by the jewish writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes, in our free online Book Library.


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  Rabbi Shifren On Racist Chicano Park - The Daily Ledger

Graham Ledger of One American News interviews Rabbi Nachum Shifren about La Raza and the fascist aspects of Chicano Park in San Diego, California. Chicano-ism and La Raza have roots that go back to certain fascist groups in Mexico, which were allied with the Nazis. It has a similar racialist concept as Nazism, though it is modified to fit the Hispanic mestizo race. In spite of their fascist roots, they are aligned with Marxist/Communists in the US.

The La Raza is just a typical hate group, no different than the Ku Klux Klan, or Black Panther Party. They have never oppressed anyone. Everyone should already know that every action provokes a reaction of the same force.

He exposed the facts of racist La Raza!



Former Deputy Secretary Of State Steve Pieczenik Claims Jeffrey Epstein Part Of Long-Standing Mossad Operation

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 Steve Pieczenik is Jewish


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CLEARCUT | A former Israel special forces commando uses his anti-terrorism skills to train white South African farmers to defend themselves against violent gangs - and turn the tables on their attackers. Paul Tilsley discusses his report with Michelle Makori.

  Israeli Commando Trains White South African Farmers in Self-Defense

"Robberies"...I don't think you have your facts straight good sir. In 90% of these cases, nothing was stolen. It's pure murder.


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David Cole European Jew on the left giving his point of view about the Jewish Holocaust. David Cole Asks Important Questions In Auschwitz

A Jewish man visited Auschwitz and asked very important questions, he also pointed out important issues with the work camp that contradict the official narrative.


David Cole in Auschwitz: The Video of the Century.

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

David Cole (journalist)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Cole
Born 1968 (age 53–54)[1]
Nationality American
Other names David Stein
Occupation Journalist, documentary film director, writer

David Christopher Cole, also known as David Stein (born c. 1968), is an American film director. In the 1990s, he gained publicity as a Holocaust denier.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Much of the controversy Cole attracted resulted from the fact that he is Jewish. After changing his name to David Stein following death threats, he became known for his activism on behalf of the Republican Party.[1] He is the author of the book Republican Party Animal, published by Feral House in 2014.[11]

Life until 1998

In his late teens, Cole embarked on a study of American political ideology. This led author Michael Shermer to coin the term "meta-ideologue" to describe Cole. In a 1994 article in Shermer's Skeptic magazine, Shermer wrote, "Where the other revisionists are political and/or racial ideologues, Cole's interests run at a deeper level. He is a meta-ideologue – an existentialist on a quest to understand how ideologues invent their realities."[12]

In the 1990s, Cole appeared on the Montel Williams Show, the Phil Donahue Show, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, and The Morton Downey Jr. Show.[1] Ernest Hollander, the Auschwitz survivor who debated Cole on the Montel Williams Show, discovered after the show aired that the brother he thought was murdered after the two were separated upon arrival in Auschwitz was actually alive and well.[13] The brother's neighbor had seen the Montel episode, and recognized the resemblance between the two Hollanders. Both brothers had thought the other was dead (Williams hosted the reunion on his show).[14] In his autobiography,[11] Cole claimed that this supported his theory that many of the Jews deported to Auschwitz in 1944 were falsely believed to be dead.

In 1993, Cole was interviewed by Timothy Ryback for The New Yorker.[15] Other interviews from that time include the Jerusalem Report (which referred to Cole as "an unlikely media sensation" and "something of a media star"),[16] the Detroit Jewish News,[17] and Hustler.[18] He also penned op-eds for the Los Angeles Times under his own name,[19] and under the name Christopher Cole.[20][21][22][23]

In the early 1990s, Cole lectured on college campuses throughout the U.S. During a lecture at UCLA, he was assaulted on-stage, resulting in security rushing him off campus for his own safety.[24]

