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Weekly News Wrap Up: 20 April 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

QUT embroiled in ‘segregation’ furore
A woman employed in a top Queensland university’s indigenous unit is seeking almost $250,000 in damages from jobless students, academics and others in a new legal challenge relying on Australia’s racial discrimination laws.

Univision Promotes Trump Hate Movie
"Univision host Jorge Ramos has publicly backed a new Mexican movie which portrays white Americans as mass murderers who hunt and shoot Mexicans—and who use Donald Trump’s comments on illegal alien criminals as their justification". 

Exposed: Plans to Balkanise Syria
'SyrianGirl' outlines the 2006 project for a new middle east, basically, DIVIDE and conquer Syria.  It is a copy of the Odid Yinon plan of 1982.

Thousands of Polish march against illegal immigration and burn ISIS 'goat-sex' flag
On 10th April 2016, thousands of Polish men and women met in Warsaw to protest against the European Union’s attempts to “diversify” Europe with illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Invaders and the Hepatitis B Threat
Prevalence data collected in Europe reveals the true extent of the public health challenge that Europe is faced with and medical experts have warned native Europeans that they face a “serious” threat of being infected with mass outbreaks of Hepatitis B should they have sexual contact with the current wave of nonwhite invaders.

Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Watertown, NY (4-16-16)
Saturday, April 16, 2016: Full replay of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Watertown, NY

Returnee Exposes “Refugee” Lie
The lies used by nonwhite invaders to claim “refugee status” in Europe have been inadvertently—but definitively—exposed by a “human drama” story done by German dpa news service following a “returnee” to Afghanistan.  Nesar’s case proves that all of the nonwhite invaders who have poured into Europe claiming to be “refugees” have simply lied to take advantage of race-blind European liberals and their “asylum” policies.

Ride with a tank in RT’s 360 video of Moscow V-Day parade rehearsal
RT’s 360 degree panoramic footage has caught an exclusive look at the rehearsal for Moscow’s V-Day parade celebrating the 71st anniversary of victory in World War II

MUSLIM VIOLENCE! Britain First faces brutal attack by Islamists in East London!
On April 9, Britain First held a peaceful, silent protest outside the notorious East London Mosque.  Within 20 minutes the protest was disrupted by around 150 aggressive Muslims who promptly attacked Britain First activists, stealing expensive camera equipment, and inflicting violence on the activists.

ISIS Fighters in Sheer Panic After These Notorious ISIS-Killers Find Them
Recently a YPG unit in northern Syria captured an Islamic State group squad coming across the border from Turkey to attack them, with the aftermath of the event filmed and posted online.  The video shows the purportedly fearsome and fearless IS terrorist army pleading for their lives when on the other end of an AK-47.

Anjem Choudary flees like a coward! Britain First takes the fight to the hate preachers!
Britain First attempts to confront Anjem Choudary, Britain's chief Islamist hate preacher in the UK at his taxpayer-funded home.




Read 22224 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 06:54