Jennifer Bridges of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how she lost her job as a nurse after refusing to sign a waiver and take a mandatory covid injection and being ordered to cover up vaccine injuries and death.
This is the Left behind all this crap.
The moment we eliminate the Left, which means eliminate the idea of allowing the Party in Govt lying to & enslaving every one, every thing to their party, we can have our lives back!
The pandemic is a political one, not a medical one If we leave the Left alone, every time they get caught with their pants down, balls deep in another massive degenerate criminal leftist scam, that threatens to enslave us all, it is only a matter of time, the criminal Left succeeds.
There is NO COMMON UTOPIA for all - this is because one man's utopia can be another's hell.
The Left tries to deliver something that does not exist & end up delivering Utopia for their Party Politicians & Party allies, while the rest of us, get hell delivered to us
The only answer is to allow individuals to pursue their own utopias, while making sure we do not interfere with another's pursuit of happiness & mediating disputes with each other justly.
This is the American Right's ideals & we need to embrace the American Right's ideals.
In Alberta Canada the Vaccine lottery is up to 3 million dollars, that's 3 prizes of 1 million each. Can't believe people are taking the covid shot over this. I see lots of people saying they are signing up and getting the shot. Scary times were in.
Laura Loomer has won her Florida House District 21 primary.
Laura, 26, is currently running for office in Florida’s 21st district — which happens to be the voting residence of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania.
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We should all text The Trump campaign that we want him to stand up and tell the truth about what's going on!
Would you please write letter or send email to President Trump to stop white genocide by campaigning against non-white invasion into white countries including the United States and ask him to allow all White South Africans into the United States.
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
From Stormfront: A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and named for the late Elie Wiesel aims to improve the U.S. response to emerging or potential genocides.
The Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2017 introduced Thursday serves to improve U.S. efforts to prevent major casualties overseas.
Reps. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., and Ann Wagner R-Mo., introduced the measure named for the Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate. It ensures that the official policy of the United States deems the prevention of genocide and other crimes a matter of national security interest.
Would you please write letter or send email to President Trump to stop white genocide by campaigning against non-white invasion into white countries including the United States
and ask him to allow all White South Africans into the United States.
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
The Honorable Donald J. Trump President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20500The Honorable Mike Pence Vice President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20500
Titled simply “Pardon Roger Stone,” the petition plainly asks the President to pardon his friend and associate.
“We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the President of the United States grant a full and unconditional pardon to Roger Jason Stone Jr,” the petition states.
Nearly 1,000 people have signed the petition as of writing.
Stone, 67, faces up to 50 years in prison after a jury found him guilty on all counts Friday, including witness tampering and obstruction.
Would you please write letter or send email to President Trump to stop white genocide by campaigning against non-white invasion into white countries including the United States
and ask him to allow all White South Africans into the United States.
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
From Stormfront: A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and named for the late Elie Wiesel aims to improve the U.S. response to emerging or potential genocides.
The Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2017 introduced Thursday serves to improve U.S. efforts to prevent major casualties overseas.
Reps. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., and Ann Wagner R-Mo., introduced the measure named for the Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate. It ensures that the official policy of the United States deems the prevention of genocide and other crimes a matter of national security interest.
Would you please write letter or send email to President Trump to stop white genocide by campaigning against non-white invasion into white countries including the United States
and ask him to allow all White South Africans into the United States.
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Did Your MEPs Stand Up to #SaveYourInternet?
Check their Vote on the EU Copyright Directive
The directory below lists the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) of your country and how they voted during the crucial European Parliament Plenary session vote on the new EU Copyright Directive on 26 March, 2019. Jump to the results below
British Election on the 23 May 2019, please vote for Tommy Robinson and donate money for his election cost.
"Tommy Robinson was previously imprisoned for his views on globalism and open borders in Europe. Now that he is running for parliament, he's facing even more censorship. Tommy joins Alex to discuss the effects of censorship on his campaign and the future of populism."
Because Tommy is effective, he threatens the political “status quo” and their cohorts in the establishment media. The far-left with their radical Muslim brothers also attack Tommy every which way they can. The more they can delay, the more they can defame and slander, the more pressure they can exert on Tommy is better for them. Its time for them to feel the squeeze!
Tommy has had to hire a 24-hour security detail to keep him safe, on top of that he has a shortfall of cash to purchase more leaflets. Tommy needs to get 3 million more leaflets delivered into the North West community so he can make the electorate aware of who he is, but perhaps, more importantly, to make them know he is not the person the media portray him to be.
Tommy is a working-class lad, from a working-class town, with working-class problems and extreme radical Islamic issues. Tommy has the full might of the political and media elites working against him 24/7, its a burden he carries well, with your help and support.
Let’s not forget that “after” 5 months of being exonerated by the court of appeal for charges of contempt of court, he now has to go back and answer to the same charge? Is it any coincidence these charges have been brought again during the course of him running for MEP in the North West?
We don’t think so.
He rattles the government; they should be rattled!
The working-class has working-class problems, Champagne Socialists from the Labour Party won’t do anything about it, the snooty sneering toffs of the Conservative Party won’t do anything about it either. The two-party duopoly that controls the majority of the British Parliament have done nothing for the working-class; they have taken them for granted and forgotten them completely. They are worse than useless; they don’t care about you.
Tommy won’t let the working-class be ignored any more because he is working-class. He loves the real people of this nation, not some plastic virtue-signalling snob from the establishment left or right. Tommy does care about you.
Please donate what you can no matter how big or how small. Tommy relies on your help because he won’t get any from political donors, it’s you, the real people of this nation, the backbone of this nation, who can help Tommy get into the EU parliament. Once he is there, he will light a fire under their backsides on your behalf; he will do that with a big smile on his face.
Tommy doesn’t want a wage from the EU; he will happily donate ALL of his EU wages to victims of grooming gangs so they can receive the professional help they need to get their lives back on track. That’s the honour of a man whos not in it for money; he’s in it for the people.
Help Tommy help our communities.
Help him, donate to him, vote for him and make a difference!
Illustrative image of a pregnant woman. (Pexels via JTA)
More than 100 rabbis and cantors called on New York state lawmakers to pass a bill to legalize surrogacy.
The 118 clergy members urged the passage of the Child-Parent Security Act in a letter Tuesday to the state’s House speaker, Carl Heastie, and Senate majority leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, both Democrats. Among the signatories are rabbis representing the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox movements.
The bill, which has the support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, would legalize paid gestational surrogacy, in which a woman is compensated to carry a child not conceived using her eggs. Proponents say it allows those facing infertility and LGBTQ couples to have children, while detractors say the practice is immoral. The measure also would ease the process through which parents who enlist a third party to conceive establish a legal relationship with the child.
The letter — organized by the Protecting Modern Families Coalition, an alliance of organizations in support of the legislation — references Jewish tradition in arguing for the bill’s passage.
“From birth to Bar/Bat Mitzvah, marriage, and burial, at the core of most of the major Jewish life cycle events is family,” it reads. “As rabbis, we know the visceral, central importance for so many of our congregants of building a family.”
Among the signatories are Rabbis Sharon Kleinbaum of the LGBTQ synagogue Congregation Beit Simchat Torah; Rick Jacobs, who heads the Reform movement; Dov Linzer, president of the liberal Orthodox Yeshivat Chovevei Torah rabbinical school; and Rabbi Avram Mlotek, an Orthodox rabbi who announced last month that he will perform same-sex weddings. The UJA-Federation of New York and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm, also joined the letter.
Along with New York, gestational surrogacy is now banned in Michigan and Louisiana, but couples in other states may face restrictions.
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In a speech to hundreds of New York bankers and businessmen on Dec. 16, 2016, Jared admitted that Trump was "easy to hate from afar." But not to worry, he said, Trump wouldn't be keeping his campaign promises -- especially on immigration.
One banker who heard the speech was appalled, shocked by Jared's arrogance in thinking he could "control" the president.
Joke's on him. Turns out Jared was right. He does control Trump.
And what a blessing that's been.
It was Jared's idea to fire FBI Director James Comey. If Trump hadn't followed that advice, there would have been no independent counsel.
It was also Jared and Ivanka's idea to hire Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn. (Ivanka was adamant, saying Flynn gets "anything he wants.")
If Trump hadn't hired Manafort and Flynn, the independent counsel investigation would have been over in about a week.
Even Trump's opponents warned him about the man Javanka said should have anything he wants. Ward reports:
"President Barack Obama gave Trump two pieces of advice: One was that the biggest problem he would face as president was the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. The second was a warning against hiring Flynn: 'He'll cause you nothing but problems.'" Read More »
Would you please promote video below " Plaasnnrde The killing Fields" by Katie Hopkins and send a link to the United States President Trump
LEARN more about the documentary and companion book by Shillman Fellow Katie Hopkins: Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields is a world-first — a documentary that goes well beyond polite interviews in safe places and deep into uncomfortable places, where the heart of the truth lives. Included in this groundbreaking work are interviews with active farm attackers and serving police officers who confirm corrupt police are complicit in the mass-slaughter of South Africa’s whites. MORE: Never miss a new Rebel video:
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you
I pray you all find peace and some happiness and take care of yourself. May 2019 bring you memories of good times.
The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist and communist ideas.
Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.
Jews are united national, international and are a nation within a nation with their own government.
White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured. Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and do not promote community services to their people. They do not have national or international congresses to unite them.
Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.
- For Britain Facebook: Twitter: @ForBritainParty Sample letter to your MP - raise your voice
The biggest free speech battle in modern American history has been initiated with the removal of Alex Jones and InfoWars from the Internet. Legislation and mass protests against the monopoly platforms that have banned Alex Jones from the internet is the only way forward.
Twitter suspends Ron Paul Institute executive’s account, one day after Big Tech blocks InfoWars:
The suspensions come a day after Alex Jones, and his podcast InfoWars, was kicked out from several popular media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.
Several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, have found their Twitter accounts suspended. It comes after tech giants went after right-wing journalist Alex Jones, banning his show from their platforms.
Radio host and editorial director of Scott Horton, former State Department employee and author Peter Van Buren, and Dan McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, found their twitter accounts suspended on Monday, according to
Horton has been disciplined for the use of improper language against journalist Jonathan M. Katz, he said in a brief statement. McAdams was suspended for retweeting him, he said.
Past tweets in both accounts were available to the public at the time of the writing, unlike the account of Van Buren, which was fully redacted.
Horton and McAdams apparently fell victim of Twitter’s suspension algorithm after objecting to Katz’s quarrel with Van Buren over an earlier interview.
The suspensions come a day after Alex Jones, and his podcast InfoWars, was kicked out from several popular media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.
Silicon Valley giants were harshly criticized by the US political establishment for failing to prevent alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election through their platforms. Critics say the pressured media giants are now engaged in political censorship, using their market dominance and lack of legislated neutrality requirements to target descent voices.
Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at:
Write a letter to the President of the United States
Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your message gets to the White House as quickly as possible.
If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to get your message to President
If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible.
Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
MUST WATCH: #PeterStrzok’s wife paid Lisa Page a visit after the Congressional hearing today, and it was all caught on camera!
The looney left is openly calling for civil unrest in America by promoting violence against Trump and his patriotic supporters. Meanwhile the USA Today, LA Times, Nation magazine and Hollywood blowhards agree that America is on the brink of a second Civil War
If South Africa does not want European Boers and the expertise on farming then other countries will benefit. Russia will benefit so much from us Boere and at least we will be able to farm in peace. Absolutely brilliant news.
These European Afrikaner families are bringing, farmer's knowledge and 100,000 USA dollars per family to move to Russia
Imperial Russia, sided with the Afrikaners, in their war against UK aggression 1899-1902. Many Russian military volunteered to fight on the side of the Boers. I'opine, that Afrikaners people, has a common past history with Russia, should help them to make their choice where to move, to avoid their possible genocide, funded by Western liberals?
The Globalist mainstream media blackout about Tommy Robinson arrest. Some say the judge acted illegally, because the following video shows the judge looking at Tommy from window before the police arrest him, and then sentenced him. He acted as his own witness. Someone got a picture of it so they have proof of all of his illegal activity.
Congratulations everybody for campaigning to have elected Donald Trump as President of the United States, and this was only achieved by people working together through organizations and the internet which have given, "We the People" the chance to challenge the Globalist Establishment, and if we keep doing this, we can make major changes in the future for all people in the United States and worldwide. We were successful with Brexit with getting Britain out of the Common Market, so we have a long way to go to fully gain our freedoms from the Globalist rule.
There are many organization and websites campaigning for Donald Trump, one of the main one's we like to follow is Alex Jones Info Wars who has millions of people watching his news and videos each week. The internet gives more information about the real world which Globalist do not want us to known. We now know that with the internet we can challenge the Globalists and beat them! So, congratulations everybody again!
This page is frequently updated with useful and important dates and events coming up that we think would be of interest to our community. We encourage you to make donations to these worthy causes, become active and start your own organization or join other groups because the goal of the Globalists is to replace Europeans worldwide in one generation. This is what is already happening in France and Germany! It's the same in the British Isles and the Republic of Ireland. We must come together worldwide collectively to fight for our rights for "We the People." The European race as you know it today will become a people with no country and no future and will eventually become a minority within one generation.
Additionally, because of inter-racial marriages, all races will disappear. The sad fact is that many people look at websites, but do not take any action. This is one of the reasons why Europeans have not built effective organizations against the globalists. Remember, if you have a child today, by the time that child is 80, there will be no majority European countries anywhere in the world if the globalists have their way. That child will be discriminated against and possibly persecuted. Life will be harder in eighty years' time than it is now!
We would like you to learn everything that is on this website and promote our ideas. Everybody worldwide, no matter what color, creed or race really needs to become active against the globalists because their goal is to break down every race and amalgamate them under one world order. To achieve this, they are inflicting a lot of pain through wars and mass immigration. Watch the following video made in South Africa, in which a woman asks for help. If we do not become united worldwide, we will all find ourselves in the same position as this woman. If we do not do something now, we will be in this position worldwide in years to come.
Updates on The Coveners League Website Articles
Updated articles have an updated date at the beginning of an article. We decided to add a date here because it would not be known until you reached the bottom of the article where a modified date is automated. Articles have been edited and some have been changed by adding or taking away to update the latest information.
USA Readers - Vote for Change This Election!
The election in the United States is scheduled for November 8. It is probably the most important election because the outcome of this election will either give us freedom or loss of freedom. This will affect not just the United States but have severe repercussions throughout the world. These ripples will be felt throughout the world because Hillary Clinton = more war. More conflict with Russian, China, Africa, and especially the downfall of Europe due to her push for third world "infiltrator" immigration.
Voting is not compulsory in the USA, however, it is so important to make sure your vote counts. Currently, only 7/10 residents are registered to vote! Check whether you are registered to vote on this website.
Please consider getting out and voting for Donald Trump who will make the United States great again. Don't miss out on having a voice that will shape the future. Donald Trump wants good relationships with Russia and he is for tightening immigration and will set a good example for other countries to follow. He wants to put restrictions on import tariffs to ensure that American businesses have a chance against cheap foreign imports.
Please come like our page, comment and say hello - we would love to hear from our readers!
UPDATE: Net Neutrality - Clear Victory for Internet Users in the EU!
Hundreds of thousands of Internet users banded together to keep the Internet open and free. The BEREC’s final guidelines were published on 30 August 2016 and they offer some of the strongest net neutrality protections we could wish for. It's a resounding victory for net neutrality.
A re-run of the Austrian elections is to be held in Austria on 2 October 2016. The Austrian anti-invasion Freedom Party's (FPO), Norbert Hofer is campaigning against the green-communist candidate, Alexander Van der Bellen. It is very important that everyone eligible to vote in Austria does so because if the communists get into power in Austria, it will result in more of the same: opening the borders to illegal immigrants, restrictions on free speech and putting the nation last. If the FPO gets into power, it will try to close the borders, allow free speech and put the nation first.
Less than 24 hours after the Islamist attacks in Nice, Thursday night, 14 July 2016, "Britain First" has received notification that once again they are being dragged into the High Court by Luton police. On Monday, 15 August 2016, they will be fighting for their right to exist and to carry out legal activities as a registered political party.
Draken Harald Harfagre A crew sailing the world's largest Viking ship from Norway to America has now arrived in St Anthony, Newfoundland! Draken has crossed the North Atlantic Ocean!
Dragon Harald Fairhair. The construction of a Viking Dragon Ship Dragon ships were large longships that had carved heads of dragons and other magical beings mounted on their bow. This video shows some glances from the construction of such a ship: Dragon Harald Fairhair.
Sailing from Greenland to Newfoundland Facing Icebergs, waves and all kinds of weather, Draken left Greenland, 27 May 2016, heading out on her last leg of the crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean.
What you see in South Africa now, is what is going to happen in the United States and Australia in 15 to 20 years.
It is doubtful whether the Boers in South Africa have a future. Land should have been allocated to white South Africans prior to independence to avoid this happening. There was no forward planning.
In a 1988 recorded conversation between Van Morrison, Derek Bell (Chieftains), Martin Lynch and Professor Bob Welch at the University of Ulster, Van Morrison emphasized that the Blues did not originate from Black people–rather it came from White spirituals.
As Morrison explained,
“The Blues came from Irish and Scottish traditional music. That’s actually where it came from, though spirituals. There’s this theory about blues that come from Africa, but the people that were saying this….Samuel Charters, who was the authority on Blues, said they came from Africa. It’s nicer to place it somewhere in Portugal. If you want to check it out, it’s right. Look it up. Twenty years ago he said it’s Africa, but it actually came from the White spirituals that were transplanted in America, then it came back when the black people started singing the White spirituals, and that turned into the Blues, and then it later became rock and roll, as we know, and came back this way.”
The “authoritative” blues historian whom Van Morrison mentions — Samuel Charters — was a radical leftist who, at one point, got into trouble with the anti-communist House On Un-American Activities. Not surprisingly, Charters married a jewish radical from Berkeley — Ruth Danberg — who was intimately involved with his work.
In his own words Charters admitted that his work was politically motivated rather than factual. He stated, “For me, the writing about black music was my way of fighting racism. That’s why my work is not academic, that is why it is absolutely nothing but popularization: I wanted people to hear black music.”
So in other words, Charters’ early claims that jazz and blues were original “black” music were not based on real history — it was a marxist attempt at legitimating and elevating black contributions to American culture by essentially robbing whites of their own history.
Facts don’t matter as long as they fit into the politically correct story line that the nation wreckers are promoting.
You can see this interview in full at the following link. If you’d like to see only that part where he discusses the White roots of the blues, skip ahead to 5:45…
Some of the world’s best turning out just what they can do for fun…except that it was so beautifully seamless. Loved it, and sorry I wasn’t there. Magic.
Natalia's a Russian-born singer who has settled in Finland for many years. Natalia Sarsgård (Tsarikova) has studied opera singing in Italy. She can sing easily with many types of music, whether in English, Russian, French, Finnish or Italian.
That White European woman has the voice of an angel
Your music is a lifeline in the chaos of our world. It's a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, even in the toughest times. Thank you for being the soundtrack to my moments of serenity
This is breathtakingly beautiful — the vibrant music coupled with the beauty, skill, and grace of the dancers is astounding. The movement is almost unsettlingly smooth, so perfectly synchronised. And the costumes are stunning! What an awesome culture Russia have! Greetings and admiration from South Africa.
Im from finland but i admire this masterpiece of a song. Telling about spirit of a nation and i hope we still had this same spirit as you russians do. Best regards from finland! ??
Greetings and full respect to Soviet from Seattle, USA!!!My Grandma was 16 when she join to the Soviet Army During Second World War. My Grandma was part of Soviet Border Patrol in Brest and become prisoner of the war ( Leuitenant Tereshchenko). Another grandma was colonel at Soviet Artillery.
Written by Henry Mancini and originally performed by Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, "Moon River" is a Timeless Classic performed here by Lucy Thomas.
2 dec. 2018 — I am not Jewish but respect for all ... If you want respect you must give respect. Happy Hanukkah and God bless <3. 5 yrs. 2. Andrea Wieslawa.
Hi Candice! When I discovered Blackmore's Night I felt in love for your voice and with this video you confirmed me your fantastic talent!I would like there will be another concert in Rome. I came at the first one, and when you gave me your autograph I can speak with you even if only a very little btime, but for me it was the best of the concert!
Blackmore's Night thank you Richie and Candice great as always journeyman, first time I've heard the whole song Thank You Richie and Candice and the rest of the band I love you guys can if you're looking good beautiful
Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, Pentatonix, K.D. Lang and now Lucy Thomas shows off her stunning vocal performance of Hallelujah. Lucy Thomas with her incredible renditions of many Pop, Musical, and Broadway classics has since won the hearts of millions leaving them thinking, "A Star is Born".
Pinned by Robbie Dunbar - Lucy Thomas Official Fan Club
Be sure to visit the Lucy Thomas Official Fan Club on Facebook. It is the only Facebook Group officially endorsed by Lucy Thomas and the only place where you can be sure to get the latest and most accurate news and information on Lucy. Lucy's Fan Club -
Hi Kaitlyn, I think you have experienced what is like for generations of Australians. Years ago an American friend said to a group of us Aussies; "Australia was weird and unique in that it was the only country in the world, not to celebrate winning wars, rather celebrate losing". Someone in the group "Schooled" him, Australians don't glorify war, and we take 2 opportunities (Anzac Day and Armistice Day) each year to "Remember the fallen", and mourn those who paid the ultimate price to allow this country to become what it is today.
In 2014, Judith Durham and The Seekers concluded their farewell concert tour. It's clear from the fan videos (taken in Australia and London) that they were in great form for their 50th anniversary, and at long last an official DVD is available!
This song is 35 years old. And it sounds brand new. A timeless classic.
Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow
Let me reach, let me beach on the shores of Tripoli
Let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore
Let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
From Bissau to Palau in the shade of Avalon
From Fiji to Tiree and the isles of Ebony
From Peru to Cebu, feel the power of Babylon
From Bali to Cali, far beneath the Coral Sea
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
From the North to the South, Ebudau unto Khartoum
From the deep sea of clouds to the island of the Moon
Carry me on the waves to the land I've never been
Carry me on the waves to the land I've never seen
We can sail, we can sail with the Orinoco flow
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
We can steer, we can near with Rob Dickins at the wheel
We can sigh, say goodbye, Ross and his dependencies
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
We can sail, we can sail
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Enya was born Eithne Ni Bhraonain in Donegal, Ireland. Enya studied classical music at college under private tuition. On leaving college she was asked by Producer Nicky Ryan to join her siblings in their family band. She did so for a short time, but found it too restrictive musically, and so in 1982 she joined Nicky Ryan and Roma Ryan in a creative and business partnership. Enya's first commission was to write a score for Sir David Puttnam for his film "The Frog Prince". Then, the triumvirate secured the soundtrack to the BBC documentary series 'The Celts'. Enya was then signed by Warner Music and all three by EMI Music Publishing. The first album of this contract was "Watermark" with the hit single "Orinoco Flow". This was followed by "Shepherd Moons", "The Memory of Trees", "Paint the Sky With Stars", "A Day Without Rain" which produced the single, "Only Time".
Tributes are flowing for Judith Durham, who has died at the age of 79. The Melbourne-born (Australian) singer was the voice of The Seekers and a generation. Athol Guy was one of Judith’s bandmates in The Seekers, and shares his memories.
In November 1918 the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia. On 11 March 1918, Colonel Drozdovsky's assembled volunteer forces set out on their famous campaign from the Romanian city of Iasi to the Don. They marched about 1200 kilometers in 61 days. The Germans respectfully let the soldiers pass, their officers expressed their admiration for the determination to fight Bolshevism. The Red Army tried to stop their advance but each time the disciplined and persistent volunteers literally swept them out of their way. On the Easter night of 4 May 1918, after many battles they liberated Rostov. Major General Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky, veteran of the Great War and the Russo-Japanese war, a key person in the preparation of armed resistance to the Bolshevik dictatorship, a man of honor and unbending will, was wounded in a heavy battle near the walls of the St. John Martin Monastery on 13 November 1918. He returned to duty, and died in the Rostov hospital in 1919.
The official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Gypsy" from the 1982 album "Mirage". The new Fleetwood Mac collection '50 Years – Don’t Stop' is available now. Get your copy here .. The video for 'Gypsy', directed by Russell Mulcahy, was the very first 'World Premiere Video' on MTV in 1982.
This one of my favourite songs of all time. It has special place. On that note. A huge thank you to the most incredible and gifted Christine and everyone who made this possible. RIP You are with us and we are with you always
I heard this song for the first time when I was 12, made me cry then, now at 54 still makes my's so beautiful.So is the answer song....never heard that before
Don't get immersed in the artistry only. You may miss the jumps. The 1st half of the free programme is so mesmerizing! She deserves the . World no.1 and Olympic Champion Anna Shcherbakova.
I was so happy for Anna Shcherbakova!! She deserved the gold medal. I have followed her since 2018 Grand Prix where she fell several times and everyone doubted her. She was the first Russian woman to land the quad jump in training, but broke her leg later which allowed Trusova to get credit for being the first Russian woman to land the quad. Then Valieva arrived and overshadowed Anna. Anna has always kept a gracious and dignified manner regarding whether she wins.
"Douce Dame Jolie" - composed by French composer and poet Guillaume de Machaut. He was a central figure of the ars nova style in late medieval music. Machaut embodies the culmination of the poet-composer tradition stretching back to the traditions of troubadour and trouvère. In "Douce Dame Jolie", the lyrical subject praises the beauty of the young lady, assuring her of his undying love. We are happy to introduce you to our version of that story.
"Yma o Hyd" is a Welsh language patriotic song commonly sung at Welsh football matches. It describes the everlasting struggle of the survival of the Welsh people, language and culture. It has also been seen as a cultural anthem of the Welsh people, as well as "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau."
From Gruffyd ap Cynan: For those interested in the meaning of this song, there are multiple layers to it. Here is a full analysis and explanation of the lyrics:- Macsen Wledig is the Welsh/Brythonic name for Magnus Maximus, a Roman General who was assigned to Britannia and who usurped much of the Roman Empire using Celtic British troops. His significance to Welsh history is that he was considered the ancestor of several Welsh dynasties, was said to have married a British Celtic woman, and is believed to have created a sense of independent Celtic British identity after he diminished the Roman presence in Britannia in 383. Some Welsh historians argued that this was the origin of Welsh as a distinctive, unified, and independent identity as the British Celtic ethnonym (Britons) became the Welsh ethnonym (or Cymry in Welsh).
- The lyrics in the chorus then reference an event that is said to have occurred 800 years later when Henry II, King of England and ruler of the mighty Angevin Empire (spanning from southern Scotland to the south of France), was seeking to impose his lordship over the troublesome Welsh kingdoms. As he was travelling through Wales with his army, he came across an old Welshman on the roadside who, despite being a frail peasant, stood up to the invading king. He prophesied that no matter what Henry achieved in his campaigns, on Judgement Day the Welsh would still be standing proud in this land and their ancient language would live on (this tale is also referenced in the third and final verse of the song). A few years later, in 1165, Henry II was driven out of Wales by a coalition of Welsh kings aided by difficult weather conditions and never succeeded in bringing their kingdoms into his expansive empire.
- The second verse references the invasions of the Welsh during the Dark Ages: the howling wind from the east (the Anglo-Saxon / English invasions) and the roaring storm from the sea (Irish and Viking raids). Notable heroic figures are mentioned in literature as rising up against these threats, some more historically accounted for than others. These include Cunedda who led the Britons to defeat the Irish settlers in North Wales, Urien Rheged who kept the Picts at bay and fought the Angles, Cadwallon who defeated the Anglo-Saxons of Northumbria at Hatfield Chase, and Rhodri the Great who developed a large navy to defeat the Danes. Most famous of these is Arthur who is likely a later literary invention based on several historical and semi-mythical figures who fought against the invaders of the Welsh/Brythonic kingdoms - the first source to mention Arthur is Welsh, likely long before he was adopted by French and English literature. The song references the hardship of this period as the tears of the weak-hearted flowed and somewhat mocks the servile who betrayed their own people. Like elsewhere in the song, these are intended to be parallels between these distant eras and present struggles for maintaining Welsh identity and heritage. It concludes that, despite these difficulties, the struggle will continue until things improve with the break of dawn.
- The final verse is the one that most clearly associated these past events with the current political environment as it calls for unity and pride: to remember the past and bellow before the nations that, as the old man told Henry II, the Welsh will be here until judgement day despite any attempt to extinguish their identity by expansionist forces. The song references Dic Siôn Dafydd (sort of the Welsh version of an Uncle Tom) - a Welshman satirised in a poem from the year 1800 by John Jones who mocks a Welshman who abandons his heritage to pursue a shallow version of English culture due to having internalised prejudices. In spite of such people existing today (those who spurn their Welsh heritage and become culturally impoverished as a result), and in spite of Margaret Thatcher and her supporters who destroyed communities in Wales with mine closures while failing to invest in alternative industries; and who also tried to prevent a Welsh language TV channel from being established (until Welsh politician Gwynfor Evans went on hunger strike to prevent this), the song concludes that the Welsh and their language will be alive at the end of time.
So, in short, the song ties together various historical references and moments that mirror each other and inspire us and are relevant to us in the present: to unite and preserve the linguistic, cultural, and political heritage of Wales against assimilationist forces that seek only to destroy and dominate, and to celebrate its longevity despite multiple attempts to undermine it. It's a nationalistic Welsh tune, but these are themes that ring true for small cultures and nations all over the world.
As an English Welsh-speaker and learner, mae hi’n gân hardd. Dw i’n caru Cymru a’r iaith Gymraeg.
Just a shame about all the anti-English hatred that comes from some people in Wales. For some reason, some Welsh people hate the ENTIRETY of England and our people instead of just hating Westminster Globalist? Like we understand that you don’t like Westminster Globalist cos a lot of us don’t either but to hate the entirety of England for it is a bit much isn’t it?
Gwlad hardd, iaith hardd, pobl gwych (mostly), just the select few that let it down
Respect to Wales.
Westminster Globalist hate all whites in Britain and all over the World.
The voices are like angels singing. And I'll bet that originally the multi colored designs of the dresses originated in the seamstress having extra many colored scraps of cloth accumulated from past projects which she wanted to put to some good use because of the strong Christian ethos against waste. Over time the designs were copied, recopied, standardized, and became the National dress.
This meditation was created to focus on Freyja , The Norse Goddess associated with magick who was also Vanir which are Gods associated mostly with nature and creation. She represents perfect Divine Feminine energy that is not just felt by females but males also. She has her own hall where the battle slain warriors will go to find peace
A Bocelli Family Christmas credits: This video has been shot at Castel Savoia, Gressoney - Valle D’Aosta – Italy in Europe Special thanks to Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta, Courmayeur Mont Blanc, CVA Energie, Skyway Monte Bianco. Please visit lovevda.
Dear Bea I didn't know this song but when I heard it yesterday with your absolutely beautiful voice I immediately loved it. What a lovely performance and the song is very catchy. Bea we are 13k here and I'm so proud of you. Your passion and professionalism for the music is really inspiring, and you are a singer like no other for me, congratulations!
Runaway Horses was a FABULOUS album! Love this video... especially the shots of the Nevada desert and Belinda in classic downtown Vegas with her 60's style. Thanks for posting it!
Beautiful woman.........great lyrics....all Belinda's songs leave me breathless! ..the 80's are the new 60's where music is concerned...Barrie in Spain.
There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music. Europeans composed distinctive styles of songs and music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal. We have a short rich history of European music styles below:
?? The song "I'm Russian!" performed by representatives of different nationalities from different Russian regions, it acquires a truly folk sound. ❗️"And we can't be broken!" Russia is not only the largest country on our …
People talk about Celine Dion, but Jennifer Rush's voice was a "weapon" in it's day. She was hitting notes in the stratosphere without even trying. The transition into those power notes was effortless. The strength in her vocals was incredible.
The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes
I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms when the world outside's too much to take that all ends when I'm with you
Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away But Never wonder where I am 'Cause I am always by your side
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love
The sound of your heart beating Made it clear suddenly the feeling that I can't go on Is light years away
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'm wanna do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love
EUROPA: AWAKEN FROM YOUR SLUMBER Your enemy operates in shadows, whispering sweet poison to the ear. Yet all around destroyed, are things that you hold dear. Browbeaten by the lies of false masters, you kneel insulted and shamed and bled. Concede with haste the open invasion, if not stopped will leave your children dead.
There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music. Europeans composed distinctive songs, music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal. We have a short rich history of European music below.
The river of no return Marilyn Monroe Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie There is a river Called the River of no return Sometimes it's peaceful And sometimes wild and free Love is a traveler On the River of no return Swept on forever To be lost in the stormy sea Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call (no return, no return) Wail-a-ree I can hear my lover call come to me (no return, no return) I lost my love on the river And forever my heart will yearn Gone gone forever Down the River of no return Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee She'll never return to me ( no return, no return
A good part of Jasper has not changed too much since the 1950's, much of the main street still has the original buildings, the heritage train station and National Park information office are still there and the passenger train with its 1950's historic silver cars calls once a day in summer in its trip across Canada. Even the town itself still lives slightly in a 1950's culture, tourists from around the world crowd the place in summer. "Yellowhead" refers to a nearby road and rail pass through the mountains, named after a male blonde fur trader of the early 1800's, this TV news report is from the city of Edmonton, 400 km / 250 miles east of the town.
Marilyn had a lovely singing voice and could have also easily persued an equally successful singing Career as she was so very talented in so many varied areas of the Arts (except for dancing she could liteally "do it all" !) Thanks for this Wonderful upload ! Laura Daitch-Landgraf
Nice song and so meaningful reallly. One can never return with certain special persons of the past nor relive our loves with them. Life takes us in a certain path and we cannot deviate from it nor return. So we may only do the best we can where we are now, and accept what was left behind or lost was left behind or lost for good.
On this June 1st Marilyn Monroe's 92nd birthday. Marilyn footage with a song by Elton John "Healing Hands" Here is a beautiful Marilyn Birthday tribute
Marilyn & Elton John?! Ok Iam sold! More than pretty she was a charmer. Smiling even when she was broken inside... I like something she had said, that she just wanted to be wonderful. Not only as an actress but I guess this was including as a person aswell. Shame she was so objectified during her life time. But it is actually wonderful that her myth still lives on.
Be Jealous, Very Jealous Of Mother Europa! Guard her and all her children well. -- Nothing captures what her offspring has accomplished in 40,000 years.
They're trying to breed us out and push our women on other races to fade our genes out... they're trying to rewrite our history as well taking away our great accomplishments... its sickening... I'm glad lots of whites are waking up tho... we've been through the roughest wars in human history and conquered the world.. but were being brainwashed to baby sit and feed sub humans... that are racist towards us yet we've been labelled as the only color capable of the act
In the middle of the bright summernight I went out to call for the cows. I thought that maybe, something deep inside them, remember the sounds from the ancient times when people called for them over far distances.
Polyushko-polye (Russian: По́люшко-по́ле; IPA: [ˈpolʲʊʂkə ˈpolʲɪ]) is a Soviet Russian-language song. Polye means "field" in Russian, "polyushko" is a diminutive/hypocoristic form for "polye".
The music was composed by Lev Knipper, with lyrics by Viktor Gusev in 1933.
The song was part of the symphony with chorus (lyrics by Gusev) "A Poem about a Komsomol Soldier" (Поэма о бойце-комсомольце) composed in 1934. The original lyrics are sung from the perspective of a Red Army recruit, who proudly leaves his home to keep watch against his homeland's enemies. The song was covered many times by many artists in the Soviet Union, including a well-known rock version recorded by The Singing Guitars (Поющие гитáры), released c. 1967. The song has been regularly performed and recorded by the Alexandrov Ensemble, and it is listed in the Alexandrov Ensemble discography, best known as the Red Army Choir.
Lyrics: Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле, Едут по полю герои, Эх, да Красной Армии герои. Девушки плачут, Девушкам сегодня грустно, Милый надолго уехал, Эх, да милый в армию уехал. Девушки, гляньте, Гляньте на дорогу нашу, Вьётся дальняя дорога, Эх, да развесёлая дорога. Только мы видим, Видим мы седую тучу, Вражья злоба из-за леса, Эх, да вражья злоба, словно туча. Эх, девушки, гляньте, Мы врага принять готовы, Наши кони быстроноги, Эх, да наши танки быстроходны. Эх, пусть же в колхозе Дружная кипит работа, Мы дозорные сегодня, Эх, да мы сегодня часовые.
Field, field, Field, wide field, Heroes are riding over the field, Oh, Red Army heroes. Girls are crying, The girls are forlorn today, Their loved ones are leaving for a long time, Oh, their loved ones are leaving for the army. Girls, pay attention, Look at the road we ride on, The road is long and winding, Oh, what a merry road. We only see We only see the gray clouds, The hate of the enemy from the forest, Oh, the enemy's hate, it's like a cloud. Oh, girls, pay attention, We are ready to engage the enemy, Our horses are fleet-footed, Our tanks are swiftly rolling. Oh, let the farmers, Work with peace of mind, Today we are the watchmen, Today we are watching over them.
Right Ride Across the Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt made by hikmet chechnya chechnia bashlam caucassia adiga çerkes galgay chardak dudayev maskhadov basayev tusheti caucasia grozny nazran magas shali terek ingushetia cultu
This video is about Caucasian historical culture. Absolutely about historical wedding in Caucasus. Also music is gorgeous really. Greetings from Caucasus
Uyghurs and Hungarians (Secret History of Huns) The section from the books, "The Children of Mu" and "Lost Continent of Mu" by James Churchward: Great Uyghur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe.
thank you for this beautiful video! You've put quite a bit of work into it. The culture is beautiful and an interesting reference to the Hungarian culture. That Aryans come from Central Asia is a fact and, as a linguist, I can trace similarities between Turkic and Germanic languages that could only be explained by their distant common origins. I do not, however, understand any nationalistic sentiments for or against this video. The contents of the video, I would opine, should be taken as a piece of interesting information. Is there any need to spill bile and inject vermin of racist hatred here? We should treasure whatever happened in the past, but we should be living in our present and be looking into the future, not bound by any religious or ethnic ties. The geopolitical reality of the Uyghurs is that their land is part of China and, while preserving their ethnic and cultural identity, they have to put their efforts to catch up with the rest of the people in China getting along with the rest of them. They have to secure their future there - where they are now. The future is there, not in the Taklamakan desert among the mummies. For those less knowledgeable, Uyghurs are very different in their looks, there really are those who could be easily taken for a European, but there are also those who look Asian. That is not the crux of the matter, is it? The beauty or intellect is not in the size of our noses, if you believe it is, you are slipping on a dangerous path of racism.
"Yes, Germany was destroyed in ww2 , now Germany is slowly and irreversibly being destroyed again. The hordes form ghettos and those ghettos will constantly expand. Within those areas Germany and her people are forced out never to be German again. They will not leave and German people are forced out. You are losing your country on a daily basis."
We are so sorry that it didn´t work, but we really tried everything we can. Let us know in the comments what you think. If anyone of you wants to help us, for example with graphics, video cutting or just tipps and information, then use the Discord link in the video description. The path of resistance over a lawyer didn´t work, but we are not done yet! We will try other tactics soon.
The color of Fall is turning from red to white as Winter approaches the Land of Enchantment. The young ones are sad because they cannot run and play as they did during the warmer months. They began to cry until the voice of The Ancients called out to them. The Ancients told them to listen to the wise words of The Silver Moon Goddess and believe what she says. For the Silver Moon Goddess protects all life on the Land of Enchantment ~ she told the young ones "to look into their hearts, and do not cry, for tomorrow Christmas will be here". Once the children heard her speak those words their tears turned into laughter. Their sad faces were smiling once more.
G'day Larry. So we must fly a rebel flag, As others did before us, And we must sing a rebel song And join in rebel chorus. We'll make the tyrants feel the sting O' those that they would throttle; They needn't say the fault is ours If blood should stain the wattle!"
You know the difference between Russia and Europe/West? Russian people singing about defending their sacred land from invading, and I think all people should sing this song about defending their sacred country...
Donald Trump reads "Snake" poem to a crowd of supporters in Cedar Falls Iowa on January 12, 2016.
Irish Music
Who were the Black and Tans? (Actual footage of attacks) The Black and Tans as a subject still arouses controversy in Ireland. The Black and Tans were mostly former soldiers brought into Ireland by the British government after 1920, to assist the RIC, (Royal Irish Constabulary), in their work.
European nationalism on the rise - fight for your people. Retain your European identity. Proclaim the sanctity of race. Believe in the Sacred Gene Pool. Treasure this noble heritage. Eternity must be ours!
Nashville Star Shawn Gallaway of joins guest host Dr. Jane Ruby of on The Alex Jones Show to show the new music video they collaborated on to warn people about vaccines.
Yes! Goosebumps.Why? Because even making generous allowance for the universal celebrity worship of young girls, it is still a profound statement that THIS is a song they know by heart. I bet you would not find a phenomenon like this anywhere else in the West today
Leyba Davidovich Bronstein (the kike who worked to conceal his jewish origins; using a public pseudo-Russian name Leon Trotsky) is quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin: "We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence!” SOUND FAMILIAR!
From 1966 to 1989 The South African Defense Force (SADF) fought a war on the border between Angola and South West Africa (today known as Namibia). This 23 year conflict is today referred to as the Forgotten War.
The 'Kaplyn' (cutline) was a thin strip of land cleared of any growth. This was the border.
During this period every single white South African son was forced, through the Conscript System, to serve at first, one, then later two years as soon as they left school. A total of 715 South African Soldiers gave their lives to protect their country.
Its funny how many wars white South Africans fought for this country... but its all forgotten, my dad was here, at the age of 16... remember him having nightmares about this.
When the time comes you will have your Flemish and Dutch brethren at your side alongside a lot of other Europeans who still have their eyes open and have not been shamed into submission by our globalist P.C political overlord, good Christian men (protestant, catholic, orthodox it doesn't matter here) will prevail in the end!! my family already suffered when the U.N forced them out of their homes in the Congo so they could give all they owned to people that didn't know a single thing about farming/organisation (or civilisation), then they came for Rhodesia, I swore that if it would happen in SA and the call for volunteers would come and I would still be young enough I'd answer that call.
In 1879, under the command of Lieutenant John Chard and Gonville Bromhead, a small company of British soldiers successfully defended the outpost at Rorke's Drift, a Swedish hospital and church, against an intense assault by almost 4,000 Zulu warriors. The massive Zulu attacks came very close to defeating the tiny garrison but were ultimately repelled.
Fantasy Love 4...Magia Fantasy... immagini tratte da web...
musica di Enya Il nostro sito La nostra pagina Facebook
European Music Archives
There are distinct cultural styles of music from various parts of the world, from the Middle East, India, China and Africa, and many of these countries have long emulated the European music. Europeans composed distinctive songs, music from classical, country-western, folk, to heavy metal. We have a short rich history of European music below.
The river of no return Marilyn Monroe Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie There is a river Called the River of no return Sometimes it's peaceful And sometimes wild and free Love is a traveler On the River of no return Swept on forever To be lost in the stormy sea Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call (no return, no return) Wail-a-ree I can hear my lover call come to me (no return, no return) I lost my love on the river And forever my heart will yearn Gone gone forever Down the River of no return Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee She'll never return to me ( no return, no return
A good part of Jasper has not changed too much since the 1950's, much of the main street still has the original buildings, the heritage train station and National Park information office are still there and the passenger train with its 1950's historic silver cars calls once a day in summer in its trip across Canada. Even the town itself still lives slightly in a 1950's culture, tourists from around the world crowd the place in summer. "Yellowhead" refers to a nearby road and rail pass through the mountains, named after a male blonde fur trader of the early 1800's, this TV news report is from the city of Edmonton, 400 km / 250 miles east of the town.
Marilyn had a lovely singing voice and could have also easily persued an equally successful singing Career as she was so very talented in so many varied areas of the Arts (except for dancing she could liteally "do it all" !) Thanks for this Wonderful upload ! Laura Daitch-Landgraf
Nice song and so meaningful reallly. One can never return with certain special persons of the past nor relive our loves with them. Life takes us in a certain path and we cannot deviate from it nor return. So we may only do the best we can where we are now, and accept what was left behind or lost was left behind or lost for good.