According to The Guardian, Cole's main thesis is that "Auschwitz was not an extermination camp in the manner of Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno – which he (Cole) acknowledged were part of a genocidal programme against Polish Jews; that the Holocaust ended in 1943, when the Nazis realised they needed Jewish slave labour for factories; and that there was no overarching, genocidal plan, but an evolving, morphing policy which claimed perhaps 4 million, rather than 6 million, Jewish lives."[1] Gawker[25] In 1994, Professor Deborah Lipstadt, told the Detroit Jewish News that there was a lot of "joy and rejoicing" in "revisionist" camps because of Cole,[17] Detroit Jewish News editor Phil Jacobs listed Cole as a threat to the Jewish people alongside "Hitler, Hussein, and Arafat",[26] and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Report "I can't think of any other Jew who has gone so far in aiding and abetting the enemies of the Jewish people".[16]

In January 1998, Irv Rubin, chairman of the Jewish Defense League, offered a monetary reward for information regarding Cole's whereabouts. The Anti-Defamation League stated that the JDL's reward offer implied that "it was prepared to take immediate, possibly violent, action" in order to "get rid" of Cole.[27] In response to the threat, Cole entered into a deal with Rubin whereby he renounced his views and the JDL removed the "reward offer." The over-the-top "recantation" was met with widespread skepticism, with Michael Shermer writing in his 2000 book Denying History that Cole's retraction demanded "a healthy dose of skepticism" because it was "so unlike his earlier positions."[5] On the JDL website, Rubin bragged that Cole's recantation is "evidence of the power of the Jewish Defense League.[28] Cole would later admit in his autobiography that the "recantation" was false.[11]

WOW MUST SEE Auschwitz the true story by David Cole in Auschwitz ! FULL DOCUMENTARY

David Cole - The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz 1 of 2

David Cole: A Jew Exposing the Holocaust

David Cole: Jews need "Jew hater

  Less than a million Jews killed in the Holocaust - Yosef Mizrachi

The Times of Israel

NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust

Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; ‘he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,’ historian says

A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.

In a video posted online, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen saying that high assimilation rates in pre-war Europe and broad Nazi definitions have exaggerated the numbers of Jews recorded as killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. At least five million of the six million were “total goyim,” Mizrachi told the crowd, adopting a Hebrew word for non-Jews that many consider pejorative.

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  NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust

A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.

In a video posted online, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen saying that high assimilation rates in pre-war Europe and broad Nazi definitions have exaggerated the numbers of Jews recorded as killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. At least five million of the six million were “total goyim,” Mizrachi told the crowd, adopting a Hebrew word for non-Jews that many consider pejorative.

“The truth, I am telling you, is that not even one million Jews were murdered,” Mizrachi said, trashing accepted historical accounts. “A lot of non-Jews were meshed into the count, but in truth, how many Jews really were killed?”

Originally from Israel, Mizrachi moved to the United States in his twenties and received rabbinic ordination there. In the past decade he has been teaching at the Ohr Yeshiva in Monsey, New York, and producing kiruv or Jewish outreach, videos.

According to his website,, Mizrachi “has spoken in over 5,000 lectures worldwide as well participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows and other Hebrew and English events in which he enriched the knowledge and awareness of Judaism among thousands of Jews who once were lacking Jewish awareness whatsoever.”

In the video, one of thousands on his YouTube page — which has amassed over a million views — Mizrachi says it is “very simple” to explain his estimates for the actual number of Jewish victims in the Holocaust.

“If you look at the percent of assimilation that there was in Europe, which already reached 80 percent, it’s reasonable to assume that 80 percent of the 6 million were not-Jews,” Mizrachi said.

“If your grandfather from your father’s side was Jewish, and the rest were non-Jews, [you went] to the gas chambers. They also put in the wives of Jews that were entirely non Jewish. If she hid him, or they were hidden by non-Jews, if they caught them, they killed them also,” he said in an apparent reference to the Nazis’ definition of Jewishness, which sufficed with a single Jewish grandparent.

