PURGE - Fictional Narrative: The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who want to purge pro- Americans, Christians and ban guns. PURGE - Fictional Narrative The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who…
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Politics & Legal
Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe apparently were also major figures in the slave trade. In fact Jews had been involved not only in the African slave trade, but also, and for a very long period of time, in a variety of other slave trades as well. Apparently, they…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Jews Now Demand Reparations For Property Stolen By Jewish Communist Regime Christians for Truth Jews Now Demand Reparations From Poland For Property Stolen By Jewish Communist Regime December 11, 2019 By CFT Team -- 9 Comments After soaking the German government for billions in…
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Fighting Against Globalist
The earthquake in Syria has totally destroyed parts of the country. Entire city blocks reduced to rubble. On February 6, a deadly earthquake hit southern Turkey and northern Syria. While most countries rushed to help the victims in Turkey, very few countries helped Syrians in their despair.…
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The Globalists have conditioned us to believe Christianity was behind the African slave trade. The Globalists have successfully conditioned us to believe Christianity was behind the African slave trade. They have promoted this idea to create guilt in the White Christian population so that the White Christians…
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Raquel Liberman Jewish White Slave Trade. White Slavery "One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews of Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany…
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Legal & Politics
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade. The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
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Legal & Politics
Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs that are used to feminize men Pressure mounts on Bayer CEO to fix legal problems as chairman quits Bayer’s shares have plunged about a quarter in value since August 2018, when the company lost a U.S. lawsuit claiming that…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Basque Origins | DNA, Language, and History
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Culture & Heritage
Tommy Robinson meets Lutz Bachmann, leader of PEGIDA, at a historic march in Dresden. The Berlin Wall stood for 28 years, and this day marked 28 years since it came down. The people of Dresden are just as concerned, angry and betrayed as the people of Cottbus…
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TONIGHT: Parler and Rumble CEOs on 'Life, Liberty & Levin,' 8p ET Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski is Jewish. Parler From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Screenshot Type of business Private Type of site Social networking service Founded 2018[1] Headquarters Nashville, Tennessee…
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UN urges Israel to stop ‘apartheid practices’ against Palestinians Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks.' In Turkey Some "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks' who were responsible for the Armenian genocide, wherein up to…
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Meet the jew who created the word "Nazi", orst Müller: http://entityart.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/adolf-hitler-ww2-truth/nazi-slur-WW2-myth-Meme-shp.jpg George. L. Mosse was Jewish. The Mystical Origins of National Socialism journal article The Mystical Origins of National Socialism G. L. Mosse Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jan. -…
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Fighting Against Globalist
Genrikh Yagoda Genrikh Yagoda, a name unfamiliar to the masses, don't let this Hitler mustache look alike fool you, he is no saint towards the human races. Genrikh Yagoda was a communist mass murderer in the communist controlled Soviet Union. He was responsible…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Mandatory Vaccination for Children Is Kosher, Says The European Court of Human Rights Apparently having “human rights” means that the government can inject you and your family with known neurotoxins and other dangerous ingredients, all for the “greater good” of course. From Barron’s The European Court…
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Constitutions and Laws