On this June 1st Marilyn Monroe's 92nd birthday. Marilyn footage with a song by Elton John "Healing Hands" Here is a beautiful Marilyn Birthday tribute
Marilyn & Elton John?! Ok Iam sold! More than pretty she was a charmer. Smiling even when she was broken inside... I like something she had said, that she just wanted to be wonderful. Not only as an actress but I guess this was including as a person aswell. Shame she was so objectified during her life time. But it is actually wonderful that her myth still lives on.
Be Jealous, Very Jealous Of Mother Europa! Guard her and all her children well. -- Nothing captures what her offspring has accomplished in 40,000 years.
They're trying to breed us out and push our women on other races to fade our genes out... they're trying to rewrite our history as well taking away our great accomplishments... its sickening... I'm glad lots of whites are waking up tho... we've been through the roughest wars in human history and conquered the world.. but were being brainwashed to baby sit and feed sub humans... that are racist towards us yet we've been labelled as the only color capable of the act
In the middle of the bright summernight I went out to call for the cows. I thought that maybe, something deep inside them, remember the sounds from the ancient times when people called for them over far distances.
Polyushko-polye (Russian: По́люшко-по́ле; IPA: [ˈpolʲʊʂkə ˈpolʲɪ]) is a Soviet Russian-language song. Polye means "field" in Russian, "polyushko" is a diminutive/hypocoristic form for "polye".
The music was composed by Lev Knipper, with lyrics by Viktor Gusev in 1933.
The song was part of the symphony with chorus (lyrics by Gusev) "A Poem about a Komsomol Soldier" (Поэма о бойце-комсомольце) composed in 1934. The original lyrics are sung from the perspective of a Red Army recruit, who proudly leaves his home to keep watch against his homeland's enemies. The song was covered many times by many artists in the Soviet Union, including a well-known rock version recorded by The Singing Guitars (Поющие гитáры), released c. 1967. The song has been regularly performed and recorded by the Alexandrov Ensemble, and it is listed in the Alexandrov Ensemble discography, best known as the Red Army Choir.
Lyrics: Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле, Едут по полю герои, Эх, да Красной Армии герои. Девушки плачут, Девушкам сегодня грустно, Милый надолго уехал, Эх, да милый в армию уехал. Девушки, гляньте, Гляньте на дорогу нашу, Вьётся дальняя дорога, Эх, да развесёлая дорога. Только мы видим, Видим мы седую тучу, Вражья злоба из-за леса, Эх, да вражья злоба, словно туча. Эх, девушки, гляньте, Мы врага принять готовы, Наши кони быстроноги, Эх, да наши танки быстроходны. Эх, пусть же в колхозе Дружная кипит работа, Мы дозорные сегодня, Эх, да мы сегодня часовые.
Field, field, Field, wide field, Heroes are riding over the field, Oh, Red Army heroes. Girls are crying, The girls are forlorn today, Their loved ones are leaving for a long time, Oh, their loved ones are leaving for the army. Girls, pay attention, Look at the road we ride on, The road is long and winding, Oh, what a merry road. We only see We only see the gray clouds, The hate of the enemy from the forest, Oh, the enemy's hate, it's like a cloud. Oh, girls, pay attention, We are ready to engage the enemy, Our horses are fleet-footed, Our tanks are swiftly rolling. Oh, let the farmers, Work with peace of mind, Today we are the watchmen, Today we are watching over them.
Right Ride Across the Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt made by hikmet chechnya chechnia bashlam caucassia adiga çerkes galgay chardak dudayev maskhadov basayev tusheti caucasia grozny nazran magas shali terek ingushetia cultu
This video is about Caucasian historical culture. Absolutely about historical wedding in Caucasus. Also music is gorgeous really. Greetings from Caucasus
Uyghurs and Hungarians (Secret History of Huns) The section from the books, "The Children of Mu" and "Lost Continent of Mu" by James Churchward: Great Uyghur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe.
thank you for this beautiful video! You've put quite a bit of work into it. The culture is beautiful and an interesting reference to the Hungarian culture. That Aryans come from Central Asia is a fact and, as a linguist, I can trace similarities between Turkic and Germanic languages that could only be explained by their distant common origins. I do not, however, understand any nationalistic sentiments for or against this video. The contents of the video, I would opine, should be taken as a piece of interesting information. Is there any need to spill bile and inject vermin of racist hatred here? We should treasure whatever happened in the past, but we should be living in our present and be looking into the future, not bound by any religious or ethnic ties. The geopolitical reality of the Uyghurs is that their land is part of China and, while preserving their ethnic and cultural identity, they have to put their efforts to catch up with the rest of the people in China getting along with the rest of them. They have to secure their future there - where they are now. The future is there, not in the Taklamakan desert among the mummies. For those less knowledgeable, Uyghurs are very different in their looks, there really are those who could be easily taken for a European, but there are also those who look Asian. That is not the crux of the matter, is it? The beauty or intellect is not in the size of our noses, if you believe it is, you are slipping on a dangerous path of racism.
"Yes, Germany was destroyed in ww2 , now Germany is slowly and irreversibly being destroyed again. The hordes form ghettos and those ghettos will constantly expand. Within those areas Germany and her people are forced out never to be German again. They will not leave and German people are forced out. You are losing your country on a daily basis."
Karl Sternau will upload a video too on his new channel:
We are so sorry that it didn´t work, but we really tried everything we can. Let us know in the comments what you think. If anyone of you wants to help us, for example with graphics, video cutting or just tipps and information, then use the Discord link in the video description. The path of resistance over a lawyer didn´t work, but we are not done yet! We will try other tactics soon.
The color of Fall is turning from red to white as Winter approaches the Land of Enchantment. The young ones are sad because they cannot run and play as they did during the warmer months. They began to cry until the voice of The Ancients called out to them. The Ancients told them to listen to the wise words of The Silver Moon Goddess and believe what she says. For the Silver Moon Goddess protects all life on the Land of Enchantment ~ she told the young ones "to look into their hearts, and do not cry, for tomorrow Christmas will be here". Once the children heard her speak those words their tears turned into laughter. Their sad faces were smiling once more.
G'day Larry. So we must fly a rebel flag, As others did before us, And we must sing a rebel song And join in rebel chorus. We'll make the tyrants feel the sting O' those that they would throttle; They needn't say the fault is ours If blood should stain the wattle!"
Donald Trump Insists The National Anthem Must Be Sang in Anaheim Wednesday, 25 May, 2016: A Trump campaign rally in Anaheim, California, in The United States, was about to get underway without the National Anthem having being sung. Mr. Trump calls the female singer up to the stage to sing the National Anthem.
Donald Trump reads "Snake" poem to a crowd of supporters in Cedar Falls Iowa on January 12, 2016.
Irish Music
Who were the Black and Tans? (Actual footage of attacks) The Black and Tans as a subject still arouses controversy in Ireland. The Black and Tans were mostly former soldiers brought into Ireland by the British government after 1920, to assist the RIC, (Royal Irish Constabulary), in their work.
European nationalism on the rise - fight for your people. Retain your European identity. Proclaim the sanctity of race. Believe in the Sacred Gene Pool. Treasure this noble heritage. Eternity must be ours!
Owen BenjaminHere’s a song for tommy Robinson. And it’s not about politics or if you like the guy. What’s happening to him is wrong. If you are ok with the imprisonment of your political rivals because of their ideas. Song for Tommy Robinson - Owen Benjamin "How we rule ya"
You know the difference between Russia and Europe/West? Russian people singing about defending their sacred land from invading, and I think all people should sing this song about defending their sacred country...
Europeans have been conditioned to think that they are mixed racial groups with many different languages and most have no idea where many of these languages originated. Experts have discovered that the majority of European languages are actually descended from a single language called Indo-European, the chart above shows the indo-European and the language branches. The one exception to this is the Basque language, which is believed to be one of the languages that survived the Ice Age. All other languages have changed due to time and isolation from each other and there are many theories surrounding the origin of the Indo-European language. No doubt the Indo-European language itself is most likely to be the descended language of the early Ice Age people of Europe and Central Asia.
Origin of Language
As long as people have been living in different regions of Europe, there would have been various languages and dialects spoken by the various population groups. The earliest Europeans up to the Heidelberg people, and their ancestors would have had a very simple vocabulary compared to the language we use today.
Like today, there are English-speaking people who integrate into the culture and adopt the language of the country they have migrated to. Some languages have also become rare while others have become extinct. But as generations passed, the language became more complex with a larger vocabulary, passed on from generation to generation over thousands of years.
I speak Nepali, it is derived from Sanskrit and is of Indo-European language family. I find similar words in Latin, Greek, Persian and Slavic languages.
The most curious thing is that the most similar words are in the both extremes regions, in North India and North Europe, wich indicates that the origin of the Indo Europeans was in the centre of both, the Caucasus, and those people migrated one part to north of Europe and one part to south in the Indian subcontinent, and then, after, their descendents migrated to that middle part were is Greece and Turkey because has the most different words from the originals.
The Germanic tribes, Anglo- Saxons Europeans, moved into England and spoke the Germanic language, and over time, it changed, and today it called the English language. If you learn German you will find many words sound similar to English words. Here are some words to give you an idea how the German language has changed in pronunciation and developed into English-language:
Indo-European languages are spoken all across the globe with approximately 3 billion people in total. Of the 20 most spoken languages in the world today, 12 of these are of Indo-European language family:
" Marija Gimbutas had a detailed knowledge of the archaeology of prehistoric Europe and of the cultures of ‘Old Europe’ with their rich iconography of goddesses and gods, which she viewed as overwhelmed at the onset of the Bronze Age by the Kurgan invasion, an incursion of a new population from the East European steppe lands, north of the Black Sea. This she saw as the key impetus which brought Old Europe to an end, and which introduced to Europe a new population speaking early Indo-European languages."
We look at the history of the alphabet and some of the historical events and linguistic changes that have resulted in the complicated spelling system in English, from Viking & Norman invasions to the Great Vowel Shift and the printing press.
The Basque language in Europe is not related to the Indo-European language
The Basques white Europeans live in North-Central Spain. Basques are the most fiercely nationalist group in Europe. The Basque population is divided into France and Spain in the border of those two countries, with each side using the official language (Spanish or French) for official business, but speaking Euzkera (the Basque language and the oldest language spoken in Europe, going back to Ice Age Europeans). The Basques communities have retaining a strong sense of identity in Europe and all over the World.
" In this video, we explore the Latin language. We learn it history, how it shaped our language, and many other languages, its role in the Roman Empire, how it changed through time, and more."
Citizen Initiative Referenda (CIR) in Switzerland in Europe
The New World Order (NWO) globalists controlling Western media and education never talk about the way Switzerland successfully runs its political system. Their European neighbours do not really understand the Swiss people's initiatives and referendums for the Swiss citizens to have a say in how the country is run. We must realize that we cannot keep using the current political so-called 'democratic system', elected political parties who supposedly are representing us. They represent corruption, globalism, elitism and themselves. Very few politicians represent 'We the People'. We need to start promoting a people's direct democracy, such as the system they have in Switzerland. This can be achieved through a direct democracy by the people, or by the democratic majority of indigenous or ethnic majority rights groups. If we do not make these changes, we and future generations will have a dismal future. Please show this article to your family, friends, and colleagues or link it on your websites, because this represents the rights of your future and your descendants' futures.
Promote Citizen Initiative Referenda (CIR) in Your Country
Political parties do not represent people's rights, so we must start to promote (CIR) Citizens Initiative all over the World
Support CIR as a way of allowing all electors to have a direct say in government decision-making. Our present system of government only allows political parties the right to decide for the rest of us.
Promote CIR in your country and remove political parties and We the People govern the country.
Basic Features of Switzerland's Political System CIR
Switzerland is a confederation made up of 26 cantons which are small territorial divisions of the country.
The Swiss Government, Parliaments, and Courts operate on three levels:
• Federal • Cantonal • Communal
Switzerland has a 2 level Federal Parliament with a House of Representatives who represent the people and a senate that represents the Federal Cantons.
The National Council have 200 members and is elected every four years using a version of the proportional election system which allows for the proportional representation of the political parties. Each of the 26 cantons has its own constituency, so this proportional representation is not absolute as the small cantons may only send one person while the larger ones can have up to 30 seats.
The Council of States has 46 members. The Cantons may decide in their Cantonal Constitution as to who will represent them, and how long that office sits for. The Cantons generally hold their elections on the same day the National Council elections takes place.
These chambers of parliament will meet several times per year. Being a member of parliament is not recognized as a full-time job to the Swiss. They believe that by having an alternative "day job" their politicians are closer to the everyday life of their electorate.
Under the Federal Constitution, every canton has equal status and rights. These cantons also have extensive power in comparison to other political systems and nations.
Each canton has its own constitution, parliament, government, courts, coat of arms and flag. Cantonal Parliaments range in size from 50 to 180 members, all elected by the People, so most cantons are under a proportional representation electoral system. One Swiss city - Lucerne has a Children's Parliament with their own symbolic budget!
The cantons have a lot of autonomy and they are responsible for key areas such as health, education, and culture.
There are approximately 2,300 communes in Switzerland. Most of these run either their own parliament or assembly in which all residents are able to participate. Representatives do not make decisions for the commune, instead, they vote on an issue then they elect individuals to carry out the project/change.
The communes are generally responsible for local schools and welfare, roads, energy, taxation and town planning.
Any citizen has the right to propose new legislation by launching a people's initiative.
Popular initiatives do not originate from the parliament or government, but from the citizens themselves. The Swiss citizens are, therefore, regarded as the driving force behind direct democracy.
Switzerland gives its citizens the chance to play a direct part in political decision making. Swiss Citizens can either oppose legislation of their own or work to defeat legislation already proposed by Parliament.
Any citizen has the right to propose new legislation by launching a people's initiative. Typically these initiatives are proposed by interested groups. Once the group has gathered at least 100,000 voters signatures within 18 months in support of the proposal, it is put to a Nationwide vote. There has to be a "double majority," which is a majority of the people and a majority of the cantons, for an initiative to pass.
The most frequent themes tackled by people's initiatives are welfare, taxes, Health Care, drug policy, public transport, education, immigration, and asylum.
Immigration and Asylum
Switzerland has 400,000 Muslims who would like to bring in even more Muslims because they feel threatened due to their minority numbers and the campaigns with the help of false Jewish (Zionists), organizations including the United Nations to open the borders for mass third world immigration into Switzerland. The largest party in the Federal assembly is the SVP (Swiss People's Party) who are proposing new restrictions on who can apply for asylum.
The political platform in Switzerland is very stable and has four predominant parties:
• Swiss People's Party • The Radicals • Christian Democratic Party • Social Democratic Party
In the last 25 years, the Right Wing Swiss People's Party has increased its popularity due to its current policies on immigration and refugees. This strategy has enabled them to capture votes to become the major force in Swiss politics.
In 2015, taking a hard line on asylum and EU immigration, the People's Party increased its share of the vote from 26.6% to 29.4% and 65 seats in the House. This is the best result of a Swiss political party in history.
There are lobby groups such as the Swiss Refugee Council who want to open the doors to mass immigration into Switzerland. This could become a large problem for Switzerland in the future. The false Jews are very much involved with this organization, and political parties come and go, but this group will keep on campaigning until it achieves its goal in flooding Switzerland with immigrants and disarming the people.
Facts about Switzerland
Switzerland is a small, mainly mountainous country, in the heart of Western Europe and has approximately 8 million citizens. It is situated at the intersection of France, Italy, and Germany giving it a real indigenous European multicultural feel. As a small country, it has been very careful and strict with its immigration legislation and has recently included a cap on the number of EU immigrants they are accepting. This means they have managed to keep hold of its unique Swiss culture and heritage.
Since the end of World War II, water fluoridation has been falsely hailed by the CDC as one of the top great public health achievements of the 20th …
Fluoride was used during the Second World War in the concentration camps in Germany. It was found that this chemical increased compliance and in general, made prisoners docile. Today, there are Western countries who have fluoride in their water in some areas, so it is worth taking the time to have a look at some of the below links so you can do your own research and make your own findings.
Research, clink on HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID picture to enlarge.
As of 2015, there have been a total of 52 human studies to determine the link between fluoride and Intelligence levels (IQ). In a whopping 45 of these studies, the outcome has been that exposure to fluoride reduces IQ and can impair memory capacity and learning. These studies in total have included 11000 children which clearly show that exposure in early years can damage the developing brain.
The Deep State control media and plastic bottles, same sex marriages, Fluoride is reducing birthrates
Humans have long known that fluoride is toxic and it is why we use it in many pesticides and why organizations like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) require poison warnings to be labeled on toothpaste that contains fluoride.
Some of the health issues that can arise from fluoride ingestion include:
Thyroid Disease
Gastric Ailments
Cardiovascular Disease
Skeletal Fluorosis
Dental Fluorosis
Bone Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Tooth Decay & Fluoride Myth
In the 50s, it was believed that fluoride was a nutrient needed for good health. The case was made by dentists that children needed to ingest it in order to develop healthy teeth, in a similar way a deficiency in vitamin C can cause scurvy. It is a false theory and it bears little difference on whether your teeth will develop cavities or not.
More recent research has shown that topical application of fluoride can be of benefit to teeth, however even if you agree with this research the reasoning to put fluoride in communities drinking water is now invalid.
Dental Fluorosis (pictured right) is by far a more common issue which will occur with ingesting fluoride rather than prevention of tooth decay. In fact, it is even more alarming when you consider how much toothpaste children ingest due to the sweetening of children's toothpaste in a bid to ensure they brush their teeth twice a day.
How To Tackle The Fluoride Problem
If your local area fluoridises the drinking water, here are some ideas to ensure your family is protected.
Quote from Answer: “Yes, fluoride was used in Nazi Concentration camps and the gulags in Siberia to make prisoners docile and easier to control. It is also absorbed through the skin when bathing, showering, or swimming in fluoridated water. You absorb through the tissues of your mouth when brushing your teeth. You don't have to swallow it. Cooking with fluoride in water concentrates it in food and beverages. You can't cook it out. Only 50% of it can be excreted by the body so it is a cumulative toxin leading to many health problems. Twenty-four studies have also shown it lowers IQ's in children.”
Rusland is on the verge of introducing a new law that will ban the promotion of a “childless lifestyle” and impose heavy fines on those who spread anti-pregnancy propaganda in an attempt to reverse population decline.
The country's fertility rate currently stands at just 1.49, well below the replacement rate of 2.1 per woman, Modernity reports .
President Vladimir Putin, who has urged his citizens to pursue “traditional values” in a bid to counter what he calls an increasingly degenerate West, is encouraging women to have at least three children to secure Russia's future.
As part of that effort, Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Vologyin is currently helping to draft a new law that will ban pro-abortion propaganda online, in films, advertising and the media.
The Times is Jewish Globalist run.
Russia's birth rate is currently at its lowest in a quarter century and the situation has not been helped by rising deaths from the war with Ukraine.
“Groups in social networks often disrespect motherhood and fatherhood and show aggression towards pregnant women, children and large families,” Vologyin said, according to a report by Hungarian news outlet Mandiner.
Under the proposed legislation, those found guilty of spreading “child-free propaganda” could face a fine of up to 400,000 rubles (€3,900), while for government officials the fine would rise to 800,000 rubles (€7,180) and for companies the fine could reach 5 million rubles (£48,240).
The law stands in stark contrast to attitudes in the West, where mainstream media constantly promote the benefits of avoiding children, scare women into losing their "freedom" and encourage men to live as man-babies in a state of permanent adolescence.
EU anxiously tries to reduce tensions between key members
This reached a peak earlier this year when Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker faced sustained backlash for having the audacity to suggest that women should aspire to motherhood and homemaking.
Spanish birth rate hits lowest level since records began in 1941. I think the main reason is because Spanish men are not providers. Spanish men and women are actually victims of the society they have grown up in. When all your life, since you can speak, as a woman, you are told to focus on your career and being independent, you start putting motherhood aside. Why? Because as a Spanish woman myself, we are told that we need to work outside our home, 8 hours but also be a great mum. Women think less about having a family because they put being independent first. Without a man that provides for them, they can't even consider that a possibility.
However, on his next point is where Martin simply lies to continue making a point he didn’t need to make. And it is this kind of clueless arrogance that mars otherwise cogent, if superficial, analysis.
The population of Russia peaked at 148,689,000 back in 1991, just before the breakup of the Soviet Union. Ever since the collapse of Communism, people realize that the State will not simply take care of them. As a direct result, the birth rates have been steadily dropping and there have been abnormally high death rates in Russia as well among the elderly. Russia’s population has been declining at an annual rate of 0.5%, or about 750,000 to 800,000 people per year since 1991. Add to this figure, the migration of Russian women looking for Western men, and you have a crisis brewing in the decline of population in Russia that threatens its long-term viability.
This is simply not true.
As in blatantly NOT TRUE.
According to Rosstat, and I challenge Mr. Armstrong to provide numbers to the contrary if he has them tucked away in his computer, Russia’s population cratered to around 142 million in 2006 and has been rising ever since.
The big bump in 2014 was the reunification with Crimea which added over 1 million people to the official figures. But, the reality is that the population implosion story for Russia is old news.
2006 in fact. And since this is 2018 I’m having a hard time reconciling this assertion that Russia is headed to the ashbin of history, demographically.
Next up is the assertion that the population is falling at 850,000 or so per year.
Note in 2005, yes, deaths outpaced births by nearly 850,000. This is a function of the size of the collapsing birth rate throughout the Yeltsin years. So few children survived from that period to start having children that the older generation, much larger in size, was dying off much faster than these young’ins were replacing them.
300,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens are born every year
The former President Trump may not have given us the executive order on birthright citizenship he promised before the 2018 midterms but at least we got a war with Iran!
Close to 400,000 anchor babies were born in the United States in 2019 as an executive order to end birthright citizenship gets kicked down the road for another year by President Donald Trump’s administration.
Analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed in 2018 that about 300,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens are born every year. These children, often referred to as “anchor babies,” immediately obtain American citizenship and anchor their illegal or foreign parents in the country.