While historians differ on the exact number of Jews killed at the hands of the Nazis, the most commonly cited figure for the total number has been six million with near-universal agreement among Holocaust scholars. According to British historian Martin Gilbert, the total number of victims is just under six million—around 78% of the 7.3 million Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe at the time.ENd

Atlantic Magazine Admits Jewish Role in Slave Trade




Atlantic Magazine’s Jeffrey Goldberg
Admits Farrakhan is Right on Jewish Role in Black Slavery

The Atlantic Magazine’s Jewish editor Jeffrey Goldberg has posted an article that details the Jewish role in Black slavery. He confirms that Minister Louis Farrakhan is correct in the assertion that Jews “frequently dominated” the slave trade. The article by John-Paul Pagano was posted on The Atlantic website and contains the following reference material:

“…. During slavery, Jews were slave masters, slave traders, merchants, peddlers, and state[s]men. In general, Jews were everything in the Old South except abolitionists…

Goldberg once Interviewed Min. for FOUR hours, leaving their meeting “fighting himself over how impressed he was.” Apparently, he was so impressed that he finally had to acknowledge that Minister Farrakhan was RIGHT about the Jewish role in Black oppression. See below:

The Atlantic article says this about
Jews and Black Slavery:

“Black and Jewish race relations within America were a microcosm of the greater Black-White race problem beginning in the Colonial Period. The initial Jewish contact with Blacks was an extension of the Dutch Slave Trade in which the Dutch tried desperately to eliminate “Jews and Jobbers” from the Slave Trade. Jewish history in America shows that Jews played an active role in the institution of slavery. Almost from the beginning there were Jewish slaveholders in New Amsterdam [New York]. Rhode Island history shows that Aaron Lopez and Jacob Rivera, refugees from the Spanish Inquisition, were well-known slave traders of colonial Newport. For the most part Jews in the North adopted the prevailing patterns of the people in the North. When slavery died out in the North so did Jewish participation in the institution.

“As a group, Jews did not adopt a position toward slavery in the manner which Quakers made their position clear. When the abolition movement surfaced the Jewish community remained aloof and took no concerted stand on the issue.

“The majority of Black and Jewish contacts in Colonial America was in the southern Colonies, especially South Carolina and Georgia….Jews, as a result, were quite prominent in this colony [South Carolina] as well as Georgia. This fact did not cause Jews to treat Blacks any better than other colonial Whites. As historians Bertram Korn and Jacob R. Marcus indicated, the Jewish treatment toward Blacks did not differ from their fellow white Gentiles.

“The presence of the southern Jews complemented the system of slavery; their mercantilistic interest made slavery a more effective labor system. While most Jews were not to be found on plantations, their activities made the plantation a self-sufficient unit. What was not produced on the plantation was delivered by Jewish merchants. The southern Jew had as much, if not more, to gain by maintaining the system of slavery as any other white segment within the South. During the Civil War Jews defended the system which insured them acceptance and success in the South. Neither the Civil War nor Reconstruction changed the southern Jews’ perception of Blacks as an animal to be used and exploited.

“The belief that Jews were superior to Blacks was not alien to Jewish circles. An article in a Jewish newspaper in 1863 illustrated that some Jews had a strong leaning in the direction of white supremacy:

‘We know not how to speak in the same breath of the Negro and the Israelite. The very names have startling opposite sounds—one representing all that is debased and inferior in the hopeless barbarity and heathenism of six thousand years; the other, the days when Jehovah conferred on our fathers the glorious equality which led the Eternal to converse with them and allow them to enjoy the communion of angels. Thus the abandoned fanatics insult the choice of God himself in endeavoring to reverse the inferiority which He stamped on the African to make him compeer even in bondage of His chosen people. There is no parallel between such races…The judicious in all the earth agree that to proclaim the African equal to the surrounding races would be a farce which would lead the civilized conservatives of the world to denounce this outrage.’

“The above blunt opinion reflected Jewish sentiment about Blacks after slavery ended.

“In the New South Jews were deeply ingrained in the southern system. Historian John S. Ezell stated:

‘Probably in no other region of the United States have Jews been so integrated with the general population or subject to less discrimination. Most came into the South after a period of assimilation in the North. They were welcomed because of their business connection which fitted in well with the philosophy of the New South as they quickly occupied an impartial position in the retail dry-good business.’

“Often in the New South, success of Jewish merchants depended upon winning Black trade. Jewish merchants appeared more courteous…than fellow white merchants. Blacks were often the victims of sales pressure when Jews refused to accept no-sale for an answer. …. ‘Jewing Down’…. The Jewish merchant received his desired price and the naïve Black went away with the over-priced goods.”

