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Europe is Committing Suicide. Or Its Leaders have decided commit Suicide The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray    To comment please go to  In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson is joined by author and columnist Douglas Murray to discuss his new book The…
COVID-19 Vaccine Injury     Gallery Slideshow     Useful Links Latest News Under the Wire Episode 110, October 31, 2021 Weekly News Update, October 29, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 109, October 27, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 108, October 24, 2021 Weekly News Update, October…
Published in Organizations
  Hias-Herew Immigration Assistance Society is Jewish run and promoting non White immigration into White, Asian, Black countries..   Michael Yon's Explosive Reaction to Ben Shapiro’s Alleged Funding of the Border Invasion Fourteen88 Of course. Shapiro is a jew, and jews are behind the invasion of white…
Published in Organizations
Published in Organizations
 Rothschild, Connection To Black Slavery.  The Rothschild's today are one of the world’s most powerful family and there is evidence given by many sources who say that a lot of our troubles worldwide can be laid at their door. There are many books and videos on the…
Marxism and Islamism Dgwiaz Thanks, Mark. True. Christianity does not compel Christians to wipe out Jews, or the West. Barbaric. It does not have honor killings, where dads can execute their daughters for loving outside the faith, or cut off wives noses/throw acid in their face, for…
We previously wrote about different anti- white persecution propaganda techniques in this article.  This page is a list of links that demonstrate these techniques in action.  Knowledge is power, watch with an open mind and see all those subtle messages used by Globalist to control We The…
Published in Legal & Politics
Protesters await Netanyahu outside Capitol A protest formed outside the Capitol complex in Washington, DC, as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is set to speak before Congress, seeking to secure US support for ongoing operations against Hamas. Comment: The United States is Israel Jewish run. Scott Ritter addresses…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  Men And Women Should work as a team     Modern Women NEED To Understand THIS   45% Of Women Will Be Single & Childless By 2030   Women Find 80% Of Men Unattractive - "Hypergamy Or Are Men Just Ugly?" The DEVASTATING Trend Of Unmarried…
Published in Inspiring Change
    How AIPAC works - Congressman Jim Moran     Observer7 In the history of the USA, AIPAC is most dangerous enemy the country has ever had. And knowing that they make up 90% of America's government should explain the destruction of the country from within.…
Published in Slider
  U.S.-media is mainly Jewish run and they control the German media.   Interview European politicians probably don’t want you to watch  Edited German government has banned ‘Compact’ magazine days after they interviewed Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Jewish). We bring you this interview in full,…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Scientists Reconstruct Face of La Chapelle-aux-Saints Grégoire House Hum... isn't he "reconstructed" as a White (Nordic) person, plain and simple ?So White people are almost of pure Neanderthal descent ? Because there is simply no way we can look so nearly identical with a mere 3-5% in…
Published in Archives
   They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough to Run the Machines" - George Carlin  ducation | Why Is Our Educational System Intentionally Broken? "They Don't a Population of Citizens Capable of Critical Thinking. They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough…
Published in Inspiring Change
 Bill Trotskyites who fled to America from Russia is Jewish Trotskyite Communist Globalist who promotes white replacement with non whites. Alex Jones Exposes Bill Kristol's Trotskyite History / Why He Wants Open Borders And Hates Tucker Carlson Alex Jones gives a short history lesson on the Trotskyites…