In addition, about 72,000 anchor babies are born to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students every year — all of whom obtain immediate American citizenship simply for being born within the parameters of the country.
Altogether, about 372,000 anchor babies are estimated to have been born last year despite a commitment by Trump to sign an executive order ending the nation’s “anchor baby policy” that incentivizes pregnant migrant women to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in the hopes of securing American citizenship for their children.
This indicates that there were more anchor babies born in 2019 than births in each of the 50 states except California and Texas. California residents deliver about 455,000 babies a year, while Texans deliver about 379,000 babies a year, just slightly more than the total annual number of anchor babies born.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says that the situation in western Europe means that the continent must look to central European countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic for a bright future.
Orbán gave a speech in Prague on Sunday in memory of the 1989 Velvet Revolution in 1989, which saw the end of Communist rule in Czechoslovakia.
“Thirty years ago we thought that Europe was our future, but today we think we are Europe’s future, and we are ready for this mission,” said Orbán.
The Prime Minister warned that globalists in western Europe are currently in the process of wiping out a European society based on nation states and Christian culture and that central European countries were standing up to this.
“We want to live as free nations, not as provinces or subordinates to empire,” said Orbán, adding, “We are Central European Democrats. Therefore, we must defend the sovereignty of nation states, because if we abandon it, it will mean the end of democracy.”
One way Orbán is trying to rebuild his country is by encouraging its citizens to have children in order to eliminate the need for mass immigration.
Hungary is offering €30,600 to married couples who have three or more children.
A married couple receives the €30,600 as a loan from the government upon getting married. The loan then has to be repaid until the couple has three children. At this point, the debt is completely forgiven.
The impact of pro-family policies in Hungary has been massive.
Abortions dropped from 40,449 to 28,500 from 2010 to 2017, divorces fell from 23,873 in 2010 to 18,600, and marriages increase by a huge 42 percent. END
PRB informs people around the world about population, health and the environment, and empowers them to use that information to advance the well-being of current and future generations. Find out more about PRB at our website, Everyone wants to know what the world's population will be in the future, but how do demographers come up with population projections? It's important to understand the assumptions behind projections -- the factors that are considered such as the current birth rate, contraceptive use, education levels, policy and funding, and more. In this video, PRB senior visiting scholar Carl Haub uncovers how demographers estimate what the population of a country or the world will be in the future. Have a question or comment for Carl? Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Genesis 1:28
The European population worldwide should be much higher than it is today. The European caucasian (whites) birth rates all over the world and in European countries have been deliberately reduced by our Globalist masters. Europeans were 37% of the World population in 1900 now only 7%. Thanks to wars, interracial marriages, low birthrate, abortion and promoting women to work and not have many babies.
Some examples Europeans killed by wars include:
US Civil War:
620,000 killed
38 million killed
60 million killed
Vietnam :
66,000 Americans killed
16,000 Russians killed
5,000 Americans killed, 1 million Iraqis killed
Many wars were not necessary and certainly did not need to happen. Many have all been caused by one group – the bankers now known as anti-Semitic Zionist, & Gentile Traitor Globalists. If we had not had these wars our population would have been much larger than it is today. We must realize that it is time to take the powers away from bankers, politicians and the media who have caused many of these wars.
David Rockefeller on Sustained Population
The British Royal family including Prince Philip and David Rockefeller, say the world is overcrowded. Even so, they are allowing immigration (invasion) into Britain and European countries which are already overcrowded. They also encourage immigration in Australia, United States, and Canada, so why do we allow this to happen when we should be sustaining a population and encouraging the locals to have more children to replace deaths?
The Third World, especially India, Africa and West Indies populations are rapidly increasing and these countries should be penalized to reduce the birth rates instead of allowing them to immigrate to European Countries. This is part of the multicultural agenda, which is being pushed with the eventual aim being to eradicate most European Caucasian, Western cultures through immigration and genocidal interracial marriage.
Central banker David Rockefeller gives a double meaning speech on population control. He discusses how the United Nations should sustain the population.
Study the UNs Agenda 21 to understand the economic and social control provided through sustainability policies.
The Western world is in decline. Low birth rates, mass immigration and the increasing number of Muslims and mosques are signs of a dark future. In many countries, democracy and free speech are gone and established politicians are supporting Islamic invasion.
In 2006, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi professed:
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without conquest because Muslims having more children per couple compared to Europeans not having enough children to replace the European white death rate.”
Leading politicians in Sweden, including the Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, accept that Muslims will take over. With a total population of nine Million including two Million immigrants (first and second generation) and 600,000 Muslims, Sweden will soon be lost. Due to the invasion, the crime rate is alarming and the number of rapes is at its highest in Europe.
The well known Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard said in March 2009:
"I think that the best prediction is that Sweden will have a Muslim majority by 2049, so we know where that country is going."
England and Belgium also have fast-growing minorities invited by establishment politicians to take over the nations. The same established politicians do not accept free speech or political opposition. They prefer to silence every individual who understands that multiculturalism is a threat to the West and to Europe.
My White Sisters and Brothers, We are Facing Genocide! From Geneva Convention, Genocide is: c) Deliberately inflicting on the group (Whites) conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group (Whites); “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism."
Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries.
Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology. Critics of Cultural Marxism have maintained that Cultural Marxists intend to commit genocide against white people through mass non-white immigration, assimilation, transracial adoption and miscegenation.
"The very essence of Cultural Marxism is the support of mass immigration / open borders."
"The end goal of Cultural Marxists is white genocide."
"Political correctness is Cultural Marxism."
"Cultural Marxists have taken over the institutions of the media, education, mainstream Christianity (conservative and liberal), law, and finance. Their goal is the annihilation of Western Civilization in general and white people in particular." END
Historical and Current Fertility Rates Per Woman Per Nation
( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision. ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 ) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, ( 4 ) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot ( various years ), ( 5 ) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database, and ( 6 ) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme.
"Ireland isn’t having enough kids to ensure it will be able to replace its population in the long run, but the nation voted in May to legalize abortion anyway.
Ireland’s Central Statistics Office (CSO) reported that Irish women are having an average of 1.8 children altogether. That number sits below 2.1 children per woman, which is the number of children Irish women would need to have in order to replace the population.
Women had 62,053 babies in 2017, marking a 1,844-decrease in babies born from 2016, according to the Independent."
What to Expect When No One's Expecting: America's Coming Demographic Disaster, by Jonathan V. Last
Book Synopsis:
Look around you and think for a minute: Is America too crowded?
For years, we have been warned about the looming danger of overpopulation: people jostling for space on a planet that’s busting at the seams and running out of oil and food and land and everything else.
It’s all bunk. The “population bomb” never exploded. Instead, statistics from around the world make clear that since the 1970s, we’ve been facing exactly the opposite problem: people are having too few babies. Population growth has been slowing for two generations. The world’s population will peak and then begin shrinking within the next fifty years. In some countries, it’s already started. Japan for instance, will be half its current size by the end of the century. In Italy, there are already more deaths than births every year. China’s One-Child Policy has left the country without enough women to marry its men, not enough young people to support the country’s elderly and an impending population contraction that has the ruling class terrified.
All of this is coming to America too. In fact, it’s already here. Middle-class Americans have their own informal one-child policy these days. An alarming number of upscale professionals don not even go that far—they have dogs, not kids. In fact, if it weren’t for the wave of immigration we experienced over the last thirty years the United States would be on the verge of shrinking too.
What happened? Everything about modern life—from Bugaboo strollers to insane college tuition to government regulations—has pushed Americans in a single direction, making it harder to have children. While making the people who do still want to have children feel like second-class citizens.
1968 the United States Population. 200,000,000
White population in 1968- 85% which equals 170,000,000
The number of whites in America has increased to an all-time high of 197 million people, an increase of 5.1 percent from 1990—but because of mass Third World immigration, their percentage of the total population has dropped to just 60 percent, a new analysis of Census Bureau figures has shown.
Media coverage of an analysis of overall white decline—issued by the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Applied Population Lab—has focused exclusively on the findings that whites have dropped as a percentage of the total population, and ignored the actual real growth in white numbers.
That report said that the number of white non-Hispanic Americans declined by 0.02 percent between 2016 and 2017, and now total 197.8 million.
Given that the US population currently stands at 325.7 million, this means that whites now constitute 60 percent of the total population.
According to US Census figures, the number of non-Hispanic whites in America in 1990 stood at 188,128,296, or 75.6 percent of the total population.
In 2000, there were 194,552,774 whites, an increase of over six million over the 1990 figure.
However, despite this remarkable growth, whites only made up 69.1 percent of the population due to mass Third World immigration and the already-present Hispanic population’s birth rate.
In 2010, the real white numbers increased once again to 196,817,552, but their overall share of the population continued to drop to 63.7 percent.
By 2012, the white numbers had increased again to 197,243,423, but continued to drop to 62.8 percent of the total population.
As the latest figures show, the white population has increased once again to an all-time high of 197.8 million.
This means that between 1990 and 2018, the white population of America has actually increased by 5.15 percent.
Despite this increase, when white numbers are expressed as a percentage of the total population, their relative numbers have declined over the same period.
In 1990, the total population of America was 249.6 million, compared to today’s 325.7 million—which means that the nonwhite population is growing even faster.
It also means that the white population—despite its real increase in numbers—dropped by 11.9 percent when expressed as a percentage of the total population for the period 1990 to 2012—a figure, which, if repeated, will mean that whites will become an absolute minority within the next ten years.
According to the latest analysis, the Hispanic population increased 2.1% to 58.9 million, and made up 18.1% of the nation’s total population in 2017. The gain was primarily due to natural increases (the difference between births and deaths), not net migration.
The black population increased 1.2% to 47.4 million, and the Asian population, the fastest-growing racial group in the nation, increased 3.1% to 22.2 million. Their increase is primarily due to net migration.
Even though white numbers are currently still increasing, unless they increase their fertility rates, this will not continue. As the latest analysis showed, more whites died than were born in twenty-six states in 2016, more than at any time in U.S. history.
The extent of the potential decline is highlighted by the fact that white deaths exceeded births in just four states in 2004 and seventeen as recently as 2014.
Two important conclusions can be drawn from the latest figures:
White fertility rates will have to increase, especially as the population ages, otherwise the real growth in numbers will not be sustained.
Unless nonwhite immigration is halted and reversed, whites will have to start consolidating in areas within the contiguous United States if they want to stand any chance of achieving or retaining political control over their destiny and culture.
Staying within the current constitutional unitary state will guarantee subjection to a combined nonwhite majority within two decades, which means that the final destruction of European America, despite the rising numbers.
The halting and reversing of nonwhite immigration will require a presently unimaginable political revolution.
It is therefore clear that the creation of a physically separate European ethnostate is now the only viable political option open to those white Americans who do not welcome the extinction of their race and culture.
* Important note to the above figures: the US Census Bureau definition of “White” includes Middle Easterners, which means that all Jews in the US are counted as white as well. There are currently officially around 6.3 million Jews in America, plus an indeterminate other number of Middle Easterners and others classified as “white” by the Federal government. This fact does not however affect the overall thesis of this article, nor its conclusions.
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Russian Leader Putin raised the national birth rate
The total population in Russia was estimated at 146.8 million people in 2017, acording to the latest census figures. Looking back, in the year of 1960 Russia had a population of 119.9 million people, and around 142 million in 200
The population of Russia peaked at 148,689,000 back in 1991, just before the breakup of the Soviet Union. Ever since the collapse of Communism, people realize that the State will not simply take care of them. As a direct result, the birth rates have been steadily dropping and there have been abnormally high death rates in Russia as well among the elderly. Russia’s population has been declining at an annual rate of 0.5%, or about 750,000 to 800,000 people per year since 1991. Add to this figure, the migration of Russian women looking for Western men, and you have a crisis brewing in the decline of population in Russia that threatens its long-term viability.
This is simply not true.
As in blatantly NOT TRUE.
According to Rosstat, and I challenge Mr. Armstrong to provide numbers to the contrary if he has them tucked away in his computer, Russia’s population cratered to around 142 million in 2006 and has been rising ever since.
Jewish, Arab fertility rates in Israel on par for first time
Arab rate drops, Jewish rate rises, and women in both groups now give birth to an average of 3.13 children, highest in OECD
The fertility rates of Jewish and Arab women were identical for the first time in Israeli history in 2015, according to figures released by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday to mark International Child Day.
Jewish and Arab women had given birth to an average of 3.13 children as of last year, the report said.
In 2000, the fertility among the country’s Arab population stood at 4.3 children per woman, while the fertility rate of Jewish women was 2.6. Since then the gap has narrowed as the Arab rate dropped off and the Jewish fertility rates steadily increased.
"Israel’s leading demographics expert on Tuesday defended military figures indicating the number of Arabs will soon equal that of Jews in Israel and the Palestinian territories — figures that had sparked outrage from right-wing lawmakers in the Knesset."
Christianity and Islam are at war ?
Prof. Bernard Lewis: Muslims "about to take over Europe" It is almost universally accepted that a small, but the lethal number of fanatics have hijacked the religion of Islam, and are using it in a distorted way to justify terrorism.
While the media does portray declining birth rates as a devastating issue, most governments view the declining birth rate as a problem which needs to be tackled. There have been many schemes trialled and introduced since the 1930s, for example; France created a "Family Code" which provided a financial bonus annually to parents for every child born. France replaced this in the 70s, with the "New Family Policy," which included a National network of free state run day care providers. This model has been replicated in many of the Nordic countries. The Nordic countries are generally considered to unambiguously refer to Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands).
Historical and Current Fertility Rates Per Woman Per Nation
The Other Population Crisis: What Governments Can Do about Falling Birth Rates by Steven Philip Kramer
Book Synopsis:
In many developed countries, population decline poses economic and social strains, and may even threaten national security. Through historical-political case studies of Sweden, France, Italy, Japan, and Singapore, "The Other Population Crisis" explores the motivations, politics, programming, and consequences of national efforts to promote births. Steven Philip Kramer finds a significant government role in stopping declines in birth rates.
Sweden and France’s pronatalist programs, which have succeeded, share a set of characteristics that make it easier for women to balance work and family life. In contrast, programs in Italy, Japan, and Singapore, have failed so far, and have not devoted sufficient resources consistently enough to make a difference, and do not support gender equality and women’s work-family balance. Kramer’s assessment furthermore discusses the role that successful population policies have in promoting national security, economic competitiveness, gender equality, and social welfare in the developed and developing world.
Steven Philip Kramer is Professor of Grand Strategy at the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, National Defense University, in Washington, D.C. He was a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center from 2010 to 2011.
“The defence of the country and the fight against migration form the core of our message…Hungary belongs to the Hungarian people…I built the border fence, defended the border and rejected the resettlement of immigrants.”
Hungarian parents receive payments for the birth of each child, and “Women who have given birth to and raised four or more children will be exempt from personal income tax for the rest of their lives.”
Unlike the U.S. and most white countries, Hungary’s government doesn’t flood Hungary with the third world and then use law and propaganda to force its white citizens to integrate with those third worlders to be blended out of existence.
Hungary knows:
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
White self-hatred is SICK!
White women go to college and then by age of 34 they decide to have a child. Muslims start at 16 and by the age of 37 they have already 5 children and 3 grandchildren.
As long as Christian countries encourage their women to study and compete with men instead of raising a family at a late age!!!, Christian countries will go the way of the dodo.
Meet Ian and Sue Povey, married for 25 years, living in a quiet cul-de-sac and parents to their fifteen children and grandparents to two grandchildren. The cul-de-sac may be quiet but number 22 certainly isn't. This is a look at Britain's biggest family, from the daily routine to going on holiday, nothing is easy when you have 15 kids.
The mother is such an industrious lady. She's so dedicated to her motherhood journey.
I think this is a bloody awsome family , there was 8 kids in my family so only half what they have , and we all enjoyed ourselves and there was no telly back then, thoroughly enjoyed watching this.
Meet Britain's Most Hated Big Family. The Hamlins. The dad works while the mum stays at home, budgeting fiercely to help keep the family afloat. They've got 12 children and have come to the terms with the fact it was their decision and want to take responsibility for all of them. However, they do still collect child support and working family tax credits. Neither of them ahs ever claimed income support., disability benefit or housing benefit. They'd like for their children to have a good example growing up and not think everything is giving to you in life. They pay for everything themselves and to save money they buy in bulk and don't spend anything on something that isn't a necessity!
However, all of this leads to a lot of media attention. The media are determined to portray large families as people who sponge from the government. The media claim that families like the Hamlin's have only had numerous children so that they don't have to work.
Comment: The Globalist( mainly Jews) control all the media are determined to portray large families as people who sponge from the government, because they want reduce the white people population with goal of exterminate them by also replacing them with non whites.
Globalist controlled media constantly sends the message that the world is overpopulated which we agree is true in some areas such as India and Africa. When it comes to European Caucasians however, we are in dire straights. We are not replacing ourselves, in fact, we aren't even close to it with the average birth rates in the UK, US, and Australia at approximately1.3.
Governments have been trying numerous types of monetary incentives over the last 30 years to increase the birth rate, but they have missed some of the fundamental issues - such as attitudes and laws.
At this site, we are all about family and increasing the birth rate because the way things are projected we are going to be a minority in the very near future. Meaning the loss of indigenous rights and continued persecution around the globe. Within 30 years we will have no indigenous homelands as the Globalist leaders of today are effectively practicing genocide by allowing vast numbers of third world immigrants and refugees into European countries. On average a Muslim couple will produce 4 children while a European couple will produce 1.6. Demographers who have kept track of these trends show some chilling forecasts where Europeans will be minorities in their own countries by 2050.
Many Muslims going into Europe are Middle Eastern Caucasians which is saving the native European Caucasians to some degree. Though with the disparity of religion and the number of Islamic extremists on the rise we can not dismiss the conflicts and terrorism that will most likely come to pass for future generations. The beautiful culturally rich Europe, that we know today, will be torn to shreds and the Europe we knew before Muslim immigration will be remembered only in history books.
Our ancestors got married when they reached puberty (about 15 years of age) and most likely started having children within the first year of that. By the time they were 35 they effectively could have between 4 - 8 children during their child-bearing years. Because mothers started young, her children then go on to have their own families much sooner so the generations within a family are much closer together than they are today.
Today, the globalist controlled media promotes that women should establish their careers before starting a family meaning that the average woman does not start having children until much later in life. This limits the number of children you can bear before fertility expires and it also brings about increased risks with genetic disorders and miscarriage greatly increasing in first-time older mothers. First time mothers who are 35 years or older are generally more likely to experience birthing complications leading to a host of medical interventions including caesarean section. This results in high risk, medically managed pregnancies for all future pregnancies as well. Statically speaking, healthy women who start having children at a younger age will have a lower rate of complications during pregnancy and birth and will go on to have future pregnancies which are uncomplicated and straight forward. The human body is an amazing thing and once you have gone through one pregnancy it remembers what to do for future births.
This is encouraging and I hope more dating sites like this one begin to appear. The emphasis upon “traditional men and women who want families” is also very encouraging.
Our White men must eschew the ‘hook-up’ culture and in pursuing women who seek a career over getting married and having children. Anything less will do little good for our race and posterity.
I know not everyone here will agree with me on this, but I’m persuaded that much of our happiness and fulfillment in life is dependent on our men and women fulfilling traditional gender roles, including pursuing those roles that comport with our natural and genetic makeup. ‘Hook-up’ culture is empty and, ultimately, ruinous.
Few women are truly happy or fulfilled when they set out on a career path rather than a path of wife and mother. Many of them will feign happiness for a period of time, but eventually their biological clock starts to tick and their more natural proclivities start to awaken urging them to seek motherhood.
I hope more Whites will utterly reject what our Bolshevik-Jewish overlords tell us when they try to ridicule traditional marriage roles, including the importance of a committed marriage between White couples in which both parents raise and nurture their children. It’s possible, I believe, to change an entire generation’s view of marriage and family if more of our children understood such truths, especially if they witnessed their mother at home gladly submitting to her husband’s leadership role, and the husband treating his wife with respect and gentleness.
"You're a hater of your people if you don't want to stay who you are" Pay attention white Europeans. You're voluntarily destroying your ethnicity through mass immigration. That isn't
Bottom line is very clear! My mom and dad were happily married for 51 years .My mom became ill and was spending a lot of time in the hospital. My dad would not leave her side, They were best friends, She past away and a few years later he past away.
I myself did my best to have a relationship like theirs. But could not find the perfect woman. Divorced twice. I finally figured out what the problem was. Unfortunately it's too late for me but I hope this helps .
My parent's secret to the perfect marriage was both of them committing 100 % to each other. They never took each other for granted. You are not going to find the perfect man or woman but if you put all your love and effort into your relationship while not thinking you could have made a better choice when things get rough. All of the sudden you will realize the choice you made was perfect. It doesn't start that way it's up to you to make it that way! I truly wish I could have figured this out sooner. I'm now just a 60 year old biker so not really good with words and I have a tear in my eye as I type this. I miss them both terribly but felt maybe this help someone.
How Do We Change This?
The media likes to promote this idea of "sowing your oats" before you settle down. But ask yourself, why do you want to keep running around looking for new partners when you can have one partner and "sow your oats" at the same time?
Starting married life young allows you to grow together and experience life for the first time as a couple. By the time most people have hit 30 they are reasonably established in their regular day to day habits and routines and it is much harder to adjust these to accommodate and compromise with another person. It is definitely still possible with the right attitude, but most people in their early 20s are more flexible with life.
Once you reach puberty your body goes through a mass of hormonal changes including the introduction of the sex drive. There is this misconception promoted regularly in television sitcoms and movies that relationships are hard work and lots of responsibility for very little benefit. It portrays regular ease at finding new partners and promotes multiple short term flings. The reality is your average person is not going to find a romantic hook up every time they go out. If you also consider as you become older, your chances of finding a partner get remarkably more difficult and you are left with a subset of society who go through life without ever finding their mate for life.
There are young couples today who were married young, have children young and they still have managed to achieve the things they wanted in life such as travel and career. But we must remember that everyone in life has to work out the right balance of work, play and family that suits them, and we all make compromises on something in order to maintain sanity and happiness.