[end of excerpt from The Atlantic]

—From “Historical Impressions of Black-Jewish Relations prior to World War II,” in Strangers & Neighbors: Relations between Blacks & Jews in the United States, edited by Maurianne Adams and John Bracey (Amherst: Univ. of Mass. Press, 1999), pp. 34-36.

The statement above on the Jewish involvement in Black slavery and Black oppression was presented by Jeffrey Goldberg, editor of the Atlantic Magazine. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has presented precisely the SAME history and yet he is called “anti-Semitic.”



 In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews” and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed the terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin.

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putin was right aboue j

NJEHA-Banner-Drop NJEHA Banner Drop



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Jewish writer in Israel Sever Plocker

Israel Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism

This historical video shows a mainstream Israeli news-site, YNET NEWS and a courageous Jewish writer who discusses who led the worst genocide and mass murder of all time. It shows the ethnic hatreds behind much of the communist genocide and the same mindset that accompanies the genocide against the Palestinians", Blacks, Asians, Whites, Muslims and many White Jews.


"From "Monster: A Portrait of Stalin in Blood" (5 part mini-series) 1992 Executive producer: Alexander Ivankin International producer: Maya Toidze"

Stalin's Enslavement of Rural Russia (full documentary)

"Walter Durante got a Pulitzer prize for printing in the New York Times that the starvation and kulak murders were exaggerated myths. Everything is great in Stalin's New world!"

"The Russian did the very same thing to my family in Bulgaria in the late 1940's. They were Kulaks who owned a 1000 acre farm in Varna. The communist took it and told my family they were now part of the collective. They ran the farm for the government. When communism failed in the early 1990's they gave the estate back to my family. My cousin now owns and runs it."

For those who have studied the character of the Russian government, knows that the Russian government is governed by mobs and gangs, where power is concentrated in a few hands. And wherever such a concentration of power exists, there you shall find great crimes and great criminals – that is to say, psychopaths. This is the character of the Russian government. In 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, a power remained concentrated in a few hands. The government was not really accountable to anyone. Despite this underlying reality, everything was arranged so that it all appeared to be moving in the direction of democratic capitalism and proper checks and balances, but nothing of the kind ever happened. The objective of making the changes in the first place was to fool the West. The problem of today’s Russia goes back to 1917 when the country was taken over by gangsters who called themselves “communists.” We must not be naive about the idealistic terms the Russian communists used to describe their “mission.” They murdered, they stole, and they oppressed the Russian people, Baltic people and the Ukrainian people, and the people of Central Asia and the Caucasus, etc. The communists made themselves into a new ruling class under Stalin and his successors. As such, the system was an enormous criminal enterprise in which tens of millions of innocent people were killed.


Socialism/Communism was created by Jews.




Farmers / kulacs are today's conservatives / Republicans
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Published on Apr 18, 2019
Avi Yemini  (Jewish) on right has been smeared by MSM and even Jim Jefferies for his views on Islam and immigration. Avi joins Alex to discuss solutions for taking these lies head on.
 Avi Yemini Jewish guy in Australia
Fortunately, Comedy Central and the DHS/FBI officials at LAX have been made to look very silly when Avi Yemini has been brave to expose Globalist-paid agent/rat Jim Jefferies for the villainous liar that JJ really is.At present, anyone wanting a job in television broadcasting here in Australia has little alternative to the [Australian] ABC or the SBS, Seven, Nine and Ten [commercial] networks or the pay TV giants Foxtel and Netflix [and their own contracted channel providers including - horror-of-horrors - CNN and Comedy Central. The ABC, the SBS, the ACMA [commercial/pay TV content regulator] and Telstra [owner of 50% of Foxtel] are in the control of the Australian Federal Government, because the top appointments to these bodies are made by the Minister of Communications. If these giant network operators [or their contracted channel providers] I have just mentioned take a dislike to any technician, announcer, writer, producer, director, musician, actor, presenter, guest performer, guest interviewee, etc, he or she can be virtually banned from social media AND television broadcasting - as the experience that Infowars and now Avi Yemini have had in their dealings with CNN, Comedy Central, big-tech etc demonstrates.There is another nasty side-effect. Certain media companies and even finance transaction groups have many a time reluctantly said that, because they are dependent on big-tech, globalist-controlled corporate media organisations, regulators like the ACMA or the FCC, and/or the Globalist Elite and its paid far-left activist fronts [such as the "Media Matters Campaign"], etc, they therefore cannot or can no longer be publicly associated with Infowars and/or other conservative/libertarian alternative media groups and "personalities". Everything about nanny-state monopoly [in this case, monopoly over content control] is bad; the most dreadful thing about it is that the Global Elite are in a position to require governments to pass laws making it a "crime" to set up a cheaper, more reliable and least-intrusive social media system or internet streaming service.