Previous generations did not have concepts such as retirement villages and senior services meaning that the elderly are left on their own with paid carers. Previously, the elderly parents would live in a multigenerational household which had many benefits including assistance in raising the children and household tasks. Grandparents often provided the bulk of the child rearing while mom and dad were working, and with a larger number of adults in one household, children were often more disciplined and received more attention than they would in your average nuclear family. The second benefit you get is increased financial freedom and reduced debt as the finances have been pooled together and only one large property is required.
The problem we have today is attitude. If we change our attitude we can reap a lot of benefits. If you marry young and come together with your parents and live in one large house, everyone wins. You have a larger property with less debt and grandparents feel fulfilled as they still feel needed by the family. Young parents still experience some freedom as the child rearing is not left to them alone.
Ayla, known as Wife With a Purpose on Twitter, issued baby challenge
Russians Drinking Themselves To Extinction Russian people have tripled their consumption of alcohol in spite of declining population. The misery caused by alcohol can be seen in low Men to Women Population ratios, and alcohol-related deaths and illnesses with many men dead before they reach 58 years. There are also cases of abandoned children and a surge in congenital birth defects directly related to Alcohol.
The Disappearing Male The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.
Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles. They are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.
"The biggest travesty that has happened to women in the past 70 years is not misogyny or sexism, but being put on the same education and work timeline as men in spite of having a completely different biology.
Millions of women suffer every day because they’re living lives that were designed and optimized for men.
Most women lose the ability to have children without medical intervention at the age of 40. After that, it gets extremely hard for a woman to naturally conceive, and even if she manages to do so, she is 17 times more likely to transmit birth defects to her child than having conceived at age 20. Even at 35, a woman already sees a huge drop in her fertility."
Success Stories
There are some cultural groups that are managing happily having large families. These groups include, but are not limited to Mormons, Amish and Romany Gypsies and one of the primary reasons for this is that these cultures promote different attitudes and customs to family and child rearing. We have put some video links below of some Caucasian cultural groups which demonstrate what is possible.
White women go to college and then by age of 37 they decide to get a child as a single mom. Muslimas start at 16 and by the age of 37 they have already 5 children and 3 grandchildren.
As long as Christian countries encourage their women to study and compete with men instead of raising a family and starting early!!!, Christian countries will go the way of the dodo.
Romany Romance Kalderash Romany have roamed the streets of Russia for more than a century, preserving their traditions and customs despite living side-by-side with Russians.
Under National Socialism the Germans got 25% of their mortgage paid per child born to them i.e. 4 x kids = free house. Germany was one of the few countries to have a positive birth rate. Women were also awarded medals for having children and contributing to the growth and sustainability of the if they could do it why can't we??????
Great Websites For Managing Large Families
These are just a few examples of great websites which talk about mothering large families. You can find a large volume of information of great resources on managing chores, discipline, education and finances when you have large families to look after.
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Its interesting, how decades ago, an entire family would live in the same house. Grandma and grandpa, Husband and wife, kids. Even when the kids got to be of adult age, they would stay and help out with everyday things, and chip in for the bills, etc. ALLLL that changed at some point, I believe it was when the " Everyone must own their own house!" mentality started spreading through society. Of course, houses used to be MUCH more affordable.
Some Comments
European ancestry here, but coming from poor farmers we maintained the old traditions. I absolutely enjoy knowing my money doesn’t feed a bank. It feeds the family young and old alike. I don’t understand the practice of being forced from the home into potential financial ruin. Or the practice of our parents alone to be shoved into a old folks home. Buy a farm and keep your family close.
We all lived with our parents or very,very close by up until the First WORLD War, G*D only knows what was put on earth during that time period. We act like not living like a Family from Birth to Grave is somehow wrong? or is it. Families stayed together for Millenniums up into the so-called roaring 20's and then the depression and then WW2, it's never been the same.
We “live at home with mom”. Yes in the basement. Yes I’m a in the listed age bracket. Yes I’m a patriot. Yes I have a real job that would allow me to afford a home . Yes I’m a veteran. Yes I’m even married.
Living at home allows my income to support elderly parents. I don’t want to own a home where property taxes are always raised in support of liberal policies. My chores help around the land and it provides great financial stability as a family unit.
Maybe if we allowed our kids to stay longer and help build equity into our lands we would all actually own something not borrowed from a bank. You know like we used to do in the good old days. Your children can and should help you as a parent out. Have them pay rent! They are going to rent for awhile anyways until they purchase a home. Multi generational housing and farming is American culture before the boomers. Think about one or two years of equity built into your land all the while building a strong family by ensuring your kid is stable when he or she leaves the home.
I don't see anything wrong with multi-generational families, until the middle twentieth century this was the norm. If one lives somewhere with job opportunities rents are high, low rent areas have no jobs. Deport non-whites and quality of life increases
In this video, we meet Jeff, Rose, and their 5 girls who are living completely off grid on a 40-acre piece of land in Northern British Columbia, Canada. They built their own off-grid house for less than $25,000.
If you study history, all the great leaders of the world have been successful because they developed the right attitudes for the situations they were in and they made goals so they knew what they wanted to achieve. They then set about coming up with ideas to achieve those aims.
One of the problems we have, especially with European political organizations is when it comes to leadership. There is little to no training and this is why the European populations of the world are doing so badly. They are starting to lose their own countries and are unable to represent their own people. In Jewish organizations, leadership training is practiced from a very early age so when each generation grows up they have the skills to take over, ensuring them continued success. Many children in Western schools are not taught effective leadership skills and positive thinking.
The ruling elite who control our media and political parties have actually "declared war" against us (We the people). For example; they pitch true Jews against false Jews, blacks against whites, Indians against whites, Muslims against Muslims, Muslims against Christians etc, and they are behind the feminist movement which is destroying the traditional family (black, Jewish and white). They are behind the destruction of the industry having orchestrated the moving of much of it from developed countries to third world countries. They are behind the destruction of our culture and history by flooding European and third world countries with non-natives. They exercise control over the media, creating racism and bigotry by broadcasting biased news. They control the education system which results in the 'dumbing down' of our children.
You must realize the Anti-Semitic Zionist and gentile traitors have declared war on us - we did not declare war on them. This has been going on longer than you think. The following information may assist you in understanding this - we want you to change your thinking from conservative (which doesn't work) to a more nationalistic approach. Whereby you are flexible and you can move to any position as long as you are fighting to bring down the Establishment with the aim of giving rights back to all people of the world. Learn from the Sun Tzu information on how to defeat your enemies in war!
It is important to remember before every task that you need the right attitude to achieve a positive result. So think positively because negative thoughts will give bad outcomes. The old proverb is true: "You reap what you sow."
The Globalist have declared war against We the People and we must learn how to defeat Globalist from Sun Tzu
'The Art of War' - Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu is arguably the most well-known military strategist throughout history. A "Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China." (Wikipedia) He is best known by the name, Sun Tzu, which is actually an honorific title meaning, "Master Sun." Born around 545 BC, he had a significant impact on Chinese and Asian culture, and history. He is best known for his ancient text on military strategy called, 'The Art of War,' which is still used by political leaders and business managers for its principles today.
Unlike many military leaders of the time, Sun Tzu saw competition as a productive motivator rather than something that is destructive. The idea of an "enemy" is seen as a positive force, something that is a source of resource, not something to be annihilated. He had three important principles:
"Know your enemy and know yourself and in 100 battles you will never be in peril."
"To win 100 battles is not the height of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is."
1. To be a leader you never stop learning. The day you think you "know it all," is the day you stop learning.
2. To have both short and long term goals. It is important to know where you are going. Make these goals reasonable and achievable - create steps to help you pursue your large goals. To help you achieve your goals do a poster with things you want to achieve with pictures and other visuals and place it somewhere you see it often to help you stay on track. Attitude and motivation are the most important things to have in order to be a successful person. If you want to be a leader within our organization we will give you the tools and training to help you achieve your goals.
3. To know your enemies as well as you know yourself. Know everything you can about those who are in opposition or competition with you. The more you understand your opposition, the better equipped you are to make balanced decisions.
Some so-called "pro-white" and even Jewish organizations are dishonest with their members i.e. they only give 70% of the truth. How can you make a sound decision when you do not have the correct information? Every military college teaches their students everything they need to know about how the enemy thinks and operates. If they lack that information they will make uninformed decisions on the battlefield and lose. Some false Jewish community leaders (Zionist Rabbis) lie to their members, saying that all non-Jews are the enemy, do not have a soul and want to gas every Jew when in fact the majority of the non- Jewish population of the world do not want to harm anyone and wish to live in peace. If these lies are told repeatedly, people begin to believe it regardless of what is fact and what is fiction.
4. Unity is Strength. Genghis Khan who was a Mongolian leader and conquered most of Asia and parts of Europe came from a very small tribe. He did things differently to other tribes and promoted people to leadership positions if they were skilled, rather than endorsing people who were "born into positions." He also trained his people and instilled new ideas. To demonstrate his point, he snapped a single arrow in half then as a comparison tried to break a bunch of arrows and failed. This represented to his troops that when you are unified as a community it's hard to break you either physically or in spirit.
5. Setting Examples. If you are a leader in a pro-white organization, you have to set the example. For example dressing neatly, not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, organizing people effectively and having a partner of the same race.
6. Having a supportive life partner is an important foundation to good leadership. Although some successful people do not have a life partner, having someone supportive in the background makes it easier.
7. Learn to work with other groups. Just remember one of the reasons that the Celtic tribes in Europe lost against the Romans is that they were never united. We do not want to repeat history so you always need to work and help other groups so they will help you in return. Many people have the attitude, "every man for themselves," which is a bad attitude because the community can not move forward. The right attitude is, "help others to be successful and your organization will be successful." If you train somebody who turns out to do a better job than you, then that means better advancement for the organization. There will still be positions in organizations for effective leaders and employees.
8. Start training people when they are very young. Between 4-8 years old is the most informative age to start teaching children because at this age, in most cases the information and the conditioning will stay with that child for the rest of their life.
9. Control Gossip. Bad gossip can be incredibly damaging to morale within an organization and leads to collusion. In Jewish organizations, you rarely see power squabbles between Jewish leaders but you often see it amongst pro-white organizations. Not just in leadership but at meetings. It needs to be kept under control otherwise you will lose control of your organization's aims.
10. Do not get stuck with rigid ideas - be flexible. Always be willing to analyze and to adopt new ideas that will help you achieve your main objectives. One of the problems that both pro-white groups and the Jewish community have are fixed ideas that don't work and that harm lots of people, including themselves.
Your objective should always be to guarantee freedom for the majority of the people. Adopting new ideas is a good attitude and you will find it rewarding to start looking at and implementing these ideas in a rational way. Try to look at ways which these ideas have been used successfully by others.
11. Leader knows how to motivate other people. If employees do a good job, give compliment to employee will motivate them to keep doing a good job
12. Avoid negativity when it comes to looking at things and people.Everyone can be prone to negative thinking when things are tough, it is important to take a step back and analyze the situation and try to find the positive in what's happening. Challenging times are often when you can learn the most.
13. Brainstorm new ideas during the early morning when your brain is at its peak.
14. Open Discussion of New Ideas. At meetings, it's important to have open frank discussions with your members and check the negativity at the door.
15. Be rational and analyze and have goals. If you are a leader of an organization and you're not achieving your goals (eg. low membership, low numbers of female employees, minimal customer base) step back, do your research to gain more knowledge then analyze the problem and take the steps to move forward and achieve your goals. Do not get caught up in the left or right wing paradigm of thinking. Be willing to move to any position as long as it benefits the majority of the people and achieves your goals. For example, on this website, We the People should have direct control over the federal reserve bank, the banking system and the media and some people may say that this means "you're a socialist." Do not fall into this trap - the attitude should be to achieve the best result for the majority of people. It does not matter if it sounds socialist, you need to take any ideas you can to achieve your goals. We must remember there is a war going on and we need to use any tactics we can to ensure we win.
16. Always avoid class distinctions. We are all equal. It does not matter if you are rich or poor - if you are fighting Globalist, We The People are all equal.
During the 1950s, Solomon Asch conducted a series of experiments and then published his findings which demonstrated how much an individual's own opinions are influenced by those of a majority group.
Asch Conformity Experiment Classic footage from the original experiments run by Solomon Asch in the 1950s.
About Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale was an American radio personality, as well as an internationally renowned author and motivational speaker. He dealt with topics such as character development, meaningful existence, and personal motivation. His motivational spoken-word record, The Strangest Secret sold over a million copies, making it the first spoken word recording to ever achieve gold record status.
During his lifetime, Nightingale wrote and recorded over 7000 radio programs, 250 audio programs as well as television programs and videos. Some of his bestselling books include: 'The Strangest Secret', 'Lead the Field', 'The Essence of Success' and 'Think and Grow Rich' (co-authored with Napoleon Hill).
Being an Iraqi whois late dad was from Nineveh in northern Iraq, I remember how keen my dad was on visiting museums he could all around the world and taking video footage of their collections of Iraqi artifacts and archeological findings. This has been one of the most beautifully narrated, well paced to the point of being harmonious and scientifically rich documentaries I have ever had the pleasure of watching. The fact that you covered the Semetic/ Summerian symbiotic history, which is the history of the ancestors of virtually every Iraqi so well is such a feat! My late Dad would would have been thrilled if he had the chance to watch it. The cradle of civilization as we know it deserved this level of professionalism and scientific accuracy. You have earnt a subscriber and my gratitude as a human being and an Iraqi. May you and your wonderful team be blessed always.
Who are the indigenous Ainu people of Japan, where did they come from, what do they look like, and where do they stand in the world today? ?? Welcome to our deep dive into the fascinating world of the Ainu, the indigenous people of northern Japan.
In this video, we explore the unique aspects of Ainu culture, from their ancient history to their contemporary resurgence…
Haplogroups don’t constitute a large part of the genome but they do tell us about a few of our ancient ancestors. Can r1a and r1b haplogroups tell us anything about the proto-indo-Europeans and the corded ware and yamnaya? This video also shows how Y-DNA haplogroups correspond with ancient patrilineal traditions.
Some White Neanderthals became modern White Europeans.
Hum... isn't he "reconstructed" as a White (Nordic) person, plain and simple ? So White people are almost of pure Neanderthal descent ? Because there is simply no way we can look so nearly identical with a mere 3-5% in common, let's get real.
Europeans (Whites) were not black in the past. In spite of all this cheddar man crap, ancient European (Whites) people would look much like today. DNA shows ancient Egyptians are about the same as today. Same with a lot of people in the British Isles and Europe.
On the first episode of a new series exploring China's early history, we examine the scattered hunter-gatherer communities of the Chinese Upper Paleolithic, following them as they slowly adopt a more sedentary way of living, and sow the seeds of both plant and animal domestication.
Every race has its own fascinating and unique nature, and in a normal world every person should feel good about their race
The anti-Semitic ZioNazi, Globalist Racist media promotes the idea that Europeans are a mixed racial group. The evidence suggests, however, the majority of caucasian Europeans have no Black African or Asian ancestry so therefore the majority of the White European Caucasian population must be pure racially.
AUTHOR – Israel Cohen (Jewish-Zionist — Communist — Globalist) “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” >Published in 1912 . On June 17, 1957, the below passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery. But a new study suggests that at least their maternal lineage may derive largely from Europe.
Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England.
Tangled legacy
Little is known about the history of Ashkenazi Jews before they were expelled from the Mediterranean and settled in what is now Poland around the 12th century. On average, all Ashkenazi Jews are genetically as closely related to each other as fourth or fifth cousins, said Dr. Harry Ostrer, a pathology, pediatrics and genetics professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and the author of “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People” (Oxford University Press, 2012).
But depending on whether the lineage gets traced through maternal or paternal DNA or through the rest of the genome, researchers got very different answers for whether Ashkenazi originally came from Europe or the Near East.
Past research found that 50 percent to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East, Richards said. That supported a story wherein Jews came from Israel and largely eschewed intermarriage when they settled in Europe. [The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds]
But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study.
“The major Jewish communities were outside Judea,” Ostrer told LiveScience.
Maternal DNA
Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.
The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.
All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.
Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.
The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.
The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from local European populations.
“The simplest explanation was that it was mainly women who converted and they married with men who’d come from the Near East,” Richards told LiveScience.
Another possibility is that Jews actively converted both men and women among local populations at this time, although researchers would need more detailed study of paternal lineages to test that hypothesis, Richards said.
Today’s Palestinians are the true Jews of Judea. Apart from enslaved prisoners, the population of Judea continued to live on their lands, even after the destruction of the second temple [in 70 AD]. Some converted to Christianity in the 4th century, while the majority embraced Islam during the 7th century Arab conquest. Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian revolt. Both stated on several occasions that the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea. It’s fitting that those who use Judaism for their own selfish ends, are not even what they say, but imitations.
Study Traces Ashkenazi Roots to European Women Who Probably Converted to Judaism
The genetic analysis traced the lineage of many Ashkenazi Jews to four maternal founders in Europe.
Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire, concludes a new genetic study that casts doubt on many prevailing theories about the origins of Ashkenazim.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, analyzed samples of mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from the mother, taken from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucasus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews. The researchers found that more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to indigenous Europeans, with four maternal founders responsible for 40 percent. Although Jewish men may have migrated into Europe from Israel around 2,000 years ago, they brought few or no wives with them, according to the researchers, who suggest that the men married and converted European women, first along the Mediterranean and later in western and central Europe… – Haaretz
Dr. Jared Taylor, editor da American Renaissance refuta a ideia de que as raças são uma construção social. Título original: Jared Taylor - The Biological Reality of Race, publicado em 18-03-2014.
In this video Jared Taylor explains why some people argue that race is not a real biological reality but a sociological optical illusion. He addresses how this idea is wrong and what it is partly based on:
The idea that races don’t exist, and are a sociological optical illusion defies common sense.
The idea that most of human variation occurs within races, and not between races is misleading.
The differences between races are significant, just like the small differences between men and women lead to differences in important traits.
Race differences are differences in averages between groups. Just because there is greater variation within sexes, for traits such as height, than between sexes, it does not mean that an average height difference between sexes does not exist.
People who deny that races exist would also have to deny that dog breeds exist.
For dog breeds even though most of the variation is within a breed, it does not mean there are no significant differences between breeds.
Then he outlines various biologically based differences between the races:
Genetic studies can identify races based on small pieces of DNA.
Race can even be identified by the type of bacteria living in one’s mouth.
There are race differences in hormone levels, gestation time, rate of development, brain size, eye size, genital size, hair type, bone density, fat distribution, age of puberty onset, life span, twinning rates, myopia rates, disease rates, etc.
There are race differences in metabolism.
There are medical differences between the races.
Sub-Saharan Africans, and other indigenous African people’s e.g. Bushmen, are the only people who do not have Neanderthal admixture.
There are race, and sub-race differences in sporting abilities.
He explains that the reasons for adopting the false view that races don’t exist are:
To persuade White people that mixed marriages, and immigration mean nothing. Replacing Whites with other races is like replacing them with themselves.
People are afraid that if there are races, and races are different then there could be race differences in intelligence.
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Dr. Möbias
Great post. Or anything 100% white-free, black, Asian or brown, LaRaza, NAACP, Asian Rights Council, neighborhoods, schools = Diversity. Anything 30% white, churches, neighborhoods, schools = targets of diversity police and must be flooded with non-whites to squash white supremacy. IOW, the white race and ONLY the white race is a social construct, except when it comes to affirmative action, quotas and time tables, then the white race is clearly defined
Race denial is a mass indoctrination technique used by liberals to psychologically prepare whites for their impending cultural and demographic genocide. This fanatical denial of human racial differences is often expressed using a number of media soundbites, such as “race does not exist” and “there is only one race, the human race.” This is how it works: when a white neighborhood is invaded by non-whites, no objection to 3rd world invasion is possible because everybody has already been mass indoctrinated into believing that race denialism is just common sense.
Only white believers in the secular religion of social liberalism deny the biological reality of race. Non-whites know what race they belong to and have no problem discriminating against members of other races. When whites become minorities in their own countries, the first casualty of the coming race war will be this naive political correctness about race.
The Germans, the Russians, Greeks, Italians, British, Irish, white Americans, white Australians, white New Zealanders, white Mexicans are just to name some countries, are all European caucasian people. There are some people will say to you that their father was German and mother is Spanish, then say 'I'm a mixture of two races.' This is incorrect - they are all White European Caucasians.
White European people are very distinctive from other racial groups. Most of the White Caucasian people look similar worldwide. It is helpful not to go by dress or facial hair, but to go by the White European Caucasian features.
The Globalists say there is no White race, but there is a black race, an Asian race, they say this to overcome their guilt of genociding their own people, by increasing non White immigration (invasion) into Western countries.
Europeans have been conditioned to think of themselves as different racial groups, and the following information is to change this belief.
Millions have lost their lives by thinking they were of a different race, and one aim of this site is to bring all Europeans together as one people to stop wars and show they are not all mixed races but one White race. We are White European Caucasians having similar features, such as eye color, hair color, face shape, etc.
The term 'Caucasian' was introduced in 1795 in Germany, by the German anthropologist, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, who supposed European Caucasians ancestral origins lay in Caucasus Mountain regions between the Black and Caspian sea.
The correct geographic description of the Caucasoids, White Europeans in Europe, West Eurasians, and people living in the Middle East, India and North African.
In the United States, Australia, and Canada, the term 'caucasian' may refer exclusively to Europeans (whites).
Police use Forensics to recognize the different racial skeletons found because all races are different from each other. If you wish to argue that different races do not exist, answer this: Why are Forensic Anthropologists so good at identifying them? The following videos support the different racial skull shapes:
This video demonstrates the process of facial reconstruction completed by Museum Specialist Gay Malin. The video provides a step-by-step description of how artists go about rebuilding the features of a long-dead person, based only on the shape of their skull. This video focuses on the reconstruction of facial features from a skull of a woman who died 300 years ago in Albany. Her remains were excavated from the cemetary associated with the Albany Almshouse (1826-1926). The video provides a lot of interesting detail about how the artist decides on unknowable features like ear shape and body fat measures.
While North Americans dominated the sport through the 1980s, the tide began to turn in the 1990s when armwrestling was spreading around the world at an accelerated pace. North American women still took up two thirds of the spots on the list of the top 15 pullers of that decade, but Europeans made up the balance. This trend continued into the first decade of the 21st century. Among the Top 15 Female Pullers of the 2000s (the period between 2000 and 2009), two thirds are European. Remarkably, three of the women who appear on the list of the top pullers of the 1990s are also on the list of the top pullers of the 2000s.
Globalist race-haters say there is only one race, the human race, and the only separated by nation. It is said the white race does not exist and you can not classify any race by skin colour. But, as we know, the white race DOES exist. The Globalists are attacking white Caucasians all over the world through media channels, or by playing blacks against whites, or promoting interracial relationships. Globalists also say that black people and Asian people do exist, and then say, ”there is no such thing as race,” when it comes to justifying multicultural and multiracial society, which means they are promoting white and black genocide.
Are Europeans, Asians and Africans Different subspecies?.
Professor Douglas Whitman of Illinois State University in the United States showcases the incredible diversity of human populations around the world, showing how different race groups evolved different biological characteristics in response to their environments.
There is a small religious group of African Blacks in the United States who say they gave birth to the Chinese, Mongolian, Middle Eastern, European and Indian civilizations. The African Blacks (Negroes) did not start these civilizations.
In fact, skeletal remains found in the regions of the birth of the Chinese civilization are definitely Asian. Skeletal remains found in the region of the birth of Europe are Caucasian. This also holds true of skeletal remains found in the Middle East and in India respectively.
This example shows evidence that race is determined by facial features, bone and muscle structure, hair color and type, eye color, mind behavior/lifestyle. But why do some African Blacks believe that whites and Asians were once black and turned into albinos? There are albinos amongst Asians, Africans, and whites, however, they are distinctly different from whites and Asians.
Gripping documentary exploring the stories of five exceptionally talented people, investigating where their amazing skills came from and finding out if they and their families can ever have normal lives.
The evidence suggests that the brains of the distinct racial groups are different. African Black brains are not Caucasian brains, and Caucasian brains are not African Black brains.
The majority of the world's most noted intellectuals have been Caucasian, (white, Jewish, and Indians in India, Chinese, and other Asians).
When you read this website you will realize that you have not been given very good information by your educational system and the media. You may have the best brain in the world, but it cannot function correctly and give you the right answers if you only have the wrong information. So it doesn’t matter what your intelligence level is, with the wrong information your brain just cannot give you the right answers.
If you have a very good brain, and you have had the right training and absorbed the right information, you can do many wonderful things that can change the world and make you financially secure in the process. That is why it’s important for Mums and Dads to teach their children about European Caucasian history so your children can grow and fight for our rights during their life, so they can improve the lives of millions of people all over the world.
Skin Color
It has been said that every race is a product of their environment. If this were the case, the Mongolian people, who live north of China where the climate is very cold and cloudy, would have evolved to have white skins. But they do not have white. They have brown skins.
Other examples are to go further South to China and Japan where the people have white skins. The same also holds true in other countries if you investigate it, the American Indians who live in North America live in a cold climate yet they have brown skins. There are some now who have white skins but that has occurred through intermarriage with whites. Bushmen who occupied half of Africa, and who were driven out by the Blacks to Southern Africa have brown skin, Asian facial looks, and a language which is not related to the Black languages. Climate may have some effect on skin but race is also involved.
The following is on the three racial groups, Negroid (various groups in Africa), Mongoloid (various groups in Asia), and Caucasoid (Europeans whites, North African Caucasians, Middle Eastern, Eastern China and Northern India).
Fingerprints have been used for decades as a useful tool to identify individuals and recent research has now demonstrated that it also appears to encode even more information, including a person's ancestral background. A team of scientists found people of European and African ancestry have distinct differences in their fingerprint ridges.
Professor Ross, the lead investigator explained: "The frequency of total number of bifurcations differed significantly between groups with African Americans showing a higher frequency of this trait."
A skull discovered in Northern Greece has the potential to change what we know about human evolution. This skull, known as the Petralona Skull was found in 1959, embedded in a wall and was handed over to the University of Thessaloniki from the Petralona community. This came with the condition that after examination it would be put on public display by the museum with information about what was discovered. This never happened and some researchers are arguing that it is being kept from people that our current "Out of Africa" theories on evolution are plain wrong.
Black Africans (Negroes) are also called Bantu and their physical characteristics:
Body Build: Burley Skin: Black skin is more resistant to radiation than white skins but also filters out ultraviolet so in the absence of sunshine black people are deficient in vitamin D Lips: Thick and everted (showing pink inner portion when closed) Head Hair: Frizzy or wooly appearance
Head: Long with a prominent occiput, (back of skull) Eyes: Dark Brown
Black African Penis Myths We sometimes hear that black African men have the biggest penises. The Globalists promote this through adult magazines. This is not true! Scientific evidence on record shows the largest manhood phallus belongs to a European guy from Brooklyn in the United States, Jonah Falcon.
Many people may think of all Africans as a single, monolithic race, however, many different races populate the African continent, and they do not like to be confused for each other.
The Wodaabe do not have the same attitude toward their sexuality that we have been burdened with by our Christian heritage. This video addresses questions of flirting, courtship, marriage, and sex that I did not address in my first two Fulani videos.
Mbuti Pygmies
" A classic (old) documentary which looks at the traditional lifestyle of a hunter gatherer society - the Mbuti Pygmies. Deep in the Itiri Rainforest (Congo in Africa), Sangoo and his fellow villagers live a life untouched by outside influences - a life as close to the earliest humans as possible."
Pygmies need to be protected and not hunted and eaten for sport.
Bantu peoples of Africa
Who are the Bantu peoples of Africa, and how did they permanently change the face of Africa in the past? Today, we're going to discuss the history of the Bantu expansion, and the many empires and modern nations of Africa and beyond that are descended from these peoples.
Africans have a greater genetic inheritance from archaic human species and are more closely related to chimpanzees than other ethnic groups. At least according to established research and current models of human origins. This is what Chinese professor of genetics and evolution Shi Huang says. – It is a sensitive subject, especially in the Western world and especially in the US, he tells Fria Tider .
Shi Huang received his PhD in genetics from the University of California in the United States in 1989 and subsequently worked in the state for several decades, including as an associate professor at The Sanford-Burnham Institute. In 2009 he moved back to China and has since been a professor at Central South University in Hunan. Today he holds a professorship in genetics, epigenetics and evolution. He is the basis of a large number of scientific dissertations and has been cited thousands of times by other scientists.
San Bushman
Bushmen are brown skin and look like a mix of Asian and African.
"The indigenous people in Southern Africa are our oldest human ancestors, with DNA testing proving the San are direct descendants of the first Homo sapiens. Today, however, their culture, traditions and heritage are at risk of being lost forever."
Sickle cell disease was originally called a "Black African" disease
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease was originally called a "black" disease, however, it has been shown to be found in other warm climates such as the Middle East, Africa and India. Sickle cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder predominantly found in black Africans all over the world including America and Europe. It is a serious inherited condition with 1 in 12 African Americans currently carrying the trait. The disease alters the shape of red blood cells making them sickle-shaped. These cells do not flow well as the shape causes blockages resulting in joint pain or sometimes even stroke; sometimes it lasts only a few hours, sometimes it lasts for several weeks.
Research has shown that this blood abnormality is an evolutionary process where the issues of sickle cells are seen by evolution as less of an issue than the malaria resistance it provides. Malarial parasites cannot infect sickle cells because the parasite cannot "fit" inside the sickle cells, destroying them before the parasites can grow and reproduce.
It is a genetic condition that is passed on from the parents. There are two versions, Sickle Cell Trait where you carry the condition but don't have any symptoms and Sickle Cell Disease which requires medical management. If you marry a person who has either of these conditions you need to be aware that you could pass this onto your child and a blood test can be taken after birth to see if it has been inherited or alternatively you can opt to have prenatal genetic testing completed. Having one parent with Sickle Cell Disease means that there is a chance your child will be born with either the disease or the trait. The following diagrams taken from the Sickle Cell Society website explains the likelihood of inheritance.
With each pregnancy, two people with sickle cell traits may have the following: 25% chance of having an unaffected child with normal hemoglobin. 50% chance of having a child who also is a carrier. 25% chance of having a child with sickle cell anemia.
With each pregnancy, one person with sickle cell trait has: 50% chance of having an unaffected child with normal hemoglobin. 50% chance of having a child who also is a carrier.
The disease is so terrible, that during pregnancy you can opt to do a prenatal genetic test to discover if the unborn child has inherited the disease. Some parents then opt to terminate the pregnancy rather than bear a child with this debilitating condition.
The further North you go from Mediterranean to Northern Europe, the less ultra-violet radiaiton there is. Vitamin D is one of our essential nutrients, and we depend on the sunshine to make it. If you do not make enough it can result in many illnesses and diseases. Dark skin pigmentation reduces vitamin D production in the skin and Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Africans living in colder climates, much more so than any other ethnic group. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a number of illnesses including prostate cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. Recent studies have also shown that low levels of vitamin D in the blood seems to contribute to a weak immune system and insomnia.
If you have a dark to black skin, the following illnesses can result from living in the Northern hemisphere:
1. Turkey spine 2. Skin disease 3. Bone disease 4. Ricketts 5. Soft Bone Disease during pregnancy 6. Increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, as Vitamin D is needed to make compounds to destroy bacteria.
Jarawas spoke man: we need self determination India government: denied Jarawas right.Jarawas: that’s unacceptable.
Bengal live mysterious tribes
"On remote islands in the Bay of Bengal live mysterious tribes. The five-foot high black skinned Andaman islanders are rumoured by sailors to be cannibals. Their origins are mysterious, but this film reveals how modern DNA analysis suggests that these ancient people" may not have close links to Africa and may have origins in Asia. Over time blacks have been become extinct and were replaced by Asians in Asia.
"An isolated tribe in Papua New Guinea meets the white man for the first time. This took place in the 1970s when there were more un-contacted tribes than today. However even today there are still a few tribes that have not yet met the rest of civilization."
Australian Aborigines and Black Pygmies
Much of what is taught about Aboriginal culture today appears to be based on myths and hearsay. This article attempts to present a balanced perspective based on the observations of early settlers who lived among the Aborigines. Their real life observations help give us a glimpse into a fascinating, complex, and often savage culture.
Australian Aborigine Stumpy Brown is a Wangkujanka woman who lives at Christmas Creek in the Kimberley. Stumpy has seen many changes throughout her lifetime but nothing so dramatic, when as a teenager, she saw a white man for the first time.
Mongoloids: represent the different Asians in Asia:
Body Build: Light Build Skin: Light white to brown Head Hair: Majority have straight black hair, some have dark brown hair Head: Broad, forehead well rounded Eyes: Some Asians have epicanthic folds which give a slanting appearance, eye color brown Chin: Well developed Body hair: Do not have abundant body hair like the Caucasoid Nose: Sometimes broad sometimes narrow
" Today, nearly 40 percent of Asian people share this dental trait. The genetic mutation behind tooth shoveling—found in two alleles of the EDAR gene—occurred in China some 30,000 years ago and spread through the ancestors of Native Americans and Asians 20,000 years ago. The researchers questioned why these teeth were so common in Native Americans and Asians but rare in other groups."
Mongolian spot
The Mongolian Blue Spot occurs in majority of Asians, Sub Saharan Africa, Oceania, and among Native American and Latin American populations. Even it occurs in some Caucasians in the European population.
Ancient Vietnam was a combination of the Lac Viet and Au Viet tribes to form the Au Lac clan, to establish the Xich Dem state, and later to Van Lang. During thousands of years of building the country, nearly half of the time was under the slave domination of the North (Ancient China). Vietnam was suppressed for a total of 1,000 years by the domination of ancient China. A lot of historical culture and customs have disappeared. The ancient Chinese forced the Vietnamese to learn ancient Chinese characters and live according to their customs. Avoiding assimilation and forgetting their origins, the ancient Vietnamese relied on ancient Han characters to create a language called Hán-Nôm, pronounced by the Vietnamese way of calling Han. The peak was in the years 1426, after the Ho dynasty fell into the hands of the Ming, and the Ming dynasty burned and destroyed all books and customs of the ancient Vietnamese.
Without Qin Shi Huang, there would be no current China. He unified the language, writing system, weight to measurement. Without him, China would have been divided into many kingdoms which may eventually became smaller countries now like present Europe. He was the creator, the maker of ChinaAs someone who was obssesed with immortality, I think he has successfully achieved it. He's still "alive" now, feared, amazed, talked, admired. Although it is not in the manner as he wished, he is immortal. What a man!
China is one of the oldest and most powerful countries in the world and yet many of us know little of its Ancient Origins. Who were the people of Ancient China, when did they unify and who created some of the world's most spectacular sites such as the legions of terracotta soldiers?
The Bushmen in South African have Asian eye fold, yellowish skin, and a flat face and Asian shovelled incisors, and many newborn even have mongoloid spots
The original inhabits of the Philippines were a black negrito people who have lost their country because of lighter skinned Asian immigration (invasion) and interracial marriage and this has reduced their population into a minority.
These black Asians are part of the Negrito ethnic group which is actually the furthest genetically from today’s Negro Africans.
A brief history of the Philippines....lmacifyPublished on Nov 21, 2010
Ainu, First Peoples of Japan. The Ainu arrived in Japan maybe 14,000 years ago, 10,000 years before the Japanese. They were killed, enslaved and driven off their lands, taking refuge in the northern islands of Japan where they now number 100,000 to 25,000.
In this episode, Sarah Darwin visits the last remaining members of a native tribe that was wiped out by a European disease. We also hear the history of the Beagle's incredible nautical resilience.
There was no full understanding of germs and viruses and that they were transmissible at the time this took place. Assuming that people were deliberately harmed by infecting them is ignorant.
Purely white Mexicans are not native, but Mestizo Mexicans are native. Some Mexicans are part white.
Hawaiian & Polynesian People
The ancient legend of Hookumu Ka Lani, Hookumu Ka Honua, buried for centuries in the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, exposes the surprise origins of the Hawaiian and the Eastern Polynesian people.
Maori Story about fair skin, blond, red head people in New Zealand
Unravelling the feud between science and folkore, we uncover the hidden depth behind ancient legends. The documuntary digs deeply into the now denied history of the Ngati Hotu and the Waitaha. Who are these people, where did they come from and where are they now? Of you'd like to know more about us and our films please visit
The Maori people of New Zealand came from eastern Polynesia in waves of canoes sometime between 1250 and 1300 AD. Over the centuries, they developed a rich and complex society that included a fierce and terrifying warrior culture. Europeans described the Maori warriors as large men, although women could be warriors as well, who had extensive facial tattoos. While they looked fearsome, their intense physical appearance is only the start of what made these warriors so terrifying.
Moa were a fascinating and diverse group of birds that possess numerous anatomical and biological characteristics that are not found in any other bird species. Coming in many different shapes and sizes, from the agile Upland moa to the hulking Heavy-footed moa, with this video, I hope you learn something new about this remarkable group and gain a greater appreciation for New Zealand's endemic fauna.
Some Neanderthals Became The Modern White Europeans
Neanderthal skull and Cro-Magnon skull (Ice Age European).
A lecture by Dr. John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin. Delivered at the University of New Hampshire on April 27, 2016 as part of the Saul O Sidore Lecture Series, Personal Genomic Medicine.
Neanderthals apparently co-existed with anatomically modern humans beginning some 100,000 years ago.
However, about 45,000 years ago, at about the time that stoneworking techniques similar to those of Cro-Magnon (Whites) people appeared in Europe, Neanderthals began to be displaced.
In reality there is one species: Homo (Human) - and others are just a races of Homo and not species. dozens of races (Erectus, Neanderthals, Heidelbergensis, Denisovans and etc.) are extinct, only 3 main races are here today (Caucasoids, Mongoloids and Negroids). A species is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction. if we define species in this way, than i am right, but Other ways of defining species include their karyotype, DNA sequence, morphology, behaviour or ecological niche.
Neanderthal Family above. Many people say the Neanderthals are the ancestors of White European Caucasians
When you look at these pictures most people will say they are White Europeans. They are not modern White Europeans, they are Neanderthals and their DNA taken from their bones reveals they had white skin and light hair and eye colours just like White European's today. The Neanderthals had blue, brown eyes, hair: blond, reddish, and brown.
My beloved husband who died 8 years ago the 12th of this month, had some of the Neanthertal characteristic: such as the back notch in his skull, the frontal ridge, the light skin and hair...he was stunningly attractive and used to carry the American flag in the parades..He was the best man I ever metEverybody loved him and we still miss his sweet disposition; his friendliness and generosity, his devotion to duty and civility and to society.
That’s beautiful, the last section of your video, @3:40 with all the different representations of Neanderthal faces is beautiful.Looking at the state of our planet, it’s easy to imagine we may not be the most intelligent humans that have lived.
There artwork in the Lascau caves are thought to represent the constellations.
Neanderthal anatomy - Wikipedia
"Anatomical evidence suggests they were much stronger than modern humans while they were slightly shorter than the average human, based on 45 long bones from at most 14 males and 7 females, height estimates using different methods yielded averages in the range of 164–168 cm (65–66 in) for males and 152–156 cm (60–61 in) for females."
"Mass: Male: 78 kg (Adult), Female: 66 kg (Adult)"
Some people say the " Neanderthals are an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans in the genus Homo, who lived within Eurasia from circa 400,000 until 40,000 years ago. Wikipedia" .
Its likely Neanderthals gave modern Europeans blue eyes. It is known that Neanderthal genes still play a part in skin tone and hair colour in modern humans.
DNA taken from Neanderthals show they had the same colouring as modern Europeans and Middle Eastern people. Some Neanderthals had light hair, eyes and skin, while others had olive skin and dark hair, eyes:
Neanderthals had different hair, eye and skin colours just like modern humans. DNA taken from two female Neanderthals showed they had brown eyes but also carried genes for blue eyes:
"Other archaeological evidence unearthed at Neanderthal sites provides reason to believe that Neanderthals did in fact have a diverse diet. Microfossils found in Neanderthal teeth and food remains left behind at cooking sites indicate that they may have eaten wild peas, acorns, pistachios, grass seeds, wild olives, pine nuts and date palms depending on what was locally available."
Researchers have found the earliest example of our species outside Africa.
In 1978, in a cave called Apidima at the southern end of Greece, a group of anthropologists found a pair of human-like skulls. One had a face, but was badly distorted; the other was just the left half of a braincase. Researchers guessed that they might be Neanderthals, or perhaps another ancient hominin. And since they were entombed together, in a block of stone no bigger than a microwave, “it was always assumed that they were the same [species] and came from the same time period,” says Katerina Harvati from Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
That’s wrong. By thoroughly analyzing both skulls using modern techniques, Harvati and her colleagues have shown that they are very different, in both age and identity.
The one with the face, known as Apidima 2, is a 170,000-year-old Neanderthal—no surprises there. But the other, Apidima 1, was one of us—a 210,000-year-old modern human. And if the team is right about that, the partial skull is the oldest specimen of Homo sapiens outside Africa, handily beating the previous record holder, a jawbone from Israel’s Misliya Cave that’s about 180,000 years old. “I couldn’t believe it at first,” Harvati says, “but all the analyses we conducted gave the same result.”
In what way is 'mood' affected? What does that even mean? 'Neanderthal Mood'? Why is Neanderthal man always shown in a fur loincloth? They lived for thousands of years in the glacial North. Colder than Siberia today. You expect us to believe they wore nothing but a fur rug? Half baked truth and pseudo science.
Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA and than Europeans. Neanderthals had larger brains than modern humans and this is past down to Asians and Europeans.
Europeans are Neanderthal, it is their DNA, Europeans are 100% had no other direct ancester...because your hominid ancesters were completely isolated from Africa and the indusvalley by the great ice age....white skin, mostly light colored hair, mostly light colored only found in Neanderthals... Europeans and mesopotamians were strictly Neanderthal...and he rest of us have very small strains ...Europeans are's not's all...the DNA is not DNA...Europeans are neaderthals
Groundbreaking genetic analysis of a 37,000-year-old human bone from Russia has revealed that modern Europeans have remained genetically identical from that time onward—and that there are increasing numbers of holes in the “out-of-Africa” theory of human development.
The time has come to discuss North Africa, but are they White, Black or Middle Eastern? What are the genetics of countries of Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya? Today, let's tackle the issue of genetics, admixture and ethnic identity in the modern countries of North Africa from a historic perspective.
I realize the assertions I make about the identity of modern North Africans like the Egyptians, Algerians and Moroccans do not apply to everyone, and that everyone has a different outlook.
Let me know your thoughts on the region of North Africa, and it's very tumultuous fluctuating history and people down in the comments below. Thanks for watching!
The song has since become a patriotic song in India, and has been re-interpreted by various Indian musicians including C. Ramachandra and A.R. Rahman. The song is currently the regimental quick march of the Indian Army.
The Indian population comprises of homogeneous people with different shades of brown and other regions especially the north you will find white skin Indians who were the decedent of the Aryan tribes.
Many people who study race classified the brown skin Indians as members of the Caucasoid population. There are Asians, and you will see them in the parade above.
Physical characteristics representing the Caucasoid group:
Body Build: Medium to tall stature, thin to well built Caucasoids: Divided into four subgroups European: skin: White to light brown, hair: blond, black, redheads, eyes: brown, blue Middle Eastern: skin: white to brown, eyes: brown, hair: black to brown Indians in India: skin: white, black to brown, eyes: brown Ethiopians in North Africa: skin: black, eyes: brown, hair: black to brown Head: Mostly broad, the head shape can change as we get older Chin: Well developed Body hair: Compared with other races some Caucasoids have a lot of body hair Nose: Usually long and high ridged and of various shapes
Head Hair: From black, brunette, blond and redhead.
White Caucasian noses do vary in Europe, the woman on the right is common, and the woman on the left is not common, you will find this nose more common in the Caucasus areas between Russia and the Middle East.
Many say Jews have a high proportion of long noses comparing to the surrounding population. This is not necessarily true with most Jews are former gentiles that have converted to the Jewish faith; therefore their noses are reflexing their original backgrounds.
Those Jews that have this particular type of nose shows they had an ancestor carrying the gene who could have originate from the Caucasus area among Russia and the Middle East.