 Avi Yemini Jewish guy in Australia

Rallying with thousands of proud Aussies in Perth to save the persecuted white South Africans. SHARE WITH THE WORLD!! ?????? Join the fight ➡️ Support the fight ➡️

Aussies Rally for South Africa

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Laura Loomer (Jewish) is pro Israel and the USA, and is not afraid to say white people are discriminated against by the globalist manstream media. The media call her a fascist, ultra right wing, a Nazi, supremacist and yet the so called Jewish organizations like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League does not defend her.

A number of nationalist Jews who are pro the United States first have had their websites shut down or restricted by big tech with some of the CEOs are Jewish.

The big tech Jews and many Jewish organizations do not fight for Jews who fight for free speech and against Globalist.

Everybody thinks that Jews are absolutely united but as I said many times the so called Jewish establishment do not represent Jews, they represent themselves for profit and are only using the Jews to hide behind and to use them to do their dirty work against good Jews and everybody else.

Laura Loomer makes a living by being a freelance journalist.

Jewish and Pro Israel and United States.
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 Twitter,  Mr Jack Dorsey.
On February 20, 2019, Laura Loomer held a protest at Twitter's HQ office in NYC to demand that Twitter stop censoring Conservatives. See Less

  Conservatives Protest Social Media Bias At Twitter HQ…

 Laura Loomer - I am thrilled. Yesterday California GOP... - Facebook


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David Icke

 David Icke's First Inview With Israel Media with Jewish Friend

David Icke's First Interview With Israeli Media - Must Watch - Dot-Connector Videocast


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Mystery Babylon - Texe Marrs NWO


Texe Marrs talks about Howard M.Sachar (Jewish) who wrote that some Jews finance the American Revolution against British Rule.

 Haym_Salomon Haym Salomon

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Shlomo Sand  on the Invention Of The Jewish People

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Shlomo Sand former Pro from Department of History at Tel Aviv University in Israel, is probably best known for his bestselling  "The Invention of the Jewish People."

Shlomo states in his book that Jews are not descendants of Abraham. "Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is challenging notions of a Jewish people quoted in his new book, "those who claim to be all of the Jewish people cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the holy land, but converts along the way."

The majority of European Jews are descendants from Ice Age Europeans in Europe who over thousands of years become Celtic, Germanic, Latin, Slavic, Khazars tribes,and over a period of time some Europeans converted from gentiles to the Jewish faith. Israel is the religious homeland for Jews and Europe is the racial homeland and both European Jews and white Europeans are the same race.

How I Stopped Being a Jew, Shlomo Sand, SOAS University of London

Shlomo Sand to Secular Jews: I'm Not Jewish and Neither Are You

Shlomo Sand on the Tel Aviv Review: "How I stopped being a Jew"

002 Video Helen Thomas and Shlomo Sand Say the Truth 1


Shlomo Sand former Pro from Department of History at Tel Aviv University in Israel. There are Israeli, not Jewish people.

Shlomo Sand: 'There are Israeli, not Jewish people'


Israel/Palestine and the Politics of a Two-State Solution › books
Thomas G. Mitchell · 2013 · ‎Social Science
Garda Jerry McCabe: Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness claimed that it was ... Jews aren't really the descendants of ancient Israelites, and even if they are, ...


Disarmament of the People

The US Second Amendment guarantees the right of the public to have guns.  This right was given by the founding fathers of the United States.  It specifically states:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

A flagrant threat to the Second Amendment is detailed in a 1961 State Department Memorandum, which explains how the United Nations will oversee "complete disarmament" of the American people under the ruse of preventing war.  You can find this online here under the specific law - Title 22 USC section 2551, which was signed by John F. Kennedy.  What is frightening about it, is the lengths they are prepared to go to in order to achieve this complete disarmament.

Dogma created to turn people against having their own guns promote guns increase crime.  However, dramatized movies depicting many gun battles do not really represent American history.  The American people's history with guns is a good one, and in the past, many adults right down to young lads had guns, yet the majority did not go out and commit violent acts.  It was, however, important for the people to have access to them in order to protect themselves from an outside threat, should the need arise.  Even Sheriffs across the United States are rising up against disarmament.

Sheriffs across the United States are rising up against disarmament.


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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Founded by Jews in 1989, JPFO initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed.

Rabbi Dovid Bendory In a very revealing video, JPFO's Rabbi, Dovid Bendory, who incidentally is himself Jewish, tells us what Americans are facing regarding their Second Amendment rights in the near future.  It is very interesting to note that the biggest anti-gun organization is Handgun Control Inc., and their leadership is about 50% Jewish.

He gives some highly compelling arguments in his lecture presentation "The Ten Commandments of Self Defense", which uses the Jewish faith and ancient texts to answer some hard questions on the rights of self-defense.  Below are some quotes from the Torah which he uses to argue for the defense of second amendment rights:

"The Torah says:  If someone comes to kill you, preemptively strike him first."

"If the thief is found tunneling into the house and he is hit and killed, there is no blood guilt."

"One who breaks into a home, whether by day or night, if the homeowner kills him there is no crime."

Gun Control Today, Dictatorship Tomorrow

There are plenty of historical examples to show that government restriction and prevention of firearms can lead to dictatorship and in some extreme cases genocide of its citizens. 

We have cited a number of examples below and the JPFO have done up an easy with PDF, which you can download here.

Genocide Chart PDF file

1911:  Turkey established gun control.  From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million non-combatant Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1929:  The Soviet Union established gun control.  From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million non-combatant “dissidents,” unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1935:  China established gun control.  From 1948 to 1952, 20 million non-combatant political “dissidents,” unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1938:  Germany established gun control.  From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million non-combatant Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

1956:  Cambodia established gun control.  From 1975 to 1977, one million educated non-combatant people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1964:  Guatemala established gun control.  From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1970:  Uganda established gun control. From 1971 to 1979 300,000 non-combatant Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless and non-combatant people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century:  56 million


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Jewish Professor Barry Trachtenberg vs. Zionist Censors

 Know More News with Adam Green


Jewish Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

Jewish Rabbi David Bar-Hayim is against the non-white invasion into White countries.

"A jewish Rabbi explains planned mass migration and backgrounds. He confirms the criminality and immorality of the agenda of mass migration and that many biological jews are behind it. Source: Her underlines, that these jews do not represent the jewish people, but the "cultural marxism" and "internationalism" (which was heavily financed by jewish banksters...). According to the (jewish) Torah, people must have their own nations states, inherited values, own culture, etc. and NOT promoted by the propaganda of these cultural marxists, in politics, massmedia, etc., and their powerful backers."

RABBI: Biological Jews behind Open Borders for White Countries ! (Read Text!)


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  Rabbi David Bar-Hayim.

Interview with the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim.

  The Replacement Theology & False Messianism of Chabad


Interview of Rabbi David Bar-Hayim Shlitta, Av Bet Din of Machon Shilo, with Rabbi Yair Hoffman, for Please visit

Who or what is machon shilo?



Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is.

Why did Zionists created Zionism


CMES hosted a speaking event featuring Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. The event was held at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Shapiro is the rabbi of a congregation in Queens, New York. He is best known for his outspoken stance defending the historic Orthodox Jewish position that rejects the concept of Jewish nationalism and therefore opposes Zionism and does not recognize Israel as the Jewish State. 

Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro


In this interview, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, rabbi of Beis Medrash of Bayswater, explains the motives behind the claims of Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders to represent all Jews. He explains how Zionism, starting from Theodor Herzl, unilaterally arrogated to itself the right to speak in the name.

The Real Reason that Netanyahu and Israeli Leader's Claim to Speak for All Jews



 Jewish Comments


Jews are loving People with big heart they don't hate gentiles they love and they are awesome


Tears came to my eyes, when you spoke Rabbi Shapiro. Thank you so much for standing up to Zionists, they do not speak for Jews in America or diaspora or represent us. From Sadie, A loyal American Jew in Maryland whose family of Portuguese Jews came into South Carolina, over 250 years ago.