You ever seen this bullshit that scientist try to say the reason Europeans skin turned white was because of the climate, FALSE, and then try to say the inuit and eskimos some how didn't change because they ate fatty fish in high vitamin D, well so did the Norwegians, and they are white.
"Brown is the most common eye color in the world. Lighter eye colors such as blue or green are found almost exclusively in people of European descent, according to the Genetics Home Reference of the National Library of Medicine."
These are the rarest eye colors in the world. Do blue or green eyes surprise you? Well, get ready to see even stranger colors, colors that you won't believe really exist.
This is perhaps the second part of the Ancient Greek real faces project, which analyses after a lot of research of historical sources that resulted with a design of Alexander the Great's real face, along with some facts about the Macedonian Greek king.
Couples wanting to give birth to blond haired children, both partners must have blond hair genes. Mainly white Europeans have the blond hair genes and some Euroblack mix race may have them.
Why Do Some Kids Lose Their Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes? While only 1 in 5 adults has blue eyes in the United State most babies are born with blue eyes and it changes to hazel or brown generally in the first year of life. This change is due to the amount of melanin in the body before and after birth. Your levels of melanin increase after you are born and this changes the pigment of your eye color as well as your hair and skin. If you have just a small amount of melanin in your iris they will appear blue and will reflect less sunlight than brown or hazel eyes for example.
This melanin pigment also affects your hair color though it is slightly more complex. There are two types of melanin that determine the color of your hair - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Research has shown that as you mature the number of eumelanin increases with age and this is what impacts the darkening of many people's hair as they reach puberty. They are still unclear as to why eumelanin production ramps up with age and further research is exploring theories on this.
White European Caucasians
The United States former President Ronald J Trump and family on the right gives good example of what White European Caucasians look like. Some of Trump family members are of the Christian faith and some are of the Jewish faith.
What Color Hair Will My Baby Have? A Genetic Explanation ...
Sep 26, 2019 - Here, we know that both parents' genotypes contain only blonde traits because that is the only way they could have blonde hair. A brown allele would have dominated, resulting in brown hair. If both parents carry only blonde alleles, they can only pass on blonde alleles, therefore, their child must be blonde.
Caucasoids Differents between European Caucasians and Middle East Caucasians
Many people are led to believe the people in the Middle East are black. The bulk of the population is just as white as Europeans while others are brown. The bulk of the Middle Eastern Caucasians has brown eyes whereas many Europeans Caucasians have blue eyes and many have the blond hair genes and have distinctive European features.
All White Europeans All Over the World Are closely Related
Genetic Study Finds White Europeans in America, Canada, Australia, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and all other white people worldwide are closely related
50% of Western European Men descended from “One King” Around 50 percent of all men in Western Europe are descendants of one Bronze Age “king” who generated much of the nobility class which spread throughout Europe, a new genetic study has claimed.
50% W. Europe Men from “One King”
Around 50 percent of all men in Western Europe are descendants of one Bronze Age “king” who generated much of the nobility class which spread throughout Europe, a new genetic study has claimed.
The study, published in the Nature Genetics journal, analyzed the sequences of 1,244 human male Y chromosomes drawn from the 1000 Genomes Project.
According to the study, this “super progenitor” lived around 4,000 years ago, and was probably one of the earliest leading kings of early Europe.
Although it is not known who he was, or where he lived, the study says he certainly existed because of the genetic evidence which still can be seen in present-day European populations.
One of the study authors, Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith, said that the most “novel and exciting thing” which they had discovered in the study was the “extraordinary explosion in numbers of males at specific times.”
“In Europe there was huge population expansion in just a few generations. Genetics can’t tell us why it happened but we know that a tiny number of elite males were controlling reproduction and dominating the population.
“Half of the Western European population is descended from just one man. We can only speculate as to what happened. The best explanation is that they may have resulted from advances in technology that could be controlled by small groups of men,” he said.
The male Y chromosome is passed from father to son, while the study of the naturally occurring mutations reveal which Y chromosomes are related to each other.
The mutations also reveal how far apart the Y chromosomes are from each other, and to what degree, a fact which allowed researchers to build a family tree.
The research results astounded the study authors, because it showed that there was a massive increase in the number of men carrying a certain type of Y chromosome within just a few generations.
The earliest explosive increase of male numbers occurred 50,000–55,000 years ago, across Asia and Europe, and 15,000 years ago in the Americas.
Many dug up Egyptian mummies from the early dynasties show them with distinct white features, such as blue eyes, blonde or red hair.
A fascinating discovery by geneticists in Switzerland is that up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen. The same racial group but different cultures.
The surprising ancestry of ancient Egyptians: First ever genome study of mummies reveals they were more Turkish and European than African.
LONDON (Reuters) - Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said.
I'm an artist that uses photoshop to bring old images and statues into the modern day. I use photo-compositing and digital drawing techniques to achieve a more photo-realistic appearance.
This is very well done. It humanizes these famous historical figures. Also, in your renderings, Cleopatra is indeed beautiful, she just isn't "baby faced" Elizabeth Taylor. She has strong cheekbones, and a large nose, to populations where people have such facial traits, she is a beauty. Well done!
Hi Robert. I love your videos and I think I've seen all of them. I don't recall the explanation for the Pharaoh's weird shaped heads.Did I mishear? Nefertiti had 6 daughters? one that married king Tut? Tut was Nefertiti's nephew & son-in-law? Or, was Tut her son?
Entering the world of 21st Century gypsy and traveller weddings, where ancient traditions meet modern fashions in an ostentatious culture clash, this film follows four gypsy and traveller families on their wedding day.
Considered ‘on the shelf’ at 20, in gypsy and traveller communities many girls get married soon after their 16th birthday with the support of their family.
The weddings are visual spectacles: brides and their families compete to have the most flamboyant dresses; girls parade into church in enormous dresses that sometimes weigh more than the bride herself. Although the women look sexually provocative there is a tradition of premarital chastity that is increasingly unusual in Britain today.
My family are Romani/English travellers. (Family’s from both sides married into each-other.)
My family are extremely old fashioned and very into their spirituality like tarot cards, rune stones, crystals, fortune telling and witchcraft.
I feel sometimes ashamed to tell people where my family are from because they then jump to conclusions and assume we are like what you see on TV. When that really isn’t the case! My family used to live on a site until early 2000s and then move into houses, last person to live on our site was my grandad who died in 2018. Now my cousin and her baby have moved into a shalley there also with a distant relative in a caravan to keep it ours, rest of the plot is rented out to people.
We would own horses and dogs back in the day, As usual.But never would women wear the kinds of things you see in these modern day “travellers”.
Our clothing was more bohemian with bangles, head scarfs and beautiful patterned dresses that were not showing cleavage and belly’s and under bum.
I do feel our culture has been corrupted in a way by this new modern day aesthetic of what a traveler should be.
And the beautiful vardos (wagons) we would own which had beautiful patterns and gold outlining with those beautiful painted shutters for the windows. Its such a shame to hardly see them around anymore..
Please do not think we are all like what is being portrayed on tv!
Alonso Fernández de Lugo presenting the captured Guanche kings of Tene...
Other Whites
White is a word used to describe European light skinned people with Caucasian features. We need to unite people who are Caucasian, light skinned from all over the world. There are many people who live outside Europe who look like Europeans and are also white Caucasians. Who are related to White European people.
The following videos give some good examples of people in the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Central Asia, who consider themselves as white or are not conscious of being white.
These people have ancient overlap from the Indo Iranians, who were the East side of the Yamna steppe people, who in the begging carried almost exclusively R1b haplogroups which they carried throughou the middle east and Caucasuses. Some areas got more recent European admixture of course from the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Crusaders ect., more closer to the coast lines, overlap in ancestry also comes from the Neolithic Antanolian farmers, which Europeans and some areas in middle east got, and Europeans share overlap in ancestry with having overlapping Caucasus hunter gather DNA, two rounds of admixture from that, as the Yamna carried around 40% Caucasus Hunter Gatherer DNA.
The Persians of Kuwait or Ajam (Arabic: عجم/فرس) are a community of Persians in Kuwait. They are non-Arab Kuwaitis of ethnic Iranian origin, who have migrated and settled in Kuwait before its establishment and were consequently naturalized. Some still retain cultural ties to Iran, through food, music, and language, while others have assimilated fully and are culturally no different than their Arab Kuwaiti counterparts. Almost all of Kuwait's Shia citizens are Persians, Shias are 30%-40% of Kuwait's 1.4 million citizen population.
We think of white people as mainly Christians, but many whites today are Muslim and live in countries like Algeria in (North West Africa) and the Middle East. Furthermore, white Muslims have been marrying only white Muslims for hundreds of years and are proud of their color. We must remember that Muhammad, the man who founded Islam, was a proud white male.
I am Turkish and I live in England. I have light skin and look European and I completely agree with this based Turkish woman..... As Turks we would never tolerate the leftist pro-gay and pro-race-mixing agenda that you English people put up with.... Also I never watch TV because it is crap and advise everyone in the UK to boycott the TV licence.... Why would you watch TV when you have the internet?
Well non you say in your video the proper part of Turks are Caucasian, we all know the damages the khanates did but I’m not willing to shove of Anatolia and pretend it’s not European.
Demographics of Algeria
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Algerians are descendants from the Berbers, who are the indigenous ethnic group of Algeria and are believed to be the ancestral stock on which elements from the Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks as well as other ethnic groups have contributed to the ethnic makeup of Algeria.[9] Descendants of Andalusian refugees are also present in the population of Algiers and other cities.[10] Moreover, Spanish was spoken by these Aragonese and CastillianMorisco descendants deep into the 18th century, and even Catalan was spoken at the same time by CatalanMorisco descendants in the small town of Grish El-Oued.[11]"
A rare glimpse at people's daily lives in western Algeria as we go behind the scenes at three different weddings.
"A one-night wedding is a year's preparation," goes the age-old Algerian saying.
In Algeria, especially in the west, both men and women dance. We say 'women dance and men play' because the male dance is a ritual training for battle. It's inspired by war games dating back to Algerian resistance against invaders.
Assia Mehdeb, Folklore researcher Summer in Algeria - the largest Arab country in the world and the biggest in the African continent - is a popular time of year for traditional, elaborate weddings, particularly in the lead-up to Ramadan.
Exposing Afrocentric lies. October 25, 2019 · The Berber ancestral component clustered with the European/Middle Eastern/south Asian ancestral components, not with the sub-Saharan ancestral components (Fig. 5)" (Genome-wide genotype and sequence-based reconstruction of the 140,000 year history of modern human ancestry 2014) Genome-wide genotype and sequence-based reconstruction of the 140,000 ...
Many say the people of the Middle East are of brown skin; in fact, there is evidence from pictures painted by the Egyptians and by other people that the people who lived in the middle east had a lot more blonde hair in the pass.
If you want to find the color of the people, have a look at a military parade because people who join the armed forces come from all over the country and will give you a good idea of what color the population is. The women in the parade are from a country called Jordan, which is right next to Israel. Many people would agree with me that these people in the parade are white Middle Eastern Caucasians. People say that Jesus was brown; if you look at Palestinians and the people of Jordan, most are not brown skin; they're many shades of white. I would say Jesus was white, and these people of the Middle East are the decedents of the people who inhabit the Middle East during Roman times, and they are related to the ice age people of Europe.
We have all seen images of Jesus and have an over all idea of what he looks like. But do we really? What does the earliest iconography show? How has his image changed over the centuries? And most importantly why? Is there a way to go back to the early original historical truth?
Just a correction: Dominus Saint Constantinus I, The Great, actually legalized liberty of cult for Christianity in the Edict of Mediolanum in A.D. 313, Christianity was officially stablished as the State Religion of the Roman Empire in the Edict of Thessalonica in A.D. 380, by Dominus Theodosius.
Catholic icons have a tendency to depict Jesus, Mary, and other Biblical characters as being of the same ethnicity of the congregation. This is why Ethiopian churches have Ethiopian Jesus, Syro-Malabar churches have Indian Jesus, Chinese churches have Chinese Jesus, etc.As for what I personally think the real Jesus looked like, I default to an Icon of Mary and Baby Jesus attributed to Saint Luke the Evangelist himself.
On how Jesus' hair looked like: you did say in the video as well about how Judas had to go and kiss Jesus to tell the Romans who they needed to arrest because he didn't look much different from the other disciples, so likely at that time Jesus had the same hair and beard style as his disciples. Because as you pointed out about other characteristics, Judas could've said "the one with the very long hair/short hair is Jesus" or "the one with/without beard is him".
Much silliness and source of a good laugh have been brought to the world when people speaking Aramaic wrote stuff in Hebrew, (both Semitic languages) and then that got translated to Greek, a Hindu-European language, and from there to Latin and then Germanic languages. So much is lost in translation...BTW burning humans that walk through flame or humans and humanoids that are made of flame is not "new" in the "old" testament.
I’m Jewish so I’m not familiar w/Book of Revelations. However, we did give the world the phrase, “I am black and beautiful” (Song of Songs, Hebrew Bible). The female lover who said this was presumably not an African but a dark-skinned Jew. She also mentioned she was sunburned from toiling in the fields. So, “black” does not necessarily mean African.
The following quote taken from the video link above:
"In my search for historic images of Muhammad, I uncovered early historic paintings and depictions clearly show Muhammad was not dark skinned.
Yet, philosophy lecturer, David Wood, points out in his article, If Blacks Read These Islamic Texts about Muhammad, They’d Never be Muslimson website Mad News | Welcome, the Quran highlights Muhammad’s white skin.
David Wood cites:
“I said to him, ‘Did you see the Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘Yes, he was white with an elegant face’” (Muslim 43)
…the whiteness of his shins (Ahmad 15273)
…the whiteness of the thighs of Allah’s Prophet (Bukhari 371)
…the whiteness of his stomach (Bukhari 2837)
,,,the whiteness of his armpits of the Messenger of Allah (Majah 881)
Wood wrote:
"According to his closest companions and most dedicated followers, Muhammad was so white, he was clearly identifiable by his white features."
Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed."
"Narrated Abu Juhaifa: By chance I went to the Prophet at noon while he was at Al-Abtah (resting) in a tent. Bilal came out (of the tent) and pronounced the Adhan for the prayer, and entering again, he brought out the water which was left after Allah's Apostle had performed the ablution. The people rushed to take some of the water. Bilal again went in and brought out a spear-headed stick, and then Allah's Apostle came out. As if I were now looking at the whiteness of his leg. Bilal fixed the stick and the Prophet offered a two-Rakat Zuhr prayer and a two-Rak'at 'Asr prayer, while women and donkeys were passing in front of the Prophet (beyond the stick).Sahih Bukhari 4:56:767"
"Narrated 'Abdul 'Aziz: Anas said, 'When Allah's Apostle invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there yearly in the morning) when it was still dark. The Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode too and I was riding behind Abu Talha. The Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of the Prophet . He uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of the Prophet. When he entered the town, he said, 'Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined..."
"'Amir b. Sa'd reported: I saw the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) pronouncing taslim on his right and on his left till I saw the whiteness of his cheek."
Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet (ﷺ) was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The man then addressed him, "O Son of `Abdul Muttalib." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I am here to answer your questions." The man said to the Prophet, "I want to ask you something and will be hard in questioning. So do not get angry." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Ask whatever you want." The man said, "I ask you by your Lord, and the Lord of those who were before you, has Allah sent you as an Apostle to all the mankind?" The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "By Allah, yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah. Has Allah ordered you to offer five prayers in a day and night (24 hours).? He replied, "By Allah, Yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah! Has Allah ordered you to observe fasts during this month of the year (i.e. Ramadan)?" He replied, "By Allah, Yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah. Has Allah ordered you to take Zakat (obligatory charity) from our rich people and distribute it amongst our poor people?" The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "By Allah, yes." Thereupon that man said, "I have believed in all that with which you have been sent, and I have been sent by my people as a messenger, and I am Dimam bin Tha`laba from the brothers of Bani Sa`d bin Bakr." Sahih Bukhari 1:3:63
If you hate white people then you hate Muhammad the Prophet because he was White
Europe is the homeland of all White Europeans worldwide.
European Caucasian people worldwide have to start realizing that Europe is the land of their ancestors and many White Caucasians have only lived in places like Australia, South Africa, North and South America for a short few hundred or so years.
We must begin to truly think of Europe as sacred ground; it is the land and the blood of our ancestors.
Europeans Have a Pure Ancestry
European Caucasians are not a construct, and the majority of European Caucasians are not racially mixed. They have a pure ancestry going back thousands of years to the beginning of European Caucasians. So-called Governments, including Anti Semitic Zionist and traitor gentiles, like to promote Europeans as a race which does not exist, and they advocate it in order to excuse their extermination of Europeans through genocide interracial marriage and mass Third World Immigration into European countries..
During the 1970s very few Jews married outside the Jewish community. Because globalist have been promoting interracial marriages, now approximately 60% of Jews in the United States now marry outside the Jewish community.
In an interesting article by Dan Dare, he refers to a book written by Stephen Oppenheimer in which the subject of the origins of the British is examined in detail. Mr. Dare writes, "I have recently finished Stephen Oppenheimer’s new book 'The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story', and found it a very interesting read."
Oppenheimer uses the latest available genetic data from Britain and the rest of Europe, together with a fresh look at the standard historical accounts and paleo-archaeological sources to reach a number of startling conclusions that the Europeans Caucasians are natives to Europe.
Amongst these are:
• The great bulk of the present population of Western Europe consists of descendants of Upper-Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers who emerged from the Franco-Iberian and Italo-Balkan refugia following the last glacial maximum. No real big news there, just another nail in the coffin of the ‘Aryan Invasion Myth.’
• Re-colonisation of what is now the British Isles, consisted entirely of people from the Franco-Iberian refugia, who moved up the Western coastal regions.
Mr. Dare's informed article suggests the bulk of the European population are natives to Europe.
Was Cheddar man white after all? There's no way to know that the first Briton had ‘dark to black skin’ says scientist who helped reconstruct his 10,000-year-old face.
A reconstruction of CheddarMan, who died 10,000 years ago, in 1998 by the University of Manchester depicted him with white skin. At the time, DNA tests were not available.
Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is challenging notions of a Jewish people quoted in his new book, "those who claim to be all of the Jewish people cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the holy land, but converts along the way."
"The modern Hebrew language being a European hybrid......also is known to have copied Arabic words and Arabic roots to make up new "Hebrew" neologisms and calques."
There is scholarly view that goes beyond what even the famous linguist Ghil'ad Zuckerman States that:
"modern Hebrew" is simply a form of Yiddish (Yiddish be an Indo-European Language) with some new made-up "Hebrew" neologism (often from Arabic) sprinkled in."
The majority of Jews did not come from Israel. They are European Caucasians with the majority from Europe, and some came from the Middle East or the Khazar tribes in Khazaria area in Southern Russia. Many Jews have blue eyes and blonde hair, who's origins originated in Europe.
It is estimated that the majority of Jews in western countries are actually white Europeans and many have blue eyes, blonde hair and European facial features which only originated from cold climates. Regardless of this most Jews are indoctrinated from birth into believing that they are a distinct race separate from their European brothers and sisters. It is a belief that was started by the Globalist and anti-Semitic Zionists, ie. that they are different to all others and while there is a classical "Jewish" look held by some Jews due to the strong breeding within only Jewish families, most people of Jewish descent look no different to Europeans. The Japanese are the same race as Chinese and were indoctrinated from birth and during the Second World War, that they were different from the Chinese. This attitude resulted in the systemic killing and eradication of many innocent Chinese civilians and we need to ensure that this attitude of difference is stopped as it is now in the process of destroying Europe and the Europeans.
Many white Europeans have been converted to the Jewish faith over the centuries and it is worth remembering that during the time of the ice age there were no Jews anywhere on earth. The Jewish belief and faith has simply been invented over the centuries and used as a kind of class warfare against other groups to gain money and power by a small group.
Clearly these Israelis from European backgrounds are not Semites. It's written all over their faces.
"It appears that the majority of the European converts to Judaism during the early years of the Diaspora were women. That helps explain why the Ashkenazim can trace their female lineage to southern and western Europe."
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.
Shlomo Sand: 'There are Israeli, not Jewish people' Jews living in Tel Aviv, New York or Moscow do not share the same secular practices and language and thus cannot be called one people, says Professor Shlomo Sand.
Jewish people are the first people on Earth to document our Whiteness. Focus on these two scriptures: "My beloved is white-skinned and ruddy, chiefest among ten thousand." - Song of Solomon 5 : 10 (3rd Century BC) and also "Can a Black man change his skin, or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." - Jeremiah 13 : 23 (6th century BC)
My DNA is not Middle Eastern, four-plus percent Irish, Welsh and Scottish and the rest European Ashkenazi Jewish. My parents are from Western Russia and Poland. When I was young, I had red-blonde hair and I have blue eyes. My father studied to be a rabbi so I feel very Jewish and raised my children in that religion. My grand daughters were Bat-Mitzvah-ed. I was told that I descended from converts instead of the original Israelites.
The origins of Jews is Judah, and he like his father and mother were white. Fair-skinned peoples of the land of UR. Many have mixed from that time forward.
If the Ashkenazi Jews had descended from Khazars they would have been speaking a Turkic languagebut their language Yiddish is based on the southern German dialects because they spread into Eastern Europe from Rome through Austria.
20 okt. 2017 — What did Plato really mean with this quote "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber"?
7 svar · 12 röster: Plato used Socrates to voice this opinion (or rather, it actually was Socrates’ opinion) ...
Disclaimer: This article was originally written and published on the Nationalist Asatru News on March 19, 2014.
Many people say the twelve stars on the European flag represent the 12 Jewish tribes.
From the start, the European Economic Community (EEC) or European Union (EU) has been nothing but a means for the false Jewish to strip the European nations of their sovereignty transferring it into the hands of our historical enemy, the false Jew and leftwing white gentiles
One cannot completely and totally oppose the EEC without mentioning it has an anti-European agenda, the origins of which are undeniably and self-evidently Jewish. They are the staunchest promoters of a dysgenic, anti-European: ‘United States of Europe’ today and historically.
The way the EU is set up in terms of internal policy creation results intentionally in a situation, whereby, interest groups have more influence on the actions of the European Commission, than the national interests of each member state, this is openly admitted in academia.