Katie Hopkins (gentile) visiting Israel


These children explain a piece of graffiti in the refugee camp, of Israelis stealing water from Palestinians.

“The Jews took all the water in our country”

Katie Hopkins: "Israel is my natural home" (FULL SPEECH)

Katie Hopkins of gave this speech to over 300 fans in Tel Aviv, Israel. It was her first visit to the country she calls her "natural home." MORE:


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American European Jew Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro - White Privilege (Full)

Ben Shapiro; Destroys the lefts new tactic of "White Guilt "

Indian Student Ask Ben Shapiro On White Privileges, Gets A Proper Reply

High School Teacher Confronts Ben Shapiro, Instantly Regrets It!!!

Ben Shapiro on Gay Marriage, Gun Control, and Piers Morgan





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John Mcafee From The Grave: I Did Not Kill Myself


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Andrew Breitbart Called Sheriff Arpaio Hours Before His Death

Andrew Breitbart Jewish faith. The founder of Breitbart News Agency and many people say he was killed by the Deep State ( Globalist) for fighting for our rights.

'Mancow' Muller: Breitbart Was Murdered!! 1/2

Is This What Killed Andrew Breitbart? The CIA Heart-Attack Gun

Why Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy were Murdered.

Andrew Breitbart at The Heritage Foundation


Andrew Breitbart Videos

Andrew Breitbart: Cultural Marxism and Dishonest Media

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart — Media War

Andrew Breitbart - Righteous Indignation

Andrew Breitbart Explains Cultural Marxism


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Milo Yiannopoulos(Jewish) on the left.

Milo talks about muslims, racism,and how Europe has changed.

Milo On Why Britain Should Leave The EU: To Stop Muslim Immigration

Milo: The Alt-Right Is Going Nowhere and This Is Why

Milo's 12 Steps to Destroy the Alt Right



Norman FinklesteinProfessor Norman Finkelstein

Norman Finkelstein is an author who primarily deals with research surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is also passionate about the Holocaust, motivated by the experiences of his parents and has had a controversial career writing scathing reviews of prominent scholars who he accuses of misrepresentation of fact, in order to defend Israel.

He writes about many charged topics such as Zionism and allegations of the "holocaust industry" used by Israel to further its financial interests. After a publicized feud between himself and another academic, he was forced into resignation from his tenured position. In 2008 he was banned from entering Israel for the next decade.

Best of Norman Finkelstein, Jewish Heavyweight in Anti-Zionism

Finkelstein Dismantles the Logic of Zionism

Zionist Israeli Girl Debates Jewish Professor Dr. Norman Finkelstein


Miko Peled   Miko Peled

Miko Peled is an Israeli peace activist and author of the book:  "The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine".  Born into a prestigious Israeli Zionist family, it was most surprising that after his niece was killed in a Palestinian suicide attack, he placed the blame squarely on the state of Israel.

Peled wrote in a June 2012, op-ed, (a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper); for the Los Angeles Times which states:

"Israel is faced with two options:  Continue to exist as a Jewish state while controlling the Palestinians through military force and racist laws, or undertake a deep transformation into a real democracy where Israelis and Palestinians live as equals in a shared state, their shared homeland. For Israelis and Palestinians alike, the latter path promises a bright future."

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To hear this honest, ground breaking talk from Peled revealing the truth about the terror state of Israel watch: An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

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Book The Generals SonThe General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine

Synopsis:  In 1997, a tragedy struck the family of Israeli-American Miko Peled.  His beloved niece, Smadar, was killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem.  That tragedy propelled Peled onto a journey of discovery.  It pushed him to re-examine many of the beliefs he had grown up with, as the son and grandson of leading figures in Israel's political-military elite, which transformed him into a courageous and visionary activist in the struggle for human rights and a hopeful, lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

In "The General's Son," Peled writes about growing up in Jerusalem in the heart of the group which ruled the then-young country, Israel. He describes the path he took being his belief in peace between the two peoples living in the Holy Land.  He paints numerous touching portraits of Palestinian and Israeli peace activists he has worked with in recent years.