This means groups like the European Jewish Parliament, European Jewish Congress, the international Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and numerous other Jewish-centric organizations and lobby groups who are led by singular individuals, such as Moshe Kantor, co-author of the policy suggestion paper: ‘Model statutes for the promotion of Tolerance,’ have more influence than any singular nation state on the formation of EU Centeral Government Commission policy.
The democratic deficit, (technocratic dictatorship), inherent in the EEC has also openly admitted within academia, that the lack of democracy was a deliberate part of the European Economic Community up until the formation of the European Parliament in 1979. This is self-evident, as from 1953-1979, the predecessor of the European Parliament was not even directly elected, neither was any part of the the EEC as a whole in its prior formations showing that the project for a federalist Europe, pushed by Jewish-Supremacists, was designed initially and intentionally without any direct democratic accountability, so it could literally ignore and over-rule the opinions of the people of Europe and push 'integration,' the rapid destruction of each unique European state and its people.
As it still does to this day, in the same fashion that the Judeo-Bolshevik government of Russia and Ukraine ruled without any democratic accountability resulting in the genocide of around 20 million of its European population. This also included upwards of 7-18 million deaths in the Gulag-Achipelago and upwards of 14.5 million deaths caused by deliberate periods of artificially creating starvation or 'socially fair economic policies,' particularly engineered by agricultural collectivization and regulations. n introducing the Black Book, lead author Stephane Courtois, Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, offers the following rough breakdown of the numbers of people that communism killed:
Author Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was born into a family of Cossack intellectuals in Kislovodsk, Russia, in 1918. He fought for the Soviet Union in World War II, achieving the rank of captain of artillery. In 1945 he was arrested for writing a letter in which he criticized Joseph Stalin and spent eight years in prisons and labor camps. In 1956 he was allowed to settle in Ryazan, in central Russia, where he became a mathematics teacher and began to write. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970. Following the publication of the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago, he was exiled in 1974. His Soviet citizenship was restored in 1990 and he returned to Russia in 1994, where he now lives.
The end-goal envisioned by Jewish-Supremacists for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which has already resulted in the economic closure of thousands of farms in the UK since 1973, the destruction of tens of thousands of farms in Germany, France and all over the European continent since 1962.
Only Globalist Supremacists intent on using a governmental structure to deliberately exterminate the people within its borders through demographic warfare. They deliberately construct its own governmental structure to go against public opinion, as was the project for a federal Europe from the start.
‘Communism is Judaism for the masses’
In addition to this, by definition, creating a “single European identity” is genocide. What is not often stated, is that this European identity is designed to include no ethnic European element and thus, pave the way for an actual genocide which will make the Judeo-Bolshevik holodomor and USSR Gulag exterminations look insignificant in comparison.
The false Jewish ‘founding fathers’ of the genocidal-by-definition concept of the EU
Jean Monnet is considered the intellectual father of the European Economic Community. He is also quite evidently Jewish, having been born into a Jewish merchant family, living in France, Jean Monnet spent his early life travelling around between trading centers for his family's company and the rest of his life espousing and promoting a European federal state, with the aim of destroying the European people. He is openly called an ‘internationalist’ in academia.
The Jewish international pressure to enforce anti-white, (masked as anti-racist), legislation into a future European federal state. The very idea to found a European federal state, were clearly evident from as early as 1940, where Jews who "had been putting pressure on the Roosevelt Administration on this very point" (F. Fransen, “The Supranational Politics of Jean Monnet: ideas and origins of the European Economic Community," Greenwood publishing, 2001, p54), were holding meetings with various future heads of state, such as post-war French Prime Minister De Gaulle, to force the acceptance of the idea of a European federal state into the political elite before they were accepted into government, in the same way academia forces pro-EU sentiments into future politicians when they are still students, except the minority of students are aware like myself, or past figures such as Margaret Thatcher.
The Genocide of the Peoples of Europe The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894–1972), was an anti-European racist, he espoused that the founding purpose of a European federalist state would be to destroy the European people, not simply through reducing internal differences but through destroying Europeans entirely and replacing us with “a mixed race of Asians and Negroes." THE OTIUM POST
The quote below is a horrific revelation and one that has been covered up by the mainstream media and academic even though Kalergi-Coudenhove is mentioned in lectures on the origin of the European Union, the majority white Politics students who study the EU in todays universities are evidently never told this fact, that the very same people they are taught advocated for a European federal state as early as 1925, did so for the primary, malicious, abhorrent, criminally genocidal aim of destroying the European people themselves, directly. Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the 1922 pan-European movement, with the support of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish international support agency for Jewish political interests. B’nai B’rith helped push Coudenhove-Kalergi and his vile, anti-European racist ideology into the political mainstream at the top of political circles. In 1932, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi composed a preface for a new edition of his fathers condemnation of anti-Semitism, and in Praktischer Idealismus, in which he said the following:
“Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race… similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples…Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will… Turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes… through this artificial selection process.”
The Coudenhove-Kalergi legacy is still strong in pro-European circles at the top of government, even though the average, nieve pro-Eu student has no idea of its existence, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize is awarded to heads of state and technocrats who ruthlessly push the EU.
Notably President Van Rompuy, otherwise known as the “Damp Rag” was awarded this prize.
The Communist-East German educated Chancellor Merkel, (a Christian-Democrat), who was also awarded this prize in 2010.
Proving Jewish international lobby groups and awards groups use such prizes, and international manipulation, to force heads of states to work in accordance with fundamentally Jewish genocide plans. This is beyond dispute.
Altiero Spinelli (31 August 1907 – 23 May 1986), Altiero Spinelli short film with English Subtitles is another inborn communist who is known as one of the "Founding Fathers of the European Union." It is no surprise that he was a member of the Italian communist party, as he and another communist subversive, Ernesto Rossi, wrote what is known as the 'Ventotene Manifesto', which advocates a United States of Europe, in order to hold Germany down under the facade of preventing war, and overcoming the so-called, ‘German problem’, (the problem from the Jewish perspective that Germany is innately pure and brilliant, and its existence has in the past prevented Jewish power over Europe).
Putin confirms that Jews were responsible for the horrors of Communism.
World War II is used as the excuse for the expansion of the EU, under a facade of preventing war, in actual fact, it is simply about preventing individual European nations, especially Germany and England, from rising up against Jewish power as we have done throughout our histories, by dragging us down and attempting to destroy our very existence, as Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book, “Praktischer Idealismus,” outlines and admits in its genocidal hubris.
Like the legacy of Coudenhove-Kalergi, Spinelli’s communist legacy is still worshipped and followed by Jewish subversives to this day in the form of theSpinelli group. This group, in the European Parliament, led by subversives like Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Guy Verhofstadt, Spinelli’s aftermath lingers like a foul anti-European odour in intellectual discussions within academia, although it is not often taught that Spinelli was a Communist subversive, who was imprisoned for his communist subversion.
Deutsche is another one of the Jewish Founding Fathers of the EU:
His mother was a Czech Jew elected to Parliament who was known for her anti-Nazi rhetoric and activities, (or anti-Germanic racism, because she as a Jew, did not want Germanic folk to have a government that cares about our existence).
Deutsche himself was disallowed to return to university due to his vile anti-Germanic activism. Not only was the manipulatively named Karl ‘Deutsche’ a proponent of the anti-Germanic and anti-European federalist idea of a United States of Europe, he was also a participant in the San Francisco conference that was crucial in the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
Karl Deutsche is also appealed to as a Jewish ‘political scientist’ on the subject of the EU. He has also spent considerable effort in defiling nationalism during his time in academia. Jews like Deutsch, partook in the academic manipulation of public opinion, (through manipulating the opinions of students), on subjects such as the EU and the UN.
David Mitrany is another Jewish so called intellectual, who’s modern teachings, (that lie about and hide the true genocidal reasons), explaining EU expansion has been instrumental in ensuring pro-EU support of the political and academic classes.
Who is Mitrany?David Mitrany (1888–1977) was a so-called leading scholar in Political theory, specialising in explaining how the EU came into being and continues to expand, under a school of thought called ‘international functionalism. This internationalist tradition favoured integration and the development of international, rather than national institutions as a solution to the human problems of want and war which attempts to diagnose the reasons why the EU was founded and has since expanded to include 28 states and continues to grow in its domination of legislation (the EU produces 80% of all our legislation), and blame a complex series of abstract functional reasons and factors rather than the the obvious reason: Jews pushing and promoting the EU for over a century, as is clear and obvious to anyone who can look outside the controlled academic ‘debate’ (or facade) on the EU.
Ernst Bernard Haas (1924 – March 6, 2003), is a Jewish academic, who founded the ‘neofunctionalist’ approach to the EEC in an effort to divert away from the Jewish origins of the concept and genocidal plan for a federal European union, Haas was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1924 to a secular Jewish family, (like the majority of the founding teachers at the infamous Frankfurt school), he believed in undermining European states, especially Germany, for the intention of destroying and controlling them, out of sheer anti-European racial bigotry and supremacist delusions.
Another Neo-functionalist manipulator was author Leon N. Lindbergh among other manipulators who diverted discussions of the EU away from the obvious international Jewish lobbying and intellectual and governmental corruption causes are Stanley Hoffmann and Andrew Moravcsik. They who all espouse a federalist EU, and who deliberately divert the discussion of the origins of the EU into pointless academic circular discussions about economic causal factors, when the reality is visibly and undeniably as a result of Jewish lobbying, intellectual and Governmental corruption efforts, motivated by sheer anti-European and especially anti-Germanic racist, in-fact genocde hatred, that emanates from these Jewish ‘scholars’ and ‘intellectuals’, who terrorized and pressured European academia and therefore all future (mainstream) government officials into accepting their account of the history and rationale behind the EU.
The entire academic facade on the EU has been controlled by Jewish Supremacists. David Mitrany himself is an ethnic Jew of Romanian origin and it is clear that this control of the EU debate ensures all elected politicians (as they all go through the same pro-EU classes at university as I am going through right now), leave university with the same world-view of the EU and are taught that EU expansion is natural and good, when in fact as history has proven and this article details, it is un-natural and is enacting an un-deniable genocide of the European people.
The Jewish control of academic discussion through the Jewish self-promotion or creation of ‘leading-scholars’ on the subject, whose artificial authority is then used to dominate all discussion on the EU, prevents students from finding out the truth about the EU, through discovering its self-evident Jewish origins and then contrasting that with the fact that the EU is destroying our race, nation, economy, military, environment, history and culture.
The more visible the alien Jewish power becomes, the less the EU is trusted by the European people.
The academic false-dichotomy between the Jewish theory of international functionalism or neo-functionalism and the Jewish theory of inter-Governmentalism, is set up to deliberately deny students the possibility of discovering the genocidal, and anti-democratic truth behind the EU, and the fact that these theories exist only as a facade, is to prevent students from seeing the truth about the EU.
This is important, as it is the fundamental reason why our entire political establishment supports the EU, as they have all been educated in the Kalergi-Coudenhove, Jean Monnet or David Mitrany schools of thought, about the processes and purposes of further genocidal EU expansion.
The reality of expansion of the EU and its origins cannot be explained in either the Neo-functionalist, international functionalist or inter-Governmentalist approaches, why? — Because all of these theories cannot work. They ignore the single biggest causal factor: Jewish international lobbying, and the systematic and generational corruption of politics through academia by these ‘Jewish-intellectual’ appointed ‘Jewish Intellectuals’.
The reason academia cannot analyze and come to an agreement or even a coherent theory about how the EU has maintained so much support as a concept through all of the Political class and then as a reality since the 1950s, is because academia, through Jewish activism, literally occupying academia as much as Jews occupy Palestine, is part of the reason why the EU retains political support and why it even had support as a concept back in the 1920s.
Academia is also disallowed by the Jewish intellectual and physical occupation that exists within it. Discussing the self-evidently and undeniably ethnically Jewish ideological founding fathers of the federal European Union and their racist anti-European motivations and anti-German ethnic obsessions, thus the mainstream arguments analyzing why the concept of a European federal state was created in the first place, and why the EU now exists in the form it does. And why it finds so much support in the political elite and decreasing support among the general public are prevented from getting near the truth, and being diverted by the false dichotomy that exists in academia, between two Jewish ideological schools of thought: neo-functionalism and inter-Governmentalism.
In essence: The Jewish-authored theories dictate the type of question asked about the EU and thus, dictate the type of answer that academia is allowed to find.
The Jews hatred of Germany and all White people goes back a long time ?.
The Jewish ideological anti-Germanic and thus, anti Noble-European sentiment is clear, as it is openly admitted that the EU was about containing the ‘German problem’.
The racist double standards of the liberals in academia is obvious, instead of the ‘German problem,' Germans were replaced with Jewish (‘Jewish problems’), all these liberal academic staff would complain and call it anti-Semitism, but when Jewish-Supremacist lecturers and tribally-appointed lecturers have manipulated the entire debate into literally focusing and legitimizing anti-Germanic racial political ideas, they do not even notice, let alone complain.
At its core the EU is anti-Germanic and anti-Noble-European, this is the truth.
All these Jewish theory’s divert around, in order to maintain generational support for the EU, in wave after wave of student, who then go on to become political staff and politicians who take this Jewish created false-dichotomy to Westminster or Brussels with them, resulting in the horrific, culturally and racially genocide expansion of the EU, despite even periods of so called ‘Euro-sclerosis’ or natural public increases in Euro-scepticism.
The EU as an undemocratic anti Noble-European institution.
The Council of ministers drives through legislations at the behest of interest and lobby groups, regardless of the opinions of national states and their population, with the rubber stamp parliament of the European Parliament doing nothing but debating in futility on legislation it cannot substantially alter, if the council of ministers so desires. ‘Supra-national actors’ play a major role in the formation of EU policy, and Jewish supra-national (above national or ‘international’), actors indeed created the entirety of the EU, and every prior format, existed as and the very concept of a United States of Europe as early as the 1920s, arguably since 1866, with the creation of the failed ‘Latin monetary union‘, again driven by Jewish-Surpemacists, which collapsed in 1927, which coincided with the main start of efforts to establish a Europe wide federal state as articulated in genocide terms by the likes of Coudenhove-Kalergi, as aforementioned.
The ECSC was designed not in order to benefit the economies of Europe, but in reality, as admitted in academia, it was an effort to remove the control of core industries essential for heavy industry and to ‘place them in the hands of international agents’, especially the German Ruhr coal mining area.
This was enacted under a facade of preventing war, by ‘confiscating’ resources essential for war, and putting them in the hands of impartial international-governmental bodies, in order to literally make it impossible for European nations to go to war, not just against themselves, but against the newly formed Jewish state, a line of anti-European ‘logic’, that is followed today with institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund). and World Bank, which can crush European nations finances within hours, as it routinely does to Greece. It also set up a system of redistribution from wealthy Germany, Sweden, Denmark, UK and France to the proportionally less productive, (wealth is a measure of productivity), Mediterranean EU countries.
The European Court of Justice and European Court of Human rights, are instrumental to the anti-European European Union, under the facade of human rights and ‘justice’. They rule in accordance with the EU constitution and European convention on Human rights, which is not in accordance with natural rights or real justice, they in their effect, do nothing other than rule against governments and individual groups that attempt to slow down or obstruct further expansion of the political hegemony, leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others, of the EU.
They care nothing for rights or justice and are legal bodies that ensure the destruction of European rights and European nation states and the people within them, gradually ruling by ruling. Every aspect of the EU and in all its prior formats from the ECSC and EEC have sought to do nothing other than to pursue the anti-European ideology of their Jewish founding fathers.
Our leaders were puppets of the Jews back then, just as they are now.
Timeline of the expansion of the creation and expansion of the anti-European genocidal EU:
1948: The European union of Federalists, led by Jews and their corrupted European followers outlined the ‘need for a European union’ following on from prior private meetings.
1948: US Marshall aid program put as one of its requisites: that European states seek further integration.
1948: Israel declared as a state, Jews then have their own homeland, from which they can freely spite Europe without regard for the conditions internally within European states.
1949: Council of Europe convened its meeting and the “Schuman proposal was issued.”
1949: Israel recognized as a state by the Jewish-Supremacist dominated US Government, that also pushed for the creation of European internal integration efforts.
1951: The European Coal and Steel community came into existence after the 1951 treaty of Rome, which openly states its aim was to create a ‘technocratic revolution’: “to lay the foundations for an ever closer union among the European peoples. And by establishing a common market progressively approximating the economic policies of member states.”
The treaty of Rome sought to remove barriers to the Marxist degeneration plan of ensuring free movement of peoples, capital and goods inside Europe to undermine the homogeneity of Europe ensuring a dysgenic situation and slowing down technological and scientific development by reducing competition between states, which had previously been the engine for the success of European innovation.
1957: Treaty of Paris, outlining what Winston Churchill* advocated: “a United States of Europe.”
It is well known that Winston Churchill’s financial debts were written-off by Jews after a substantial Griffin-like debt accumulation in the 1930s, resulting in his obedience throughout the rest of his life. Winston Churchill also wrote in his autobiography, “the Jews always get want they want in the end”. Winston Churchill was a depressed, stroke-afflicted pessimist, warmonger and war-criminal, who betrayed the English people and all European people by advocating for a “United States of Europe.”
1965: the EEC (prior vesrion of the EU) pushed for control of its own budget, showing its tyrannical objectives, this was defeated by the French President De Gaulle resulting in the ‘Empty chair crisis.’
1967: De Gaulle Vetos the UK EEC application, saving us from so much damage that would have occurred had we joined the EEC that early instead of in 1973.
1973: UK, Denmark and Ireland join the EEC, under a manipulated pro-EU political class, all at the same time after international Jewish lobbying, starting the destruction of North-West Europe inside the EEC.
1987: Single European Act: creation of a single market, a further removal of trade duties.
1992/3: Treaty on European Union /Maastricht Treaty: Created a singular European security and Foreign policy, overriding national interests and created the Euro, gradually replacing the native currencies of successive member states of the EU.
1995: Schengen Agreement: the removal of immigration controls in numerous EU member states.
1997: Treaty of Amsterdam: preparation for the genocidal expansion of the EU, bringing in South Eastern European nations into common borders with Germanic, Nordic and Frankish Europe.
2001: Treaty of Nice, enforcing the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy).
2004: Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE); rejected for its totalitarian measures of establishing an EU constitution by the French and Dutch in 2005, it never passed.
2009: Treaty of Lisbon (Reformed treaty). A version of the EU constitution re-packaged from the failures of the TCE in 2004/5, enforcing an effective EU constitution by stealth. The EU now makes 80% of laws and has increased immigration inside the EU to genocidal levels by over 2800%, (by removing all of the internal borders of each of the 28 member states, now including Romania and Bulgaria).
__Who runs the media________________________________________________________________________________
Zionist Jews take over Eastern European TV & media!
According to an article in the April 5, 1997 N.Y. Times, "TV Venture by Cosmetics Heir Raises Questions," Zionist mogul and former U.S. ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder, has united with Vadim Rabinovich, a Ukrainian Zionist millionaire who spent nine years in prison for theft and has ties to the Jewish mafia in Ukraine, to build a media empire--Central European Media Enterprises-- in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Jewish owned Central European Media controls television stations in seven East European countries in the region.
Ukrainian TV is controlled by its subsidiary, the Studio 11 Group, its local partner in Kiev. Rabinovich is linked to Grigory Loutchansky, a Russian-Jew, whose company, Nordex, is believed to be a front for the Russian-(Jewish) mafia. The Times says, "Rabinovich was jailed from 1982 to 1990 for theft from the state. He said in an interview that he had been chief of a construction brigade and had sold goods to private customers. He said he had committed no real crime and had been persecuted for being Jewish. (YEAH RIGHT!)
"...Central European Media sought to expand into Ukraine a year ago. At the outset, Fertig (its chief of operations) said, its representatives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners by a close adviser and assistant to President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine, who praised the Ukraine group. And when questions arose about the legality of the broadcast license received by the joint venture, the same presidential adviser obtained a letter declaring that the license had been awarded properly.
"...(C)oncerns about his business activities led the British government to bar Loutchansky from entering the country...An intelligence summary prepared by a Western government, and corroborated by senior U.S. diplomats, said Ostex, one of Rabinovich's companies, had been created as an arm of Nordex, a claim that Rabinovich disputed. "In the interview in his office in a modern building in Kiev, Rabinovich said he had worked with Nordex for about a year but had broken off the relationship two years ago because of bad publicity about Loutchansky. He said his companies, which are engaged in many businesses, had only legitimate interests..."
"Lauder, whose mother founded Estee Lauder Cosmetics, created Central European Media in 1994. He predicted last year that the company would have annual revenues of $1 billion within five years, but it has run up steady losses to date. The company reported last month that it lost $30 million in 1996 compared with losses of $18.7 million in 1995 and $20.5 million in 1994.
"When the company sought to enter the Ukraine market a year ago, Fertig said, its executives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners in Studio 11 by Oleksandra Volkov, an assistant and close adviser to Kuchma. Western diplomats and businessmen said Volkov also owned a piece of Studio 11, but Fertig said he was unaware of that investment. "Along with the recommendation from the presidential adviser, the company executives also were impressed by a photograph in Rabinovich's office that showed him with President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, according to a person close to the company.
"The photograph was taken in late 1995 at a Democratic fund-raising party in Miami, Rabinovich said. He said he had not donated money to the Democrats but had been invited to the event by Bennett LeBow, an American businessman whose interests include Liggett Group, the big cigarette manufacturer. "...Last summer Central European Media negotiated a partnership agreement with Studio 11 Group that gave the American company a 50 percent economic interest in the operation, which was broadcasting about five hours a day on Ukrainian television.
"Studio 11 received a license last fall to expand its broadcast time on Ukraine's commercial channel, UT 2, to nine hours a day, including prime time. The license, also sought by other companies, was issued despite a moratorium imposed by Parliament. "...The Ukraine deal is important to Central European Media. In a stock offering last fall, which raised $132 million, the company said the Ukraine partnership had more than doubled its market reach.
"A cablegram from the embassy to the State Department in Washington in September raised questions about Rabinovich's background and said he was 'largely considered beyond the reach of the law in Ukraine,' according to a copy provided to The New York Times." (End quote).