No Jews Are Israelite Descendants ~ Miko Peled Israeli General's Son

  Exclusive interview: Honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel



Mr. Benjamin Freedman, born Oct 4, 1890

Benjamin Freedman (pictured right), was a successful European Jewish businessman of New York City, United States, who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company.  He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory in 1945 (2nd world war). He spent the remainder of his life, and a great part of his fortune (at least 2.5 million US dollars), exposing the anti-Semitic Zionist tyranny which has superimposed itself on the United States.

Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and knew about anti-Semitic Zionist, false Jewish dirty tricks to gain power over different countries. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch (American financier and political consultant), Samuel Untermyer (who made a speech in 1933 declaring a 'holy war' by the Jews against Germany), Joseph Kennedy (Father of JFK) and three former American presidents; Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy and many people of power.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel
Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how two World Wars were started and why the US was eventually drawn in.


Similar to Nathanael Kapner, Freedman is jewish by birth (jewish race) although he later “converted” to Christianity and adopted Catholicism as his religion.

Although Freedman doesn’t spend too much time on the Holocaust, his 1961 speech in the Willard Hotel is fascinating. It deals with some interesting topics, including Zionism and the jewish declaration of war and international boycott against Germany in 1933.



Aaron RussoAaron Russo

Aaron Russo was a Jewish producer and filmmaker who sadly passed away in 2007 from cancer. An activist and a truth seeker, he exposed the Rockefeller involvement in the creation of feminism, which was pushed for sinister reasons including the Establishment of the New World Order and Central banking. He became involved in politics in the early 90s when he produced a documentary called, "Mad As Hell".

Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the  NWO

Terminally Ill Jewish Whistleblower Aaron Russo Exposes The Zionist New World Order

Brother Nathaneal



Brother Nathanael

Brother Nathanael (pictured right), is a well-known activist. On his website, "Real Jew News", as well as his hugely popular YouTube channel which produces short, yet effective videos on similar content to his website. He writes critical analysis articles that are about the crimes of the false Jewish Supremacists.

Why I left Judaisim?

The Jewish Talmud Exposed

How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ

Brother Nathanael - Holocaust Myths


Michael SavageMichael Savage

Dr. Michael Savage is heard by hundreds of thousands of listeners each week via his video podcast, "The Savage Nation".  He is also the best-selling author of 25 books and earned himself a "freedom of speech award" in 2007, from Talkers Magazine.

He is a crucial figure in the fight for free speech and American ideas today with his open discussion about liberalism, truth, and culture.  

He is infamous for being the only media personnel from the United States to ever be blacklisted from a First World Country. In 2009, he was banned from visiting Britain which earned him worldwide media attention resulting in the New Yorker magazine profiling him.

Home of the Savage Nation

Michael Savage Larry King FULL Interview - November 2015
November 2015, Radio Talker Michael Savage tells Larry why no one but Donald Trump can stop Hillary Clinton from a 2016 win. Plus his warning of a future America with no borders, no language and no representation and the solutions he offers in his book "Government Zero."


Mark SteynMark Steyn

Born in 1959, Mark Steyn (pictured right) is an author, journalist and political commentator who was baptized with Jewish roots through his great grandmother. He has written five books with the most well known being the New York Times bestseller; "America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It".

He has written a number of opinion pieces on multiculturalism and Islam in the West with a stance generally considered to be quite controversial.  

An example of his stance on Islam from the Jewish World News:

"Can Islam be made to live with the norms of free societies in which it now nests? Can Islam learn – or be forced – to suck it up the way Mormons, Catholics, Jews and everyone else do? If not, free societies will no longer be free. Pam Geller understands that, and has come up with her response. By contrast, Ed Miliband, Irwin Cotler, Francine Prose, Garry Trudeau and the trendy hipster social-media But boys who just cancelled Mr Fawstin's Facebook account* are surrendering our civilization. They may be more sophisticated, more urbane, more amusing dinner-party guests ...but in the end they are trading our liberties."

The Fraud of Multiculturalism

Mark Steyn – Defending Free Speech

Conrad Black Interviews Mark Steyn

Images courtesy of Wikipedia, Wikipedia, Good reads, Huge Questions, A Different Perspective, WXLM, Wikimedia




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